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9 сынып?а арнал?ан а?ылшын тілінен ба?ылау тесті

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9 сынып?а арнал?ан а?ылшын тілінен ба?ылау тесті (1то?сан бойынша)

Тестілеу бірнеше тапсырмадан т?рады: с?здік ?орын тексеру ?шін, грамматикалы? жатты?улар, лексика (синонимдер), м?тінмен ж?мыс. о?ушыларды? ж?мыстарын тексерген кезде м??алімге о?ай болсын деп дайын жауаптарын салып ?ойдым ж?не ба?алау критерийларды.

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«9 сынып?а арнал?ан а?ылшын тілінен ба?ылау тесті »

9 form

I quarter

Test №1

(The themes: Healthy life, The pleasure of life)

I variant

  1. Сөздік. Қажетті әріпті жазыңыз

  1. h_bit

  2. v_ _etar_ an

  3. mas_ag_

  4. ex_ r_ise

  5. calor_ _

  6. tra_ _su_t

  7. _erbal_ _m

  8. remed_

  9. tr_ _tment

    1. 10 points

  10. medi_in_

  1. Грамматикалық тест . Grammar test

  1. Дұрыс сөзді таңдаңыз
    People can take books from the .....
    A) park
    B) cinema
    C) museum
    D) library
    E) gallery 

  2. Сөйлемді дұрыс аудар.
    Мен жексенбі күні стадионда болдым.
    A) I was at the stаdium on Sunday.
    B) In Sunday I was at the stadium.
    C) At the stadium I was on Sunday.
    D) On Sunday at the stadium I was.   
    E) On Sunday I was at stadium.

  3. Сөйлемді Present Perfect-те толықтырыңыз
    I ... my work by 7 o’clock.
    A) had finished
    B) are finished
    C) is finished
    D) has finished
    E) have finished 

  4. Passive voice Етiстiктi таңдаңыз
    The office….every day
    A) is being cleaned
    B) were cleaned
    C) is cleaned
    D) are cleaned
    E) has cleaned
    5. "Іздеу" мағынасына сәйкес фразалық етістік: 
    A) Look for.
    B) Look after.
    C) Look through.
    D) Look at.
    E) Look from. 
    6. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
    We … supper when suddenly the light went off.
    A) Would have.
    B) Are having.
    C) Have.
    D) Were having.
    E) Will have. 
    7. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
    Once upon a time there … three little pigs.
    A) Was.
    B) Were.
    C) Are.
    D) Be.
    E) Is. 
    8. “to be going to’’ айналымымен сөйлемді табыңыз
    A) It’s going to be dark in half an hour.
    B) I went by train. 
    C) I was met at the station by my aunt.
    D) The children sat quietly.
    E) Andy could not find a job anywhere. 

  5. 9. Етістіктің 3 формасын көрсет.
    A) tells
    B) tell
    C) retells
    D) retold
    E) retelling   
    10. Дұрыс толықтырыңыз
    On ... we open at 9 o’clock 
    A) the Mondays
    B) the Monday
    C) Monday
    D) a Monday
    E) Monday’s

    1. 10 points

  1. Match the numbers and letters. Сәйкестендіру

  1. a folk a events

  2. cultural b orchestras

  3. various с known

  4. widely d for days

    1. 5 points

  5. to queue e festival

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

  1. listen

  1. favourite

  1. picture

  1. switch off

  1. childhood

  1. sensational life

  1. torchy early

  1. listening

  1. switch on hate

  1. My favourite music is rock. I enjoy ... to it. When I listen to it I … in my mind my.... My favourite group is "Led Zeppelin". The group plays ... and ... music. The best song, to my mind, is "The Stairway To Heaven". The music I ... is pop. I ... the radio when I hear this music. But music makes … our more easier!

    1. 10 points

  2. Total 35 points

  3. 9 form

  4. I quarter

  5. Test №1

  6. (The themes: Healthy life, The pleasure of life)

  7. II variant

  1. Сөздік. Қажетті әріпті жазыңыз

  1. Dan_ing

  2. Clim_ing

  3. Gig_le

  4. Fle_ib_e

  5. Rol_er-sk_ _ing

  6. _ealth

  7. Sk_ nny

  8. Deli_ious

  9. Lifest_le

    1. 10 points

  10. Ar_ma_ _erapy

  1. Грамматикалық тест. Grammar test

  1. 1. Жұрнақ арқылы сын есімнен зат есім жасаңыз.
    A) -ism   
    B) -ly
    C) -y
    D) -ness
    E) -ing
    2. Сөйлемді Past Continuous-те толықтырыңыз.
    He … the film in the evening.
    A) is watching.
    B) were watching.
    C) am watching.
    D) are watching.
    E) was watching. 
    3. Модаль етістігін таңдаңыз.
    I’m afraid we ... miss the train.
    A) must   
    B) might
    C) can
    D) may
    E) cannot 
    4. Етістіктің 3 формасын қойыңыз.
    To make
    A) maden
    B) made
    C) maken
    D) makes   
    E) making
    5. Мәтінді оқып тапсырманы орындаңыз
    Lena Stogova likes to read interesting books. She likes books on literature very much. She often takes out works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov and others.
    Сөйлемді текстің мағынасына қарай аяқтаңыз
    She very often goes ... to read books there
    A) to the shop
    B) to school   
    C) to the village
    D) to the mountain
    E) to the library
    6. Етістіктің дұрыс түрін табыңыз.   
    Mag and her sister … in Rome last summer.
    A) were
    B) am
    C) is
    D) are
    E) was
    7. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын табыңыз:
    My brother … a beard .
    A) Had growned.
    B) Grow.
    C) Have grown.
    D) Has grown.
    E) Grews. 
    8. Сөйлемді Past Іndefіnіte Passіve-те толықтырыңыз: 
    The exercіses ... done well.
    A) was
    B)   been
    C) were
    D) are
    E) іs
    9. Етістіктің дұрыс нұсқасын таңдаңыз:
    There … a sports center in Moscow.
    A) Are.
    B) Were.
    C) Been.
    D) Be.
    E) Is. 
    10. “Зиянсыз” сөзінің аудармасын табыңыз: 
    A) Boundless
    B) Trifle
    C) Harmless
    D) Bottomless
    E) Homelen

    1. 10 points

  1. Match the numbers and letters. Сәйкестендіру

  1. 1 boring

  1. a to say "Yes"

  1. 2 look forward to

  1. b to say "No"

  1. 3 to refuse

  1. с very dull and not interesting

  1. 4 a performance

  1. d to dream of something

    1. 5 points

  1. 5 to agree

  1. e a concert

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

  1. listen

  1. favourite

  1. picture

  1. switch off

  1. childhood

  1. sensational life

  1. torchy early

  1. listening

  1. switch on hate

  1. My favourite music is rock. I enjoy ... to it. When I listen to it I … in my mind my.... My favourite group is "Led Zeppelin". The group plays ... and ... music. The best song, to my mind, is "The Stairway To Heaven". The music I ... is pop. I ... the radio when I hear this music. But music makes … our more easier!

    1. 10 points

  2. Total 35 points

  3. 9 form

  4. I quarter

  5. Test №1

  6. (The themes: Healthy life, The pleasure of life)

  7. I variant

  1. Сөздік. Қажетті әріпті жазыңыз

  1. habit

  2. vegetarian

  3. massage

  4. exercise

  5. calorie

  6. tracksuit

  7. herbalism

  8. remedy

  9. treatment

  10. medicine

  1. Грамматикалық тест . Grammar test

  1. D

  2. A

  3. E

  4. C

  5. A

  6. D

  7. B

  8. A

  9. D

  10. C

  1. Match the numbers and letters. Сәйкестендіру

  1. 1 – e

  2. 2 – a

  3. 3 – b

  4. 4 – c

  5. 5 - d

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

  1. listen

  1. favourite

  1. picture

  1. switch off

  1. childhood

  1. sensational life

  1. listening

  1. switch on hate

  1. My favourite music is rock. I enjoy listening to it. When I listen to it I picture … in my mind my childhood. My favourite group is "Led Zeppelin". The group plays torchy early and sensational music. The best song, to my mind, is "The Stairway To Heaven". The music I hate is pop. I switch off the radio when I hear this music. But music makes our life more easier!

  2. 9 form

  3. I quarter

  4. Test №1

  5. (The themes: Healthy life, The pleasure of life)

  6. I variant

  1. Сөздік. Қажетті әріпті жазыңыз

  1. Dancing

  2. Climbing

  3. Giggle

  4. Flexible

  5. Roller-skating

  6. health

  7. Skinny

  8. Delicious

  9. Lifestyle

    1. 10 points

  10. Aromatherapy

  1. Грамматикалық тест . Grammar test

  1. D

  2. E

  3. C

  4. B

  5. E

  6. A

  7. D

  8. C

  9. A

  10. C

  1. Match the numbers and letters. Сәйкестендіру

  1. 1 – c

  2. 2 – d

  3. 3 – b

  4. 4 – e

  5. 5 – a

  1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

  1. listen

  1. favourite

  1. picture

  1. switch off

  1. childhood

  1. sensational life

  1. listening

  1. switch on hate

  1. My favourite music is rock. I enjoy listening to it. When I listen to it I picture … in my mind my childhood. My favourite group is "Led Zeppelin". The group plays torchy early and sensational music. The best song, to my mind, is "The Stairway To Heaven". The music I hate is pop. I switch off the radio when I hear this music. But music makes our life more easier!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

9 сынып?а арнал?ан а?ылшын тілінен ба?ылау тесті

Автор: Шукенова Жанара Хабибулловна

Дата: 22.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 242856

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