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«Технологическая карта занятия внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку в 9 классе.»
Учитель: Егорова Элеонора Аркадьевна
Дата проведения: 28.02.2020
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 9
Тема занятия: Listen, Read and Speak. Слушай, читай и говори.
Направление занятия: общеинтеллектуальное
Тип занятия: усвоения новых знаний и их применение при выполнении учебных заданий.
Цель занятия: развитие умений аудирования, чтения и говорения.
Ожидаемые результаты:
Формирование готовности и способности учащихся к саморазвитию.
Формирование готовности и способности учащихся к постановке конкретной цели и ее решению.
Формирование способности учащихся к целеполаганию, планированию, контролю и оценке.
Освоение способов решения проблем поискового и творческого характера.
Формирование умений применения полученной информации.
Осуществление структурирования знаний.
Реализация рефлексии деятельности.
Формирование умения строить речевое высказывание в соответствии с задачами коммуникации.
Развитие умения формировать свои мысли.
Осуществление управления поведением группы.
Планирование учебного сотрудничества.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал, выход в Интернет, ноутбук, проектор, телефоны для детей.
Технологическая карта занятия ВУД:
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
Вводная часть
2 мин.
Приветствие, знакомство: Hi guys! Glad to see you all have a sit. First thing first, so let me introduce myself, my name is Eleonora Arkadievna, I’m a teacher of English in Oktemskaya Secondary School after P.I. Shadrin. And before we begin I’d like to make myself clear in some aspect, today we’re not going to have a lesson. So, this is not a lesson but a kind of activity, which means that we won’t have strict rules and basically we’ll just go through some tasks and see what happens. So without further do, let’s get started.
Приветствие. Настройка на занятие.
Основная часть
30 мин.
Демонстрация слайда из презентации для формулированиятемы: I want you to look at these 3 pictures and tell me what you see.
Сопровождение выхода на тему занятия, постановки цели: Now tell me what will we do today. (Listen, read, speak) Well done!
Разделениеклассана 4 рабочиегруппы: Since we know our aim, let’s divide into 4 working groups.
Объяснениезадания 1 поаудированию: Alright, the first task as we already know is to do what? (Listen) Correct. Первичноепредъявление аудиозаписи: Your task is to listen carefully and fill in the missing words. Осуществление работы по разрешению трудностей выполнения задания: Got it? Nice. Do you know this song? I’m sure it sounds familiar. Not a big deal if not, don’t get upset. Вторичноепредъявлениеаудиозаписи: Let’s listen again and then we will check your answers. Cопровождение взаимопроверки, коррекции, взаимооценки выполненного задания: The time is up. Are you ready to check the answers? Now exchange your papers. Here is the key. Write down the points. 1 correct word equals 1 point, ? points in total. Checked? Excellent! Thank you.
Определение темы занятия и постановка цели.
Прослушивание аудиозаписи и выполнение сопутствующего задания. Взаимопроверка, коррекция, взаимооценивание.
Объяснениезадания 2 почтению: You all successfully completed task 1, now it’s high time to move to task 2 which is what? We’ve already listened and now we will? (Read) Correct. We will read. For that task I need you to choose 1 student that will represent your group. That student will read aloud a paragraph. Each paragraph will be chosen randomly by numbers. Your task will be to rate every group representer’s reading skills using the criteris which I will give you now. Осуществление работы по разрешению трудностей выполнения задания: Do you have questions? You need some help? Cопровождениевзаимопроверки, коррекции, взаимооценкивыполненногозадания: Don’t forget to rate every single group representer and give him points, guys, it’s really important. Thank you that was pretty intense wasn’t it? Shall we move on?
Выбор представителей групп. Самооценивание. Взаимооценивание.
Объяснениезадания 3 поговорению: We’ve almost crossed the finish line, almost there. So we listened we read. In task 3 we will do what? (Speak) Right you are. Before we start we need to choose another representers for this task. Great. The task is to describe a picture. I know that it sounds quite scary especially without preparation work done beforehand, but no worries, I’m going to help you. I’ll give you an example. Let’s try to describe this picture here all together. Good job. Now I’ll hand you a plan of the description, you can use it as a base. Here are some pictures that you can choose and describe. Get yourself prepared morally and let’s bring it on. Who would like to start? Ok, come on then. Осуществление работы по разрешению трудностей выполнения задания: Is the task clear? Do you want to ask any question?Do you need help? Cопровождениевзаимопроверки, коррекции, взаимооценкивыполненногозадания: Each group gives points to another group representer. Don’t forget to be honest and kind at the same time.
Выбор представителей групп. Самостоятельный выбор и описание картинки. Самооценивание. Взаимооценивание.
Заключительная часть
3 мин.
Подведениеитогов: Thank you guys so much for your work. Now let’s count all your scores in total and let’s see which group worked the best today. Congratulations group…! All of you did a great job actually, so don’t you dare to think that you weren’t good enough.
Проведениерефлексии: Guys, to conclude today’s activity I ask you to complete 3 sentences. Here they are.
Релаксация используя сайт Triventy: прохождение небольшого квиза по буквам английского алфавита.
I will always 1________ The day you kissed my lips Light as a feather And it went just 2____ this No, it's never been better Than the summer of 2002 (ooh) Uh, we were only 3______ But acting like grown-ups Like we are in the present Drinking from 4_____ cups Singing, "Love is forever and ever" Well, I 5____that was true
Dancing on the hood in the middle of the woods On an old Mustang, where we sang 6_____with all our childhood friends And it 7_____ like this, say
I will always 1________ The day you kissed my lips Light as a feather And it went just 2____ this No, it's never been better Than the summer of 2002 (ooh) Uh, we were only 3______ But acting like grown-ups Like we are in the present Drinking from 4_____ cups Singing, "Love is forever and ever" Well, I 5____that was true
Dancing on the hood in the middle of the woods On an old Mustang, where we sang 6_____with all our childhood friends And it 7_____ like this, say
I will always 1________ The day you kissed my lips Light as a feather And it went just 2____ this No, it's never been better Than the summer of 2002 (ooh) Uh, we were only 3______ But acting like grown-ups Like we are in the present Drinking from 4_____ cups Singing, "Love is forever and ever" Well, I 5____that was true
Dancing on the hood in the middle of the woods On an old Mustang, where we sang 6_____with all our childhood friends And it 7_____ like this, say
I will always 1________ The day you kissed my lips Light as a feather And it went just 2____ this No, it's never been better Than the summer of 2002 (ooh) Uh, we were only 3______ But acting like grown-ups Like we are in the present Drinking from 4_____ cups Singing, "Love is forever and ever" Well, I 5____that was true
Dancing on the hood in the middle of the woods On an old Mustang, where we sang 6_____with all our childhood friends And it 7_____ like this, say