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7 класс. Контрольная работа по теме «Основы экологии» (Unit 5, УМК Афанасьева О.В.)

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Контрольная работа содержит задания на проверку знаний обучающихся по лексике, грамматике, пониманию прочитанного текста по пройденной теме. Все задания составлены аналогично заданиям в учебнике.

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«7 класс. Контрольная работа по теме «Основы экологии» (Unit 5, УМК Афанасьева О.В.)»

7 класс. Контрольная работа по теме «Основы экологии»

(Unit 5, УМК Афанасьева О.В.)

Task 1. Complete the text using the words.

Fire /planet /polluted /forests /kill /environmental /destroy /protect /trees /waste.

1. There are many … problems in the world today.

2. People … animals, birds and fishes.

3. They … their natural homes.

4. Many … disappear every year.

5. People cut down … and build roads, towns and farms.

6. … destroys forests, too.

7. The air is … by factories, plants, power stations and cars.

8. Rivers and seas are polluted by people, ships and chemical … from factories.

9. So, there are really many serious environmental problems on our … .

10. And people must do everything possible to … our environment.

Task 2. Complete the sentences. Use reflexive pronouns where necessary: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves . 
1) I can’t tell you what to do, you must decide for … . 
2) The child was ill yesterday. How is he feeling … today? 
3) I think that they understand everything … . 
4) Don’t go to the shops, I’ll buy everything … . 
5) The day was hot and the girls decided to bathe … in the river. 

Task 3. Use (in) between or among to complete the sentences, then write them down.

 1) The boy couldn’t choose … the two friends. 
2) She put the large boxes on the sides and the book … .
3) The house was … the trees. 
4) You can choose … tea and coffee for breakfast. 
5) … you and me I can’t say I believe his story. 

Task 4. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. 

1) There are (a few/a little) people who do not know about it. 
2) Is there any milk in the jug? — Yes, there is (a little/little). It’s enough.
3) Hurry up! We have (little/few) time before the train starts.

4) There is (little/a little) water in the pond. You can’t swim there. 
5) (Not many/not much) people live in our house. 

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words .

1) I (like) him very much. 
2) The scientist spoke about the new (develop) of history. 
3) I am (absolute) sure they can do it. 
4) He gave me the first (pay). 
5) I felt a great discomfort because of his (behave). 
6) She was a very (beauty) person. 
7) (Home) dogs are dangerous for people.

8) He is a good (sell) of books. 
9) He was a very (power) man

10) I am (happy) today.

Task 6. Read the text and mark the sentences as true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).  A Wonderful Lake. 
Scientists say that Lake Baikal is the oldest lake on planet Earth. 
This wonderful lake is more than 25 million years old! For scientists it is a living laboratory of evolution. 
Lake Baikal is also the deepest lake in the world, it is 1,637 metres deep. With time the lake becomes wider and deeper. There is a theory that Lake Baikal is the beginning of a new ocean. The lake holds one-fifth of the planet’s fresh water and this water is incredibly clean. 
Lake Baikal is one of the most beautiful places on the Earth.

The water in the lake is never warm. In summer its temperature is about +12 degrees. But a lot of people still enjoy swimming in it. They say swimming in the waters of the lake is good for their health. 
Lake Baikal is a living museum of water plants and animals. About 1,500 species of animals here are endemic. Endemic means that you cannot see them anywhere else in the world. The lake is rich in life. The lake still keeps a lot of secrets from people. One great mystery about the lake is how nerpa, the Baikal seal, appeared in the lake which is hundreds of kilometers from any ocean, and made the lake its habitat. 
The lake lies among beautiful mountains. The Baikal Mountains on the north shore and the taiga belong to a national park. The greatest problem here is to keep all this natural beauty and protect the lake from pollution. Every year the lake attracts more and more tourists. 
1. Lake Baikal can help people to understand how life developed on our planet. 
2. The size of the lake changes with time. 
3. The water in the lake is very clean but cold, so people don’t swim in it. 
4. The lake has a number of islands — big and small. 
5. The lake’s flora and fauna make it unique. 
6. Some ocean animals live in the lake. 
7. Now people are thinking of organizing the first national park on the shores of the lake.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Тесты

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

7 класс. Контрольная работа по теме «Основы экологии» (Unit 5, УМК Афанасьева О.В.)

Автор: Лотохова Лариса Михайловна

Дата: 03.07.2022

Номер свидетельства: 610898

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