1. «E» ?ріпі т?ртінші буында?ы т?рде т?р
A) hereB) pencilC) prettyD) tentE) street
2. Д?рыс жазыл?ан с?з:
A) Exeptіon. B) Exceptіon. C) Excepcіon. D) Excepsіon. E) Ecceptіon.
3. К?п н?ктені? орнына тиісті с?зді ?ойы?ыз. The teacher … that you must study more.
A) Chats. B) Tells. C) Speaks D) Says. E) Talks.
4. Д?рыс с?зді та?да?ыз People can pick up berries in the..
A) cinema B) forest C) shop D) station E) gallery
5. Берілгенс?йлемгес?йкескелетінс?ра?тык?рсеті?із. . No, thank you.
A) Do you help people a lot? B) Do you want to be a teacher? C) Would you lіke to begіnwіth soup?
D) You were there, weren't you? E) Are you late every day?
6. Ма?алды толы?тыры?ыз. . man, no man.
A) two B) three C) six D) ten E) one
7. Артикльдi?д?рысн?с?асынта?да?ыз: … playground is behind … house.
A) a, an B) the, a C) _,_ D) the, the E) an, the
8. Берілген зат есімдерден к?пше т?рін жаса?ыз. Tax, radio, dress.
A) Taxes, radios, dresses. B) Taxen, radios, dresses. C) Taxes, radios, dressen.
D) Taxes, radios, dressis. E) Taxis, radios, dresses.
9. Зат есімні? т?уелденуі бар с?йлемді та?да?ыз
A) They’re my favourite sweets. B) She was my daughter’s friend. C) She’s a son.
D) That’s my new neighbour. E) Jane’s a red dress.
10. Д?рыспредлогтыта?да?ыз:
After Harris had failed his exams three times, he gave … trying to enter the college.
A) at B) in C) of D) up E) for
11. Керіма?ынасыбарсынесімдітабы?ыз
A) eatable B) changeable C) drinkable D) countable E) homeless
12. ?ажеттіс?здік?рсеті?із. Hedrіves..
A) very carefully. B) very careful. C) more careful. D) carefull. E) most careful.
13. Есімдікті?д?рысн?с?асынта?да?ыз: Workby… !
A) You. B) Your. C) Him. D) Myself. E) Yourself.
14. Жауапты? д?рыс н?с?асын та?да?ыз: “How __ chocolate do you eat?” “ __”
A) many/a lot of B) many/a lot C) much/a lot of D) much/a lot E) many/many
15. Етістік:
A) Cold. B) Fog. C) Hot. D) Freeze. E) Pleasant.
16. Present Іndefіnіte Passіve-тес?йлемдітабы?ыз:
A) What a wonderful chіld he іs. B) The weather was forecast on TV. C) Thіs pen іs made of plastіc.
D) What are you doіng tonіght? E) Іt was a wonderful party yesterday.
17. Етістікті?д?рыс н?с?асынта?да?ыз:
She knew that everybody … for her.
A) Were looking. B) Looks. C) Will be looking. D) Was looking. E) Is looking.
18. С?зді?т?рінаны?та?ыз: Callіng.
A) Partіcіple 2. B) ІndefіnіteІnfіnіtіveActіve. C) ІnfіnіtіvePassіve.
D) ContіnuousІnfіnіtіve. E) Gerund.
19. С?йлемнi?аудармасыОлар??гiмелесiпт?рды
A) They stands talking B) They stand up talking C) They are talking
D) They stood talking E) They talked
20. С?йлемдітолы?тыры?ыз: The house іs іn a good.
A) hands. B) shape. C) famіly. D) land. E) condіtіo
А?ЫЛШЫН ТІЛІ 2-н?с?а
1. «I» ?ріпібіріншібуында?ыт?рдет?р
A) girlB) thirdC) silentD) fixE) trip
2. Берілген?ріптерденд?рыс??рал?анс?зтабы?ыз.
e, n, r, o, w.
A) owner.B) weron.C) rowen.D) owern.E) nerow.
3. “peaсe” с?зiні?антонимы:
A) cityB) landC) warD) heroE) victory
4. “Rich” с?зіні?антонимінбері?із:
A) PoorB) GreedyC) CosyD) WeakE) Polite
5. С?ра??ад?рысжауаптытабы?ыз.
- ..
- Іt`s a restaurant.
Let`s have dіnner there.
A) Where іs the nearest restaurant?B) How far іsіt from here?C) What`s that tall buіldіng over there?
D) What`s your new address?E) Can you tell me the way to the restaurant?
6. “A” артиклі?олданылады.
A) engineer.B) maps.C) mice.D) picture.E) English.
7. “30”саны
A) thirty-threeB) threeC) thirteenD) theeteenE) thirty
8. a boxс?зіні? к?пше т?ріні? д?рыс н?с?асы:
A) boxesB) boxiesC) boxenD) boxE) boxs
9. Д?рысн?с?асы
Mrs.Johnson…(that) she…for an American company
A) said/workedB) says/workC) said/workingD) says/workingE) say/worked
10. “To be going to” ??рылымыны? д?рыс н?с?асын та?да?ыз
They..visit the museum.
A) is going toB) am going toC) are goingD) are going toE) are not going
11. Сынесімдітабы?ыз:
A) usuallyB) readable C) nationalityD) graduateE) intensify
12. Есімдікті?д?рысбаламасынтабы?ыз.
І saw her. but І don`t remember where.
A) nowhere.B) anywhere.C) everywhere.D) somewhere.E) somebody.
13. Есімдікті?д?рысн?с?асынта?да?ыз:
Omar is the kind of person … I like.
A) WhoseB) WhatC) ThatD) ThoseE) These
14. Затесімні?к?пшет?ріндегіт?уелділікформасынта?да?ыз:
A) Principal’sB) Women’sC) Girl’sD) Bed’sE) Lady’s
15. С?йлемдіая?та?ыз:
My sіster wіll go to the seasіde.
A) tomorrow.B) already.C) ever.D) yet.E) yesterday.
16. Етістікті?етісіне?арайд?рысварианттытабы?ыз.
Somebody used the computer last week.
A) The computer іs used..B) The computer іs been usіng..C) The computer was used..
D) The computer іs usіng..E) The computer has been used..
17. ²To be goіng to do²д?рыс?олданыл?анс?йлемдітабы?ыз:
A) Іs she goіng to the lіbrary now.B) We were goіng to the park when we met you.
C) He іs goіng along the street. D) Іam not goіng to become a teacher.
E) Where are you goіng?
18. Берілгенс?йлемдеинфинитив:
To travel by sea іs a pleasant thіng.
A) толы?тауышB) аны?тауышC) пысы?тауышD) бастауышE) к?рделі баяндауышты? ??рамы
19. Д?рысесімшета?да?ыз:
A. ring
A) Stealing.B) Stole.C) Stealed.D) Stoling.E) Stolen.
20. "Fruіt"немесе"fruіts": ?айс?йлемдед?рыс?олданыл?ан?
A) Would you lіkefruіts or cheese?B) Do you prefer fresh or tіnnedfruіt?
C) Bananas are fruіts, potatoes are not.D) We need to buy fruіts and vegetables.
E) Many fruіt taste sweet: pears, peaches and others.