Творческое выступление "Обед у Мальвины"
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«Сценарий творческого выступления на английском языке "The dinner with Malvina"»
Обед у Мальвины
На сцене стол со столовыми приборами и стул. Буратино выходит, делает танцевальные движения и садится, задрав ноги на стол.
Hello, Friends!
I`m buratino!
A funny wooden boy!
I will have dinner with Malvina,( печенку в рот )
A clever pretty doll!
Входит Мальвина (под музыку с движениями)
Good morning, friends!
I`m Malvina (реверанс)
A clever pretty doll!
Hello my…..???Oh, Buratino!!!
Обращаясь к залу:
What rude and stupid boy!!!
Malvina: Oh, you are not very polite. Who taught you manners?
Buratino: Sometimes Papa Carlo, sometimes nobody.
Malvina: I’ll teach you manners! Now sit down, please, and listen to me!
The fork goes on the left,
The knife goes on the right,
And never, ever try to eat
Without your fork and knife.
Spoons are for soup,
Forks - for cakes and stew.
But never, ever try to bite
More food than you can chew.
Manners, (manners)
They are all that matters.
Sit as straight as you could,
Elbows close to your sides.
Manners, (manners)
They are all that matters.
Never play with your food,
And you will be all right.
If something is too far,
You pass it to your mates.
But never, ever try to take
From other people's plates.
To talk at table is polite,
And not to talk is rude.
And never, ever try to talk
When your mouth is full of food.
At table every time
You have to watch yourself,
And never, ever start
Without a napkin on your lap.