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Задания для урока Clothes 7 Модуль Spotlight 5

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«Задания для урока Clothes 7 Модуль Spotlight 5»

  1. Name the pictures.

_____________ _____________ ______________ _____________

________________ _____________ ______________ _______________

2. Cross the odd one out.

  • a shirt with long sleeves – a long tail – a short brown skirt

  • a blouse with short sleeves – a long black dress – long black ears

  • black and white fur – straight black jeans – a long coat

3. Find six words in the chain of letters.


4. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Underline the right variant.

  • Look at my sister! What (does she wear / is she wearing) now?

  • My sister (wears / is wearing) sportswear every day.

  • Jane (doesn’t wear / isn’t wearing) jeans. She (doesn’t like / isn’t liking) them. 

  • My father (buys / is buying) a new pair of jeans at the moment.

  • Why (do you stand / are you standing) here? – I (wait / am waiting) for my father.

5. Put the words into the right column.

Plural form of a noun

A fixed plural form

apples coats blouses pumpkins jackets trousers jeans shorts pyjamas scissors

1. Name the pictures.

_____________ _____________ ______________ ______________

________________ ______________ _______________ _______________

2. Cross the odd one out.

  • a shirt with long sleeves – a long tail – a short brown skirt

  • a blouse with short sleeves – a long black dress – long black ears

  • black and white fur – straight black jeans – a long coat

3. Find six words in the chain of letters.


4. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Underline the right variant.

  • Look at my sister! What (does she wear / is she wearing) now?

  • My sister (wears / is wearing) sportswear every day.

  • Jane (doesn’t wear / isn’t wearing) jeans. She (doesn’t like / isn’t liking) them. 

  • My father (buys / is buying) a new pair of jeans at the moment.

  • Why (do you stand / are you standing) here? – I (wait / am waiting) for my father.

5. Put the words into the right column.

Plural form of a noun

A fixed plural form

apples coats blouses pumpkins jackets trousers jeans shorts pyjamas scissors

6. Choose the right word.

Look at Colin! He (am / is / are) in (a /an) clothing store. He (buy / buys / is buying)

some new clothes. He (look / looks / is looking) for a shirt and a new ( jeans / pair of

jeans). At the moment he (am / is / are) in the fitting room and he (try / tries / is trying)

on the shirt and the jeans. The shirt is fine, but the jeans (am / is / are) too long. He

(need / needs / is needing) another pair. A shop assistant gives (he / his / him) another

pair and now everything (am / is / are) fine. Now Colin (have / has) nice clothes.

7. Complete the dialogue.

  • Hello!

  • Hello!

  • ____________________________________________?

  • I am looking for a long dress.

  • The dresses are over there. _________________________________________?

  • Yes, a black one, please.

  • _________________________________________________________?

  • I am a size 44.

  • ____________________________________________________?

  • That is fine! Thank you!

  • ___________________________________________!

Have a nice day!

How can I help you?

Any particular color?

What size are you?

What about this one?

You are welcome!

6. Choose the right word.

Look at Colin! He (am / is / are) in (a /an) clothing store. He (buy / buys / is buying)

some new clothes. He (look / looks / is looking) for a shirt and a new jeans / pair of

jeans). At the moment he (am / is / are) in the fitting room and he (try / tries / is trying)

on the shirt and the jeans. The shirt is fine, but the jeans (am / is / are) too long. He

(need / needs / is needing) another pair. A shop assistant gives (he / his / him) another

pair and now everything (am / is / are) fine. Now Colin (have / has) nice clothes.

7. Complete the dialogue.

  • Hello!

  • Hello!

  • ____________________________________________?

  • I am looking for a long dress.

  • The dresses are over there. _________________________________________?

  • Yes, a black one, please.

  • _________________________________________________________?

  • I am a size 44.

  • ____________________________________________________?

  • That is fine! Thank you!

  • ___________________________________________!

Have a nice day!

How can I help you?

Any particular color?

What size are you?

What about this one?

You are welcome!

Правильные ответы:

  • Hello!

  • Hello!

  • How can I help you?

  • I am looking for a long dress.

  • The dresses are over there. Any particular color?

  • Yes, a black one, please.

  • What size are you?

  • I am a size 44.

  • What about this one?

  • That is fine! Thank you!

  • You are welcome! Have a nice day!

  • Правильные ответы:

  • Look at Colin! He (am / is / are) in (a /an) clothing store. He (buy / buys / is buying) some new clothes. He (look / looks / is looking) for a shirt and a new jeans / pair of jeans). At the moment he (am / is / are) in the fitting room and he (try / tries / is trying) on the shirt and the jeans. The shirt is fine, but the jeans (am / is / are) too long. He (need / needs / is needing) another pair. A shop assistant gives (he / his / him) another pair and now everything (am / is / are) fine. Now Colin (have / has) nice clothes.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Задания для урока Clothes 7 Модуль Spotlight 5

Автор: Светлана Владимировна Кадушкина

Дата: 19.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 543461

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