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Grammar test Present Simple VS Present Continuous. Сравнение времён

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Грамматический тест составлен для учащихся 6 класса. Тест направлен на умение употреблять времена Present Simpple and Present Continuous как вне контекста (в отельных предложениях), так и в контексте. Проверяется умение сравнивать эти времена. 

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«Grammar test Present Simple VS Present Continuous. Сравнение времён»

Grammar test 1

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the “ Present Simple” (13 marks)

My friend Cathy ............................ (have) a horse. It.............................(be) a beautiful animal with big eyes and a long tall. Its name is Bella and it ............................ (love) people. It ........................ (not bite) or kick and it is always friendly, It ...................... (eat) apples and hay but it ......................................(not eat) meat. Horses ........................... (not like) meat. Cathy usually ............................... (ride) her horse every day after school. She ................................. (not go ) into the town because there is too much traffic. There ...................... (not be ) many cars in the country so she ....................... (take) Bella there. It often ....................... (rain) in England so at night Bella and the other horses ............................ (sleep).

  1. Use the “Present Continuous”. Write sentences as in the example: (12 marks)

The children/have/breakfast. The children are having breakfast

  1. She /watch/TV.

  2. They/come/out of the house.

  3. Mary/write/a letter?

  4. The boys/run/ to school.

  5. Mother/make/a cake.

  6. The girls/sit/ in the living-room?

  1. Put the verbs into the “Present Continuous” or “Present Simple”. (7 marks)

  1. The boy (drink)__________ coffee now.

  2. Mother (clean) _______the house every day.

  3. He usually (walk) ________to school.

  4. Mother (make) ______a cake. She can’t talk to you now.

  5. What _________ John _________ (write) now?

  6. What’s that noise? Peter ________________ (play) the guitar.

  7. We ________________ (usually/ travel) to England in summer.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous. (17 marks)

At school we always ______________ (prepare) a school play. The drama teacher ______________ (teach) the words and melodies of the songs. We ______________(learn) the words by heart but at first it ______________ (be not) easy. First form students ______________ (not take) part in that show. They ______________ (have) a play of their own. Now, 5th form ______________ (practice).

When the day of the show ______________ (get) near, we ______________ (rehearse) at the theatre. We ______________ (climb) on the stage and off the stage when the teacher ______________ (ask) us to. She ______________ (not smile) when we ______________ (be) absent.

At this moment, 6th form ______________ (sing) one of the songs. They generally ______________ (sing) in the music room, but today it ______________ (be) very hot so they ______________ (rehearse) in the terrace.

Grammar test 2

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the “ Present Simple” Yan is at a summer camp in Poland. Write what he usually does in the camp. Put the verbs in bracket in the correct form (13 marks)

Yan ________ (get) up at 7. Every day he _______(have) breakfast at 7:30 am. There _____(to be) five schools in the town. Yan _______(to go) to the Secondary Colombian School. His English lessons_______(start) at 9:00 am every day. Не ________   (speak) English to his friends and   ________  (play) board games in the afternoon. Sometimes his friends and he swim in the lake. But they ________(not/swim) in the river. He often  ________ (go) hiking and jogging. What also_______(do) he do ?Also he sometimes  ________ (sit) by the camp fire in the evenings. But he never  ________ (go) on a trip without his friends. They always _______(go) camping with each other. That’s all about Yan and his spare time.

  1. Use the “Present Continuous”. Write sentences as in the example: (12 marks)

The children/have/breakfast. The children are having breakfast

    1. Kat /open/the window because she’s hot.

    2. My dog /not/ sleep/ now.

    3. What /you /eat?

    4. The girls/listen to music/now.

    5. My brothers /not/ watch/TV now.

    6. She /comb/her hair?

  1. Complete the following sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuous: (7 marks)

    1. I ________________ (not/ study) French now.

    2. We always ________________ (play) cards during break time.

    3. What ________ your brother _________ (do) every morning?

    4. Look! She ________________ (speak) to a stranger.

    5. I’m looking at that girl. She ________________ (wear) a beautiful skirt.

    6. He (go) _______to school at 9.00 am.

    7. I (watch)_______ television every day.

  1. Susan is making a video about a typical day in her life. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Continuous. (17 marks)

Hi, my name’s Susan Smith and this is my family. Look, everyone ..................(smile) and happy. That is because I................(film) them - usually we ...................(not talk) to each other in the morning. This is where I ...................(catch) the bus to school every day. It’s the number 13, and it ....................(arrive) now. These two girls are my friends. Tina and Becky. We all ................. (go) to the same school. Tina..................... (wear) a skirt today, which is unusual. She hardly ever ................(wear) skirts. I ............ (sit) on the bus now.

It usually ...........(arrive) at school at about a quarter to nine. The bus driver............... (shout) at the children at the back of the bus at the moment. He ....................(tell) them to sit down. The kids on the bus usually ...................... (behave) very well. I .................... (not know) what’s wrong with them today. This is my classroom. I always ...................(sit) at this desk, next to my friend Becky. Our teacher usually ..............(come) in at 8:15. She won’t be very happy today because everyone .....................(make) a lot of noise. I am having to turn off the camera now. See you later!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Grammar test Present Simple VS Present Continuous. Сравнение времён

Автор: Харчикова Анна Вячеславовна

Дата: 02.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 397338

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