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I. READING COMPREHENSION In Britain today, more and more young people want to be independent and live apart from their parents. 1. Which of the following problems are discussed in the article? 1. For teenagers leaving home is a route to independence. 2. For many young people leaving home may cause a lot of problems. 3. Most young people hope to have their own house or flat. 4. Teenagers leave home in search of more exciting lives. 5. A lot of teenagers want to run away from their homes, which are overcrowded and unhappy. 6. Young people who study away from home get help from their parents. 7. Unemployment among home-leavers is a problem. WHAT MAKES OUR CHILDREN LEAVE HOME? ABOUT 20% of British teenagers leave home after the age of 16. Some of them are students. They get help from the government (grants) or their parents to study away from home but they go back home during their holidays, so they have not really left. MOST of the 20% leave home because they want to get work and experience of the world. However, accommodation is a big problem. Sometimes young people share flats, but most young people have to live in bedsitters that are rooms you sleep and live in. Some bedsitters have washinf and cooking facilities. SOMETIMES, young people live in empty houses. This is called squatting. There are also hostels for the homeless. The main problems are loneliness, getting a job and being able to do the washing and cooking. In Britain, however, it is natural for children to leave home. In fact, only 9% of people aged over 65 live with their children and many older parents who cannot look after themselves have to live in old people’s homes.
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In Britain today, more and more young people want to be independent and live apart from their parents.

1. Which of the following problems are discussed in the article?

1. For teenagers leaving home is a route to independence.

2. For many young people leaving home may cause a lot of problems.

3. Most young people hope to have their own house or flat.

4. Teenagers leave home in search of more exciting lives.

5. A lot of teenagers want to run away from their homes, which are overcrowded and unhappy.

6. Young people who study away from home get help from their parents.

7. Unemployment among home-leavers is a problem.


ABOUT 20% of British teenagers leave home after the age of 16. Some of them are students. They get help from the government (grants) or their parents to study away from home but they go back home during their holidays, so they have not really left.

MOST of the 20% leave home because they want to get work and experience of the world. However, accommodation is a big problem. Sometimes young people share flats, but most young people have to live in bedsitters that are rooms you sleep and live in. Some bedsitters have washinf and cooking facilities.

SOMETIMES, young people live in empty houses. This is called squatting. There are also hostels for the homeless. The main problems are loneliness, getting a job and being able to do the washing and cooking. In Britain, however, it is natural for children to leave home. In fact, only 9% of people aged over 65 live with their children and many older parents who cannot look after themselves have to live in old people’s homes.

II. Заполните пропуски.

Listening to music is the thing I like most. But my parents don’t __ I/LISTEN TO/PERMIT

what I want.

They also don’t ________ bright clothes and chains. I/LET/WEAR

My father _________ to discos. FORBID/GO/I

My parents _________ my school homework every day. DO/FORCE/I

It ______________ really crazy! FEEL/I/MAKE

I just __________ me alone. LEAVE/THEY/WANT

III. Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1-8. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1-8, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Обведите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа.

The National Union of Students was founded in 1922 to (1)____ the rights of the student youth. The aim of the Union is to (2) ____ the interests of students, their right to (3)_____ their views and (4) _____ better education.

The Union takes part in the struggle of the young people who (5) ____ against discrimination. It (6)____ the movement against youth (7) ___ and drug (8) _____.

(1) 1 enjoy 2 defend 3 develop

(2) 1 complain 2 protect 3 delay

(3) 1 provide 2 support 3 express

(4) 1 permit 2 provide 3 represent

(5) 1 rebel 2 reject 3 forbid

(6) 1 provides 2 represents 3 supports

(7) 1 protection 2 disability 3 violence

(8) 1 protection 2 addiction 3 disability

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

входная контрол. раб. для 11 кл. УМК Кузовлев

Автор: Лунева Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 03.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 301651

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