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Учебное пособие по английскому языку "CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF FARM ANIMAL" для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям СПО технического профиля и Ветеринария.

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Данное учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой материал обучающего и проверочного характера по дисциплине  ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский) и предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по программам СПО технического профиля и специальности естественнонаучного профиля 36.02.01 Ветеринария.

         Основная цель пособия – развитие навыков устной речи и чтения специальной литературы данного профиля на английском языке. Тексты пособия объединены тематически и дают представление об особенностях работы специалистов среднего звена в сфере сельского хозяйства. Пособие предназначено для студентов технических  специальностей и специальности 36.02.01 Ветеринария ГБПОУ  РО «ОАТТ»

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«Учебное пособие по английскому языку "CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF FARM ANIMAL" для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям СПО технического профиля и Ветеринария.»

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«Октябрьский аграрно-технологический техникум»


по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский)


для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям СПО

технического профиля и специальности естественнонаучного профиля 36.02.01 Ветеринария.

Октябрьский район п.Качкан


Учебно-методическое пособие согласовано на заседании методической комиссии «Общеобразовательные дисциплины», протокол № _____ от _________2017г.,_________ и рекомендовано с целью практического применения на аудиторных занятиях и для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Разработчик: преподаватель английского языка ГБПОУ РО «ОАТТ» Макарова Н.И.

Данное учебно-методическое пособие представляет собой материал обучающего и проверочного характера по дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык (английский) и предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по программам СПО технического профиля и специальности естественнонаучного профиля 36.02.01 Ветеринария.

Основная цель пособия – развитие навыков устной речи и чтения специальной литературы данного профиля на английском языке. Тексты пособия объединены тематически и дают представление об особенностях работы специалистов среднего звена в сфере сельского хозяйства. Пособие предназначено для студентов технических специальностей и специальности 36.02.01 Ветеринария ГБПОУ РО «ОАТТ»


  1. Предисловие …………………..…………………….4

  2. Методические рекомендации преподавателям…….4

  3. Занятие 4. Animal husbandry …………………………5

  4. Занятие 5. Farming practices …………………………8

  5. Занятие 6. Care and management of farm animal ……12

  6. Занятие 7. Feeds for livestock…………………………14

  7. Занятие 8. How can livestock be improved……………18

  8. Список литературы……………………………………22


Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по специальностям СПО технического и естественнонаучного профиля. Целью пособия является формирование элементарных навыков устной речи по специальности студентов и чтения литературы по данной специальности на английском языке для извлечения необходимой информации.

В пособие входит три занятия, представляющие собой последовательную работу с предлагаемым текстом. Упражнения и задания построены на знакомом грамматическом материале для активного овладения лексическим минимумом профессиональной направленности. Послетекстовые упражнения служат для закрепления изученного материала и являются контрольно-обучающими. В каждом задании представлен лексический минимум, необходимый для изучения.

Четкая последовательность выполнения заданий позволит студентам овладеть терминологией изучаемой тематики, приобрести навыки ведения беседы, научиться составлению аннотаций и краткому изложению содержания статей.

Методические рекомендации преподавателям

Работу рекомендуется начинать с повторения рекомендуемого грамматического материала и чтения текста, выделения новых лексических единиц. Прочитав текст, студент должен сказать, о чем идет речь. Понимание содержания текста и степень усвоения грамматического материала проверяется при помощи заданий, размещенных в конце каждого занятия

Весь материал носит информативный характер, что повышает мотива­цию изучения английского языка профессиональной направленности.

После работы над техническим текстом и выполнения всех послетекстовых упражнений для обеспечения работы над диалогом препода­ватель может провести контроль лексического минимума по теме. Итогом каждого занятия является умение студентов вести беседу на элементарном уровне и умение составить краткий рассказ по данной теме.


Повторите в грамматическом справочнике: причастия настоящего и проведшего времени.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия I и II

1. Cultural practices applied in crop cultivation are different in different regions. 2. Farmers applying fertilizers obtain high yields of farm crops.

3. Applying fertilizers, farmers increase crop yields. 4. Raw materials used in industry are supplied by agriculture. 5. The crops growing on this farm are high - yielding. 6. The farm growing this crop is not far from Moscow.


There are two main branches of agricultural production – crop production and animal husbandry.

Crop production is the practice of growing and harvesting crops. The most important crops grown by man are grain crops, vegetables and grasses. In order to obtain high yields crops are grown under favorable soil and climatic conditions. Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture including the breeding of farm animals and their use. Dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry are widely bred throughout the world. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man. They are kept for the production of such nutritious products as meat, milk and eggs.

Many crops grown by man are used in feeding livestock. At the same time manure produced by farm animals is an important source for the maintenance soil fertility. Most of the nutrients taken by plants from the soil are thus returned. Applying manure, farmers improve the physical condition of the soil.

Thus, crop production and animal husbandry are closely connected with each other.


some – несколько, некоторый

he same – тот же самый, один и тот же

Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания

beef cattle – мясной скот

dairy cattle – молочный скот

egg – яйцо

favourable – благоприятный

grain – зерно

meat – мясо

milk – молоко

nutrient – питательное вещество nutritious – питательный poultry – домашняя птица

3. Прочитайте тексты и обобщите полученную информацию на иностранном языке

Animal husbandry

Animal husbandry is the management and care of farm animals by humans for profit, in which genetic qualities and behavior, considered to be advantageous to humans, are further developed. The term can refer to the practice of selectively breeding and raising livestock to promote desirable traits in animals for utility, sport, pleasure, or research, but also refers to the efficient exploitation of a species in agriculture advantageous to humans.


In organic and biodynamic farming methods, animals play an important role in achieving closed or sustainable system by providing multiple functions to the agricultural system. In the Balinese context, for example, ducks are herded through rice paddies at particular stages of the growing season. The ducks eat insects and weeds that inhibit the growth of seedlings, and prevent the farmer from using herbicides or pesticides. Their droppings contribute nitrogen to the soil as a natural source of fertilizer, and the movement of their feet and bills in the water of the terrace ecosystem increases the oxygen content of the soil thus increasing nutrient availability.

Образуйте причастия I и II от следующих глаголов. Переведите их.

to produce, to improve, to supply, to use, to increase, to harvest, to feed, to breed, to grow

Выделите причастный оборот в каждом предложении. Переведите предложения.

1. The products supplied by farm animals axe meat, milk and eggs. 2. Farmers supplying their animals with nutritious feed obtain much vitamins and meat.

3. Grain crops harvested with combines produce higher yields. 4. Increasing soil fertility, farmers increase yields of grain crops, vegetables and grasses.

3.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слова some и same.

Some farmers keep poultry in poultry houses in summer and in winter.

All grain crops take the same nutrients from the soil. 3. Some cultural practices are highly effective in controlling weeds. 4. These two farmers use the same methods in growing vegetables.

Найдите в текстах А, В предложения с причастными оборотами и переведите их.

Ответьте на вопросы по-английски.

1. What are the two branches of agriculture? 2. What is crop production?

3. What are the main farm crops? 4. What does animal husbandry include?

5. What products do farm animals produce? 6. What is manure used for?

7. How do farmers improve the physical condition of the soil?

Прочитайте первый абзац текста В и скажите по-русски, что отражают приведенные в нем цифры.

Прочитайте весь текст В и по контексту определите значение слова mutton. Ответьте по-русски на вопросы, поставленные в конце текста.


There are three main sources of food for man. They are crops, livestock and fish (рыба). Of these, crops make up about 75% of the world's food production, 23% is contributed by livestock and only 2% of food comes from fish.

Many foods are obtained from farm animals. They are meat, milk and eggs. Milk is often called (называть) the nature's most important food. Meats from farm animals are highly important as food for people. The animals most often used for this purpose are beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry. Meat from mature (взрослый) sheep is known as mutton. How do we call meat from hogs? From mature beef cattle? From young beef cattl


Повторите в грамматическом справочнике: функции one и that.

Переведите предложения, в которых слово one: а) соответствует русскому «один»; б) заменяет существительное; в) является подлежащим и не переводится (устно).

Temperature is one of the most important factors affecting crop growth.

One can classify crops according to their use. 3. A perennial crop is the one that grows for more than two years.

Определите значение слова that в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения (устно).

The optimum temperature for cotton is higher than that for small grains.

We know that rice belongs to the grass family. 3. The variety of corn that is grown on our farm is highly productive.

Составьте тематический словарь к текстам и выучите слова наизусть

Farming practices

Farming practices vary dramatically worldwide and between types of animals. Livestock are generally kept in an enclosure, are fed by human- provided food[citation needed] and are intentionally bred, but some livestock are not enclosed, or are fed by access to natural foods, or are allowed to breed freely, or any combination thereof. Livestock raising historically was part of a nomadic or pastoral form of material culture. The herding of camels and reindeer in some parts of the world remains unassociated with sedentary agriculture. The transhumance form of herding in the Sierra Nevada of California still continues, as cattle, sheep or goats are moved from winter pasture in lower elevation valleys to spring and summer pasture in the foothills and alpine regions, as the seasons progress. Cattle were raised on the open range in the Western United States and Canada, on the Pampas of Argentina, and other prairie and steppe regions of the world.

Текст А. Farm animals

Animal husbandry, a branch of agricultural production, includes the breeding of farm animals and their use. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man. They are known to produce highly nutritious products such as milk, meat and eggs. In addition, the skin of animals, down and feather of poultry and wool of sheep are used as raw materials to produce clothing and for many other purposes.

The most important group of farm animals is cattle. There are four types of cattle. They are dairy cattle, beef cattle, draft cattle and dual- purpose cattle. Dairy cattle, that is, dairy cows provide milk that may be used in making various dairy products. Beef cattle are the producer of beef. One can raise dual-purpose cattle producing both milk and meat. Draft cattle and horses are almost everywhere replaced by agricultural machinery.

Important sources in producing human food are sheep and hogs. Sheep are raised for two purposes: wool and mutton production. The production cycle of hogs is much shorter than that of cattle or sheep. In other words, unlike the other farm animals hogs are rapid growing ones. They may be fattened in less than six months. That is why hog breeding is one of the most important and economic ways of solving the problem of supplying the population with meat.

Пояснения к тексту

dual-purpose cattle – мясо-молочный cкот

that is – то есть

that is why – вот почему

Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

cow n – корова

down n – пуховая техника

draft cattle – тягловый (рабочий) скот

fatten v – откармливать

machinery n машины, с.-х.

mutton n – баранина

feather п – перо

1.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значение слов one и that.

One should provide farm animals with proper feeds. 2. We know that farm animals are important sources of food for people. 3. Products that are produced by farm animals are highly nutritious. 4. The problem of supplying the population with meat is the one that must be solved in the near future. 5. Concentrates, that is, the feeds high in protein and energy are good for hogs. 6. Hay made from alfalfa is higher in nutrients than that made from grasses. That is why farmers grow this crop widely.

Прочитайте предложения вслух, заменяя данные в скобках русские слова их английскими эквивалентами.

1. Milk produced by this (корова) is of high quality. 2. Farms breeding sheep produce (баранина) and (шерсть). 3. Both milk and meat are produced by (мясо-молочными коровами). 4. Poultry supply us with meat, eggs, (пух) and (перо). 5. About six months is usually required to (откармливать) a pig.

Найдите в тексте А и переведите предложения; в которых говорится: а) о продуктах, которые дают нам животные; б) об использовании молока; в) о том, что дает нам мясомолочный скот; г) об особенностях свиней по сравнению с другими видами сельскохозяйственных животных.

Ответьте на вопросы по-английски.

1. Why are farm animals so important for man? 2. What raw materials do farm animals supply industry with? 3. What are the four types of cattle? 4. What are sheep raised for? 5. Why is hog breeding the most economic way of producing meat?

Прочитайте текст В и ответьте по-русски на вопросы:

  1. Почему при неблагоприятном климате в этой части Англии фермеры разводят молочный скот? 2) Как фермеры здесь используют землю?


In this part of England there are about 3,600 farms. The climate of this area is not very favorable to dairy farming. The farmers breed dairy cattle because there are many industrial towns here and they supply these towns with milk.

The typical small dairy farm in Lancashire is a farm of about 40 acres (акр = 0,4 га) with 18 to 20 dairy cows. The land is all grass. Half (половина) of it is used for hay and the other half for pastures. Summer pastures provide feed and exercise for the cows.

Прочитайте текст С и скажите по-русски, широко ли используются лошади в сельской местности в настоящие время. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов.


Draft cattle and horses are still (еще) widely used as draft animals in India, China, Italy and in some other parts of the world.

In many countries tractors perform most of the difficult field work. However (однако) horses still do some valuable services and, in addition, they are sources of great pleasure (удовольствие). In some parts of the United States and other countries where there are no improved roads (дорога) horses are still used for transporting people and farm products from place to place. Now more than half of the world uses horses as draft animals.


Повторите в грамматическом справочнике: much, many, little, few, a little, a few.

Найдите в следующих предложениях английские слова со значением «много, мало, немного». Переведите предложения (устно).

1. On our farm there are many cows but few horses. 2. Young animals are usually provided with a little milk every day.3. We do not raise this breed of poultry. It produces little feather. 4. One should work much in the field to grow potatoes and other root crops. 5. This farm breeds the sheep producing much wool. 6. Dairy cows are the main source of food for man. There are a few other sources such as sheep, hogs and poultry.

3. Составьте аннотацию следующих текстов и передайте содержание на иностранном языке.


A lot of work has to be done by a farmer in caring for his livestock and their products. Barns and other buildings are to be provided in order to protect the animals from unfavorable weather conditions. Young animals – lambs, calves and pigs are known to require special care and protection.

During the first days after birth animals are weak and may die if proper care is not provided.

At present separate buildings are usually provided for each kind of livestock such as cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry. Cowsheds, sheep-pens, pigsties and poultry houses should be comfortable for livestock and workers who take care of the animals. Much attention is now paid to lighting, ventilation, temperature, and humidity in animal buildings. Very often farmers keep bulls in separate barns.

Probably no farm animal is more responsive to good came than is the dairy cow. Regularity in feeding and milking and kindness result in more milk and greater profits. Dairy cows are to be provided with plenty of bedding, such as clean, dry straw in the barns where they are kept. When not on pasture cows should take exercise to be in good breeding condition.

Animal care

Sheep are kept in flocks in paddocks, in pens, or barns, or in the open. Freshly shorn hoggets can be very susceptible to wet, windy weather and can quickly succumb to exposure. Sheep have to be kept dry for one to two days before shearing so that the fleece is dry enough to be pressed and to protect the health of the rearers.

Назовите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: животноводство, разводить, порода, содержать, трава, питательный, молочный скот, мясной скот, мясо-молочный скот, свиньи, овцы, мясо, молоко, фураж, пастбище, ceв, силос, солома, корова, бык, теленок, ягненок, поросенок, коровник, свинарник, доить, иметь моцион, уход, содержание.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на лексику данного занятия.

1. High beef and milk production is obtained by proper care and management as well as by proper feeding and fattening of cattle. 2. When cattle are kept in cowsheds they are fed with corn silage, grass silage and high- quality hay. 3. Dairy cows are milked with special machines. 4. There is always much work to do on the farm. 5. The farmer has to take great care of the young animals. 6. Cowsheds, sheep-pens and pigsties are to be kept clean and well ventilated. 7. Cows, bulls and calves should be provided with clean straw for bedding. 8. Animals are to take much exercise to be in good breeding condition.

Найдите в тексте А и переведите предложения, в которых говорится: а) как защищают животных от неблагоприятных погодных условий; б) как следует содержать молодняк; в) о том, чтобы в животноводческих постройках животноводу было удобно работать; г) как следует ухаживать за молочной коровой.

Ответьте на вопросы по-английски.

1. Should farmers care for animal products? 2. Why are animals kept in buildings?

3. Why do farmers provide special care for young animals? 4. What farm buildings do you know? 5. What conditions are provided m animal buildings? 6. When should cows take much exercise?

5. Прочитайте текст В и найдите в нем информацию о двух системах содержания быков.


The best way of keeping the bull is to have a small separate barn with pasture of one or two acres where he can take exercise. Manger (кормушка) and water-supply are to be provided in the barn.

The bull may also be kept in a box-stall (стойло) in the barn used for the cows. When the bull is kept in this way, the farmer can feed and care for him together with the cows.

Under both systems of management the bull should be fed and cared for properly. To provide the bull with legume hay and some grain is necessary in order to keep him in good breeding condition. Silage should not be given to the bull in large amounts.

  1. Прочитайте текст С и найдите ответ на вопрос: Как влияет слишком жаркая и слишком холодная погода на молочный и мясной скот?


Too hot or too cold weather is a stress to all kinds of livestock. Under very hot weather in summer production of milk is often reduced because cows consume little feed at this time. Cold weather is not a great stress to dairy cattle because large amounts of feed consumed by them produce much energy.

Beef cattle do not develop well under conditions of hot weather. They are more adapted to cool conditions.


Повторите в грамматическом справочнике: числительное; самостоятельный причастный оборот.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на самостоятельный причастный оборот (письменно).

1. Cows being not on pasture, hay and silage are fed to them. 2. Young animals requiring special care and protection, farmers usually keep them in special buildings. 3. Spring grass being high in water, cows should not eat it too much.

Dairy cattle require much water, the amount depending on the season.

Farmers often raise dual-purpose cattle, both milk and meat being obtained.

We raise some breeds of hogs, this one being most productive.

Составьте тематический словарь текста А


Feeds are classified into three groups, depending on their fibre content and nutritive value. They are roughages, concentrates and protein supplements.

The primary characteristic of roughage is its high fibre content. Roughages may contain from 25 to 40 per cent fibre. For this reason they are not suitable for hogs but one can give large quantities of roughages to cattle and sheep.

Roughages may be classified according to the method they are fed. They may be succulent or dry. Succulent roughages include silage or pasture grasses, the latter being the most economical source of forage.

The most common forms of dry roughage are hay and straw. Good hay is the one that contains much green leaf. Hay being made from grass in the early flowering stage, its feeding value is higher than that from mature grass.

Oat straw is known to be a valuable feed for beef cattle and low-yielding dairy cows. Barley straw is sometimes fed to beef animals. It is more digestible than wheat straw. The latter is high in indigestible fibre. That is why it is used for bedding.

Concentrates being high in energy, all classes of farm animals are fed with such feeds. The main concentrated feeds are different kinds of cereals.

Fed containing protein of about 20 per cent or higher is known as a protein feed. Animals require from 10 to 20 per cent protein in their ration, depending on their age and productivity.

All these feeds supply farm animals with enough protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Пояснения к тексту

for this reason – по этой причине

the latter – последний

low-yielding cows – низкоудойные коровы

Прочитайте и тексты и сгруппируйте предложения, передающие основные составляющие кормов домашних животных.

Fodder or animal feed is any agricultural foodstuff used specifically to feed domesticated livestock, such as cattle, goats, sheep, horses, chickens and pigs. Most animal feed is from plants, but some is of animal origin. «Fodder» refers particularly to food given to the animals (including plants cut and carried to them), rather than that which they forage for themselves (see forage). It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds, oils and mixed rations, and sprouted grains and legumes.

The worldwide animal feed industry consumed 635 million tons of feed (compound feed equivalent) in 2006, with an annual growth rate of about 2%. The use of agricultural land to grow feed rather than human food can be controversial; some types of feed, such as corn (maize), can also serve as human food; those that cannot, such as grassland grass, may be grown on land that can be used for crops consumed by humans. Some agricultural byproducts fed to animals may be considered unsavory by human consumers.

Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

age n – возраст

carbohydrate n – углевод

concentrate n – концентрат, концентрированный корм contain v – содержать content n – содержание digestible а – переваримый, усвояемый

fat n – жир

feeding – питательная ценность

fibre n – клетчатка

indigestible а – непереваримый

productivity n – продуктивность ration n – рацион

roughage n – грубый корм succulent а – сочный supplement n – добавка dry а – сухой

5. Прочитайте числительные: 25, 40, 92, 150, 415, 310, 713, 6831, 7-й, 10-й, 52-й.

6. Выделите самостоятельный причастный оборот в следующих предложениях. Переведите предложения.

1. Feeds being of high quality, animals grow and develop well. 2. Cows should be supplied with protein, the amount varying with their productivity; Calves being 3 weeks of age, other feeds containing fiber should be given. Roughage feeds being high in fiber, hogs are not fed with such feeds. 5. Wheat straw containing large amounts of indigestible fiber, the farmers use it for bedding.

Определите функции слов с окончанием -ing. Переведите предложения.

1. Farmers milking cows in special buildings obtain clean milk. 2. Farmers

milking cows in special buildings, higher-quality milk is obtained. Milking cows in special buildings, farmers obtain clean milk. 4. Milking cows is done in special buildings.

8.Ответьте на вопросы по-английски.

1. What is the basis of feed classification? 2. What kinds of feeds are there? 3. Which feed is high in fiber? 4. Are roughages good for hogs? 5. How are roughages classified? 6. Why is wheat straw used for bedding? 7. What does the amount of protein in the ration depend on?

9. Прочитайте текст В и найдите информацию о самой важной проблеме животноводства. Догадайтесь о значении выделенных слов.


There are many problems in livestock breeding. Some of them are diseases, good or bad breeds, the availability (наличие) of proper buildings for winter management, feed supply being the most important of them.

Feed transportation costs are so great, that it is recommended to breed farm animals only in areas where there is enough feed.

The factors that affect feed production indirectly (косвенно) affect milk, meat and egg production. Much forage is usually obtained where there is enough rainfall and where soil fertility is high to provide all the necessary nutrients, air and water.

  1. Прочитайте текст С и передайте информацию о питательных веществах, необходимых для производства высококачественного молока.


To produce much milk cows require different nutrients. Cows require carbohydrates, because they supply most of the energy necessary for the production of milk.

Fats in the ration are also used as a source of energy. But too much fat may result in digestive disturbances (пищеварительные расстройства).

When there is not enough protein in the cow ration the amount and quality of milk are reduced. Protein may be provided by feeding both concentrated and roughage feeds, such as alfalfa and clover hay, cereal grains, green feeds and others.

Minerals and vitamins are important for milk production. They may be provided by feeding cows with good quality feed and balanced rations.

Занятие 8


Повторите в грамматическом справочнике: будущее неопределенное время в действительном и страдательном залоге.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое в будущем неопределенном времени действительного и страдательного залога (устно).

1. In winter the farmers will keep their cows in the cowsheds. 2. In winter the cows will be kept in the cowsheds. 3. The pigsty will be cleaned tomorrow.

4. On the farm «Znamya» we shall take care of the young animals. 5. Will the bull take exercise on pasture? 6. Barley straw will not be used for bedding.

3. Прочитайте тексты и выделите в них главное и второстепенное, расскажите на родном языке.


The most important task of livestock breeders is to improve their herds and flocks according to the purposes for which the animals are to be kept. Thus, dairy farmers want to have high milk yields per cow. Beef cattle raisers would like to produce calves that gain in weight rapidly and economically. A high average egg production per hen is one of the tasks of the poultry farmers. Hog and sheep producers have other aims such as to obtain more pigs per litter per sow and to have a higher lamb production per ewe.

To reach these aims farmers should first of all select animals capable of high production. Best animals should be selected regardless of the breed.

It is highly important for the livestock breeders to use proper methods for improving their herds and flocks. One method used by the breeders is to have purebred sires and purebred dams. They will transmit best characteristics to their offspring. This system is known as purebreeding.

Some breeders use inbreeding, some – crossbreeding, the latter system being widely practiced now with different kinds of farm animals, including hogs, beef and dairy cattle and meat types of chickens.

To obtain good results from the methods mentioned above the farmers should use only good parents capable of transmitting high production to their offspring.

Sheep–goat hybrid

A sheep–goat hybrid are the hybrid offspring of a sheep and a goat. Although sheep and goats seem similar and can be mated, they belong to different genera in the subfamily Caprinae of the family Bovidae. Sheep belong to the genus Ovis and have 54 chromosomes, while goats belong to the genus Capra and have 60 chromosomes. The offspring of a sheep-goat pairing is generally stillborn. Despite widespread shared pasturing of goats and sheep, hybrids are poorly attested, indicating the genetic distance between the two species. They are not to be confused with sheep, which are chimera.


At the Botswana Ministry of Agriculture in 2000, a male sheep impregnated a female goat resulting in a live off spring. This hybrid had 57 chromosomes, intermediate between sheep (54) and goats (60) and was intermediate between the two parent species in type. It had a coarse outer coat, a woolly inner coat, long goat-like legs and a heavy sheep-like body. Although infertile, the hybrid had a very active libido, mounting both ewes and does even when they were not in heat. He was castrated when he was 10 months old, as were the other kids and lambs in the herd.

A male sheep impregnated a female goat in New Zealand resulting in a mixed litter of kids and a female sheep-goat hybrid with 57 chromosomes. The hybrid was subsequently shown to be fertile when mated with a ram. In France natural mating of a doe with a ram produced a female hybrid carrying 57 chromosomes. This animal backcrossed in the veterinary college of Nantes to ram delivered a stillborn and a living male offspring with 54 chromosomes.


There is a long-standing belief in sheep–goat hybrids, which is presumably due to the animals' resemblance to each other. Some primitive varieties of sheep may be misidentified as goats. In Darwinism – An Exposition of the Theory of Natural Selection with Some of Its Applications (1889), Alfred Russell Wallace wrote:

[...] the following statement of Mr. Low: «It has been long known to shepherds, though questioned by naturalists, that the progeny of the cross between the sheep and goat is fertile. Breeds of this mixed race are numerous in the north of Europe.» Nothing appears to be known of such hybrids either in Scandinavia or in Italy; but Professor Giglioli of Florence has kindly given me some useful references to works in which they are described. The following extract from his letter is very interesting:

«I need not tell you that there being such hybrids is now generally accepted as a fact. Buffon (Supplements, tom. iii. p. 7, 1756) obtained one such hybrid in 1751 and eight in 1752. Sanson (La Culture, vol. vi. p. 372, 1865) mentions a case observed in the Vosges, France. Geoff. St. Hilaire was the first to mention, I believe, that in different parts of South America the ram is more usually crossed with the she-goat than the sheep with the he-goat. The well-known 'pellones' of Chile are produced by the second and third generation of such hybrids (Gay, 'Hist, de Chile,' vol. i. p. 466, Agriculture, 1862). Hybrids bred from goat and sheep are called 'chabin' in French, and 'cabruno' in Spanish. In Chile such hybrids are called 'carneros lanudos'; their breeding inter seappears to be not always successful, and often the original cross has to be recommenced to obtain the proportion of three-eighths of he-goat and five-eighths of sheep, or of three-eighths of ram and five-eighths of she-goat; such being the reputed best hybrids.» Supposedly, most sheep–goat hybrids die as embryos. Hybrid male mammals are often sterile due to a phenomenon called Haldane's rule. The Haldane phenomenon may apply even when the parent species have the same number of chromosomes, as in most cat-species hybrids. It sometimes does not apply when the species chromosome number is different, as in wild horse (chromosome number = 66) with domestic horse (chromosome number = 64) hybrids. Hybrid female fertility tends to decrease with increasing divergence in chromosome similarity between parent species. Presumably, this is due to mismatch problems during meiosis and the resulting production of eggs with unbalanced genetic complements.


1.Т.Ю.Полякова,Е.В.Синявская,О.И. Тынкова,Э.С. Улановская. Анг­лийский язык для инженеров.—4-е изд., перераб. и доп.— М.: Высш. шк., 1998.

  1. Англо-русский политехнический словарь/Под редакцией А. Е.Чер-нухина. — М.: Русский язык, 1979.

  2. А. С. Кутькова. Человек — компьютер — будущее: Пособие по анг­лийскому языку. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп.— М.: Высш. шк., 1995.

  3. В. Н. Бгашев, Е. Ю. Долматовская. Английский язык для машиностро­ительных специальностей вузов.— М: Высш. шк., 1990.

5. Т. Ю. Полякова. Английский язык для диалога с компьютером.—М.:
Высш. шк., 1998.

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