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Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку для 5 класса

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку для 5 класса»


Пояснительная записка 2

Фонд оценочных средств за I четверть 3

Стартовая работа 3

Домашняя самостоятельная работа по фазе запуска 9

Диагностические работы к фазе запуска 14

Практикумы к фазе запуска 16

Проверочная работа по фазе запуска 17

Фонд оценочных средств за II четверть 22

Проверочная работа по модулю «Путешествие»

Домашняя самостоятельная работа к модулю «Путешествие» 30 Диагностические работы к модулю «Путешествие» 35

Практикумы к модулю «Путешествие» 39

Фонд оценочных средств за III четверть 40

Проверочная работа по модулю «Британия» 40

Домашняя самостоятельная работа к модулю «Британия» 47

Диагностические работы к модулю «Британия» 55

Практикумы к модулю «Британия» 58

Фонд оценочных средств за IV четверть 59

Итоговая проверочная работа 59

Домашняя самостоятельная работа по модулю «Здоровый образ жизни» 66

Диагностические работы к модулю «Здоровый образ жизни» 70

Практикумы к модулю «Здоровый образ жизни» 72

Фонд оценочных средств по английскому языку для 5 класса

Составитель и разработчик: Балуева Е.В.

Пояснительная записка

Фонд оценочных средств – материалы для входного, текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля. Фонд оценочных средств включает в себя разные виды работ.

Стартовая Работа – набор заданий, проверяющих остаточные знания, полученные в предыдущий год обучения.

Исходя из результатов входного тестирования, учащийся получает первую Домашнюю Самостоятельную Работу - набор индивидуальных заданий, содержание которого зависит от пробелов конкретного учащегося.

Текущее тестирование называется Диагностикой. Весь учебный материал изучаемого раздела – совокупность отдельных умений, сформированность каждого из них отслеживается в рамках диагностических работ. Диагностическая работа может быть одинакова для всех или индивидуальна, в зависимости от решаемых педагогических задач; может быть в письменном или устном видах; отбор диагностируемых умений, количество диагностических работ определяется учителем.

Практикум – форма контроля, предполагающая промежуточное оценивание в рамках освоения учебного материала. Практикум может быть в письменном или устном видах; форма, цели, проверяемые умения могут варьироваться и определяются учителем. Количество практикумов зависит от количества проверочных работ, в период подготовки к проверочной работе проводится два практикума. Устный практикум может быть проведен после написания проверочной работы.

Проверочная Работа (четвертная) - промежуточный контроль, включающий в себя комплекс умений в разных видах речевой деятельности и языковой компетенции.

Задания, представленные в сборнике, могут быть одного уровня или нескольких уровней: базовый, продвинутый и творческий (высокий).

Формы контроля и типы заданий могут варьироваться. Контроль может быть в письменной и в устной форме, в виде теста или проекта и т.п. Текущий диагностический контроль регулярно осуществляется по всем видам речевой деятельности и по языковой компетентности - это позволяет включать или не включать в проверочную работу все аспекты контроля.

Согласно тематическому планированию предполагается определенное количество Домашних Самостоятельных Работ, Практикумов и Проверочных Работ.

Представленный фонд оценочных средств соотносится с программой и тематическим планированием к УМК Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В. для лицеев и гимназий для 5 класса. В этой связи содержательная часть заданий соответствует основным содержательным линиям УМК, а именно:

- О себе. Описание человека, профессии. Мой идеальный дом.

- Путешествия. Страны и континенты. Мир вокруг нас.

- Великобритания

- Здоровый образ жизни. Спорт.

Языковой материал соответствует содержанию программы.

II. Listening.

Задание 1. Прослушай разговор папы и дочки, отметь галочкой те продукты, которые они собираются купить. Один ответ отмечен в качестве примера. Запись прозвучит дважды.

  • Eggs cake

Chocolate sugar

Butter sandwiches

Задание 2-4. Прослушай разговор и выполни задания. Прочитай вопросы и в каждом выбери правильный ответ из трех предложенных вариантов. Обведи номер ответа. Запись прозвучит дважды.

2. Why is Jenny happy?

1. She can have a big birthday party with her family.

2. She will have a birthday party only with her cousins.

3. She can have a big birthday party with her friends.

3. Where do Jenny’s relatives live?

1. Jenny’s relatives live in London and in Liverpool.

2. Jenny’s relatives live only in her town.

3. Jenny’s relatives live in New York.

4. What present would Jenny like to have?

1. Jenny would like to have an interesting book.

2. Jenny would like to have a big cake.

3. Jenny would like to have a big doll.

III Reading

1. Прочитай слова, напиши, какой звук есть в этих словах.

1. feet, sea____ 2. page, jump_______ 3. mice, hi___ [ai] [ð] [ŋ] [f] [æ] [dʒ]

4. thin, thanks___ 5.show, fish____ 6.song, morning_____ [z] [θ] [f] [∫] [u] [i] [i:]

2 .Прочитай текст, ответь кратко на вопросы.

Nick is a nice little boy. He is eight. Nick and his family live in a big city. Sometimes Nick is sad because he misses his grandmother and grandfather , who live in a small village. One day his grandparents came to visit Nick’s family. Nick was so happy! He wanted to tell her granny and granddad so many things! It was Saturday so Nick didn’t go to school. In the afternoon Nick and his grandparents went to the Zoo. They saw many animals but they didn’t see dolphins because the pavilion was closed. They bought ice cream for Nick, mineral water for granny and lemonade for granddad. They also bought some photo cards of animals for Nick.

1 Where does Nick’s family live?________________________________________

2 Who came to visit Nick’s family?_____________________________________

3 When did they go to the Zoo ?___________________________________________

4Why didn’t they see dolphins?____________________________________________

5 What did they buy for granddad?_________________________________________

3. Прочитай загадку. Выбери ответ из рамочки. Напиши около ответа номер загадки.

1. She is the head of the UK but doesn’t rule the country. --------------------------

2. The capital of this country is Ottawa. -----------------------------

3. It is the heart and the oldest part of London. -------------------------

4. It was a fortress, a prison, the King’s Zoo. -----------------------------------

The Houses of Parliament Big Ben the City Westminster Abby the Tower St Paul’s Cathedral Queen Canada the USA the UK

IV. Use of English

Подставь слова из таблицы в данный текст.

1. We ____________the Browns. My mother and father are forty. 2. My ________________ name is Ann. She is a doctor. 3. I ____________ a sister, _______name is Mary. 4. She is my __________ friend. 5. Mary is____________ than me. 6. Next year she _______________ to University. I am a pupil. 7. I __________________to go to school but my sister ___________ it. 8. Yesterday I _______ 4 lessons and ___________ to the cinema. 9. I have got three white________, they ________ run very well. 10. I __________my homework already. 11. Look! Now he____________ very well!










has got, she

has got, her

have got, her








the oldest



will go



not like, like

doesn’t like, like

don’t like, like


had, went

had, go

have, went


mice, can

mouses, can

mice, must


have done


will do




is dancing

V. Writing

Прочитай письмо от зарубежного друга и напиши ответ, завершив незаконченные предложения в бланке ответа. В пропусках без номеров ты можешь написать дополнительную информацию.



20 December, 2016

Dear …,

Yesterday we had a very nice day. It was cold and sunny and it snowed! Does it often snow in Russia? (1) All my friends went skating. Do you like skating? I can’t skate very well, but I sometimes skate with my friends.

My favourite sport is football, but yesterday it was too cold for football. What is your favourite sport? (2)

In the evening I came home. It was nice and warm in the house. I took a book and read it all evening. The book was about Harry Potter. Do you like to read books? (3) I read seven Harry Potter books. How many books about Harry Potter did you read? (4)

But my hobby isn’t reading. It’s fishing. What is your hobby? (5)

Please, write soon.



Бланк ответа




Dear _______________,

Thank you for your letter. I was glad to hear from you. It often (1) ________________ in winter in Russia. Yes, I like skating very much, and I skate and ski in January and in February.

My favourite sport is (2) ______________________________________ . I ______________________________ (3) I _________________________________________________________ (4). My hobby ___________________________ (5).

Please, write soon.

All the best,


Стартовая работа

Пояснительная записка

Цели проведения стартовой работы в новой форме:

  • проверить уровень сформированности элементарных коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, чтении и письме на начало учебного года;

  • активизировать компетенции учеников по английскому языку во 2, 3 и 4 классах и актуализировать проблемы каждого ученика в отдельности;

  • наметить пути устранения пробелов для каждого учащегося.

  • спланировать учебную траекторию по изучению английского языка в 5 классе.

Особенности нового формата стартовой работы:

  1. проверке подлежат все основные виды речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, письмо, говорение), а акцент делается на проверке знания лексики и грамматики.

  2. говорение предполагает диалог (вопрос-ответ) класса и ученика (список вопросов прилагается), описание картинки (комната, человек, животное).

  3. аудирование предполагает прослушивание кратких диалогов и выбор верного ответа (текст диалогов прилагается),

  4. стартовая работа, наряду с ранее изученным материалом, содержит элементы знаний и навыков, планируемых для изучения в предстоящем учебном году

  5. работа предполагает самоанализ деятельности учащегося: /не знаю=0/ знаю =1/. Данные знаки ученик ставит в первую клетку рядом с номером задания, до общей проверки работы. Вторая клетка заполняется учеником (тоже в режиме /не знаю=0/ знаю =1/) во время общей проверки теста в классе.

Эти особенности помогают наметить траекторию развития каждого ученика в изучении английского языка на новый учебный год.

Проверяемые компетенции:

чтение согласно правилам английского языка

знание и использование лексики в рамках, изученных тем

умение использовать в речи простое настоящее простое, прошедшее время, будущее простое времена, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения, множественное число существительного, притяжательный падеж, местоимения, степени сравнения прилагательных, модальные глаголы can, must, числительные, предлоги, оборот there is/are.

ведение простых диалогов в рамках, изученных тем

описание картинки в рамках изученной лексики и грамматики

умение читать с полным пониманием текста

умение воспринимать на слух и понимать информацию из текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале.

Предполагаемые сроки: фаза запуска – первая неделя сентября

Вопросы для проверки навыков говорения.

«About Me and My Friend»

1. What is your name?

2. What is your family (surname) name?

3. How old are you?

4. Where are you from?

5. What form are you in?

6. What is the number of your school?

7. What is your hobby?

8. What is your favorite sport (game, fruit, subject at school, color, number, day of the week, season, holiday, food, film, song, book….)?

9. How many friends do you have?

10. Who is your best friend?

11. How old is your friend?

12. Is your best friend a pupil?

13. What is his hobby?

14. What is your best friend’s favorite sport (game, fruit, subject at school, colour, lucky number, day of the week, season, holiday, food, film, song….)?

15. What games do you like to play together?

«My family and my pet»

1. How many people are there in your family?

2. Is your family big?

3. Have you got a mother (a father, a sister, a brother, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, a grandmother, a grandfather….)?

4. What is your mother’s (….) name?

5. How old is your mother?

6. What is your mother (…...)?

7. What does your mother like to eat (to drink, to do, to watch….)?

8. What is your mother’s favorite sport (game, fruit, color, lucky number, day of the week, season, holiday, food, film, song….)?

9. Have you got a pet? What pet do you want to have?

10. What is its name?

11. What color is your pet?

12. What does it like to do (to eat, to play with)?

«My School Day»

1. Do you go to school?

2. Did you go to school yesterday?

3. When do you usually get up?

4. When did you get up yesterday?

5. Do you wash your hands and face and brush your teeth in the morning?

6. Did you wash your hands and face and brush your teeth yesterday?

7. What do you usually have for breakfast?

8. What did you have for breakfast yesterday?

9. Did you meet your friends yesterday?

10. What subjects do you like (dislike) at school?

11. What subjects did you have yesterday?

12. When do you usually come home from school?

13. When did you come home yesterday?

14. What do you usually have for dinner?

15. What did you have for dinner yesterday?

16. Do you usually have much homework?

17. What do you usually do in the evening?

18. What did you do yesterday in the evening?

19. What do you usually do at weekends?

20. Where were you on summer holidays?

21. When do you usually go to bed?

22. When did you go to bed yesterday?

«My Room»

1. What is your address?

2. Is your flat big?

3. How many rooms are there in your flat?

4. Is there a kitchen (a bathroom, a toilet…) in your flat?

5. What is there in your room (near your sofa, in the hall)?

6. Where is a sofa (a table, a lamp, a computer, a TV – set, a chair, an arm –chair, a bookcase, a wardrobe, a carpet…)?

7. How many tables (lamps, chairs, bookcases, carpets…) are there in your room?

8. What colour is your sofa (your table, your lamp, your computer, your TV – set, your chair, your arm –chair, your bookcase, your wardrobe, your carpet…)?

Тексты диалогов для проверки навыков аудирования.

Задание 1.

Dad: I want to surprise Mum. Will you help me?

Daughter: Of course, Dad. What do you want to do?

Dad: I want to make a chocolate cake and some sandwiches.

Daughter: Then we must go to the shop. We must buy some things.

Dad: Let’s go.

Daughter: So we need to buy some eggs, some butter and some sugar for the cake.

Dad: Do we need some chocolate?

Daughter: No, we have a lot of chocolate at home. But we need some cheese for the sandwiches.

Dad: All right. Now we have everything.

Задания 2-4

Fred: How are you?

Jenny: I’m so happy, Fred. Next week is my birthday. Mum says this year we’ll celebrate it with my friends.

Fred: That’s great! What would you like to do?

Jenny: I don’t know yet. I think I’ll have a big party and invite all my classmates.

Fred: That’s a lot of people. Do you usually invite so many friends?

Jenny: No. but I don’t have a big birthday party every year. I usually celebrate with my family. My five cousins come from London and Liverpool to visit me, and our granny makes a big cake.

Fred: I understand. This year is different.

Jenny: Yes, and I’d like to invite you too.

Fred: Oh, thank you. What would you like as a present?

Jenny: Thank you, but you needn’t bring anything! But if you really want to, you can give me an interesting book. I love reading.

Ответы письменной части стартовой работы.

II. Аудирование.

1 some butter and some sugar.

2. She can have a big birthday party with her friends.

3. Jenny’s relatives live in London and in Liverpool.

4. Jenny would like to have an interesting book.

III Чтение

1. [i:] 2 [dʒ] 3 [ai] 4 [θ] 5[∫] 6[ŋ]

2. 1. in a big city 2. his grandparents (his grandmother and grandfather) 3. on Saturday (in the afternoon) 4. (because) the pavilion was closed 5. Lemonade

3.Социокультурная компетентность

1. Queen 2 Canada 3the City 4 the Tower

IV. Языковая компетентность

1 are 2 mother’s 3 have got 4 best 5 older 6 will go 7 don’t like 8 had,went

9 mice, can 10.have done 11. is dancing

Критерии оценивания:

Аудирование: задание 1-2балла, эадания 2-4 – 3 балла, итого – 5 баллов.

Чтение: задание 1-6 баллов, задание 2-5 баллов, задание 3 -4 балла, итого -15 баллов.

Языковая компетентность: 11 баллов

Письмо: максимально 10 баллов, из них:

- Содержание: 3 балла

- Структура, логика изложения: 2 балла

- Языковая компетентность: 3 балла

- Орфография и пунктуация: 2 балла

Максимальное количество баллов за письменную часть: 41 балл

Задания для устного и письменного тренинга

Mary, 12


Play tennis +

Help about the house –

Optimistic and helpful

Steve, 11


Play football +

Wash the dishes –

Serious and brave

Max, 13

The UK

Take pictures +

Do tests –

Creative and talented

Helen, 11


Watch cartoons +

Ski –

Attentive and curious

Helga, 13


Play the guitar +

Do sports –

Talented and optimistic

Willy, 12


Play computer games +

Watch soap operas –

Attentive and serious

Chris, 13


Play chess +

Do morning exercises –

Clever and serious

Joanna, 10


Study foreign languages +

Write tests –

Talkative and polite

Meggie, 9


Read tales +

Play chess –

Curious and talented

Ted, 10


Sing songs +

Play computer games –

Talkative and brave

Susann, 14


Cook +

Watch news –

Polite and hospitable

Alex, 13


Play hockey +

Help about the house –

Brave and attentive

Ответь на вопросы, употребив правильно форму глагола

What did you do

In June?

In July?

In August?

On the 1st of September?

Two days ago?


What do you do

After school?

Before school?

Every Sunday?

On Monday?

In summer?

On your birthday?

What will you do


Next week?

In a month?

What are you doing


At this moment?

This weekend?

Tom’s plan

+ read about monsters

-walk with my friends

+ visit my Granny

+ play football

- dance at the club

- learn the poem

+ go to the hospital

+take my dog for a walk

Linda’s plan

+write the letter to my friend

- sing school songs

-run at the stadium

+ do my homework

+buy food

+ watch TV

+cook dinner

-help my mother about the house

Example: Tom will read about monsters, but he won’t walk with his friends.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Прочти глаголы: drink swim like eat watch have read take walk work go visit learn play dance look open close want skate dance sing drink eat fly give sleep swim write buy can say do.

Какие глаголы из списка неправильные? Напиши их формы
























Заполни предложения, выбрав подходящий по смыслу глагол из списка. Напиши глагол в правильной временной форме.

1) We ___________ in the river last summer.

2) My sister_____________ TV yesterday.

3) He _________with his friends yesterday.

4) I ____________ 5 lessons yesterday.

5) I ___________at school last Monday.

6) They _________ their homework in the evening.

7) She _____________ to skate last winter.

8) They __________orange juice at the party.

9) My brother ___________ porridge in the morning.

10) His son ________ to New York last month.

11) They ______ the shop in the evening.

12) I ___________ a letter last Tuesday.

Подчеркни правильную форму глагола и маркер времени.

  1. Dick ________ to Moscow last year. (goes/ will go/ went/go)

  2. My mother _________ new dress tomorrow. (buy/ will buy/ bought)

  3. Yesterday I __________ my homework. (will do/ do/ did)

  4. The children always _______ with toys. (play/ will play/ played)

  5. Ted ________a shower every morning. (will take/ took/ takes/ take)

  6. My friend ________computer games next week. (play/ plays/ will play/ played)

  7. Mary _______ in the river 5 days ago. (swim/ swims/ swam/ will swim)

  8. I ______to school every day. (will go/ went/ go/ goes)

  9. Nelly usually _______ tasty soup. (cooked/ will cook/ cooks/ cook)

  10. The boys _______ English test last Monday. (have/ has/ will have/ had)

  11. The weather ___________ fine tomorrow. (is/ was/ will be)

  12. It ______ sunny and hot yesterday. (is/ was/ will be)

  1. The weather ___________ fine next week. (is/ was/ will be)

  2. It ______ rainy and cloudy yesterday. (is/ was/ will be)

  3. My sister ______to school every day. (will go/ went/ go/ goes)

  4. Ben and Kate always _______ with their friends. (play/ will play/ played)

  5. Dora often________the carpet. (will clean/ clean/ cleans/ cleaned)

  6. He ________his homework tomorrow. (do/ does/ will do/ did)

  7. She _______ in the river last month. (swim/ swims/ swam/ will swim)

  8. My Granny usually _______ vegetable salad. (cooked/ will cook/ cooks/ cook)

  9. The pupils _______ English test yesterday. (have/ has/ will have/ had)

  10. Mr Black ________ his relatives next Monday. (visits/ will visit/ visited/visit)

  11. My father _________ new car tomorrow. (buy/ will buy/ bought)

  12. I usually __________ my homework. (will do/ do/ did)

Прочти текст и ответь на вопросы.

My favorite room at the moment is our study-room which is the smallest room in the house. It is full of wonderful things: books, pictures and a computer. There is a very modern sofa in the study-room. My uncle bought it two years ago when he was in America. It’s very unusual. Near it there is a beautiful old standard lamp, which is on the carpet. I clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner very often when I help about the house.

There is a desk near the window. In the evening when it gets dark I like to turn off the light, turn on the standard lamp and read. When the standard lamp is on, the study-room looks very wonderful. I often sit on the sofa and dream.

What is the smallest room in the house? _____________________________________________

Who bought a very modern sofa? __________________________________________________

When do I clean the carpet? _______________________________________________________

Where do I like to sit in and dream? ________________________________________________

Выпиши все глаголы в Simple Past, прилагательные в превосходной степени.


Выбери правильный вариант из таблицы:

  1. Ann …. homework yesterday.

  2. The boys … football now.

  3. Ben …. her teeth every day.

  4. We…. to Rom tomorrow.

  5. Children … texts next week.

  6. It … cold tomorrow.

  7. Sam… English last Monday.

  8. My mother usually … TV.

  9. They … in Moscow last year.

  10. The cat… on the chair.


a) does

b) do

c) did


a) are playing

b) will clean

c) clean


a) cleaned

b) cleans

c) clean


a) will go

b) go

c) went


a) write

b) writing

c) will write


a) will be

b) is

c) was


a) has

b) have

c) had


a) watches

b) watch

c) will watch


a) live

b) lived

c) lives


a) sleeps

b) sleep

c) will sleep

Выбери правильную форму местоимения:

1.Nelly is (my, mine, me) ______ little sister. (She, Her,Hers)______is five.

2.I know (they, their, them) ______. (They, Their, Them) ______ are my cousins.

3.I think (he, him, his) ______hasn’t seen (we, us, our) _________.

4.I want to know about you. Tell me about (yourself, himself, herself).

4.This is (mine, my, me) _______dog. (It, Its) _______name is Bon.

5.This is my jacket, where is (yourselves, yours, your) ________?

6.The teacher says the best answer is (my, mine, myself) ______.

7.Nick cut (himself, him, he) __________with a knife.

Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend.


The UK


Dear ____________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m always glad to get your letters. How are you? I’m fine, but I must study a lot after my summer holidays.

By the way, I and my parents went to India in summer. And where were you?1)

We also went to our granny. She lives in the village; it’s far from our city and I miss her very much. Where do your grandparents live? (2) My granny is a seller; I want to be a seller, too. I think this job is very interesting. What do you want to be? Why? (3)

You know, I go in for sports, so I swam in the river, rode my bike and helped my parents about the house in summer. What did you do in your summer holidays? (4)

Write me soon.


Tracy Бланк ответа




Dear _________________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m happy to be your pen-friend. I have a lot of subjects at school, too.

In your letter you ask me about my summer holidays. (1)

_______________________________________________ . It’s very nice that you visited your granny. I also love my grandparents (2) _____________________________________________________________________________

As for my future, I want to be a (3) _____________________________________________________________________________

I liked my holidays very much. I did a lot of things in summer. (4) _____________________________________________________________________________

I’m waiting for your letter.

With best wishes,


Диагностические работы к фазе запуска

I. Диагностика навыков и умений в аудировании

1. Прослушай разговор трех друзей и выбери правильный ответ из трех предложенных вариантов. Подчеркни номер ответа. Один ответ отмечен в качестве примера. Запись прозвучит дважды.

Mary likes

  1. winter 2) spring 3) autumn

Jane doesn’t like

  1. cold weather 2) rainy weather 3) hot weather

At the weekend Pete

  1. went skiing 2) played snowballs 3) watched TV

Прослушай разговор и выполни задания 2-4. Прочитай вопросы и в каждом выбери правильный ответ из трех предложенных вариантов. Подчеркни вариант ответа. Запись прозвучит дважды.

Задание 2. Why don’t Pete’s parents go to London very often?

  1. They don’t have much money.

  2. They don’t like noise.

  3. It’s far away.

Задание 3. Where did Ann and her dad go?

  1. to Hyde park 2) to Oxford Street 3) to the shops

Задание 4. What did Ann’s mum buy for Ann?

  1. Ann’s mum bought a pair of shoes and a T-shirt for Ann.

  2. Ann’s mum bought a blouse and two T-shirts for Ann.

  3. Ann’s mum bought a pair of jeans and two dresses for Ann.

II. Диагностика навыков и умений по чтению

2. Read the text and answer the questions:

My favorite room at the moment is our bedroom which is the smallest room in the house. It is full of wonderful things: books, pictures. There is a very old mirror in the bedroom. My grand-granddad bought it many years ago when he was young. It’s very unusual. There is a bed in the corner of the room and near it there is a beautiful old desk, which is on the carpet. I clean the carpet in the washing machine very often when I help about the house.

There is a guitar on the wall near the window. In the evening when it gets dark I like to turn off the light, turn on the standard lamp and play the guitar. When the standard lamp is on, the bedroom looks very wonderful. I often sit near the window and dream.

a)What is the smallest room in the house? ___________________________________________

b) Who bought a very old mirror? __________________________________________________

c)When do I clean the carpet? ________________________________________________ -____

d) Where do I like to sit in and dream? ______________________________________________

III. Диагностика навыков и умений в языковой компетенции

Диагностика по теме «Употребление простых времен и настоящего длительного времени»

3. Put the verb in the right form:

  1. Susan _____many friends.

  2. Students ______a test next week.

  3. Tom ______his dog yesterday

  4. My mother______ to Milan tomorrow.

  5. The children often _____ tennis.

  6. Listen! It____ .

  7. We ____Biology last Friday.

  8. Robert usually _____fish for dinner but today he ____ meat.

  9. They _____ you now.

  10. The horse _____ very well.








will write






will go






will play


is raining








is eating/is having

eats/is having





are understanding




will run

4. Диагностика на знание лексики, изучаемой в рамках раздела.

Read the text and underline the negative features of character

Pet and Polly are sisters but they are very different. Pat is tall, slim and sporty. She is fond of opera and likes to sing. Her sister Polly is stout but pretty. Both sisters are very easy-going. Pet is very hard-working, but Polly is sometimes lazy. They are never greedy and very hospitable. All their friends think that they are not boring people.

3. Диагностика умений в словообразовании.

Name the profession

A person who types letters and other papers. _____________________________________________

A person who works in hospitals and helps people. _______________________________________

A person who sells sugar, flower, salt, spaghetti…_______________________________________

A person who works in the office and helps her boss with letters, telegrams and papers. __________________________________________________________________________

What is the other way to say “occupation”? _____________________________________________

4. Write down the names of the professions using these words:

write, work, create, sport, post.


V. Диагностика навыков и умений письменной речи

1. Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend.


The UK


Dear friend,

My name is John. I’m 12. I’m from the UK. I live in London. I like my city very much.

I’d like to have a pen-friend from Russia. What is your name? How old are you? (1)

I like doing yoga. My hobby gives me a lot of energy, and I can concentrate on myself for a long time. It’s super! What is your hobby? Why do you like it? (2)

I want to be a doctor because this job is very useful. I want to help people. What do you want to be? Why? (3)

Write me soon.


John Бланк ответа




Dear John,

Thank you for your letter. I’m happy to be your pen-friend. I’m from Russia. (1)

I live in ____________ .

I like (2)__________________________________________________________


I want to be a (3)____________________________________________________


I’m waiting for your letter.

With best wishes,


Практикумы к фазе запуска

Письменный Практикум по теме «Сравнение настоящего простого и настоящего длительного времен»

1. Определи временную форму глагола Present Simple/Present Progressive в следующих предложениях:

1) Что ты сейчас делаешь?____________

2) Я каждый день делаю зарядку.___________

3) Мы часто проводим свободное время вместе.____________

4) Смотри! Кто-то бежит к нам. ___________

2. Найди ошибку в каждом предложении и исправь ее.

1) I is playing now.________

2) They goes to music school on Tuesday.________________

3) Listen! Vita sings.________________

4) She doesn’t reading now.________________

5) Now I am understanding everything.___________

Устный практикум по теме «Описание одноклассника»

1. Describe your classmate, using the plan:

1) Name

2) Age

3) His/her address

4) His/her family

5) His/her appearance

6) His/her character traits

5) His/her hobby

6) His/her favourite subjects

7) about your first meeting

Проверочная работа по фазе запуска


I. Listening

Задание 1. Прослушай разговор девочки и мамы и отметь галочками те достопримечательности Лондона, которые они собираются посетить. Один пример отмечен в качестве примера. Запись прозвучит дважды.

  • Big Ben The Tower of London

Buckingham Palace Westminster Abbey

The London Eye Hyde Park

Задания 2-4. Прослушай разговор и выполни задания. Прочитай вопросы и выбери правильный ответ из трех предложенных вариантов. Обведи номер ответа. Запись прозвучит дважды.

Задание 2. When did Tom go to Amsterdam?

1) in summer 2) in spring 3) in autumn

Задание 3. Why did Tom and his family choose this season?

1) They wanted to go to museums.

2) They wanted to enjoy good weather.

3) They wanted to see tulips.

Задание 4. What colour can the tulips be?

1) the tulips can be red, white, green, blue, yellow, pink and black.

2) the tulips can be any colour.

3) The tulips can be red, white, orange and pink.

II. Reading

Задание 5. Read the text and answer the questions:

My favorite room at the moment is our living room which is the largest room in our flat. It is full of interesting things: beautiful pictures, amazing photos, wonderful flowers. There are some souvenirs from different countries. I like them very much because I can remember our family trips. There is a big Chinese vase; my aunt bought it many years ago when she and her friend were in China. It’s very unusual. There is a big sofa in the middle of the room. It is comfortable. There is a red carpet in front of the sofa. I usually clean it every Friday but I always dust the furniture on Saturday because I am free on Saturday.

We like getting together in our living room in the evenings. We often watch films and discuss something but most of all I like parties in our living room.

a) What is the largest room in our flat? ____________________________________________________________________________

b) What did our family buy during our trips? _____________________________________________________________________________

c) Who bought a big Chinese vase? _____________________________________________________________________________

d) When do I clean the carpet? ________________________________________________________________________

6. Read the text and underline 4 positive features of character

Steve and Robert are brothers but they are very different. Steve is tall, slim and sporty. He is fond of football. His brother Robert is tall, a bit stout but pretty. He likes reading very much. Both brothers are friendly. Steve is very helpful, but Robert is sometimes lazy. They are optimistic and very hospitable. All their friends think that they are not boring people.

III. Use of English

7. Put the verb in the right form:

  1. They _____many friends.

  2. I ______a test last week.

  3. Tom ______his dog every week.

  4. Look! My little sister______.

  5. My friends often _____ tennis.

  6. It____ soon.

  7. We ____Biology last Friday.

  8. Kate usually _____after school but today she ____ a film.

  9. They _____ it now.

  10. The cat _____ very well.








will write






will swim


is swimming




will play


is raining

will rain







reads/is watching

read/is watching




are knowing





will run

8. Name the profession

A person who writes books.______________________________________________________

A person who works in hospitals and helps a doctor____________________________________

A person who sells sugar, flower, salt, spaghetti ______________________________________

A person who sells meat _________________________________________________________

A person who sells carrots ________________________________________________________

9. Write down the names of the professions using these words: teach, work, decorate, sale, business.

IV. Writing

10. Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend.


The UK


Dear ____________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m always glad to get your letters. How are you? I’m fine, but I must study a lot after my summer holidays.

By the way, I and my parents went to the USA in summer. And where were you?1)

We went to Los Angeles because my granny lives there and I miss her very much. Where do your grandparents live? (2) My granny is a teacher; I want to be a teacher, too. I think this job is very interesting. What do you want to be? Why? (3)

You know, I like swimming very much; but the water in the ocean was cold and I couldn’t swim. What did you do in your summer holidays? (4)

Write me soon.


Robert Бланк ответа




Dear _________________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m happy to be your pen-friend. I have a lot of subjects at school, too.

In your letter you ask me about my summer holidays. (1)

_______________________________________________ . It’s very nice that you visited your granny. I also love my grandparents (2) _____________________________________________________________________________

As for my future, I want to be a (3) _____________________________________________________________________________


I liked my holidays very much. I did a lot of things in summer. (4) _____________________________________________________________________________

I’m waiting for your letter.

With best wishes,


Пояснительная записка

Цели проведения стартовой работы в новой форме:

  • проверить уровень сформированности элементарных коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, чтении и письме на начало учебного года;

  • актуализировать ранее изученный материал и выявить проблемы каждого ученика в отдельности;

  • наметить пути устранения пробелов для каждого учащегося.

  • откорректировать учебную траекторию по изучению английского языка на ближайшее модуль и в перспективе.

Особенности проверочной работы №1:

  1. проверке подлежат все основные виды речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, письмо; говорение проверяется в рамках заданий ДСР для устной части), по-прежнему уделяется внимание проверке языковой компетентности

  2. аудирование предполагает прослушивание кратких диалогов и выбор верного ответа (тексты диалогов прилагаются),

  3. данная работа, наряду с ранее изученным материалом, содержит задания, изученные в разделах 1, 2

  4. работа предполагает самоанализ деятельности учащегося: заполнение листа самооценки.

Эти особенности помогают проанализировать личностный и коллективный результаты учащихся, запланировать дальнейшую работу по повышению качества обучения.

Проверяемые компетенции:

  • использование лексики в рамках изученных тем

  • умение использовать в речи простое настоящее, простое прошедшее, простое будущее, настоящее длительное времена

  • способность образовывать слова, обозначающие деятеля при помощи суффиксов –er, -or и путем добавления –man.

  • ведение простых диалогов в рамках изученных тем

  • умение читать с извлечением информации

  • умение читать с полным пониманием текста

  • умение воспринимать на слух и понимать информацию из текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале.

  • умение писать личное письмо по предложенной структуре

Предполагаемые сроки: фаза запуска – вторая неделя октября

Тексты диалогов для проверки навыков аудирования.

Задание 1.

Mum: Let’s go for a walk. I want to show you London.

Girl: Great, mum, where will we go?

Mum: We’ll take a bus to Big Ben, the most famous clock in the world. Then we’ll go to Westminster Abbey. It is very near. I’ll show you the Coronation Chair there. Then we can go to the London Eye.

Girl: Yes, I’d like to visit it. My friend Molly says you can see all of London from it.

Mum Of course, we’ll go for a ride on it. And after that we’ll go to Hyde Park and have fish and cheaos on the bench.

Girl: Will we go to the Tower of London? I’d like to see it.

Mum: No darling, not today We can go there next weekend.

Задание 2.

Sandra: Hello, Tom. What a great T-shirt! I like it.

Tom: Hi, Sandra. It is a souvenir. It says I love Amsterdam.

Sandra: Did you go to Amsterdam?

Tom: Yes, we went in spring. It was great. The weather was very warm. We were lucky.

Tom: Why did you go in spring? In summer it is much warmer there.

Sandra: Did you take any pictures? I’d like to see the tulips. We wanted to see the tulips –their famous flowers. In spring the tulips are in blossom. We saw tulips and other flowers everywhere.

Tom: Of course, I took a lot of photos. I have them on my phone. Look – there are red, white, pink, blue, yellow and black tulips. They can be any colour.

Sandra: They are really beautiful. Did you see anything else?

Tom: Yes, we did. We went to some great museums in Amsterdam but it’s a long story. Come and visit us this weekend. I’ll tell you everything

Ответы письменной части стартовой работы.

I. Аудирование .

1.) Westminster Abbey, The London Eye, Hyde Park

2.) in spring 3.) They wanted to see tulips 4.) The tulips can be any colour.

II Чтение

5.) a) our living room b) some souvenirs c) my aunt d) every Friday

6.) Friendly, helpful, optimistic and very hospitable.

IV. Языковая компетентность

7.) 1 have 2 wrote 3 cleans 4 is swimming 5 plays 6 will rain 7 had

8 reads/is watching 9. know 10. runs

10.have done 11. is dancing

8.) a writer, a nurse, a grocer, a butcher, a green grocer.

9.) teacher, worker, decorator, salesman, businessman.

Критерии оценивания:

Аудирование: задание 1-3балла, эадания 2-4 – 3 балла, итого – 6 баллов.

Чтение: задание 5-4 балла, задание 6-4 балла, итого -8 баллов.

Языковая компетентность: задание 7 -10 баллов, задание 8 – 5 баллов, задание 9 -5 баллов, итого- 20 баллов

Письмо: максимально 10 баллов, из них:

- содержание: 3 балла; структура, логика изложения: 2 балла; языковая компетентность: 3 балла

- Орфография и пунктуация: 2 балла

Максимальное количество баллов за письменную часть: 44 балла

Фонд оценочных средств за II четверть

Проверочная работа по модулю «Путешествие»

I. Listening

Listen to the text “Blue Jeans”

Level A. True/false/not stated. 6 points

1. Levi Strauss came to America from Germany.

2. He arrived in New York.

3. Levi Strauss arrived in America by train

4. He had a lot of strong material to make tents of.

5. Levi Strauss colour jeans because he was fond of the blue colour.

6. People usually wear a pair of jeans more than 3 years.

Level B. Choose the answer. 10 points

1. Where was Levi Strauss from?

a) America b) Germany c) California

2. How did Levi Strauss become rich?

a) He found gold. b) He made tents. c) He made special trousers.

3. Why did people like jeans?

a) They were beautiful b) They were dirty c) they were strong

4. Where did people spend much time?

  1. in the water of the rivers b)in tents c)in the water of the seas

What jeans do people all over the world wear?

a) white jeans b) blue jeans c)gray jeans

Level C. Write the answers on 3 questions that you like. 12 points

  1. When did Levi Strauss arrive in San Francisco?

  2. Why were there many people in California in those days?

  3. Why did Levi Strauss decide to colour trousers?

  4. Why do people all over the world wear jeans?



On holidays some people like going to the country, others are fond of sitting at home and watching TV. But nowadays more and more people travel.

There are a lot of ways of travelling. People can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by train or on foot. Travelling by plane is the fastest way of travelling. This is the best way to get to a foreign country fast. Businessmen mostly travel by air. They like travelling by plane because modern planes are comfortable. One more way of travelling is by sea. Modern ships have everything to make people feel nice and comfortable. There are swimming-pools, bars and restaurants. But travelling by ship is one of the most expensive ways of travelling.

Travelling by train is popular now, too. People go from one city to another by train if the distance between them is too big, or if they do not have a car. Modern trains are comfortable and travelling by train is convenient and cheap.

In summer some people like travelling on foot. This way of traveling is called hiking. You can take a tent, backpacks and food. This kind of travelling is slow, but on such trips you can see a lot of interesting places and meet new people. It is so nice to sleep in a tent in the open air, too.

If you travel by plane, train or ship, you have to book tickets beforehand (заранее). Also, you have to be at the airport two hours before an international flight and one hour before a domestic flight. The officers will check your luggage and you will have to pass the passport control.

Travelling is the best way to see interesting places.

Level A. Answer the questions. 5 points

1. Nowadays more and more people __________

a) sit at home b) travel c) watch TV

2. Travelling by plane is ________________

a) the slowest way of travelling. b) the most interesting way of travelling.

c) the fastest way of travelling.

3. Businessmen like travelling by plane because______________

a) modern planes are comfortable. b) travelling by plane is cheap.

c) travelling by plane is expensive.

4. Modern ships have everything to make people feel ____________

a) fast and comfortable. b) nice and comfortable. c) comfortable.

5. Travelling by ship is one of _________________of travelling.

a) the most uncomfortable ways b) the cheapest ways

c) the most expensive ways

6. People go from one city to another by train if the distance between them is too big, or ______

a) if they have a car. b) if they do not have a car. c) if they like travelling by train

7. In summer some people like travelling ________. This way of traveling is called hiking.

a) by car b) by bus c) on foot

8. If you travel by plane, you have to be at the airport ____________________________.

a) 2 hours before an international flight b) 1 hour before an international flight

c) 2 days before an international flight

9. The officers ________________ and you will have to pass the passport control.

a) will buy you tickets b) will check your tickets c) will check your luggage

10. Travelling is the best way to_____________

a) see interesting places. b) make friends. c) book tickets beforehand.

Level B. Answer the questions (information in the text can help you) 8 points

1. Why do businessmen like travelling by plane?

2. What is the fastest way of travelling?

3. When do some people like travelling on foot?

4. Is travelling by ship expensive?

Level C. Make up questions (information in the text can help you) 12 points

1. Why … … mostly travel by …..?

2.What ….. the fastest …….?

3. … travelling … foot cheap or …?

III. Use of English


Level A. 7 points

  1. _____she always ______many lessons every Friday?

a) Does have b) Did have c) Will have

2.Jack London ___________”The White Fang” in 1905.

a) write b) wrote c) will write

3. My granddad often ________ for a walk in the afternoon

a) go b) goes c) went

4. ______ there a good book?

a) is b) are c) am

5. It______ soon.

a) snow b)will snow c)snowed

6. _____they______ an interesting film last Friday?

a) Does watch b) Will watch c)Did watch

7.What _____ Max ______after school tomorrow?

a) Do does b) Will do c) Did do

8. They _____ it now.

a) understand b)are understanding c) understands

9. ______my dog_____very well?

a) Will run b) Does run c) Do run

10. We are fond _____reading “Tom Sawyer” This book is so funny!

a) at b) of c) in

11. My brother is good ______ swimming.

a) at b) of c) on

12.I can play ______ violin, but I can’t play_______ hockey.

a) the/in b) the/__ c) the/the

13. I love travelling ______car.

a) on b) in c) by

14. My dad is interested _____ football.

a) on b) in c) by

Level B. Complete the sentences, changing the word (12 points)

I have a friend, Alex by name. Alex (1.to be good /on/at/of) ________________ English. Besides, he (2.to be fond at/on/of) ______________________reading books. _(3.to read) ____________ is his favourite hobby. We both (4.to go with/in for/for on) ______________skiing.

We are planning to have a trip (5.on/by/at) __________plane to Japan. Where______you________(6.to travel) next summer?

Level C. 21 points

Read the text. In every line there is an extra word. Underline the extra words, one line is correct.

There are a lot of hobbies. Some people like to making something with their hands, others are fond of in sports.

As for me, in my childhood I liked playing on the violin. Nowadays I am interested in playing on the piano; I like classical music very much.

I am also fond of travelling. Last summer I did went to Sochi

by on plane because it is the fastest transport.

In the future I want to visit Australia and see kangaroos.


Level A. 9 points

  1. Alex is a very talented boy. He plays the _______ very well (football/chess/guitar)

  2. In winter children like to go in for ________ (skate/skating/to skate)

3. After meals we wash dishes in the _______ (washing machine/sink/bathroom)

4. There is no______ in many English houses, there are fireplaces (gas/central heating/hot and cold running water)

5. People usually buy tickets in the ___________ (hotel/booking office/customs office)

6. Bob goes___________hockey (with/in for/for on)

7. When I don’t want to come back I buy a ________ ticket (single/return/cheap)

8. When you travel by sea it is a____________(trip/journey/voyage)

9._______ is made from milk (honey/sour cream/jam)

Level B. 16 points

Dan is 1.f_______of travelling. He is going to Amsterdam. He needs to do a lot of things before his 2.t________. First of all, he must 3.b________ room in a hotel and buy a return 4.t________ . It is very important to know the time of 5.d__________ and 6. a________. Finally, he will take little 7.l________ and will go to the 8.a________.

Level C. 18 points

Complete the sentences, changing the form of the word

My sister is my best friend. She is a musician. She has a lot of concerts every week. I like (1. to go)_____________ to her concerts and (2.to listen) __________________to her music.

She often travels by plane. She buys a ticket in the (3.book) ________________office, waits for the (4.to depart)__________________ and goes to another city. I always wait for her (5.to arrive) ____________________at the railway station, and if the weather is (6.sun) __________________we go home on foot.

IV. Writing

Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend. Level A. Read the letter and write the answers (1-7) 7 points




Dear ………..,

Thank you for your letter. I am always glad to receive your letters. How are you? (1) How was your summer? (2) Did you travel anywhere? What transport did you travel by? (3)

As for me, I had a wonderful trip to New Zealand. I went by sea and it took me two days to get there. I liked it very much. I am fond of travelling by sea because I think it is so interesting! What transport do you like travelling by? (4)

I took much luggage with me: a camera, a passport, a return ticket, a pair of light shorts, a pair of jeans, two T-shirts, a swimming costume and a book about Tom Sawyer. I love reading this book. And how much luggage did you take? (5)

The weather was wonderful! It was sunny and hot. Hope the weather in your city was not very rainy (6). What did you do during your trip (7)? As for me, I went to the beach, played volleyball there, swam in the sea and also visited my friends. My summer was great! It was the best voyage I’ve had in my life

By the way, I met a new friend there (8).






Dear John,

Thank you for your letter.

(1)I’m ………………………………………………………………………

(2)My travel to the UK was....................................................................

(3) I went there by….……………………………………………………

It took me……………………………………………………………………

(4) I am fond of travelling by………………………………………………

because it’s……………………………………………………………….

(5)I took…………………………………………………………………….

(6)The weather in………………….……………………………………….


As for your new friend, (8) …………………………………………………

(9) …………………………………………………………………………

(10) …………………………………………………………

Best wishes,


Level B. Write a letter to your friend and ask three (8,9,10) questions about his new friend. 9 points

Level C. Imagine that in summer you had a fantastic trip. Write an e-mail to your friend about it. 20 points

Do not forget to write about:

  • the place you visited

  • the transport you travelled by

  • the time it took you to get there

  • the time you spent there

  • what you did

  • ask 2 questions about your friend’s holiday

You should write 40-50 words.

Пояснительная записка

Цели проведения проверочной работы в новой форме:

  • проверить уровень сформированности элементарных коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, чтении и письме на окончание второй квинты;

  • актуализировать ранее изученный материал и выявить проблемы каждого ученика в отдельности;

  • наметить пути устранения пробелов для каждого учащегося.

  • откорректировать учебную траекторию по изучению английского языка на ближайший модуль и в перспективе.

Особенности данной проверочной работы :

  1. работа представлена четырьмя разделами (аудирование, чтение, грамматические задания, лексические задания, письмо), в каждом из которых есть несколько уровней (Level A, Level B, Level C). В каддом разделе учащийся может выбрать и выполнить только один уровень.

  2. сумма заданий уровня A дает 85 %.

  3. проверке подлежат все основные виды речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, письмо; говорение проверяется в рамках отдельных уроков), по-прежнему уделяется внимание проверке языковой компетентности

  4. аудирование предполагает прослушивание текста и выбора ответа в формате True/False/Not Stated на базовом уровне, выбор верного ответа (на втором уровне) и на высоком уровне предполагается полный ответ на заданный вопрос.

  5. данная работа, наряду с ранее изученным материалом, содержит задания, изученные в разделах “Travelling”

Проверяемые компетенции:

  • использование лексики в рамках изученных тем

  • умение использовать в речи простое настоящее, простое прошедшее, простое будущее, настоящее длительное времена, структура used to

  • грамматические и деривационные изменения слова

  • умение читать с извлечением информации

  • умение читать с полным пониманием текста

  • умение воспринимать на слух и понимать информацию из текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале.

  • умение писать личное письмо по предложенной структуре

Предполагаемые сроки: вторая - третья неделя декабря

Текст для проверки навыков аудирования.

Levi Strauss came to America from Germany. In 1850 he arrived in San Francisco. San Francisco is a large city in the United States of America. It is situated in California. There were many people in California in those days because they wanted to find gold and become rich. They worked a lot looking for gold and spent much time in the water of the rivers. They needed strong trousers.

Levi Strauss had a lot of strong material. He hoped people could build tents with it. So he decided to make special trousers of this material. They were strong and people liked them. In one day Strauss sold all the trousers he had. But they had no colour and became dirty very easily. So Strauss decided to colour them blue. Now people all over the world wear blue jeans. They think they are good for work and travel, they are practical.

Ответы письменной части проверочной работы.

I. Аудирование .

Level A.

1. T, 2.F, 3NS, 4T, 5F, 6 NS

Level B.

1b, 2c, 3c, 4a, 5b

Level C.

1. Levi Strauss arrived in San Fransisco in 1850.

2. There were many people in California because they wanted to find gold (and become rich).

3. Levi Strauss decided to colour the trousers because they had no colour and became dirty easily.

II Чтение

Level A.


Level B.

1. Businessmen like travelling by plane because modern planes are comfortable.

2. The fastest way of travelling is plane (Plane is the fastest way of travelling)

3. Some people like travelling on foot in summer.

4. Travelling by ship is expensive.

Level C.

1. Why do businessmen mostly travel by air(plane)?

2. Is travelling by plane the fastest transport?

3. Is travelling on foot cheap or expensive?

Грамматические задания

Level A.

  1. a 2b 3b 4a 5b 6c 7b 8a 9b 10b 11a 12b 13b 14b

Level B

1.is good at 2.is fond of 3.reading 4.go in for 5.by 6.will travel

Level C

There are a lot of hobbies. Some people like to making something with their hands, others are fond of in sports.

As for me, in my childhood I liked playing on the violin. Nowadays I am interested in playing on the piano; I like classical music very much.

I am also fond of travelling. Last summer I did went to Sochi by on plane because it is the fastest transport.

In the future I want to visit Australia and see kangaroos.

Лексические задания.

Level A.

  1. guitar

  2. skating

  3. sink

  4. central heating

  5. booking office

  6. in for

  7. single

  8. voyage

  9. sour cream

Level B

1.fond 2.trip (travel) 3.book 4.ticket .

5.departure 6. arrival. 7.luggage 8.airport.

Level C

  1. going

  2. listening

  3. booking

  4. departure

  5. arrival

  6. sunny

Критерии оценивания: общее количество баллов за уровень написано в каждом задании.

Письмо базового уровня: 7 баллов, по 1 баллу за правильный ответ из 7 вопросов; письмо повышенного уровня еще 2 балла за правильно составленные вопросы, итого 9 баллов.

Письмо высокого уровня: максимально 20 баллов, из них:

- Содержание: 6 баллов

- Структура, логика изложения: 4 балла

- Языковая компетентность: 6 балла

- Орфография и пунктуация: 4 балла

Домашняя самостоятельная работа к модулю «Путешествие»

Сдать работу 25-26 ноября

Раздел для отработки навыков чтения

Ex.1 Read the text and answer the questions.


A young girl, Goldilocks by name, lives in some fairy land. One day she walked through the forest. Suddenly she saw a small house. She knocked at the door but nobody answered. She came in and went to the kitchen with a table and three chairs around it. She ate some porridge from each of three plates that were on the table and drank some milk. At the end of the story three bears came back home, they found her asleep in the bedroom but she woke up, jumped out of the window and ran away.

1) What was the name of the girl? ____________________________________________

2) What did she see in the forest? ____________________________________________

3) What was there in the kitchen? ____________________________________________

4) What did she drink? _____________________________________________________

5) Where did she fall asleep? ________________________________________________

6) Who came back home? __________________________________________________

7) What did the girl do when she woke up? _____________________________________

8) Where is the girl from? __________________________________________________

Ex. 2 Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

Booking rail tickets

Travel agent: Good morning.

Traveller: Good morning. I’d like a rail ticket to Manchester.

Travel agent: Certainly. When are you travelling?

Traveller: I’m taking the two o’clock train today.

Travel agent: First or second class?

Traveller: Second class, please.

Travel agent: Single or return?

Traveller: Single, please.

Travel agent: That’s 25 pounds. Here’s your ticket.

Traveller: Thank you. Do I have to change?

Travel agent: No, it’s a through train.

1) Where does the traveler want to go? _________________________________________

2) When is the departure? ___________________________________________________

3) What ticket does the traveller want? _________________________________________

4) Is it a through train? _____________________________________________________

Ex.3 Read the statements under the dialogue. Are they true or false? Write it near the statements.

Dialogue II. Booking air tickets

Travel agent: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

Traveller: Good morning. I’d like an air ticket from London to Paris, from Paris to Madrid and from Madrid to London.

Travel agent: When are you planning to travel?

Traveller: On August, 1-st from London to Paris, on August, 10-th from Paris to Madrid. And on August, 15-th from Madrid to London.

Travel agent: First class or economy?

Traveller: Economy, please.

Travel agent: It will cost you 400£, total price.

Traveller: That’s fine with me.

Travel agent: Is the ticket in your name, sir?

Traveller: Yes, please. My name is L.S. Huck.

Travel agent: Here is your ticket, sir. The carrier is British Airways.

Traveller: Thanks.

1) His first destination is Madrid. __________________________

2) His departure to Madrid is on the 15th of August. ____________

3) His name is L.S. Puck._________________________________

Раздел для отработки грамматических навыков

Ex.1 Choose correct form of the verb to have

1. I usually _______ an apple for lunch.




2. We always __________ a long break after the third lesson.



Will have

3. I ___________ any lessons on Sunday.

don’t have

doesn’t have

didn’t have

4. We live in a flat, it _________ three rooms.




5. ___ you often ____ problems at school?




6. ___he usually_____ a shower after morning exercises?




7. When ___ she ___ dinner yesterday?




8. Wait a bit! I_______ lunch now.


Am having


9. He _____ blue eyes, he is grey-eyed.


doesn’t have

don’t have

10. Soon is New Year. They ______ a lot of presents.



will have

Ex. 2 Write correct forms of the verb have.

1) I ___________ a lot of friends. 2) He always _________ five lessons every day. 3) They ___________ an interesting book. 4) I __________ (not) _____________ any idea now. 5) I ______________ spaghetti for dinner yesterday. 6) _______ you ____________ a party yesterday? 7) We ____________________ holidays soon. 8) _____ your friend __________ tea or coffee for breakfast? 9)________ he ____________ free time tomorrow? 10) He________ fun yesterday.

Ex. 3 Write correct forms of the verbs, underline markers.

I have a friend, he ___1___ (be) from London. He _____2____(have/not) a big family. They __3__ (be) friendly. They often ______4____ (spend) their free time together. Last summer John __5_________ (go) to Egypt. He _____6____ (swim) a lot there. The weather _____7___ (be) fine. It _____8_______ (not/be) very hot. Maybe next summer John ___9___ (travel) again. Now you ________10________ (understand), he _____11__________ (like/travel). He usually____12_________ (travel) by plane. It _____13______ (be) comfortable and fast. John ____14_____ (have) a hobby. .He ______15_______ (to be interested) in music. John _____16________ (to be good) at playing the guitar. He _____17_____ (to be fond) of jazz. And what __18____ you (like/do)? What __19___ (be) fond of? What _______20____ you ______ (do) next holidays?





















Ex. 4 Choose correct variant

1) She is fond /in/of/with playing badminton.

2) We are interested in/of/about history.

3) They are keen in/on/of drawing.

4) I’m good in/of/at painting.

5) My hobby is /play/playing/played football.

6) Steve’s hobby is collect/collects/collecting stickers.

7) They play / -/the/a/ hockey well.

8) My sister plays /-/the/a/ piano every day.

9) I usually go to school by/on/in foot.

10) We sometimes travel by/on/in train.

11) I go /in for/to/of swimming.

12) My friend goes in for jump/jumping/jumps

Ex. 5 In every sentence there is one mistake, correct it. Remember the rule: like(s)/enjoy(s)/hate(s)+V-ing

1) I like play hide-and-seek. ____________________________________________________

2) We likes walking in the park. _________________________________________________

3) She enjoy eating ice cream. _____________________________________________________

4) They hate clean their room. _____________________________________________________

5) We not like cooking. __________________________________________________________

6) My brother don’t like helping about the house. ____________________________________

7) Does you hate sleeping in the afternoon? __________________________________________

Раздел для отработки лексических навыков

Ex. 6 Circle in every line one extra word, give a name for every line. Ex.: fair-haired, tall, green-eyed, beautiful, kind. Kind, appearance (слово kind лишнее, название общей темы-внешность)

1) ticket, hotel, travel, book, central heating, customs office; _____________________________

2) car, bus, plane, train, bicycle, taxi, foot; ___________________________________________

3) washing machine, wardrobe, microwave oven, dishwasher, fridge ______________________

Ex. 7 Fill in the sentences using the given words. There is one extra word

Hotel check in single booking office return cheap

Expensive customs office voyage trip journey

1. When we travel we always stay at a _________ .

2. An air ____________ is more expensive than a train ticket.

3. I will go to Moscow and come back next Friday. So I will buy a _______ ticket.

4. We can buy a ticket in the _______________________.

5. Return tickets are ______________ .

6. I had a ___________ by ship to the UK.

7. I will stay in London about two weeks, so I will buy a ___________ ticket.

8. A _______________________ checks your luggage.

9. My mother often goes on a shopping ___________ to France.

10. We had a nice ____________ from Paris to Poland.

Ex. 8 Transform words in the brackets.

1) When is your ___________________ (arrive)?

2) When is your ___________________ (depart)?

3) You can buy a ticket in the _______________ (book) office.

4) The weather is warm and ______________ (sun).

5) It is ___________ (wind) today.

6) My brother is a ____________ (music).

7) She is a ___________________ (paint).

8) I like ___________________ (travel).

9) We are __________________ (travel).

10) My hobby is _____________ (play) computer games.

IV. Writing

Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend.


The UK


Dear ………..,

Thank you for your letter. I am always glad to receive your letters. (1)How are you?

(2) How was your summer? (3) Did you travel anywhere?(4) What transport did you travel by?

As for me, I had a wonderful trip to Thailand. I went by plane and it took me five hours to get there. I liked it very much. The plane was comfortable. What transport do you like travelling by? Why? (5)

I took not much luggage with me: a camera, a passport, a return ticket, a pair of jeans, two T-shirts, a swimming costume. And how much luggage did you take? (6)

The weather was wonderful! It was sunny and hot. What was the weather like in your city? (7). What did you do during your trip (8)? As for me, I went to the beach, played volleyball there, swam in the sea and also bought some souvenirs. My summer was great! It was the best I’ve had in my life

By the way, I met a new friend there (9).






Dear John,

Thank you for your letter.

(1)…….. ………………………………………………………………………….

(2)My summer was.................................................................................................

(3) I went to….…………………………………………………………………….

(4)I travelled by……………………………………………………………………

(5) I am fond of travelling by………………………………………………………

because it’s…………………………………………………………………………

(6)I took……………………………………………………………………………

(7)The weather was………………….………………………………………………


As for your new friend, (9) ……………………………………………………….

Best wishes,


Диагностические работы к модулю «Путешествие»

I. Диагностика навыков и умений в аудировании

1. Listen to a girl asking questions about an island. Look at the answers. If the answer is right, put T (True). If the answer is wrong, put F (False). You will hear the recording/dialogue twice/ two times.

Example Where is the island? In Australia __T__

1) How do most people travel to the island? by plain ________

2) What colour is the rock on the island? Black _______________

3) Which is the best time of year to visit the island? in the summer____________

4) How hot is it in summer on the island? about 30 degrees_______________

5) What is special about the island? the water in the lake_________________

6) Why do people often sleep outside? to watch the stars_________________

7) Dad: We’re going to visit Abuto Island while we are in Australia.___________

2 Fill in the information.

1) It takes too long to go by ____________

2) … and you can find _______________ lizards there

3) It gets __________ hot in summer

4) The water in the ________ is very good for your skin.

5) … but we’ll have special sleeping _________

II. Диагностика навыков и умений по чтению

My name is Helen. I have lots of hobbies and I like all my hobbies: reading, writing, dancing and travelling.

First of all, I am keen on reading. I began to read at the age of 5. Since that time I read every evening. I am fond of classic literature and fiction. My favourite books are about Harry Potter.

I am also keen on writing. I practice every day and hope that I will write a book one day. I want to write a fairy tale.

Another hobby of mine is travelling. I have already visited 27 countries. I usually travel by fast train. I like it because it’s comfortable and you can meet a lot of new friends. But sometimes I travel by plane.

Dancing is my passion. I prefer modern dances. I have classes twice a week but I also go to the gym to keep fit.

I’m sure my hobbies help me to be happy. I enjoy having these hobbies, I love everything what I do.
1) Choose the correct answer:

1.She loves __________ her hobbies.

a) one b) three c) all

2) Since that time she reads every ____________

a) time b) evening c) week

3) She likes reading, dancing, travelling and _________

a) listening to music b) knitting c) writing

4) She usually travels by _____________

a) car b) plane c) train

5) She goes in for dancing ____________ a week.

a) on Monday b) every day c) twice a week

2) Answer the questions:

1) How many hobbies does she have? ______________________________________________________

2) At what age could she read? __________________________________________________________

3) What are her favourite books? _________________________________________________________

4) What does she want to write?__________________________________________________________

5) How many countries has she visited? ____________________________________________________

6) What transports does she usually travel by? _______________________________________________

7) Does she like her hobbies? Why?_______________________________________________________

III. Диагностика навыков и умений в языковой компетенции

1. Диагностика по теме «Употребление простых времен и настоящего длительного времени, устойчивых выражений с предлогами»

1). Choose the correct answer

  1. _____he ______five lessons every day?

  1. Does have b) Did have c) Will have

2. We ___________ a very difficult test a week ago.

a) write b) wrote c) will write

3. I often ________ for a walk after school.

a) go b) goes c) went

4. ______ there a chair and a desk in your room?

a) is b) are c) am

5. We ______ holidays soon.

a) have b)will have c) had

6. _____they______ their friends in the cinema last Sunday?

a) Does meet b) Will meet c) Did meet

7. What _____ you ______now?

a) Does do b) Will do c) are doing

8. They _____ it now.

a) understand b)are understanding c) understands

9. My cat_____with me.

a) like play b) likes play c) likes playing

10. We are fond _____ watching cartoons.

a) at b) of c) in

11. My brother is good ______ running.

a) at b) of c) on

12.I can play ______ guitar, but I can’t play_______ football.

a) the/in b) the/__ c) the/the

13. I love travelling ______bus.

a) on b) in c) by

14. My brothers are interested _____ hockey.

a) on b) in c) by

2) Complete the sentences, changing the word

I have a lot of friends. Max (1.to be good /on/at/of) _____________ sports games. Besides, he (2.to be fond at/on/of) ______________________playing computer games? It’s his favourite hobby. We both (4.to go with/in for/for on) ______________skating.

We are planning to have a trip (5.on/by/at) __________plane to Korea. Where______you________ (6.to travel) next summer?

2. Диагностика на знание лексики, изучаемой в рамках раздела.

1). Read the text. There are 9 extra words in the text. Underline the extra words.

There are a lot of hobbies. Some people like to doing something with their hands, others are fond of in sports.

As for me, in my childhood I liked playing on the guitar. Nowadays I am interested in for collecting badges

My collection is quite big. I am also was fond of travelling. Last summer I did went to Sochi by on plane because it is the most fastest transport. In the future I want to go to Australia to see to kangaroos there.

2) Choose the correct variant

1 Alex is a very talented boy. He plays _______ very well (football/chess/guitar)

2 In summer children like to go in for ________ (swim/swimming/to swim)

3 I want to wash my hands, where is your _______________ (washing machine/sink/bathroom)

4. There is no______ in many English houses, there are fireplaces (gas/central heating/hot and cold running water)

5. People usually buy tickets in the ___________ (hotel/booking office/customs office)

6. Bob goes___________ dancing (with/in for/for on)

7. When I want to come back I buy a ________ ticket (single/return/cheap)

8. When you travel by sea it is a____________ (trip/journey/voyage)

9._______ is made from apples. (Honey/sour cream/jam)

3) Complete the sentences, choosing the words:

Interested passport control luggage travels booking office taxi ticket departure airport check-in arrival

Dan is 1._______in foreign culture. He 2.___________ a lot, he has already visited a lot of countries. Every time he does some special things to be ready for his trip. First of all, he books a room in the 3.________ and buys a return 4.________ . He studies the 5.________________ and 6._______________ time. Finally, he puts necessary 7.________ into his bag and then goes by8. _______to 9.________, where he has 10. ___________ and 11__________ control.

3. Диагностика умений в словообразовании.

1) Complete the sentences, changing the form of the word in the brackets

I have a friend Mike. He is my 1.___________ (good) friend. Mike is 2. a___________________ (decorate). He has created a lot of 3.______________ (beauty) things. He is good at 4_______________(paint). He exhibits his works even abroad. That is why he often 5_____________________ (travel) by plane. He usually buys a ticket in the 6._______________________book__________, waits for the 7_________________ (depart) and goes to another city. I always wait for his 8.__________________ (arrive) at the railway station, and if the weather is 9._________________ (sun) we go 10.___________ (house) on foot.

IV. Диагностика навыков и умений письменной речи

1)Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend.

Read the letter and write the answers (1-7) and ask three (8, 9, 10) questions about his new photos.




Dear ………..,

Thank you for your letter. I am always glad to receive your letters. How are you? (1) Did you like your autumn holidays? (2) I know you travelled again. Where did you travel? What transport did you use? (3)

As for me, I had a wonderful trip to Bulgaria. I went by plane and it took me two hours to get there. It was great. I am fond of travelling by plane because I think it is so interesting! What transport do you like travelling by? (4)

I took not much luggage with me: a camera, a passport, a return ticket, a pair of light shorts, a pair of jeans, two T-shirts, a swimming costume and a magazine about nature. I love reading about nature. And how much luggage did you take? (5)

The weather was wonderful! It was sunny and hot. Hope the weather in your city was not very rainy (6). What did you do during your trip (7)? As for me, I spent a lot of time on the beach, enjoying the sea and also met some friends. It was the best voyage I’ve ever had in my life!

By the way, I took some beautiful pictures there (8).






Dear John,

Thank you for your letter.

(1)I’m ………………………………………………………………………

(2)My travel to the UK was....................................................................

(3) I went there by….……………………………………………………

It took me……………………………………………………………………

(4) I am fond of travelling by………………………………………………because it’s……………………………………………….

(5)I took………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(6)The weather ………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….


As for your new photos, (8) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…

(9) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

(10) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………

Best wishes,


Практикумы к модулю «Путешествие»

Письменный Практикум по теме «Правильные и неправильные глаголы»

1. Заполни таблицу




Заказывать, бронировать







2. Выбери правильную форму глагола для предложений:

1) I (go/went/gone) to the theatre last week. 2) We have already (choose/chose/chosen) some presents for you. 3) When did you (drink/drank/drunk) the juice? 4) You haven’t (do/did/done) the task yet. 5) She didn’t (eat/ate/eaten) soup yesterday.

Устный практикум по теме «О зарубежной стране»

1. Составь загадку о стране по плану.

Tell about:

1) the geographical position

2) the flag

3) the official language

4) the symbols

5) some great people of the country

6) some traditions and customs

7) the capital and other important cities

Фонд оценочных средств за III четверть

Проверочная работа по модулю «Британия»



«An Excellent Student»

Level A. Answer if the statements are TRUE or FALSE

  1. The teacher was asking Tom not many questions

  2. The teacher wanted to know what countries Great Britain included

  3. The boy looked happy

  4. The teacher asked who was the first President of the USA

  5. The teacher was happy

  6. The boy was a very clever student _____/3

Level B. Circle the right (верный) answer.

1.Why was the teacher angry with Tom?

a) Tom didn’t know geography of Great Britain

b) Tom didn’t know history of Great Britain

c) Tom didn’t know anything about Great Britain

2. Why did the teacher say “George Washington”?

a) She wanted to help Tom

b) She was angry with Tom and wanted to give the right answer herself

c) She saw the picture of George Washington in a book

3. Why did Tom go to his seat?

a) He didn’t want to talk to the teacher

b) He thought the teacher wanted to speak about George Washington

c) He thought the teacher wanted to talk to another student, George Washington by name. ____/6

Level C. Answer the questions (полный ответ).

  1. What was the student’s name?

  2. Was the he clever? Why? _____/10


Read the text

A. You can be surprised but in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland many things are different.

The English like to talk about the weather. They often ask, “What is the weather like today?” or “It’s a nice day, isn’t it?” They don’t like it when it is rainy or foggy but everybody likes it when it is sunny and warm. They like their country especially in spring.

There is not much snow in winter in Great Britain. Very often winters are rainy and the British like it very much when it is snowing. There is a popular English joke, “People in Russia have white Christmas and people in the UK have wet Christmas”

B. People of industrial countries like pets and many people in Europe have got cats and dogs at home. British people also love animals very much. For example, in the Royal family every member has a pet or pets. Four dogs belong to the Queen. These dogs are not very large but joyful and playful. Every day Elizabeth goes for a walk with them.

C. On Sundays on the continent even the poorest person puts on his best suit and tries to look nice and respectable. In England even the richest queen dresses in some old clothes. She thinks it is dull to wear rich and expensive clothes every day.

D. On the continent people have good and tasty food. In England people have good table manners. In Buckingham Palace the Queen, her husband and other guests sit up straight, eat with their forks and knives, never put elbows on the table and never lick their fingers. They always say “Thank you” after meal and answer “You are welcome. It was my pleasure”.

E. The sign of good manners is to say a compliment and smile when you meet a friend. Englishmen believe that kind smile makes life better.

Level A. Match the paragraphs with the titles. _____/2,5

1) What table manners do British people have? 2) Is it important for British people to look nice?

3) What pets does the Queen like? 4) What do the British like to talk about?

5) How can a smile help in everyday life?






Level B. Answer the questions. _______/5

  1. What is the favorite season for British people?__________________________________

  2. What is the weather like in Great Britain on Christmas?___________________________

  3. How many dogs does the Queen have?________________________________________

  4. What is more important in Great Britain: manners or tasty food?___________________


  1. What do Englishmen do when they meet a friend? _______________________________

Level C. Read the statements and decide if they are True/false/not stated

1) The English like fall very much.

2) Every Englishman has a pet.

3) The English don’t like beautiful clothes.

4) The English are well-mannered.

5) The English always smile. ___/10

II. Grammar

Level A. Circle the verbs in the right form.


1. I think we _____a good time in the country next summer.

1.will have /are having/ have

2. My mother ____ a nice T-shirt last Tuesday.

2. buys/ is buying/ bought

3. Look! Our cat ______ fish.

3.is eating/ eats/ ate

4. John ____ football tomorrow. He invited us and gave the tickets.

4.will play/plays/is playing

5. When we were travelling to Finland we ____ very interesting places.

5.see/saw/will see

6. Yesterday at 11 a.m. I _____ lunch

6.have/had/was having

7. My sister _______ many photos last weekend.

7.took/take/will take

8. In her childhood Ann _____ fish soup but nowadays she doesn’t like it.

8.didn’t eat/used to eat/ate

9. Nick _____ Italian. He is from Rome.

9.speak/speaks/doesn’t speak

10. Now you _____ a lot about the UK

10. know/are knowing/knew

Level B. Complete the sentences, changing the verbs in the brackets _____/8

1) It was an ordinary summer day. We (swim) …………………………………..in the river and suddenly (see) …………………………………….. an unusual fish in the water.

2) Where (be) ……………... you at that time yesterday? I called you but nobody ………………. (answer).

3) By the way, we (play) ……………………………….… basketball, will you join us?

4) I think we (be) …………………………………………… the best in this competition.

5) At the age of 5 I (play) …………………………………….. hide-and-seek but today I prefer computer games.

6) Listen, it (rain). ………………………………….. Take an umbrella with.

7) A week (consist)…………………………………………….. of 7 days.

8) He (sell) ………………………………………………………..…his car yesterday.

III. Lexical tasks

Level A

Choose an appropriate variant ____/10

1) My friend is a (cook/cooker).

2) I’m so sad. I’m … (happy/unhappy).

3) The … (long/length) of the local river is more than 10 km.

4) … (sun/sunny) weather is typical of this place.

5) … (read/reading) is a good way of spending free time.

Level B. Make up new words according to the parts of speech ___/18







IV. Cultural awareness. (Level A, B, C)

Finish the sentences ______/12

1. The UK has four parts: England, S___________, W________and Northern______________ .

2.__________________stands on the Thames River. It is the capital of the UK.

3. All people from ___________________are the British.

4. People from Northern Ireland are ______________. They speak ___________ and _____________.

5.64 million people live in the ___________________________________________________________

6. The flag of the UK has a nickname. It is _________________________

V. Writing A, B Write a letter to your pen-friend Jane, answer her questions and ask her a question about her trip_____________/10 баллов


Great Britain



Thank you for your recent letter. Sorry for not writing earlier but I was really busy with my project. I’m writing to tell you about my school news. We are doing a project about Russian way of life. So, I have some question to you. Firstly, how many meals a day do you usually have in your country? (1) Secondly, what are the main traditional dishes? (2) And what pets are popular in Russia? (3) Why? (4)

By the way, I am going to have a trip on spring holidays.

I have to go now. It’s time for my favourite TV show.

Write me a letter as soon as you can.

Best wishes,






Thank you for your new letter. Sorry for not writing but I have much homework. I’m glad to answer your questions. As for meals, _______________________________________________

The main traditional dishes in Russia are_____________________________________________


Popular pets in our country are_____________________________________________________

because _______________________________________________________________________

What about your trip, ____________________________________________________________

Sorry, I have to go to watch my favourite film.

Hope to hear from you soon.



Пояснительная записка

Цели проведения проверочной работы в новой форме:

  • проверить уровень сформированности элементарных коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, чтении и письме на окончание второй четверти;

  • актуализировать ранее изученный материал и выявить проблемы каждого ученика в отдельности;

  • наметить пути устранения пробелов для каждого учащегося.

  • откорректировать учебную траекторию по изучению английского языка на ближайший модуль и в перспективе.

Особенности проверочной работы

  1. работа представлена четырьмя разделами (аудирование, чтение, грамматические задания, лексические задания, письмо), в каждом из которых есть несколько уровней сложности. В каждом разделе учащийся может выбрать и выполнить только один уровень.

  2. сумма заданий уровня A дает 85 %.

  3. проверке подлежат все основные виды речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, письмо; говорение проверяется в рамках отдельных уроков), по-прежнему уделяется внимание проверке языковой компетентности.

  4. Аудирование предполагает прослушивание текста и задание True/False на первом уровне, выбор верного ответа на втором уровне и на высоком уровне предполагается полный ответ на заданный вопрос.

Данная работа, наряду с ранее изученным материалом, содержит задания, изученные в разделе: части Великобритании, географическое положение и население Британии королева Великобритании и парламент, образ жизни британцев.

Проверяемые компетенции:

  • использование лексики в рамках изученных тем

  • умение использовать в речи простое настоящее, простое прошедшее, простое будущее, настоящее длительное времена

  • умение читать с извлечением информации

  • умение читать с полным пониманием текста

  • умение воспринимать на слух и понимать информацию из текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале.

  • умение писать личное письмо по предложенной структуре

Ответы письменной части проверочной работы.

I. Аудирование .

Level A. 1. F 2. T 3F 4T 5F 6F

Level B. 1c 2b 3c

Level C. 1. Tom 2. He was not clever, he couldn’t answer simple questions.


Level A. 1.D, 2.C, 3.B, 4.A, 5.E

Level B. 1) spring 2) wet 3) 4 dogs 4) manners

Level C. 1. F 2. F 3 F 4T 5 NS

III Грамматические задания

Level A. 1will have 2bought 3 is eating 4 is playing 5 saw

6 was having 7 took 8 used to eat 9 speaks 10 know

Level B 1.were swimming/saw 2. Were/answered 3. Are playing/are going to pay

4. used to play 5. Is raining 6. Consists 7. sold

IV Лексические задания.

Level A. 1.cook 2. unhappy 3. length 4. Sunny 5. Reading

Level B













V. Cultural awareness. (Level A, B, C)

1.Scotkand, Wales and Northern Ireland 2 London

3. Britain 4. Irish/Irish and English

5. the UK 6. The Union Jack

Критерии оценивания письменной части: общее количество баллов за уровень написано в каждом задании.

Письмо: максимально 10 баллов, из них:

- Содержание: 3 балла

- Структура, логика изложения: 2 балла

- Языковая компетентность: 3 балла

- Орфография и пунктуация: 2 балла

Предполагаемые сроки: первая -вторая неделя марта

Домашняя самостоятельная работа к модулю «Британия»

Срок сдачи:2.03

Учащийся: _______________________________________________________________

Задания по чтению.

  1. Прочти текст и определи, в каких частях содержатся ответы на три вопроса в таблице, затем ответь на вопросы после текста.


Абзац (буква)

1. What natural landscapes can you see in the Iceland?

2. What is the Iceland’s political system?

3. What is the main activity there?


  1. Iceland is an island and an independent country, too. Iceland is not a kingdom. It is a republic and all the power in the country belongs to its people and parliament. The Head of State is the President.

  2. Iceland is not a big industrial country. There few towns in Iceland and rather many villages where fishermen live. The main occupation for many people who live in Iceland is fishing.

  3. Iceland is rather a lonely place. You can be surprised how beautiful the island is with its numerous lakes. By the way, in Iceland there are warm lakes where you can swim even with snow on the ground. Iceland offers a lot of beautiful places to explore and you find many wonders there, especially unusual Arctic birds, but you should be very careful too.

1. Who does the power belong to in Iceland? ___________________________________

  1. Is the country ruled by the queen? ________________________________________

  2. Who is the Head of State in Iceland? _______________________________________

  3. There are many towns in Iceland, aren’t there? ______________________________

  4. You can’t swim in the lakes of Iceland in winter, can you? ______________________

  1. a) Прочти текст и озаглавь его.

A. The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.

B. Breakfast time is between seven and nine a.m. A traditional English breakfast is a very big meal. It consists of juice, porridge, bacon and eggs, toast, butter, jam or marmalade, tea or coffee. Many people like to begin with porridge with milk or cream and sugar.

C. The two substantial meals of the day are lunch and dinner. Lunch is usually taken at one o'clock. For many people lunch is a quick meal. Office workers usually go to a cafe at this time. They take fish, poultry or cold meat, boiled or fried potatoes and all sorts of salad. They may have a steak and chips. School children can have a hot meal at school. Some of them just bring a snack from home.

D. Tea is very popular among the English; it may almost be called their national drink. Tea is welcome in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal. Some people have afternoon tea, so called «high tea» with sandwiches, tomatoes and salad, a tin of apricots, pears or pineapples and cakes, and, of course a cup of tea. That is what they call good tea. It is a substantial meal. Cream teas are also popular.

E. Dinner time is generally between six and eight p.m. The evening meal is the biggest and the main meal of the day. Very often the whole family eats together. They begin with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, fruit and coffee.

F. The British enjoy tasting delicious food from other countries, for example, French, Italian, Indian and Chinese food. Modern people are so busy that they do not have a lot of time for cooking themselves. So, the British buy the food at the restaurant and bring it home already prepared to eat. So we can conclude that take-away meals are rather popular among the population.

b) Определи, соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию текста; если да, то напиши рядом с предложением true, если нет, то false, если нет информации, то not stated

1) The first meal is breakfast. __________________

2) They eat eggs for breakfast. _________________

3) They have dinner after breakfast. _____________

4) Some British people have lunch in restaurants. ___________

5) Pupils often bring some food from home for lunch._________

6) They like tea for every meal. ______________

7) High tea means drinking tea with sugar. _____________

8) Cream tea like children very much. ___________

9) Dinner is at 7 p.m. ________________

10) Modern people often cook at home. __________

c) Текст разделен на абзацы, обозначенные буквами. Задай вопрос к содержанию каждого абзаца.

A. __________________________________________________________________

B. ___________________________________________________________________

C. ___________________________________________________________________

D. ___________________________________________________________________

E. ___________________________________________________________________

F. ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Определи видовременную форму глагола в предложениях. Подчеркни слова-маркеры. Какими маркерами можно их заменить? Напиши еще по одному маркеру для каждого предложения.

  1. I usually travel in summer. ________________________________________________

  2. We went to the cinema two days ago. _________________________________________

  3. She will not visit me next week, she is busy. ___________________________________

  4. I have just met my friend. _________________________________________________

  5. Look! He is sleeping at the lesson! __________________________________________

  6. My mother was cooking at that time yesterday. ________________________________

  7. Have you ever tasted English dishes? ________________________________________

  8. Does your friend go in for sport every day? ____________________________________

  9. Did your parents study well? _______________________________________________

  10. What were you doing at 7 p.m. yesterday? ____________________________________

  11. Will you play snowballs tomorrow? _________________________________________

  12. What are you doing now? _________________________________________________

  1. Соотнеси следующие маркеры на русском и английском языках, есть лишние варианты; напиши английские эквиваленты к маркерам, которые оказались лишними.






    Some days ago






    Еще нет










    At that moment


    Несколько дней назад


    At this time




    В тот момент




    В это время

  2. Для каких временных форм глагола нам нужно знать вторую и третью формы глагола?

  3. Заполни таблицу неправильных глаголов и выучи их:








































Вставь эти глаголы в предложения, используя правильную форму, обращая внимание на маркеры.

  1. I usually _______________________ (do) jogging every morning.

  2. We ___________________________ (eat) tasty dishes last weekend.

  3. She ____________just ___________ (leave) for Moscow.

  4. ____________ you ever __________ (swim) in the ocean?

  5. Yesterday I ____________________ (go) for a walk.

  6. My father _____________________ (build) a beautiful house two years ago.

  7. I ____________ already __________ (buy) some pencils.

  8. Yesterday we __________________ (choose) a book in Literature.

  9. My mother often _______________ (make) vegetable salads for dinner.

  10. He was late. He _________________ (come) in the classroom after the teacher.

  11. I _____________________________ (meet) him five years ago.

7. Вспомни разницу в употреблении глагола use и структуры used to + V1, вставь нужную форму.

  1. I __________________________ a pencil to draw a picture.

  2. We ________________________ spend our free time watching cartoons, but nowadays we often read books.

  3. At the age of 5 I __________________ play with Lego Bricks but at present I prefer computer games.

  4. We ____________ some medicine to be healthy.

  5. I _____________ knowledge to create something.

  6. They didn’t _________________ like reading in their childhood but today reading is their hobby.

  7. They didn’t ______________ any dictionary doing test.

8. Заполни предложения, следуя правилам употребления различных способов выражения будущего времени.

1. I’m sure, it ______________ (will snow/is snowing) soon.

2. We ____________________ (are writing /will write) test tomorrow. Let’s prepare for it together.

3. I think, it _______ (will be/is) cold next week.

4. What _______ you _____________ (will /are going) to do in the evening?

5. Maybe, I ____________ (will visit/am visiting) you soon.

9. Напиши 12 предложений о том, что ты и твои одноклассники будете или не будете делать в следующие каникулы.

1) I am ____________________________________________ next holidays. 2) I am not ____________________ next holidays. 3) I am going to __________________________ next holidays. 4) I’m not going to ________________________ next holidays. 5) I will _____________ next holidays. 6) I will not ___________________ next holidays.

7) My classmates ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-

10. Заполни предложения, используя прошедшее и настоящее длительные времена. Вспомни, их формулы, чем они отличаются, чем похожи?

1) Wait a bit, I _________________________ (finish) my work.

2) She _____________________ (cook) at that time yesterday.

3) Listen! Sam ___________________ (sing).

4) We __________________________ (have) History lesson at 11 o’clock yesterday.

5) Look! Our mother ______________________ (arrive).

6) What ______ he ______ (read) at that time?

7) What _____ he _______ (read) at this time?

11. Определи, в каких предложениях прошедшее длительное время указывает на одновременность действий (ОД), на фоновую длительность (Ф) и конкретное время (В) в прошлом.

1) I was doing my homework at 7 p.m. yesterday.

2) They were playing football the whole day.

3) While I was sleeping, it was raining.

4) While I was writing a text, he was doing nothing.

5) You were reading when your friends came in.

6) He was eating when someone called him.

7) While I was waiting for you I met my classmates.

12. Дополни предложения, используя простое или длительное прошедшие времена.

1). While you _______________________ (study), your parents ___________________ (work).

2) She _______________ (travel) when it (start) to rain.

3) We ___________________ (walk) at that time a week ago.

4) He _____________________ (not visit) me at 8 a.m. yesterday.

5) I ______________________ (help) about the house when my mother _____________ (come) home.

6) Who ___________________ (look) through the magazine when you ___________________ (come) into the library?

7) While Nelly _________________ (cook) some traditional Japanese dish her brothers ____________ (give) her a lot of advice.

8) She ________________ (use) a lot of examples while she __________________(explain) a new rule to her class.

9) Yesterday I __________________ (be) very busy. At 12 I _____________________ (write) my English exercise, at 4 I ____________________ (have) my music class and at 6.30 I _________________ (learn) to work on the computer.

10) She _____________ (can) not understand what he _______________ (talk) about.

11) The weather _______________ (be) fine and a lot of people _______________ (swim) in the river.

13. Выбери правильный вариант и обведи его в таблице.

Обоснуй свой выбор.

  1. My mother ____ nice soup last Monday.

  2. Look! Our little Jenny ______!

  3. I think we _____sunny weather next weekends.

  4. John ____ at the concert tomorrow. He invited us.

  5. When mother _____ in we were watching a film.

  6. Yesterday at 8 a.m. I _____ breakfast.

  7. My sister _______ many photos last weekend.

  8. In her childhood Ann _____ apples but nowadays she likes more oranges.

  9. Nick _____ French and English. He is from Canada.

  10. Now you _____ a lot about the UK



Is cooking



is dancing




will have

are having



will play


is playing




will come




was having




have taken


didn’t eat

used to eat





doesn’t speak



are knowing


14. Дополни предложения, изменяя форму глагола в скобках

1) It was a sunny summer day. We _____________________ (play) in the park and suddenly _________ (meet) him.

2) Where ______________________________(stay) you at 5 p.m. yesterday? I couldn’t find you.

3) By the way, we ________________ (have) a performance in the evening, will you join us?

4) I think, we _____________________ (be) the winners next time.

5) At the age of 10 I (spend) a lot of time outdoors but today I prefer doing something at home.

6) Look! It ____________(snow). Let’s stay at home.

7) My timetable__________________ (consist) of 6 lesson a day.

8) Why _____ (like) your friend ____________apples?

9) He _______________(sell) his flat yesterday, and ________already ______________(buy) a new flat.

10) We _________________(rise) from our seats and greeted our teacher.

11) I ____________just________________ (have) breakfast, so we can go out.

12) I___________________________ (understand) this now.

13) My friend ___________________________(speak) Chinese. He (be) from China.

15. Выбери правильный вариант и подчеркни его.

1) My friend is a (cook/cooker). 2) My parents are (teacher/teachers). 3) She sells flowers. She is a (salesman/seller). 4) I’m not sad. I’m … (happy/unhappy). 5) They live in a (fare/fairy) land. 6) The (arrive/arrival) of our plane is about 3 o’clock. 7) He is going for (swim/swimming). 8) The … (deep/depth) of the local river is more than 3meters. 9) … (sun/sunny) weather is typical of this place. 10) … (sleep/sleeping) is a good way to relax. 11) … (kindness/kind) is his character trait. 12) The (long/length) of the river is about 100 km. 13) There are a lot of (travelling/travellers) in Great Britain. 14) It (rains/rainy) today. 15) We are (leaving/living) for London. 16) She speaks (France/French). 17) We can write (beautiful/beautifully). 18. You look (wonderful/wonderfully). 19. You (should/must) read this book, it’s interesting. 20. We must (do/to do) this task.

16. Group the words into three categories and write them down.

Warmth, long, curious, continue, length, set, width, nationality, separate, national, strong, explore, nation, rise, warm, strength, exploration, butcher, central, arrival, scientific, fare, separate, rise, electricity, fresh, freshness, hot, deep, industrial, consist, carefully, especially, lonely, belong, offer, include, lawyer, knowledge, offend, knife, honey, sour, book, ticket, windy.

N V Adj Adv




_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________17. Make up new words according to the parts of speech


















































18. There are mistakes find and correct them; some sentences are correct.

1. He plays in his yard yesterday.

2. We didn’t used to drink tomato juice in our childhood but nowadays we have it very often.

3. I will have a party tomorrow, will you come?

4. Don’t disturb me, I watch my favourite film!

5. While I was playing, they was sleeping.

6. In Spain people speak Spainish.

7. China language is not easy to study.

8. In winter the weather is usually frost.

9. The long of the lesson is 40 minutes.

10. Now I know this story very well.

11. I want to be a cooker.

12. Where is the book office?

13. The UK consists from some parts.

14. They is from Wales.

19. Circle an extra word in every line.

1. Continent, river, ocean, sea; 2. Sweet, salty, sour, nice;

3. Foreign, international, abroad, native 4. Royal, queen, crown, belong

5. real, unreal, really, realise

Cultural awareness

20. Complete the text with the following words: Royal, rule, parliament, power, belongs, symbol, former, queen, includes, independent, Britain, queen

In the UK real 1__________________________ does not belong to the Queen, though the 2_____________________ family is still very important for the country. The Queen is a 3__________________ of the country. She doesn’t 4__________________________ the country. The real power in the country 5___________________________ to the British 6_______________________.

In 1949 7___________________________ and the 8_______________________ colonies founded the Commonwealth. The former British colonies are 9________________ states now. The Commonwealth 10_________________________ many countries. The Commonwealth 11_____________________ many countries. The 12___________________ of Great Britain is also the Head of the Commonwealth. She is the 13___________________ of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

21. Read the text of ex.16 p. 11 and complete the following sentences:

1._______________________________________________________________________________________is the official name of the state which is situated on the British Isles.

2. The capital of Great Britain is ____________________________________________.

3. The capital of Scotland is _________________________________________________.

4. The capital of Northern Ireland is ___________________________________________.

5. The capital of Wales is ____________________________________________________.

6. Ireland and Great Britain are separated by __________________________________________________________________________

7. The UK is separated from the continent by _____________________________________


  1. Once _____________________________ used to be a part of the continent.

  2. 9. The UK is washed by _________________________ in the west.

  3. The UK is washed by _________________________________ in the east.

22. Complete the sentences

1. The UK has four parts: England, S___________, W________and Northern______________.

2.__________________stands on the Thames River. It is the capital of the UK.

3. All people from the__________are the British.

4. In Northern Ireland people speak ___________ and _____________.

5. In Wales people speak ____________ and ____________.

6. The flag of the UK has a nickname. It is ___________________________________

23. There is a part of the conversation between you and your friend. Read your answers and ask your friend some information:

1. I live in Perm. Where …you …? _______________________________________

2. I like English. What subject…you….? ___________________________________

3. We will watch a new film soon. What ……you…? ________________________________

4. I’m reading now. What …you…now? __________________________________________

5. I played yesterday. When ….you ….?__________________________________________

6. I was waiting for your phone call, but nobody answered. What ….. at that …...?_____________________________________________________________________

7. You were not at school last week. Why …you ….… last week? ____________________________________________________________________


24. Write a letter to your pen-friend Alex. Answer his questions about Russian way of life and ask him a question about the weekend with his family.


Great Britain



Thank you for your latest letter. Sorry for not writing, but I was very busy at school. How are you? I’m writing to tell you about my school news. I am writing a project about Russian way of life. So, I have some questions to you. We sometimes have meals in cafes with our families or friends. Do you have meals in a café? (1) What typical Russian dishes do you know? (2) Some people keep snakes or spiders at home. Do you want to have any exotic pet? (3) Why? (4)

By the way, I’m going to spend next weekend with my family. (5)

I have to go. I must help my mother.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,






Thank you for your recent letter. I was glad to get it. Sorry for not writing, but I helped my friend with his pet. How are you? I’m glad to answer your questions.

Firstly, (1) ______________________________________________________________

As for typical Russian dishes, (2) ____________


By the way, (3) ________________________________________________________________


I hope, your weekend will be great! (4)______________________________________________

I have to finish my letter, It’s time for my homework.

Waiting for your letter,

All the best,


Диагностические работы к модулю «Британия»

I. Диагностика навыков и умений по чтению

1. Read the text and answer the questions:

You can be surprised but in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland many things are the other way round.

The English like to talk about the weather. They often ask, “What is the weather like today?” or “It’s a nice day, isn’t it?” They don’t like it when it is rainy or foggy but everybody likes it when it is sunny and warm. They like their country especially in spring.

There is not much snow in winter in Great Britain. Very often winters are rainy and the British like it very much when it is snowing. There is a popular English joke, “People in Russia have white Christmas and people in the UK have wet Christmas”

People of industrial countries like pets and many people in Europe have got cats and dogs at home. British people also love animals very much. For example, in the Royal family every member has a pet or pets. Four dogs belong to the Queen. These dogs are not very large but joyful and playful. Every day Elizabeth goes for a walk with them. Look at the picture. You can see Elizabeth the Second having an afternoon walk with her pets in her garden.

On Sundays on the continent even the poorest person puts on his best suit and tries to look nice and respectable. In England even the richest queen dresses in some old clothes. She thinks it is dull to wear rich and expensive clothes every day.

On the continent people have good and tasty food. In England people have good table manners. In Buckingham Palace the Queen, her husband and other guests sit up straight, eat with their forks and knivese, never put elbows on the table and never lick their fingers. They always say “Thank you” after meal and answer “You are welcome. It was my pleasure”.

The sign of good manners is to say a compliment and smile when you meet a friend. Englishmen believe that kind smile makes life better

  1. What is the favorite season for British people? _____________________________________________

  2. What is the weather like in Great Britain on Christmas? _____________________________________

  3. How many dogs does the Queen have? __________________________________________________

  4. What is more important in Great Britain: manners or tasty food? ______________________________

  5. How can kind smile help people? _______________________________________________________

2. Read the text and answer the questions:

A. The British way of ruling the country is not easy to understand. Queen Elizabeth the Second is the Head of State. But in fact she has no the real power to rule the country. She is only the symbol of the country its traditions and its history. The real power in the UK belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government.

B. The Royal Family is very rich. The Queen has many members in her family: the Queen’s husband, her son Prince Charles, her daughter Princess Ann. Prince Charles has two sons - Prince William and Prince Garry.

C. Elder Prince William has a wife and a son. Do you know their names? The wife’s name is Kate and the son’s name is John. They are members of the British Royal Family too. They live in Kensington Palace in London. They are very busy. They help a lot of organizations. Every year they visit countries of the Commonwealth. John is only two years old but he has visited Australia and India with his parents. Next summer they will go to Canada together.

D. Do the Prince and Princess have time for hobbies? The Prince often paints and draws and sometimes plays polo. The Princess swims and dances very well. They don’t have very much free time. They often go to formal dinners. Princes Kate always wears very beautiful clothes. The Prince and Princess also have family holidays. Look at the picture. They are on holiday in the West of England.

  1. Who is the Head of the State in the UK? ______________________________________

  2. Whom does the real power in the UK belong to? _______________________________

  3. How many grandchildren does the Queen have? ________________________________

  4. What is Prince William’s hobby? _____________________________________________

  5. Where will the Prince and his family go next summer to? _________________________

3. Match the titles with the paragraphs:

A. They travel a lot.

B. Hobbies.

C. The ruler of Britain.

D. The family

II. Диагностика навыков и умений в языковой компетенции

1. Диагностика по теме «Употребление простых времен, настоящего и прошедшего длительных времен, устойчивых сочетаний с предлогами»

1) There is a part of the conversation between you and your friend. Read your answers and ask your friend some information:

1. I like football. What …you …?

2. My hobby is playing the guitar. What …your….?

3. We will go for a walk in the park tomorrow. Where ……you…?

4. I’m doing ironing now. What …you…now?

5. I went to the zoo yesterday. When ….you ….?

6. I was waiting for you, but you didn’t come. What ….. at that …...?

7. You were not at my birthday last time. Why …you ….… at my birthday last time?

8. My friend lives in England. Where …. your friend….?

9. I was reading a book yesterday at 6 p.m. What … you … at 6p.m. yesterday?

10. I’m going to play tennis on Tuesday. When … you … tennis?

2) Choose the correct variant.

1. We ….an interesting film now.

watch/watched/are watching

2. They … abroad some weeks ago.

goes/will go/went

3. I hope it … warm tomorrow.

is/will be/was

4. She … guests at that time yesterday.

has/will have/was having

5. Our class … an exciting excursion tomorrow. Will you join us?

Has/had/is having

6. While we …the dishes, they …the floor.

wash, clean/were washing, cleaned/were washing, were cleaning

7. You … polite.

should be/should to be/to should be

8. Children … some flowers for their mothers yesterday.

give/gave/will give

9. She … apples in her childhood, but now she dislikes them.

eats/ate/used to eat

10. Ben … French. He prefers English.

likes/doesn’t like/liked

11. Now we … this task.

understand/are understanding/understood

12. I … shopping alone yesterday.

don’t do/didn’t do/won’t do

13. He … to school next Friday.

don’t go/didn’t go/won’t go

14. The day … rainy today.


15. We like …. cats … dogs.

and, and/either, or/neither nor

16. Either my sister or me friend … this task.

do/does/doesn’t’ do

17. Your knowledge …deep.


18. Scotland belongs … the UK.


19. My breakfast consists … a cup of tea and a sandwich.


20. London is famous … its sights.


2. Диагностика на знание лексики, изучаемой в рамках раздела.

1) Guess what word is written:

1) ervoisdcoer 2) etionuonc 3) esetpara 4) isre 5) rtexolp 6) sthgntren 7) esu

8) twhid

2) Complete the sentences, changing the verbs in the brackets.

1) It was a warm evening. We ….. (walk) in the garden and suddenly (see) a beautiful butterfly.

2) Where …. (be) they at that time? I was looking for you but (can/ find) you.

3) By the way, we … (play)the guitar, will you come?

4) I think, we …(be) soon at home.

5) At the age of 7 I (cannot play) the piano but today I can do it best of all.

6) Listen, somebody (sing).

7) A month (consist) of 7 days.

8) Why (like) Sam roast beef?

9) He (sell) his flat yesterday.

10) We (rise) from our seats to look through the window a funny squirrel climbing the tree.

3. Диагностика умений в словообразовании.

1) Fill in the table.










2) Write words with the prefixes and suffixes:









III. Диагностика навыков и умений в социокультурной компетенции

1). Cultural awareness. (Level A, B, C)

Finish the sentences: 1. The UK has four parts: England, S___________, W________and Northern______________. 2. __________________stands on the Thames River. It is the capital of the UK.

3. All people from ___________________are the British. 4. People from Northern Ireland are ______________. They speak ___________ and _____________.

5. 64 million people live in the ______________________________________.

6. The flag of the UK has a nickname. It is ___________________________________

Практикумы к модулю «Британия»

Письменный Практикум по теме «Длительное прошедшее время»

1. Определи, в настоящем или прошедшем времени написаны предложения; подчеркни слова, которые помогли тебе определиться с выбором.

1) I was doing my homework at 4 o’clock yesterday. __________

2) While we were reading a book, she was cooking. _____________

3) I am doing my homework at the moment. _______________

4) They are watching a film now. ______________________

2. Дополни предложение, выбрав правильную форму глагола. Обведи правильный вариант.

1) He (do/did/doing) morning exercises and suddenly someone (ring/rang/was ringing).

2) While I (help/helped/was helping) about the house, my sister (do/did/was doing) shopping.

3) They (went/was going/were going) to school at that time yesterday.

4) We (play/played/were playing) basketball after school and then (do/did/were playing) computer games.

5) It was a nice day. The sun (shines/shone/was shining), the birds (sing/sang/were singing) and even my cat (doesn’t sleep/didn’t sleep/wasn’t sleeping).

Устный практикум по теме «Что я знаю о Великобритании»

1. Высказывание в рамках темы по плану

1) Geographical position

2) Parts of the UK

3) The capitals and other main cities

4) The symbols and the flags

5) The languages

6) Some traditions and customs

Фонд оценочных средств за IV четверть

Итоговая проверочная работа

Name________________________________ date______________________________


Tim Takes Medicine

Level A. Say if the statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED 3 points

  1. It’s spring now.

  2. The boy is coughing and has a terrible toothache.

  3. The doctor was an old man.

  4. The boy dislikes the medicine.

  5. The boy’s cat’s name is Tom.

  6. The cat likes the medicine.

Level B. Circle the right answer 6 points

  1. Why doesn’t John take his medicine?

  1. He doesn’t like it

  2. He is not ill

  3. The doctor didn’t give him a medicine

  1. How does the cat get the medicine?

  1. The boy’s mother gives it to the cat.

  2. The boy wants to test it on the cat.

  3. The doctor gives it to the cat.

  1. What is the mother’s reaction?

  1. She laughed at the cat.

  2. She wants to talk to the doctor.

  3. She is not happy with what she sees.

Level C. 10 points

1. Who is ill?

2. Who is the author of “Tom Sawyer”?


Read the text, choose a level and do the tasks

Good advice

A. Is there is anything more important than health? I don’t think so. ‘Health is the greatest wealth’, wise people say. You can’t be good at your studies or work when you are ill.

B. If you have a headache, heartache or a bad pain in the stomach, I think you should consult a doctor. Consulting a doctor can help to find out what’s happened with you. The doctor will examine your throat, feel your pulse, test your blood pressure, examine your heart and lungs or test your eyes. After that he will prescribe some medicine which you can buy at the chemist’s. He will recommend you to stay in bed for some time. The only thing you have to do is to follow his recommendations.

Speaking about doctor’s recommendations, I would like to tell you a story.

C. An old man complained of weakness, insomnia (бессонница), memory loss (потеря памяти) and serious problems with his heart, lungs and liver. The doctor examined the patient and said that no medicine could cure his disease.

D. Do you want to know what the doctor’s advice was? First of all, he told his patient to go to a quiet place for a month and relax. He also advised him to eat more roast beef, drink two glasses of red wine every day and take long walks. In other words, the doctor recommended to follow the rule:’ Eat at pleasure, drink with measure (в меру), and enjoy life as it is’. The doctor also said that if the man wanted to be well again, he shouldn’t smoke more than one cigarette a day.

E. A month later the gentleman came into doctor’s office. He looked happy and healthy. He thanked the doctor and said he was a different man. He was well again. He followed all the doctor’s recommendations.

Level A. Match the paragraphs with the titles: 2,5 points

1) The doctor’s advice

2) Recovery

3) The most important thing

4) Consult a doctor

5) Some problems with health






Level B. Answer the questions 7,5 points :

1. What do wise people say about health? ..……………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. What should you do if you are ill? ........................................................................................

3. Who came to the doctor? .....................................................................................

4. Did the doctor prescribe some medicine? .............................................................................

5. When did the man visit the doctor again?.............................................................................

Level C. Read the statements and decide if they are True/false/not stated 10 points

1) Health is better than money.

2) First of all, a doctor prescribes medicine, and then he examines his patient.

3) An old man was a gardener.

4) The doctor recommended following some rules for a week.

5) The gentleman became healthy again.

Use of English


1…. are you? – I’m Masha’s mother.

a) where b) who c) what

2 I learnt this rule last week. I …… it now.

a) know b) am knowing c) will know

3 ……. is the most exciting hobby. a) to paint b) painting c) paint

4 We played ….. guitar yesterday. a) in the b) the c) on the

5 I hope it …. sunny tomorrow.

a) is b) was c) will be

6 This week we …. part in the concert. We have already invited our friends.

a) take b) are taking c) will take

7 Sarah ……… chess in the past but now she enjoys reading.

a) used to play b) played c) used to playing

8 While I …. they were helping about the house. a) am cooking b) was cooking c) cooked

9 Bob ……. from a terrible headache yesterday at 5 o’clock. a) was suffering b) suffered c) will suffer

10. Mother wants to know….

a) if we have pocket money b) to help about the house c) that she is fine

11. Sam asks ….

a) that he can draw well b) if he can draw well c) if can he draw well

12. We are all surprised …the event.

a) at b) by c) about

13. My friends are good …. English.

a) at b) by c) about

14. -It’s yours. Where is ….?.

a) my b) mine c) myself

15. My hair ….. dark.

a) were b) be c) is

16. It is your guitar. It is ……

a) your b) yours c) yourself

17. Listen! The birds …...

a) sings b) sang c) are singing

18. We ….. last summer in the countryside.

a) spend b) spent c) were spending

19… Kama is a very beautiful river.

a) A b) - c) The

20. It’s healthy to go …… foot than go… car.

a) - /on b) by /on c) on/by

Level B. Complete the sentences, changing the form of the verb in the brackets

1. Look! The sun (set)……………………………. It is so beautiful.

2. Yesterday at 8 o’clock we (have) …………………………………………………… breakfast.

3. They (not eat)……………………………………….. tomatoes at the age of 5, but nowadays they like dishes from tomatoes.

4. They were walking in the park and ……………………………….. (see) their lost puppy.

5. She asks (not play)…………………………….…….. computer games.

6. Children enjoy (read) ……………………………….…….tales.

7. He goes to school on weekdays, but (not do) ……………………………..this at the weekends.

8. I do my homework (regular)…………………………………………

9. He goes to school on weekdays but (not go)………………………………… to school next Friday.

Lexical Tasks

Level A. Parts of speech. Group the words into 4 categories. Every category contains 7 words.

stay, very, always, exciting, power, law, usually, dairy, medicine, carefully, soft, depart, recover, seriously, advice, advise, respect, healthy, departure, friendly ,today, book, sour, hurt, fast, warm, seldom












Level B

Make up words according to parts of speech










Level C. Complete the sentences, choosing an appropriate word from the given list.

My name is Nick. I am 11. I’m from Berlin. It’s the 1.ca…………….al of my country. German is my native 2. l………………. e. But I also speak a little 3.F……………h and 4. Sp………….…n; we study these5. la…………….…es at school. I also go in for sports, 6. es….ly swimming, I swim 7. re……….ly. I want to be 8. he…. hy and keep fit. A lot of tourists visit Germany every year, and everyone is 9.sur………ed at its beauty. Visit our country and admire its 10. si….ts. I want to go the 11. U.., especially to London 6. I want to see the 12. Q…. en and some 13. ro……………al places. I want to see Big Ben.

















Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend. 10 points


The UK


Dear ___________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m always glad to get your letters. How are you? (1) I hope you have already recovered.

By the way, I was also a little ill. My doctor prescribed me some medicine for sore throat; it helped me well. What did your doctor advise for you? (2)

Soon is summer. We are planning to go to London. I hope I will be very excited about my future trip. I know you were in Britain last month. I need your advice. What luggage should I take with? (3)

Which is better to book single or return tickets? (4) What souvenirs did you buy there? (5)

It’s time to help my mother. Keep in touch!


Helga Бланк ответа




Dear _________________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m always glad to read letters from you. As for my health,

(1) _____________________________________________________________________________


I hope you are healthy, too.

It’s very nice that you are going to the UK. I liked my trip very much. So now about your luggage:


I think (4) _______________________________________________________________________

There are a lot of things to buy there.

(5) We___________________________________________________________________________

Have a nice trip!

I’m waiting for your letter.

With best wishes,


Пояснительная записка

Цели проведения проверочной работы в новой форме:

  • проверить уровень сформированности элементарных коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, чтении и письме на окончание второй квинты;

  • актуализировать ранее изученный материал и выявить проблемы каждого ученика в отдельности;

  • наметить пути устранения пробелов для каждого учащегося.

  • откорректировать учебную траекторию по изучению английского языка на ближайший модуль и в перспективе.

Особенности проверочной работы

  • работа представлена четырьмя разделами (аудирование, чтение, грамматические задания, лексические задания, письмо), в каждом из которых есть несколько уровней сложности (Level A, Level B, Level C). В одном разделе учащийся может выбрать и выполнить только один уровень.

  • сумма заданий уровня A дает 85 %.

  • проверке подлежат все основные виды речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, письмо; говорение проверяется в рамках отдельных уроков), по-прежнему уделяется внимание проверке языковой компетентности

  • аудирование предполагает прослушивание текста и выбор верного ответа (на втором уровне) и выбора ответа в формате True/False/Not Stated на втором уровне. На третьем уровне предполагается полный ответ на заданный вопрос.

данная работа, наряду с ранее изученным материалом, содержит задания по темам изученным в модуле: части тела, правила здоровья, у врача, что мы должны делать, чтобы быть здоровыми, местоимения в английском языке, спорт и игры Великобритании, покупки в продуктовом магазине, названия отделов магазина, покупка одежды, известные торговые сети Британии, Британские деньги.

Проверяемые компетенции:

  • использование лексики в рамках изученных тем

  • умение использовать в речи простое настоящее, простое прошедшее, простое будущее, настоящее и прошедшее длительные времена

  • понимать разницу значений модальных глаголов should/must

  • умение использовать разные формы местоимений

  • уметь изменять форму слова при грамматических и деривационных трансформациях

  • умение читать с извлечением информации

  • умение читать с полным пониманием текста

  • умение воспринимать на слух и понимать информацию из текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале.

  • умение писать личное письмо по предложенной структуре

Ответы письменной части проверочной работы.

I. Аудирование.

Level A. 1. F 2.F 3NS 4T 5F 6 T

Level B. 1a 2b 3c

Level C. 1. John 2. Mark Twain

2. There were many people in California because they wanted to find gold (and become rich).

3. Levi Strauss decided to colour the trousers because they had no colour and became dirty easily.

II Чтение

Level A. A3 B4 C5 D1 E2

Level B.

1. ‘Health is the greatest

2. You should consult a doctor

3. An old man came to the doctor.

4. No, the doctor didn’t prescribe some medicine.

5. A month later the man came into doctor’s office again.

Level C.

1) Health is better than money. T

2) First of all, a doctor prescribes medicine, and then he examines his patient. F

3) An old man was a gardener. NS

4) The doctor recommended following some rules for a week. F

5) The gentleman became healthy again. T

Грамматические задания

Level A. 1b 2a 3a 4b 5c 6b 7c 8b 9a 10a 11b

12b 13a 14 b 15 c 16 b 17 c 18 b 19 c 20 c

Level B 1.is setting 2.were having 3. didn’t use to eat

4. saw 5 not to play 6. Reding/to read

7. doesn’t do 8. Regularly 9. Will not go

Лексические задания.

Level A.








































Level B

Make up words according to parts of speech













Play, player








Creativity, creator, creation




Level C

1. capital 2. language 3. French 4. Spanish 5. Languages 6. especially 7. Regularly 8. Healthy 9 surprised 10. Sights 11. The UK 12. Queen 13. royal

Критерии оценивания: общее количество баллов за уровень написано в каждом задании.

Письмо: максимально 10 баллов, из них:

- Содержание: 3 балла

- Структура, логика изложения: 2 балла

- Языковая компетентность: 3 балла

- Орфография и пунктуация: 2 балла

Предполагаемые сроки: вторая - третья неделя мая

Домашняя самостоятельная работа по модулю «Здоровый образ жизни»

Student: ____________________________________date_____________________


1) Match the questions with the texts, one question is extra.

1. What do you need to play the game?

2. Where was the game invented?

3. Why was Michael Jordan named a legend of basketball?

4. What could children do on frosty days?

5. Why is this game a part of summer Olympic Games?

A. Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. Basketball was invented in Canada by James Naismith in 1891. James Naismith was a Canadian gym teacher.

B. Winter in Canada is very cold and long. Children couldn’t go in for skiing, skating or playing snowballs because the weather was windy and frosty. Basketball helped children to move and to be active when they could not play outside (in the open air).

C. To play basketball you need a ball. The first basketball was brown. In 1950 players started to use an orange ball because it was easier to see. Two teams must wear T-shirts of different colours. Also, players need a special court with two hoops at each end. Teams have to earn points by throwing the ball into the hoop.

D. Michael Jordan was one of the legends of basketball. He started his National Basketball Association (NBA) career with the Chicago Bulls. He is one of the greatest players of all-time because he has won many basketball championships and competitions. Today basketball is spread all over the world. It is a part of summer Olympic Games.

2) Answer the questions.

1. Where and when was basketball invented?


2. What was James Naismith?


3. Why children in Canada did not play outside in winter?


4. What was the first colour of a basketball?


5. Why do people call Mike Jordan a legend of basketball?


Use of English


1) Use the right form of the pronouns.

1. Nelly is (me/my/mine) little sister. 2. (She/Her/Hers) is four. 3. I’m not sure I know (they/their/them).

4. The Crooks live in England. (They/Their/Them) live at 23 Primrose Avenue. 5. I think (he/him/his) has not seen (we/our/us). 6. This is my dog. (It/Its) name is Rex. 7. This is my paper, where is (you/yours/your).

2). Circle the right answer and underline the marker.

  1. …..are you? – I’m a doctor. a)where b)who c)what

  2. I like this story very much. I …… it now. a)want b) am wanting c)will want

  3. .……. is the most exciting hobby. a) to cook b) cooking c) cook

  4. We played ….. hockey yesterday. a) in the b) the c) –

  5. I am sure it …. cold tomorrow. a)is not b)wasn’t c)will not be

  6. This week they …. to Scotland. a) go b) are going c) will go

They have already bought the tickets.

7 Sarah ……… playing the guitar a) used to like b) liked c) used to liking

but now used to like she likes playing the piano.

8. .While he ….. they were watching a film a) is sleeping b) was sleeping c) slept

9. .From Monday to Sunday last week Bob a) was having b) had c) will have a terrible cough.

10. Mother asks…. a) that we can go for a walk b) to help about the house c) that she is fine

11. Sam wonders … a) that I can speak French b) if I can speak French c) if can I speak French

12. We are all surprised …the latest news. a) at b) by c) about

13. My friends are good …. painting. a) at b) by c) about

14. It’s my book. It belongs …. me. a) by b) with c) to

15. My hair ….. dark. a) are b) be c) is

16. It is your guitar. It is …… a) your b) yours c) yourself

17. Listen! Ben ….. my favourite song. a) sings b) sang c) is singing

18. We ….. last summer in Spain. a) spend b) spent c) were spending

19. Thames is a very beautiful river. a) A b) - c) The

20. My granny lives not far. When I visit her, I usually go … foot. a) - b) by c) on

3) Complete the sentences, changing the form of the verb in the brackets

1. Look! The sun (rise)…………………………… in the sky. It will be fine today.

2. Yesterday at 3 o’clock we (have) …………………………………………………………… a Math lesson.

3. They (not get up)……………………………………….. early at the age of 7, but nowadays they wake up very early.

4. They were playing outdoors but suddenly it ……………………………….. (begin) to rain.

5. She asks (not buy)…………………………….…….. bread.

6. We always enjoy (watch) ……………………………….…….cartoons.

7. He goes to school on weekdays, but (not do) …………………………………………….this at the weekends.

8. Do it (regular)…………………………………………!

9. He goes to school on weekdays but (not do)……………………………… it at the weekends

4) Paraphrase the sentences

1. My friend likes English. My friend ____________________ in English.

2. My mother bakes in our school dining-room. My mother is ____________ in our school dining-room.

3. When I was a child I drank carrot juice. Today I like more orange juice.

In my childhood I ______________ drink carrot juice but today I like more orange juice.

4. A teacher: please, don’t be so noisy! A teacher ___________________ so noisy.

5. Great Britain has four parts. It _______________ of four parts.

6. It was at 5 o’clock yesterday. I was reading a book and you were painting a picture.

_______ I was reading a book, you were painting a picture.

Lexical Tasks

1) Parts of speech. Group the words into 4 categories with 7 words.

state, always, exciting, power, law, especially, dairy, medicine, carefully, soft, depart, recover, seriously, advice, advise, respect, healthy, arrival, lonely, usually, book, sour, hurt, fast, seldom












2). Complete the sentences, choosing an appropriate word from the given list.

My name is Kevin. I am 11. I’m from London. It’s the 1.ca……………. l of my country. English is my native 2. la………………. e. But I also speak a little 3.Fr……………h and 4. Ge………….…n; we study these 5. la…………….…s at school.

I’m very proud of my country. It is an island state that is why there are a lot of seas and even an ocean. My living place is not far from the Straits of Dover. The sea sides are really beautiful.

A lot of tourists visit Great Britain every year, and everyone is surprised at its beauty, especially at the 6. ro……………. l palace, I mean the Buckingham Palace.

British people love and 7. re………….…t their queen very much. Some traditions and 8. cu…………. ….…s are connected with our queen. Some of them maybe strange but we always try to follow 9. he………………y life style. If you want to keep fit you 10. sh…….……d go in for sports, eat more often fruit and vegetables and dairy products. If you are ill, call immediately a doctor and he or she will prescribe some medicine.

3) Complete the table







1) Read a letter from your friend and write an answer to your friend and ask her 3 questions about her plans for summer. Invite her to your city (offer some activities, recommend clothes to take with, tell about the weather in this period, and ask if she will come)

New York



Dear ___________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m always glad to get your letters. How are you? (1) I hope you have already recovered.

By the way, I was also a little ill. My doctor prescribed me some medicine for sore throat; it helped me well. What did your doctor advise for you? (2)

Soon is summer. We are planning to go to London. I hope I will be very excited about my future trip. I know you were in Britain last month. I need your advice. What luggage should I take with? (3) Which is better to book single or return tickets? (4) What souvenirs did you buy there? (5)

It’s time to help my mother. Keep in touch!


Helga Бланк ответа




Dear _________________,

Thank you for your letter. I’m always glad to read letters from you. As for my health, (1) ________________________________________________________________________


I hope you are healthy, too.

It’s very nice that you are going to the UK. I liked my trip very much. So now about your luggage:(3) _________________________________________________________________I think (4) ___________________________________________________________________There are a lot of things to buy there. (5) We____________________________________________

Have a nice trip!

I’m waiting for your letter.

With best wishes,


Диагностические работы к модулю «Здоровый образ жизни»

I. Диагностика навыков и умений в языковой компетенции

1. Диагностика на знание лексики, изучаемой в рамках раздела.

1) Group the words into 4 categories, every category contains 7 words:

Island, state, often, definite, belong, power, law, especially, immediate, beautifully, dairy, carefully, soft, depart, recover, seriously, advice, advise, play, Italian, respect, healthy, arrival, lonely, usually, book, sour, hurt, politely, fast, present, hot, seldom, very, ride, suddenly.












2) Complete the sentences, changing the given word and write its part of speech.

1. I want to become a __________________________ (bake). 2. Our _________ (arrive) is not today.

3. My friend was ill, but now he’s (good). 4. Can you __________ (salt) my soup, there is not enough salt in it. 5. It’s ___________ (healthy) to sit for a long time in front of computer. 6. The … (long/length) of the road is more than 5 km. 7. Doris drew the picture __________ (beautiful)! 8. My _________ (foot) are tired because of the running. 9. His little brother is a funny (grey, eyes) boy. 10. I like different fruits, _________ (special) bananas.

3) Make up 10 words combinations, using the given words. There can be only one variant.

Reading, sports, fond, some pain, for, running, haired, furnished, cold, in, dark, nor, a girl, medicine, hot, air, a flight, tea, the trip, comfortably, for, water, go, modern, conveniences, catch, a room, neither, coffee, to delay, to feel, to prescribe, to be, of.

4) Диагностика по теме «Употребление синонимичных грамматических конструкции и лексических синонимов»

1) Paraphrase the sentences:

1. My friend likes English. My friend ____________________ in English.

2. My mother bakes in our school dining-room. My mother is ____________ in our school dining-room.

3. When I was a child I drank carrot juice. Today I like more orange juice.

In my childhood I ______________ drink carrot juice but today I like more orange juice.

4. A teacher: please, don’t be so noisy! A teacher ___________________ so noisy.

5. The cook is very hot, children, it can hurt you. Be careful, don’t _____________________ !

6. There is an excursion to our picture gallery in my plans for tomorrow.

I __________________________ an excursion to our picture gallery tomorrow.

7. I enjoy both: ice cream and chocolate. I enjoy ________ ice cream ____ chocolate.

8. Great Britain has four parts. It _______________ of four parts.

9. It was at 5 o’clock yesterday. I was reading a book and you were painting a picture.

_______ I was reading a book, you were painting a picture.

10. Mary gave me advice what to do, Alex helped me with advice, too.

My friends gave me some ______________ of advice.

5) Диагностика лексико-грамматических навыков в рамках изученного материала

1) Circle the right answer.

1. … are you? – I’ m your aunt.

a) where b) who c) what

2. Listen! …you… what is happening now?

a) will understand b) are understanding c) do understand

3. Listen! It... .

a) rains b) is raining c) was raining

4. We enjoy playing … guitar.

a) on the b) the c) -

5. I hope, it … warmer soon.

a) is not b) wasn’t c) will be

6. We …………………. a party on Saturday. Will you come?

a) will have b) are not having c) are having

7. John …………………… good at foreign languages but now he is the best among his classmates.

a) used to be b) didn’t use to be c) used to being

8. I was walking outdoors and suddenly … my teacher.

a) meet b) was meeting c) met

9. Yesterday at that time I …………. my home task.

a) do b) did c) was doing

10. Mother says …

a) that we can go for a walk b) to help about the house c) if she is fine

11. Pam wants to know ...

a) that I can play chess b) if can I play chess c) if I can play chess

12. We are all surprised … the latest news.

a) at b) by c) about

13. My friends are good … cooking.

a) at b) by c) about

14. It is my book. It belongs … me.

a) by b) with c) to

15. I have money. … … my birthday’s present

a) they are b) it is c) they were

16. Look! This is my dog! Where is …

a) your b) yours c) yourself

17) Ben … to school yesterday. He was ill.

a) go b) went c) didn’t go

18) We … last summer in Spain.

a) spend b) spent c) were spending

19) … Black Sea is very deep.

a) A b) - c) The

20) My aunt lives far; when I visit her, I usually go … car.

a) - b) by c) on

2) Write the questions with correct forms and tense markers.

1. Who (go) to Rome soon?

2. Who (go) to Rome every year?

3. Who (go) to Rome the other day?

4. What did you do _____________?

5. Where does he play ______________ after school?

6. What will you read ____________________?

7. Did he arrive late at the airport ___________?

8. Who was your friend ______________?

Практикумы к модулю «Здоровый образ жизни»

Письменный практикум по лексике по теме «Спорт»

1. Лексический диктант. Напиши под диктовку перевод следующих слов:

1) boating, rowing, hockey, tennis, skating

2) катание на лыжах, заниматься спортом, чемпионат, футбол, международный

2. Прослушай слова. Какое из перечисленных слов лишнее, запиши его.

1) football, basketball, hockey

2) swimming, rowing, skiing

3) badminton, tennis, chess

Устный практикум в рамках проектной деятельности по темам «Спорт», «Деньги», «Хобби»

1. Подготовьте групповой проект по одной из предложенных тем и представьте результат работы классу.

При подготовке следуйте плану в учебнике. Проект можно представить в виде презентации, коллажа, журнала и т.п. Выступление должно занимать не более 5 минут. При оценивании работы учитывается:

1) обоснование цели проекта, его актуальность

2) результат работы с имеющейся информацией, ее необходимая обработка

4) новшество, открытие, сделанное вами

3) презентация, устное выступление

4) работа всей команды

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Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

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Автор: Балуева Елена Валентиновна

Дата: 10.07.2023

Номер свидетельства: 634811

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