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"Infinitive.Reported Speech.Zero Conditionals"

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Test for 9th form: «Infinitive. Reported Speech. Zero Conditionals»

  1. Choose the right function of the infinitive.
  1. It is easy to make mistakes.
  • The subject
  • Part of the predicate
  • The object
  • The attribute
  1. To run every morning is very useful habit.
  • The subject
  • The attribute
  • Part of the predicate
  1. I asked him to inform me about news.
  • Part of the predicate
  • The attribute
  • The object
  1. Who will be the first to start working here?
  • The object
  • The attribute
  • Part of the predicate
  1. Our plan is to go to the Crimea for the summer.
  • The attribute
  • Part of the predicate
  • The object
  1. Rephrase the sentences using the infinitive.

Ex. I don’t even have a dress that I can wear. I don’t even have a dress to wear.

  1. Peter lifted his small son on his shoulder so that he could see the parade.


  1. I have no books which I can read.
  1. The boy had many toys which he could play with.


  1. Who has a pen or a pencil? I need something I could write with.


  1. Don’t forget that she has a baby which she must take care of.


  1. Write the following statements in Reported Speech.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

  1. Carrie said: «My room is on the second floor»
  1. Peter said: «I have just received a letter from my uncle».
  1. He said: «Conflicts will lead to bad relations and violence».
  1. My mother said: «Conflicts is a natural thing in our life».
  1. Kelly wrote in her letter: «I want to know why political parties and states have conflicts».
  1. Frank said: « I sent an article how people resolved conflicts in a peaceful way».
  1. Finish the sentences.

If plants (not be) watered, they (die).

I usually (ask) him to wait if he (get) there before me.

If you (not be) to Moscow, you (not visit) the Kremlin.

When I (be) late, my father (take) me to school.

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«"Infinitive.Reported Speech.Zero Conditionals"»

Test for 9th form: «Infinitive. Reported Speech. Zero Conditionals»

  1. Choose the right function of the infinitive.

  1. It is easy to make mistakes.

  • The subject

  • Part of the predicate

  • The object

  • The attribute

  1. To run every morning is very useful habit.

  • The subject

  • The attribute

  • Part of the predicate

  1. I asked him to inform me about news.

  • Part of the predicate

  • The attribute

  • The object

  1. Who will be the first to start working here?

  • The object

  • The attribute

  • Part of the predicate

  1. Our plan is to go to the Crimea for the summer.

  • The attribute

  • Part of the predicate

  • The object

  1. Rephrase the sentences using the infinitive.

Ex. I don’t even have a dress that I can wear. I don’t even have a dress to wear.

  1. Peter lifted his small son on his shoulder so that he could see the parade.


  1. I have no books which I can read.

  1. The boy had many toys which he could play with.


  1. Who has a pen or a pencil? I need something I could write with.


  1. Don’t forget that she has a baby which she must take care of.


  1. Write the following statements in Reported Speech.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

  1. Carrie said: «My room is on the second floor»

  1. Peter said: «I have just received a letter from my uncle».

  1. He said: «Conflicts will lead to bad relations and violence».

  1. My mother said: «Conflicts is a natural thing in our life».

  1. Kelly wrote in her letter: «I want to know why political parties and states have conflicts».

  1. Frank said: « I sent an article how people resolved conflicts in a peaceful way».

  1. Finish the sentences.

If plants (not be) watered, they (die).

I usually (ask) him to wait if he (get) there before me.

If you (not be) to Moscow, you (not visit) the Kremlin.

When I (be) late, my father (take) me to school.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Infinitive.Reported Speech.Zero Conditionals"

Автор: Соколова Анастасия Сергеевна

Дата: 22.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 297346

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