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Устный экзамен 5 класс

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Материал для сдачи устного экзамена в 5 классе. Разработан на материале УМК "Enjoy English"

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«Устный экзамен 5 класс»

Устный экзамен по английскому языку в 5 классе

(составлен на основе УМК “Enjoy English”)

Билет №1

  1. Read the text

Julia Sherman spent her summer holidays with her parents at the seaside. They took a trip to Africa. Julia and her parents wanted to visit Egypt and the Red Sea. Julia`s dad bought the tickets. They arrived at the airport on time. Julia saw a lot of big and modern planes. On board Julia are tasty sandwiches and drank some juice. Julia read a book and watched an interesting video.

  1. Talk about your summer holidays. Say:

  • where you spent your summer holidays;

  • what you liked doing during your summer holidays.

Билет №2

  1. Read the text

This is my dad. He is the head of the family. He is a computer programmer. He is brave, strong, athletic and friendly. He likes travelling and doing outdoor activities. My grandma is a librarian. She is the greatest granny in the world! She is very polite and tactful. She has a good sense of humor. She is very interested in other people.

  1. Look at the picture

  • say what room it is and describe it;

  • say what the people are doing in the room.

Билет №3

  1. Read the text

On the 25th of December British people celebrate Christmas. It`s a big holiday and there are lots of Christmas traditions in Britain. Every year Londoners get a present from the people of Norway – a big Christmas tree. It stands in Trafalgar Square. Central London`s streets have got beautiful decoration at Christmas. There is also as nice skating rink in the centre of the capital.

  1. Talk about your favourite holiday. Say:

  • what holiday you like best and why;

  • how you usually spend this holiday.

Билет №4

  1. Read the text

On Monday we, we visited the Tower of London and spent the whole day there. I took lots of photos. Next to the Tower there`s the famous Tower Bridge. I was lucky to get photos of Tower Bridge when it was open. I`ll show you sometime. Next day we went to Buckingham Palace and saw the Changing of the Guard. There were a lot of tourists there.

  1. Talk about your favourite London sight. Say:

  • what it is famous for;

  • why you would like to visit it.

Билет №5

  1. Read the text

At the moment my family and I are getting ready for Christmas. A lot of my relatives are coming to stay with us over Christmas. My elder sister and her husband are going to bring their children with them. The boy is about six months and the girl is two years old. The boy cries non-stop, and the girls enjoys playing with me. Next week I will be very busy cleaning my room and shopping.

  1. Look at the picture

  • say what place it is and describe the weather

  • say what the people are doing in the picture.

Билет №6

  1. Read the text

Most people in our country work and study five or six days a week. Saturdays and Sundays are usually days off. I’m not an exception. I study at the fifth form of the secondary school. This year I’ve attending school six days a week. Saturdays are easy days. We don’t have many lessons on these days, so we get home around 12 pm and then we have a whole day ahead. Sunday is a full day off.

  1. Talk about your last weekend. Say:

  • where you spent the weekend;

  • what you did at the weekend.

Билет №7

  1. Read the text

The story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the real adventures of a sailor, who had lived alone for four years on a desert island. The author, however, added some adventures for his character. When Robinson Crusoe found himself alone on an island, he managed to live using only the things he had on the island. He also met a black man whom he called Friday. Friday became his friend.

  1. Talk about your favourite book. Say:

  • what this book is about;

  • why you like it.

Билет №8

  1. Read the text

My mum works in the Science Museum in London. She is a guide. She likes to be well-dressed. Her favourite colours are green and light blue. She is a very kind and loving. She likes reading, cooking and spending her free time with me and my little sister Ann. Ann is five years old. She is a curios and talkative. She likes butterflies and everything that is pink and purple.

  1. Talk about your family. Describe:

  • the members of you family;

  • what you like to do together.

Билет №9

  1. Read the text

Animal are very important to people. We keep dogs and cats as pets. Some farmers have sheep and cows to produce meat and milk. We ride horses. We watch lions and tigers in the zoos. For people who love animals, working as a vet is an ideal job. Vets treat many different kinds of animals, such as dogs, cats, cows, pigs and horses. Some vets even treat zoo animals.

  1. Talk about your future job. Say:

  • what you want to be when you grow up;

  • why you like this job.

Билет №10

  1. Read the text

We talked with Florida about her hobbies. She is a very creative person so she has an unusual hobby. She collects mugs. She always asks her relatives and friends to bring her mugs from all the places they have visited. Then she reads a lot about these places: their history, their well-known sights, the famous people who have lived there. By now she has collected at least twenty-four mugs.

  1. Talk about your hobby. Say:

  • what hobbies the members of your family have;

  • what you like to do in your free time.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Устный экзамен 5 класс

Автор: Бандура Татьяна Дмитриевна

Дата: 08.02.2018

Номер свидетельства: 455771

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