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Final Test (4 класс, УМК Афанасьева, Верещагина)

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Итоговый годовой тест по прогамме 4 ласса УМК авторов И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева.

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«Final Test (4 класс, УМК Афанасьева, Верещагина)»

FINAL TEST ____________________________________


  1. Образуй форму множественного числа:

man- dress-

child- baby-

foot- mouse-

table- fox-

  1. Образуйте степени сравнения:

  • good- ……………..…-………………….

  • nice-……………....-…………….….

  • beautiful-………………-………………

  • big-………………...-………………….

  • tasty-……………….-……..…………

  1. Complete the sentences with the right prepositions:

  • My friends have never travelled ………………… plane?

  • Did she go ……………. the seaside last summer?

  • He is ill and speaks …………….a weak voice.

  • My parents haven’t arrived …………London yet.

  • You may have a voyage ………..the river too.

  • …. Monday I usually get up …. 6 o’clock ….. the morning.

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

____she ever ____________ stamps? (to collect)

He ______________in collecting stamps. (to specialize)

What _______________to the boy last summer? (to happen)

Look! My brother _______________in this perfomance. (to take part)

The house ________________full next Sunday. (to be)

  1. Translate into English

Восемь часов. - ____________________________________________

Без четверти два.-__________________________________________

Половина седьмого.-________________________________________

Двадцать минут шестого.-____________________________________

Четверть девятого.-_________________________________________

  1. Choose the right variant (Выберите правильный вариант)

1. On Tuesday we have ______work to do.

a. much

b. many

c. a lot of

2. Paul has eaten _______porridge, hasn’t he?

a. much

b. many

c. a lot of

3. Does your sister have _______friends at school?

a. much

b. many

c. a lot of

4. There are _______ museums in London.

a. much

b. many

c. a lot of

5. He has got _____free time.

a. a little

b. a few

c. any

6. There are ______badges in my collection yet.

a. little

b. few

c. any

7. There were not_______ plates on the table.

a. a little

b. a few

c. any

8. They will come _____.

a. soon

b. alredy

c. two days ago

9. The weather is hot and sunny____________.

a. last summer

c. already

b. in summer

10. Have you visited this place ____?

a. last year

b. before

c. next winter

7. Задайтетипов вопросов к предложению

My parents have visited America this spring.

General question (общий вопрос)________________________________________________________________

Alternative question (альтернативный вопрос) ________________________________________________________________

Tag question (разделительный вопрос) ________________________________________________________________

Special question (специальный вопрос) ________________________________________________________________

Question to the subject (вопрос к подлежащему) ________________________________________________________________

  1. Напиши ответ Полю, используя данное электронное письмо как образец:

Dear Friend,

My name is Paul. I am ten and I go to school. My birthday is on the 12th of March. I live with my Mum and Dad. I like to play football with my friends and listen to the music. I like summer. I can swim well. I have a cat. My cat's name is Tom. Tom is funny.My favourite food is ice-cream. And what about you? 


9. Translate into English.

1. В моей квартире есть три комнаты, кухня, туалет и ванная комната.

2 Я люблю ездить на машине, автобусе и гулять пешком.

3. Я никогда не вру, я всегда говорю правду.

4. Лондон – столица Великобритании

5. Математика- мой любимый предмет.


Test 1

Read the text and choose the right answer.

Susan Spencer, just 14 years old, is one of England’s top swimmers. Susan wants to swim for England in the Olympic Games and win a gold medal. Susan’s life is probably very different from yours. Her day starts at 4a.m., when she gets up and begins training. She has the same timetable for every day. She swims 400 lengths (20 kilometers) and still has time for school work!

04.00 - 04.30 Susan gets up.

-05.00 She goes to the swimming pool.

05.00-8.30 Susan swims 200 lengths — that’s 10,000 meters or 10 kilometers.

08.30-09.00 She has a light breakfast and then goes to school.

09.00-15.30 Susan is at school. She does her homework at lunchtime.

15.30-18.00 She goes back to the swimming pool and swims another 200 lengths.

18.00-18.30 Susan does more exercises.

19.00-20.00 She gets back home, has her dinner and then does some more exercises.

20.00 Bedtime. Susan sleeps for 8 hours before she starts swimming again!

1. Susan Spencer is a … a) runner b) swimmer c) tennis player.

2. She lives in … a) France b) Italy c) England.

3. She wants to win … a) a gold medal b) a silver medal c) no medal.

4. She gets up at … a) 7.30 a.m. b) 4.00 c) 9.00 every day.

5. She has … a) the same b) different c) no timetable for every day.

6. At 5.00 a.m. Susan goes … a) for a walk b) to school c) to the swimming pool.

7. She swims … a) 2 b) 8 c) 10 kilometers every morning.

8. She does her homework at … a) home in the evening b) school at lunch time

c) the swimming pool in the morning.

9. She goes to bed at … a) 10.00 p.m. b) 11.00 p.m. c) 8.00 p.m.

Test 2

Read the texts and match the titles.

Sunday. Fireplaces. Gardening.

English people like gardening. They talk about it in their offices, factories and at home. In the evening they work in their gardens, large and small, and they do it in any weather. They grow flowers, vegetables and fruit there.

If you want to please an Englishman, be very polite about his garden. Perhaps, he will show you his garden and tell you about it. So you will listen to it and say, “How nice!” or “How interesting!”

In the past the English Sunday was a day of rest. Traditionally people did not write letters and read books on that day. They did not go to the concerts and did not do many other things. They stayed at home and had a rest together with the members of their family.

But today it is not so. Englishmen may write letters, read novels and play the piano. They visit picture galleries and go to concerts on Sundays. Cinemas are open on Sunday, but the theatres are closed.

People do not go to work on Sunday. Only a few small shops are open. Buses do not run so often as on weekdays.

In the English home a fireplace has always been the centre of interest in a room. People may like to sit at a window on a summer’s day, but for many months of the year they like to sit near the fire and watch its dance.

Many, many years ago the fireplaces in the halls of rich houses were very large. Later fireplaces become much smaller. Above the fireplace there is usually a shelf, on which there is often a clock and some photographs.

II. Read the text again and write if the statements are “True”, “False”,

Not stated”.

English people like fishing.

In the evening they read in their gardens.

They work in the gardens in any weather.

In the past English people travelled a lot.

Today they don`t visit galleries on Sundays.

In the English home a TV set has always been the centre of interest.

There is usually a shelf above the fireplace.

Test 3

Read the text and find the right answers.

“And now, kids, let me tell you a tale,” Jane’s Grandma said. “Once upon a time there lived an old woman. She lived in a house near a forest. She was never married and she had no children so she lived alone. She had a large garden with a lot of beautiful flowers in it. She liked flowers very much and flowers liked her too. She used to talk to each flower. Even very rare (редкие) flowers grew in her garden. People often came to her and asked for some flowers, but she never sold them any flower. ‘My flowers are my best friends. How can I sell them?’ answered the woman.”

This tale tells about an old woman and her … (family, garden, husband).

2. This tale is told by … Grandma. (Kate`s, my, Jane`s)

A lot of beautiful and rare flowers … in the woman`s garden.

(were sold, were grown, were bought)

4. The woman used to say: “My flowers are my …”. (family, friends, job)

5. The woman used to … her flowers. (talk to, sell, draw)

The woman … her flowers very much. (hated, liked, told about)

Test 4

Read the text and choose the right variant.

Yesterday I got up and suddenly felt something wrong. I had neither a headache nor a pain in my stomach. A sudden thought came into my mind. How could I forget! I washed my face and looked into the mirror. I was so sorry for that poor child!

“Be quicker! You won’t have any time for your breakfast!” my Mum looked at me attentively. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know, Mum ... My throat! I can’t drink even warm tea with milk!” “Why can’t you?”

“I don’t know! I just can’t swallow! I have a terrible pain in my throat.” “OK,” my Mum said. “I see. I see that you’re seriously ill. You have a sore throat. But you have your English test today, don’t you?”

“I do, Mum. But you see, I just can’t swallow ...”

“Are you going to swallow anything during your test?” my Mum asked sighing. I understood everything. My Mum didn’t believe me! Last time, when I was coughing badly, I also had a difficult test at school. Not in English, in Maths. And two weeks ago the day I had my Russian test, I suddenly felt a terrible toothache ... “But Mum, is it my fault that every time I have my tests something bad happens to me?”

“It is not, it is not at all,” my Mum answered shaking her head. “All the fault is mine. Now I see you have real problems at school. OK, what shall we do now? Shall we get a bad mark in English or shall we stay at home and call a doctor in? ‘We’re so seriously ill,’ we’ll tell him. 'Please, doctor, help us, we just can’t swallow ...’ ”

I couldn’t even look into my Mum’s eyes. How could she understand every­thing? Perhaps when she was a little girl, she was also afraid of her school tests so much that something bad always happened to her health too ...

a. The child was ill.

b. The child wasn’t ill. He was just afraid of tests.

The child told his Mum that he had …

a. a headache b. a pain in his left arm. c. a sore throat.

The child told his Mum that he couldn`t …

a. raise his left arm. b. open his mouth. c. swallow.

a. Mum believed her child and called a doctor at once.

b. Mum didn`t believe her child.

a. The boy had English test that day.

b. The boy had Russian test that day.

a. When Mum was a little girl she wasn`t afraid of her school tests.

b. When Mum was a little girl she was afraid of her school tests.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Final Test (4 класс, УМК Афанасьева, Верещагина)

Автор: Малина Элина Левановна

Дата: 31.12.2019

Номер свидетельства: 534151

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