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Диагностическая контрольная работа к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой 4 класс.

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Данная контрольная работа к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой для 4 класса  проводится в начале 4 класса и направлена на выявление степени понимания пройденной грамматического и лексического материала по курсу 3 класса. Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся на освоение настоящего времени  глагола.to be, настоящее неопределённое время,  порядок слов в предложении, глагол to have got , предлоги, указательные местоимения, множественное число существительных.работа содержит 6 заданий.Каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл.критерии оценивания приведены в контрольной работе.

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«Диагностическая контрольная работа к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой 4 класс.»

Контрольная работа № 3

Цель работы: проверить знания учащихся на освоение настоящего времени глагола .to be, настоящее неопределённое время, порядок слов в предложении, глагол to have got , предлоги, указательные местоимения, множественное число существитель

  1. Вставьте is, are, am:

  1. His dog ___________ funny.

  2. Mike __________ my friend.

  3. My mother and father _______ doctors.

  4. I ______ from America.

  5. The cats_______ black.

  6. They ______ at home.

  7. It _____ a little puppy.

  1. Напишите соответствующие местоимения:

  1. My aunt _____________

  2. His dog ______________

  3. A doll _______________

  4. My brothers __________

  5. My monkeys __________

  6. His daughter __________

  7. My sister and I _________

  1. Составьте предложения.

  1. bike , have, a, I, got, red._________________________________________________

  2. not , we, funny, are. ____________________________________________________

  3. a, is, teacher, she.______________________________________________________

  4. want , my friend, a pilot, to be.___________________________________________

  5. Helen, name, her, is.____________________________________________________

  1. Вставьте слова в предложения:

grandfather, worker, pupil, teacher, aunt, doctor,

  1. A ______________________ works at school.

  2. A ______________________ works in a hospital.

  3. My _____________________ is my mother’s sister.

  4. A _______________________ goes to school.

  5. A _______________________ works in a plant.

  6. My _______________________ is my father’s father.

  1. Вставьте play или plays :

  1. I _______________ with my brother.

  2. The dog ________________________ with my ball.

  3. My sisters______________________ with dolls.

  4. She ___________________ with puppies.

  5. We _____________________ with my monkey.

  6. His brother _______________________ with toys.

  7. Kate ____________________ tag.

  1. Выберите правильный ответ:

  1. Hello!

  1. OK!

  2. Let’s!

  3. Hi!

  1. How old are you?

  1. I am fine, thanks.

  2. I am not old.

  3. I am nine.

  1. Where is your friend from?

  1. He is from Africa.

  2. He is a pupil.

  3. He is at home.

  1. What is he?

  1. He is my uncle.

  2. He is ten.

  3. He is an economist.

  1. Who is she?

  1. She is a doctor.

  2. She is my sister.

  3. She is from Russia.

Критэрии оценивания :

Каждое задание оценивается в 1 балл

37-35 баллов –«5»

34-29 баллов «4»

28-10 балов «3»

9 – 0 баллов «2»

Контрольная работа № 1

  1. Составь из слов предложения

  1. Mike, seven, is. ____________________________________________________

  2. are, nice, my, planes. ________________________________________________

  3. has got, he, a bike. __________________________________________________

  4. I, my, like, dog. _____________________________________________________

  5. Africa, they, from, are. _______________________________________________

  6. the kitten, not, pink, is. ______________________________________________

  1. Вставь слова в предложения: cat, his, home, has got, am, is.

  1. I have got a _____________.

  2. My name ____________ Bob.

  3. I ______________ seven.

  4. Granny ____________________ a kitten.

  5. Let’s go _______________________.

  6. Tom has got a robot. _____________robot is nice.

  1. Выбери правильный вариант

  1. We _________________ a little sister.

  1. have got b) got c) has got

  1. His brother Dan _______ ten.

  1. am b) are c) is

  1. My Granny _____________ to play computer games.

  1. like b) to like c) likes

  1. Let’s ____________ a book.

  1. reads b) read c) to read

  1. I have got _______________________________________ .

  1. six frogs b) a six frogs c) frog

  1. Закончи предложения

  1. He is from _____________________________________.

  2. I like to ________________________________________.

  3. My bike is ______________________________________.

  4. Her name is _____________________________________.

  5. My puppy is _____________________________________.

  1. Найди лишнее слово и зачеркни его

  1. Three, five, thanks, six, seven

  2. Bear, monkey, pony, little, pig

  3. Fun, run, swim, skip, jump

Контрольная работа №2

Цель: проверить правильность использования указательных местоимений this/these:; that/ those; использование глаголов в настоящем простом времени.

  1. Выбери правильный вариант

  1. My father ____________ doctors. (like/ likes)

  2. My mother and father ________ to play with my cat. (like/ likes)

  3. _______ Cliff want to be a doctor? ( Do/ Does)

  4. Where _______ your sister like to play with her friends? (does/ do)

  5. _________ they want to be doctors? (Do/Does)

  6. What _______ she want? ( do/does)

  1. Заполни пропуски слова this, these

  1. Where are _______________ engineers from?

  2. Are __________ sportsmen good?

  3. Is ___________ family big?

  4. Where is ___________ swimmer from?

  5. __________ cars can’t swim.

  1. Заполни пропуски словами that, those

  1. What colour are ___________ balls?

  2. How old is _______________ doctor?

  3. Where is ______________ driver from?

  4. ______________ dog is black and white.

  5. _______________ giraffes are very nice.

  6. _______________ books are funny.

  1. Вставь слова в предложения How, How many, Where, Who, What

  1. _______________ is Mike? He is fine.

  2. ____________ is he from? He is from Russia.

  3. ___________ is he? He is a pupil.

  4. ___________ is he? He is my brother.

  5. ____________games have you got? We have got five games.

  1. Напиши краткий ответ

  1. Has Ann got a friend? Yes, ________________________.

  2. Are your sisters at home? No, _____________________.

  3. Do they go to school? Yes, _________________________.

  4. Does Sam like to read? No, ________________________.

  5. Is your uncle an engineer? Yes, ______________________.

  1. aren’t b) don’t c) isn’t

  1. _______ many English poems?

  1. Does he knows b) He knows c) Does he know

  1. Peter can __________ very well.

  1. runs b) run c) to run

  1. I like ____________ little house.

  1. this b) these c) those

  1. I want to play with ____________ cat.

  1. Bob b) Bobs’ c) Bob’s

  1. Do you know those __________?

  1. children b) child c) girl

  1. Are they _______________________ ?

  1. a businessman b) businessman c) businessmen

  1. Kate has got five __________________.

  1. mice b) doll c) box

  1. Задайте общие вопросы

  1. _______________ Mary got a dog?

  2. _______________these boys champions?

  3. ______________ he like to swim?

  4. _______________you know this poem?

  5. _______________his brother lazy?

  1. Вставь слова в предложения: teeth, dinner, hares, open, snakes, mouth

  1. ______________ have got long ears.

  2. We _______________ our eyes when we watch TV.

  3. ____________________ eat frogs. They have got no legs, no hands, no ears.

  4. " Open your ________________ !” the doctors say to children.

  5. We have got nice white ______________ in our mouths.

  6. I want to have fish for _____________________________.

  1. Напишите слова во множественном лице

  1. fox - ______________________

  2. woman - ___________________

  3. wife - ______________________

  4. pony - ______________________

  5. name - ______________________

  6. sportsman - __________________

  7. mouse - _____________________

Итоговая контрольная работа

по английскому языку во 2 классе

  1. Выбери правильный вариант

  1. When _______ your Granny usually play chess?

  1. do b) is c) does

  1. It’s 9 o’clock. Go to _________ bed.

  1. a b) the c) -

  1. _________ don’t like cats.

  1. The dog b) The mouse c) Mice

  1. I _________ playing now.

  1. not b) am not c) don’t

  1. What games _________________________ every day?

  1. do you play b) are you playing c) are you play

  1. Can the doll open ________________ eyes?

  1. b) its c) it’s

  1. How ________________________ ?

  1. she is b) does she c) is she

  1. You can play with ________________________ balls.

  1. this b) these c) that

  1. Do you like to go to school?

  1. Yes, I do. b) No, I do. c) Yes, I am.

  1. Lena has got a brother. _________ brother is a pupil.

  1. His b) My c) Her

  1. Вставьте вопросительные слова

  1. ___________________________ do you do at 7 o’clock?

  2. ___________________________ do you have lunch? – At school.

  3. ___________________________are they? - They are students.

  4. ___________ is Mary angry? – Her little brother doesn’t want to get up.

  5. ____________ is she? – She is my aunt.

  1. Вставьте в предложение нужные предлоги: at (2), about, for (2), in

  1. Does your uncle often help your aunt ______________ the house?

  2. Hello, Pam! Are you going ________________ a walk?

  3. My father doesn’t come home at 8 o’clock ______________ the evening.

  4. Look ___________ the clock!

  5. Do you always work hard ____________ your English?

  6. What do you have ___________ dinner?

  1. Поставь глагол в Present Simple или в Present Progressive

  1. We _______________________________ basketball every day. (play)

  2. They usually ________________________ in the park. (ski)

  3. I __________________________________ chess now. (play)

  4. You often ______________________your sister with her homework. (help)

  5. My friends _________________________________ now. (dance)

  6. They _____________________________________ home now. (go)

  7. She ___________________________________ a shower in the morning. (take)

  1. Вставь слова в предложения: are, is, have, has, can, do

  1. How old _______________ Tom and Jerry?

  2. _______________ you got a computer?

  3. Ted _______________ swimming in the lake.

  4. _________ your mother drive a car?

  5. My Granny ______________ got a nice house.

  6. _______________ you like to play hockey?

  1. Заполни пропуски This is или These are

  1. _____________________________ my friend.

  2. _____________________________ my friend’s horse.

  3. _____________________________ their books.

  4. _____________________________ the girl’s dolls.

  5. _____________________________ her sister.

  6. _____________________________ little children.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 3 классе

  1. Complete the sentences with the right prepositions: in (2), with, at (2), for (2).

  1. My sister liked to play _____________ her toys.

  2. You like to go __________ a walk with me.

  3. What do you usually eat _______ breakfast?

  4. We live __________ Russia.

  5. Yesterday I cleaned my teeth _____________ the morning.

  6. I usually watch TV ____________ night.

  7. Did you skate ______________ the stadium yesterday?

  1. Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many

  1. Are there __________________ holidays in a year?

  2. I like to read books. I‘ve got ____________ books.

  3. Were there _______________ different birds at the Zoo?

  4. Please, hurry up! I haven’t got _______________ time.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Диагностическая контрольная работа к учебнику М.З.Биболетовой 4 класс.

Автор: Аистова Лидия Анатольевна.

Дата: 28.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 284405

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