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Грамматический тест "Adjectives and adverbs"

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«Грамматический тест "Adjectives and adverbs"»

As he came near/nearly, I realized that something was wrong.

He is deeply/deep in love with her.

The animals in the safari park can roam freely/free.

The soldier was hit full/fully in the chest

She arrived late/lately for the meeting.

The bridesmaids were pretty/prettily dressed in pink.

We had been waiting for 2 hours and she last/lastly arrived.

He hasn’t been feeling well late/lately.

Which of his songs do you like most/mostly?

He is a high/highly respected doctor.

They hard/hardly go anywhere now that they have children.

The hotel guests can use the swimming pool free/freely.

I’m sure/surely happy to meet you.

She near/nearly fainted when she heard the news.

He is a pretty/prettily strange man.

I’m most/mostly interested in modern art.

The kite flew high/highly in the sky.

He is working hard/hardly these days.

The treasure was buried deep/deeply underground.

He full/fully recovered from his illness.

Do you agree? – Sure/surely!

He arrived last/lastly.

As he came near/nearly, I realized that something was wrong.

He is deeply/deep in love with her.

The animals in the safari park can roam freely/free.

The soldier was hit full/fully in the chest

She arrived late/lately for the meeting.

The bridesmaids were pretty/prettily dressed in pink.

We had been waiting for 2 hours and she last/lastly arrived.

He hasn’t been feeling well late/lately.

Which of his songs do you like most/mostly?

He is a high/highly respected doctor.

They hard/hardly go anywhere now that they have children.

The hotel guests can use the swimming pool free/freely.

I’m sure/surely happy to meet you.

She near/nearly fainted when she heard the news.

He is a pretty/prettily strange man.

I’m most/mostly interested in modern art.

The kite flew high/highly in the sky.

He is working hard/hardly these days.

The treasure was buried deep/deeply underground.

He full/fully recovered from his illness.

Do you agree? – Sure/surely!

He arrived last/lastly.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Грамматический тест "Adjectives and adverbs"

Автор: Усова Екатерина Ивановна

Дата: 15.08.2023

Номер свидетельства: 635581

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