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The active role of interactive methods in adaptation to school of initial classes

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Psychologists call the initial classes pupils of secondary schools: “They are still children” because before coming to school they hadn’t sat regularly in one place, hadn’t listened the speech of particular person, and hadn’t written regularly.

Teacher’s interactive teaching methods can awake the pupils love to school and study.

In primary schools one teacher teaches all subjects except 1 or 2 subjects and it makes pupils get bored. In order to avoid boredom the teacher must be high qualified and can encourage pupils by using interactive methods during the lessons

For example: for teaching mother tongue in the first and second classes for the words that modifies a noun or in the 3rd and 4th classes for the one of the main part of speech- adjectives can be used these questions: (there is a multicolored picture on the board because pupils love pictures)

  1. What colors are used in the picture?

The answer is identified by the method “TARMOQLASH” (the network method) the pupils are given the rays of the Sun. In order to make the Sun happy, pupils must write correct answers in the rays. The pupils construct the Sun by hanging the Rays on the Board (with this activity pupils collect Mosaic also)

  1. How are the things described in the picture?

Use the method “O’Z O’RNINI TOP” (Find the right place) to answer the question. The descriptions in the picture are shown without features of an object, and pupils task is to find them.

…….sky                pure sky, wide sky, cloudy sky

……mountain          green mountain, high mountain snowy mountain

….field                wide field, grassed field

….butterfly                beautiful butterfly, white butterfly, colorful butterfly

……flowers      different flowers, beautiful flowers, nice-smelling flowers

If the answer is correct approve it,  otherwise it can be completed by saying “ That’s good but it would be better if you say….”

With this method simultaneously pupils are interested and are trying to find answers.

During winter lessons the methods  “QORBO’RON” (“Snowball”) and “Qurigan daraxtni yashnatish”(“Blossom the tree”) are much more beneficial

Snowball- the paper in which the question was written is shot and who catches must answer the question

Blossom the tree- decorate the dead tree with answers in the leaves and fruits.

the methods  for spring lessons:“GULLAR SAYLI”( Flowers selection)

Step 1: the flowers are hung on the board. Pupils must collect them and answer the questions

Step 2: pupils get flower-awards for participation

Step 3: each pupil is distributed landscapes without flowers and they must complete these landscapes with flower-awards

“Qushlarga yordam” (help the birds) – a nest of birds is hung on the board pupils task is to bring the frozen birds to the nest.

“Gullarga suv quying” (water the Flowers) –pupils get drops for active participation during the lesson and water the flowers with the drops.

The method for autumn lessons: “Sinfni barglardan tozalash” (Clean the classroom of the leaves)  there are the questions according to the theme on the leaves on the board, pupils task is to clean the board by answering to the questions.

These methods are helpful for improving the quality of education.

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«The active role of interactive methods in adaptation to school of initial classes»

Psychologists call the initial classes pupils of secondary schools: “They are still children” because before coming to school they hadn’t sat regularly in one place, hadn’t listened the speech of particular person, and hadn’t written regularly.

Teacher’s interactive teaching methods can awake the pupils love to school and study.

In primary schools one teacher teaches all subjects except 1 or 2 subjects and it makes pupils get bored. In order to avoid boredom the teacher must be high qualified and can encourage pupils by using interactive methods during the lessons

For example: for teaching mother tongue in the first and second classes for the words that modifies a noun or in the 3rd and 4th classes for the one of the main part of speech- adjectives can be used these questions: (there is a multicolored picture on the board because pupils love pictures)

  1. What colors are used in the picture?

The answer is identified by the method “TARMOQLASH” (the network method) the pupils are given the rays of the Sun. In order to make the Sun happy, pupils must write correct answers in the rays. The pupils construct the Sun by hanging the Rays on the Board (with this activity pupils collect Mosaic also)

  1. How are the things described in the picture?

Use the method “O’Z O’RNINI TOP” (Find the right place) to answer the question. The descriptions in the picture are shown without features of an object, and pupils task is to find them.

…….sky pure sky, wide sky, cloudy sky

……mountain green mountain, high mountain snowy mountain

…..field wide field, grassed field

…..butterfly beautiful butterfly, white butterfly, colorful butterfly

……flowers different flowers, beautiful flowers, nice-smelling flowers

If the answer is correct approve it, otherwise it can be completed by saying “ That’s good but it would be better if you say…..”

With this method simultaneously pupils are interested and are trying to find answers.

During winter lessons the methods “QORBO’RON” (“Snowball”) and “Qurigan daraxtni yashnatish”(“Blossom the tree”) are much more beneficial

Snowball- the paper in which the question was written is shot and who catches must answer the question

Blossom the tree- decorate the dead tree with answers in the leaves and fruits.

the methods for spring lessons:“GULLAR SAYLI”( Flowers selection)

Step 1: the flowers are hung on the board. Pupils must collect them and answer the questions

Step 2: pupils get flower-awards for participation

Step 3: each pupil is distributed landscapes without flowers and they must complete these landscapes with flower-awards

“Qushlarga yordam” (help the birds) – a nest of birds is hung on the board pupils task is to bring the frozen birds to the nest.

“Gullarga suv quying” (water the Flowers) –pupils get drops for active participation during the lesson and water the flowers with the drops.

The method for autumn lessons: “Sinfni barglardan tozalash” (Clean the classroom of the leaves) there are the questions according to the theme on the leaves on the board, pupils task is to clean the board by answering to the questions.

These methods are helpful for improving the quality of education.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

The active role of interactive methods in adaptation to school of initial classes

Автор: Махмудова Махлиёхон Хасановна

Дата: 30.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 552006

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