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The golden goose
Once upon a time there lived a man and his wife who were happy to own a goose that laid a golden egg daily. In spite of their luck, however, they soon stopped being satisfied with their fortune and wanted even more.
They imagined that if the goose can lay golden eggs, it must be made of gold inside. So they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get very rich immediately. Then the couple decided to kill the bird.
However, when they cut the goose open they were shocked to find that its innards were just like any other goose has got!
Электронная тетрадь по английскому...
Занимательный английский 5-7 классы
Английский язык 4 класс ФГОС
Предмет: Английский язык
Категория: Прочее
Целевая аудитория: 3 класс
Автор: Федулкина Анастасия Геннадьевна
Дата: 19.02.2024
Номер свидетельства: 646025
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