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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за курс 6 класса в рамках промежуточной аттестации с аттестационными испытаниями

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Цель итоговой контрольной работы оценить общеобразовательную подготовку учащихся  по английскому языку в соответствии с требованиями ГОС.

Объект- качество образования.

Форма ГКР -тест содержит задания с выбором ответа.

Контрольная работа в двух вариантах составлена в виде тестовых заданий, соответствующих программному материалу, изучаемому в 6 классе.

 Контрольная работа состоит из 2 частей, включающих по 2 задания, которые относятся к 2 уровням сложности: базовому (А1-23), повышенному (В1).

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку за курс 6 класса в рамках промежуточной аттестации с аттестационными испытаниями»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Вешенская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку

за курс 6 класса

в рамках промежуточной аттестации

с аттестационными испытаниями

Ст. Вёшенская

2018 год

Пояснительная записка

Цель итоговой контрольной работы оценить общеобразовательную подготовку учащихся по английскому языку в соответствии с требованиями ГОС.

Объект- качество образования.

Форма ГКР -тест содержит задания с выбором ответа.

Контрольная работа в двух вариантах составлена в виде тестовых заданий, соответствующих программному материалу, изучаемому в 6 классе.

Контрольная работа состоит из 2 частей, включающих по 2 задания, которые относятся к 2 уровням сложности: базовому (А1-23), повышенному (В1) .

В части I «Чтение» представлены два задания: на установление соответствия (понимание основного содержания текста ) и полное и точное понимание информации в тексте.( 1задание-1 балл)

Часть II «Грамматика и лексика» включает задание с кратким ответом (грамматические навыки и словообразование) и задание с выбором одного правильного ответа из трех предложенных (лексико-грамматические навыки). ( 1задание -1 балл)

На выполнение теста рекомендуется выделить 45 минут.

Распределение заданий по видам деятельности





Тип заданий




Часть 1



Понимание основного содержания текста,

нахождение в нём запрашиваемой информации



Часть 2




Умение использовать грамматические

явления и лексические единицы


Критерии оценки

менее 50%- «неудовлетворительно»

50-69%- «удовлетворительно»

70-80%- «хорошо»

81-100%- «отлично»

Variant 1

Read the text (А1-А12)

A1 What was life like in York 150 years ago? Were there big houses with many rooms? Did people have electricity? A visit to the Castle Museum in York can answer all your questions. York Castle Museum is one of the Britain’s famous museums of everyday life.

A2 In the Castle Museum you can see that life was very different in the past. There were a lot of small houses with stone floors and brick walls. There were not many rooms in the house , either. People had one big room, which was a living-room, kitchen and bedroom, all in one !

A3 Many people didn’t have carpets, because they didn’t have money to buy them. There wasn’t any electricity then, but people had oil lamps.

A4 There is much, much more to see in the Castle Museum. There is always something interesting for all members of the family.

Match the titles to the paragraphs

1. What the houses looked like?

2. Questions to answer.

3. The new museum

4. Welcome everyone

5. The inside of the houses.

Mark the statements True (T), False (F) .

  1. York Castle Museum is one of Britain’s leading museums of everyday life.

  2. Life was almost the same in the past.

7 Most houses were wooden.

  1. All people had carpets in the past.

  2. There were a lot of rooms in the houses.

  3. People didn’t use electric lamps 150 years ago.

  4. The museum is only for children.

  5. Castle museum is in New York.

Choose the right option. (А13-А23)

  1. Where…you last summer?

  1. is b) was c) were

  1. You…go with me next time.

  1. Won’t b) aren’t c) doesn’t

  1. I…come home at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

a) do b) will c ) could

  1. This book is …than that one.

a) interesting b) more interesting c) boring

17There isn’t… sugar in my tea.

a) any b) no c) some

  1. I…this magazine yesterday.

a) read b) reading c) reads

  1. Kids… football last week.

a) will play b) play c) played

  1. There is… I have to tell you.

a) anything b) any c) something

  1. The shops usually… at 5 o’clock.

a) close b) closes c) is closing

  1. Jack…alone as usual.

a) live b) lives c) is living

  1. How often…she …to the cinema?

a) does…goes b) is…going c) does…go

Put the words in brackets into correct form.

В1 My grandfather is nearly 60 but he is (strong) than many other ( man) at his age .He is a Maths teacher . He is very kind and his pupils love (he) a lot. He always speaks in a friendly voice so the (child) enjoy his lessons. They say he (be) an excellent teacher.

Variant 2

Read the text ( А1-А12)

Dear Angie,

A1 I am having a great time here at summer camp. The place is lovely and the weather is good. There is a lake not far from here and the forest is wonderful.

A2 In the mornings we have art lessons or we go swimming. In the afternoons we go horse-riding. Everyone waits for the evenings, when we all sit together around the camp fire. We usually have a barbeque, sing songs or tell stories. Also, Mike can play the guitar very well. It’s just great!

A3 We have lots of exciting plans .On Saturday we are going rafting. We are spending the whole day on the river and having a picnic lunch. In the evening we are coming back to the camp, where we are having supper. Then, on Sunday, we are having a big party with live music and lots of food and drinks. I can’t wait!

A4 See you in a couple of weeks,


Match the titles to the paragraphs

  1. Everyday activities.

  2. Description of the place.

  3. A big party.

  4. Plans for the weekend.

  5. Saying goodbye.

Mark the statements True (T), False (F) .

  1. Ryan doesn’t like his summer camp.

  2. The weather is lovely.

  3. They have art lessons every day.

  4. In the afternoons they usually go horse-riding.

  5. Ryan plays the guitar quite well.

  6. On Saturday they are going rafting.

  7. Everybody waits for the evening because they can go to bed.

  8. On Sunday they are going to have a party.

Choose the right option. (А13-А23)

  1. Sarah usually…novels.

  1. Writes b) write c) wrote

  1. Where …you last night?

  1. Were b) is c) was

  1. The night is…than evening.

  1. Most dark b) darker c) darkest

  1. I… this book in the library yesterday.

  1. Took b)take c) takes

  1. Geography is more difficult…Biology.

  1. Then b) than c) from

  1. Is there…important in the letter?

a) anything b) something c) nothing

  1. The banks usually…close at lunchtime.

a) don’t b) doesn’t c) aren’t

  1. Every day he… at 7 o’clock.

a) get b) gets c) got

  1. …children …lunch at your school ?

a) Do… eat b) Does… eat c) Is…eat

  1. They… come next week.

a) are b) were c) will

  1. Sandra is vegetarian. She… eat meat.

a) eats b) doesn’t eat c) is eating

Put the words in brackets into correct form.

В1 Corals are tiny animals that live in warm seas. When many corals live in the same place they make a coral reef. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the (big) in the world. More than 1000 kinds of (fish) live there. It (be) one of the (beautiful) places in the world. Men, (woman) and little children enjoy swimming in the clear blue water.

Ключи к ответам.

Вариант 1.

А1-2 А2-1 А3-5 А4-4

А5- True A6- False А7- False А8- False А9- False А10- True А11- False А12- False

13-с 14- а 15- b 16-b 17-а 18-а 19-с 20-с 21-а 22-b 23-c

В1-stronger, men, him, children, is

Вариант 2.

А1-2 А2- 1 А3-4 А4-5

А5- False А6- True А7- False А8- True А9- False А10- True А11- False А12- True

13-a 14-a 15-b 16-a 17-b 18-a 19-a 20-b 21-a 22-c 23-b

В1-biggest, fish, is, most beautiful, women

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Антипова Надежда Александровна

Дата: 18.03.2019

Номер свидетельства: 503564

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