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«Применение видеоресурсов на занятиях спецкурса по английскому языку «FilmEnglish» как инструмент формирования речевой компетенции»

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Видеоматериалы - это технические средства обучения, относящиеся к современным методическим приемам. Учитель не только должен знать, что такое видеоматериалы, но и уметь применять их на практике.

Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

Просмотр содержимого документа
««Применение видеоресурсов на занятиях спецкурса по английскому языку «FilmEnglish» как инструмент формирования речевой компетенции»»


Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«МОУ СШ № Дзержинского района Волгограда»

Районный конкурс методических

разработок по образованию

и воспитанию учащихся

среди педагогов

образовательных учреждений

Направление: «Английский язык»

Номинация: «Организация образовательного или воспитательного процесса»


«Применение видеоресурсов на занятиях спецкурса по английскому языку «FilmEnglish» как инструмент формирования речевой компетенции»


Волгоград, 2018

Среди проблем, теоретически и экспериментально решаемых методикой иностранных языков, коммуникативная компетенция и способы ее достижения является одной из наиболее актуальных. Важной задачей учителя является создание реальных и воображаемых ситуаций общения на занятиях, используя для этого различные методы и приемы работы. При решении данной проблемы огромную роль играют технические средства обучения, которые позволяют дать учащимся более полную и точную информацию по изучаемой теме, повышают наглядность обучения и вызывают стремление к дальнейшему совершенствованию языковой культуры

Видеоматериалы – это технические средства обучения, относящиеся к современным методическим приемам. Учитель не только должен знать, что такое видеоматериалы, но и уметь применять их на практике. Только правильно владея методикой работы с видеоматериалами, он может донести знания до учащихся. Практическая значимость заключена в выработке некоторых рекомендаций по применению видеоматериалов в обучении иностранному языку, а именно подбор упражнений и текстов. Материалы данной работы могут быть использованы учителями старшей школы.



2. Содержание спецкурса «FilmEnglish»

2.1.Занятие 1…………………………………………6

2.1.Занятие 2…………………………………………7

2.1.Занятие 3…………………………………………8

2.1.Занятие 4………………………………………...10

2.1.Занятие 5………………………………………...11

2.1.Занятие 6………………………………………...11

2.1.Занятие 7…………………………………….…..13

2.1.Занятие 8………………………………….……..14

2.1.Занятие 9…………………………………….…..15

2.1.Занятие 10…………………………………...…..15

2.1.Занятие 11…………………………………….....16

2.1.Занятие 12…………………………………….....17


2.1.Занятие 14…………………………………….....19

2.1.Занятие 15…………………………………….....20

2.1.Занятие 16……………………………………….20

2.1.Занятие 17…………………………………….....21


4. Список использованных материалов…………...23

В настоящее время английский язык приобрел статус международного языка. Он стал неотъемлемой частью современной культуры, экономики, политики, спорта, образования, искусства, туризма, науки. Следует отметить, что устное и письменное общение на английском языке стало реальностью и необходимостью: мы часто сталкиваемся с TV-вещанием, простыми инструкциями по использованию на английском языке, а также общением с иностранцами, как в жизни, так и по интернету. Так, целью обучения иностранному языку является формирование коммуникативной компетенции, включающей в себя как языковую, так и социокультурную компетенцию, ибо без знания социокультурного фона нельзя сформировать коммуникативную компетенцию даже в ограниченных пределах. Изучение иностранного языка призвано сформировать личность, способную и желающую участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации.

Современные технические средства обучения выступают хорошими помощниками в решении этих задач. Особое место среди них занимают аудиовизуальные средства: кино, видеопрограммы и учебное телевидение.

Аудиовизуальная форма - это эффективная форма учебной деятельности, которая не только активизирует внимание учащихся, но и способствует совершенствованию их навыков аудирования и говорения, так как зрительная опора звучащего с экрана иноязычного  особенности воздействия учебных видеофильмов на учащихся (способность управлять вниманием каждого учащегося и групповой аудитории, влиять на объем долговременной памяти и увеличение прочности запоминания, оказывать эмоциональное воздействие на учащихся и повышать мотивацию обучения) способствуют интенсификации учебного процесса и создают благоприятные условия для формирования коммуникативной (языковой и социокультурной) компетенции школьников звукового ряда помогает более полному и точному пониманию его смысла

Видеофильм имеет довольно сильное эмоциональное воздействие на учащихся, влияет на формирование личностного отношения к увиденному. Еще одним преимуществом видеофильма является непосредственность изображения реальной действительности, особая манера общения ведущего со зрителями (если это телепередача или телешоу), использование крупного плана, ненавязчивое предъявление информации, красочность, наличие музыкального фона. При соприкосновении с происходящим на экране создаются условия наиболее приближенные к естественным 

В отличие от аудио или печатного текста, которые могут иметь высокую информативную, образовательную, воспитательную и развивающую ценность, видеотекст имеет то преимущество, что соединяет в себе различные аспекты акта речевого взаимодействия. Помимо содержательной стороны общения, видеотекст содержит визуальную информацию о месте события, внешнем виде и невербальном поведении участников общения в конкретной ситуации, обусловленных зачастую спецификой возраста, пола и психологическими особенностями личности говорящих 

Существует огромное количество видеоматериалов, которые по стилю передаваемой информации можно разделить на следующие:

а) Художественные (мультфильмы, различные художественные фильмы, фрагменты спектаклей)

б) Научно-популярные, публицистические (интервью, документалльные и учебные фильмы)

в) Информационные (реклама, записи новостей, телепередач, видеоролики)

г) Старноведческие (видеоэкскурсии)

Наиболее важной в методическом плане является следующая классификация видеоматериалов:

1. Специально предназначенные для обучения иностранному языку (видеокурсы и другие учебные фильмы);

2. Предназначенные для носителей языка или аутентичные, включая художественные фильмы и прямую трансляцию телепрограмм в эфир;

3. Разработанные самими преподавателями и обучающимися.

Видеоматериалы, относящиеся к первым двум категориям, широко используются в процессе обучения из-за доступности и меньшей сложности в использовании. Видеоматериалы, разработанные самостоятельно, могут решить большее количество задач, поставленных учителем, так как учитель сам выбирает фрагменты для съемки и может повлиять на сам процесс, направить его в нужном направлении. Для создания таких материалов необходимо много времени, тщательное планирование и наличие технического оборудования. Как и сюжеты, специально предназначенные для обучения иностранному языку, самостоятельно разработанные фрагменты отличаются искусственно созданной речевой ситауцией.

Согласно Б.Томалину, можно выделить 2 типа учебных видеоматериалов:

а) непосредственно обучающие языку (direct teaching video)

б) выступающие в качестве дополнительного источника для обучения языку (resource video).

Для учебного материала первого типа характерно обучение прямо с экрана, где ведущий демонстрирует образцы структур. Роль учителя сводится к тому, чтобы с помощью книги для учителя и вспомогательных средств совершенствовать навыки и умения обучаемых.

Видео может быть хорошим стимулом, как для устного, так и для письменного высказывания.

Я разработала спецкурс «FilmEnglish», используя интернет-ресурс http://film-english.com.

Видеоматериал, представленный на данном сайте, непосредственно обучает языку и выступате в качестве дополнительного источника для обучения. Учащиеся не только запоминат и порторяют иноязычные стркутуры, но и учатся монологическому высказыванию по заданной тематике, практикуются в ведении диалога.

Видеоматериалы позволяет обучать учеников школы иноязычному общению с учетом различных социолингвистических факторов, представленных с помощью визуальной информации и во многом определяющих характер речевых высказываний коммуникантов, а именно: их социального статуса, характера взаимоотношений, пространственно-временных условий общения и др. Для обучения говорению я прменяю следующие упражнения:

· просмотр видеофрагмента без звука и ответы на вопросы о том, где находятся собеседники, каковы взаимоотношения между ними, различия в статусе;

· просмотр видеофрагмента обучаемыми без звука и определение, какой из двух предложенных на карточке диалогов (официальный или неофициальный) соответствует ему;

В обучении диалогической речи использую упражнения, направленные на:

- восстановление диалога, представленного в видеоэпизоде, на основе отдельных реплик, полученных каждым обучаемым;

- восстановление пропущенных реплик одного из персонажей;

- соотнесение каждой из 8-10 реплик, полученных обучаемыми перед просмотром, с определенным персонажем;

Упражнения, предназначенные для обучения монологической речи, включают:

- составление рассказа о том, что уже случилось к определенному моменту видеоэпизода, который прерван «стоп-кадром»; предположение о том, что произойдет дальше;

- восстановление пропущенной части сюжета видеофрагмента (начало, конец или кульминационное событие в середине эпизода);

- подготовка пересказа сюжета от имени одного из персонажей.

Спецкурс разработан и может использоваться в старших классах средней школы.

Спецкурс «FilmEnglish»

Целью данного курса является развитие у обучающихся языковой компетенции, соответствующей уровню B1 (Intermediate level), позволяющей им применять свои знания в дальнейшем на практике.

Содержание данного курса отвечает деятельностному характеру предмета «Иностранный язык», отражает коммуникативно-когнитивный (познавательный) подход, что соответствует требованиям государственного стандарта и возрастным особенностям учащихся на этой ступени обучения.

Задачи курса:

- расширить у учащихся словарный запас, соответствующий уровню B1 (Intermediate), позволяющий им участвовать во всех видах речевой деятельности;

- развить умение понимать и осмысливать содержание видеоматериалов по тематике курса;

- развить умение логично и последовательно излагать свои мысли в форме монологического высказывания;

- развить умения вести беседу по широкому кругу вопросов, участвовать в общении с одним или несколькими собеседниками, аргументировано излагать свою точку зрения, побуждать собеседника к действию.

Продолжительность курса:

Курс рассчитан на 17 часов в течение одного учебного года. Занятия проводятся 1 раз в неделю по 1 академическому часу.

Lesson 11

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, speaking and writing

Topic: Stages of life

Language: Vocabulary related to childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.

Materials: Short film

Vocabulary list

  • vinyl record n.: Vinyl is a strong plastic used for making things such as floor coverings or records. A vinyl record, or simply "vinyl" or "record" was used to store music before the era of cassettes or compact discs.

  • turn into v.: transform into something else, become something else

  • parcel n.: A parcel is something wrapped in paper, usually so that it can be sent to someone by post

  • rewind v.: When the tape in a video or tape recorder rewinds or when you rewind it, the tape goes backwards so that you can play it again.

  • fast forward v.: When you fast forward the tape in a video or tape recorder or when you fast forward, you make the tape go forwards.

1. Before watching

1.1. Answer the question:“What are the different stages of life?”

1.2. Еxplain the following stages of life: birth; childhood; adolescence; adulthood; parenthood; middle age; old age; death.

1.3. Answer the question:

  • What emotions do you associate with each stage of life?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following stages of life: childhood; adolescence; adulthood; parenthood; and old age?

1.4 Watch a short film and identify the different stages and also identify the objects which represent each stage.

2. While watching

2.1. Video quiz questions

1) She ... the first slice when somebody ... on the door.

1. took out; was knocking

2. took out; knocked

3. was taking out; was knocking

4. was taking out; knocked

2) While she ... in the chair, she ... the parcel.

1. was sitting; was opening

2. was sitting; opened

3. sat; opened

4. sat; was opening

3) She ... the parcel, then she ... a vinyl record.

1. opened; took out

2. was opening; took out

3. opened; was taking out

4. was opening; was taking out

4) She ... the record, then she ...

1. was putting on; sat down

2. put on; sat down

3. was putting on; was sitting down

4. put on; was sitting down

5) The music ... when she suddenly ... it.

1. was playing; stopped

2.was playing; was stopping

3. played; stopped

4. played; was stopping

6) As she ... the music, the pizza ...

1. was fast forwarding; was disappearing

2. was fast forwarding; disappeared

3. fast forwarded; was disappearing

4. fast forwarded; disappeared

7) She ... her belly, then she ... of her baby.

1. touched; thought

2. touched; was thinking

3. was touching; thought

4. was touching; was thinking

8) After she ... the record, she ... a mom.

1. fast forwarded; was becoming

2. fast forwarded; became

3. was fast forwarding; became

4. was fast forwarding; was becoming

9) When she ... the record player again, she ... a little girl.

1, was touching; turned into

2, was touching; was turning into

3. touched; turned into

4. touched; was turning into

10) As she ... to the record player, the song ...

1. walked; ended

2. walked; was ending

3. was walking; ended

4. was walking; was ending

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss the following questions:

  • Why do you think the film is called “A Single Life”?

  • What’s the film’s message?

  • How does the film make you feel?

Lesson 22

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Translating expressions from their language into English, practising vocabulary, speaking, writing, watching and analysing a short video, and researching

Topic: Gold

Language: Vocabulary and expressions related to gold,

Materials: Short video

1. Before watching

1.1. Write down any expressions or idioms in their own language which contain the words “gold” or “golden”

1.2. Compare the expressions and idioms you have written, and try to translate them into English.

1.3. Write up the following words and expressions:

  • to have a heart of gold

  • to be golden hearted

  • to be as good as gold

  • to be worth its weight in gold

  • to go for gold

  • a golden rule

  • a golden opportunity

  • a golden girl

  • a golden boy

  • a golden handshake

  • a gold digger

  • fool’s gold

  • all that glistens is not gold

1.4. Choose 6 expressions or idioms you like, and write 6 true sentences which illustrate the meaning of them. 

1.5. You are going to watch a short video titled “Gold costs more than money”. What do you think the video will be about?

3. After watching

3.1. Аnswer the following questions:

  • What’s the message of the video?

  • Who made the video?

3.2. Discuss:

1. “Thousands of people are enslaved and exploited in gold mining in conflict zones.

2. “Approximately 25 million people dig gold by hand, mostly in poor remote areas.

3. “An estimated one million children work in mines throughout the world including gold mines. International Labour Organization (ILO)”

Lesson 33

Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2)

Learner type: Teens and adults

Time: 90 minutes

Activity: Practicing expressions using the word “heart”, watching a short film trailer, predicting and writing a story, watching and discussing a short film, and watch and discussing a reaction video

Topic: Love

Language: Vocabulary related to love

Materials: Trailer, short film and reaction video

Vocabulary list

  • capture / steal / win one's heart: to make someone fall in love with one

  • heart racing / beating fast / leaping / in your mouth: your heart is beating fast because you are very excited or nervous

  • have the heart to do sg: to pluck up the courage to do sg

  • follow your heart's desire: to do what one loves rather than what is expected of one

  • have your heart set on (doing) sg: to be obsessed with getting something

  • (have a) broken heart: to be in emotional distress

  • his heart sank: became discouraged or saddened

  • lose (your) heart: became discouraged or saddened

  • find a way into one's heart: cause someone to fall in love with one

1. Before watching

1.1. Work out the meaning of each expression using the word “heart”.

  • My sister is so good-hearted – she’s always volunteering at food banks and trying to help the less fortunate.

  • I feel terrible for Anna – she’s been broken hearted since she broke up with Alex.

  • I was going to take the job in Australia, but after thinking how much I’d miss my family and friends, I had a change of heart.

  • My girlfriend and I had a real heart-to-heart and we’re getting on much better now.

  • The President ignored the requests to accept more refugees, causing many to accuse him of having a heart of stone.

  • Laura was studying economics, but her heart wasn’t in it and she gave up after a year.

  • His parents wanted him to marry the daughter of their rich friends, but he followed his heart and married his childhood sweetheart.

  • When John broke up with his girlfriend, he poured his heartout to his mother.

  • My mother’s 87, but she’s young at heart. 

1.2. Write 5 true sentences using the expressions you’ve just looked at.

1.3. You are going to watch a trailer for a short film titled “In a Heartbeat”. As you watch the trailer, you should imagine what story the whole film tells.

1.3. Write the story the film tells using narrative tenses.

2. While watching

Video quiz questions

1) He's hiding from someone who has ... his heart.





2) His heart is ... (MARK ALL RIGHT ANSWERS.)


beating fast



in his mouth

3) ... to go up to the other boy, although he would like to.

It doesn't cross his heart

He doesn't take heart

It eats his heart out

He doesn't have the heart

4) He refuses to follow his ...

heart's content

heart of stone

heart of gold

heart's desire

5) He has his heart ... following the boy into the school building.

taken after

catching up

set on

putting up with

6) His heart is ...

of gold


in the right place


7) His heart ... because of what just happened.





8) He . . .

found a way into/to the other boy's heart

nearly gave the other boy a heart attack

poured his heart/soul out to the other boy

lost heart

3. After watching

3.1. Answer these questions:

  • How is the red-haired boy feeling at the strat of the film? Why?

  • What is his heart telling him to do? Why is he afraid to do this?

  • What is the dark-haired boy feeling at the beginning of the film?

  • What happens in the school?

  • How is the red-haired boy feeling when he only has half of his heart?

  • What happens when the dark-haired boy gives the red-haired boy the other half of his heart back?

3.2. Discuss:

  • How does the film make you feel?

  • Does the film have a message? If so, what?

Lesson 4 4

Language level: Intermediate (B1)
Learner type: Teens
Time: 40 minutes
Activity: Watching a short video, describing a friend, speculating on what speakers are saying, and speaking
Topic: Children and difference
Language: Comparatives, language of speculation and vocabulary related to differences
Materials: Short video

1. Before watching

1.1. Explain different ways of describing differences between people such as:

  • “Anna’s much taller than me.”

  • “John has got darker hair than me.”

  • “Maria speaks much more quickly than me.”

  • “Carla’s got more brothers and sisters than me.”

  • “Katie’s more outgoing than me.”

1.2. Think of your best friend and how they are different from you.

1.3. You are going to watch but not hear a short video in which pairs of best friends are asked the question “What makes you two different from each other?” As you watch you should focus on how each pair of best friends are different from each other (01:45)

2. While watching

2.1. Discuss how each pair of best friends is different.

2.2. You are going to watch the video again with no sound, but this time you are going to pause at each pair of best friends, and describe how they are different. 

2.3. You are going to watch the video a third time without sound. You should speculate about what each child is saying about his/her best friend.

2.4. You are now going to watch the video with sound. As you watch and listen you should compare what you thought the children said with what they actually say.

2.5. Comment on each photo and what the children say. 

3. After watching

3.1. Closing caption at 01:50:

“When it comes to difference,

Children see things differently.”

Discuss the meaning of this sentence in relation to the video.

Lesson 55

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Students show their own video, talking about video creation, watching a short film, speaking and creating a promotional video for their institution

Topic: Video creation

Language: Vocabulary related to video creation and first conditional

Materials: Short film, video, and transcript

1. Before watching

1.1. For homework students were to select a video they had created on their mobile phone and to bring it to the next class.

1.2. Show your short video to a partner, and explain why you made the video, why it’s important to you.

2. While watching

2.1,You are going to watch a short video titled What if? Which examines the role of video creation in education. As you watch you should try to understand the video’s message and see if any of the benefits you spoke about are mentioned in the video.

3. After watching

3.1.Summarise what they understood about the video’s message.

3.2. You are going to watch the video again. This time you should try to complete the 8 sentences which all begin with the words ‘What if …’.

3.3. Try to reconstruct the transcript.

3.4. Take the transcript and compare it with your own.

What if we encouraged students to ‘read’ and ‘write’ in all forms of communication, not just the traditional written word? What if we supported teachers with the tools to teach communication in a more visual way? What if we placed the image in all its different forms at the centre of teaching in order to encourage creative and imaginative paradigms? What if we encouraged students to become more actively involved in the media culture that surrounds them and to become producers rather than just consumers? What if we helped students acquire the skills to make them film-makers of the future? What if students used film-making as the medium for telling the stories that are relevant and important to them? What if we brought the media students are creating outside school into the classroom? What if we gave equal access to all young people so that young film-makers from different communities and different social backgrounds could tell their stories?

 Lesson 66

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, speaking and writing

Topic: Dancing and adverts

Language: Vocabulary related to movements of the face and body

Materials: Short film

1.11. Before watching

1.1. Write “ways of moving the face and body” on the board. Explain some examples such as: to jump; to wink; to raise your eyebrows; to hop; to leap.

1.2. Work in pairs and come up with as many examples as you can.

1.3. You are going to watch a short video in which you will see a young woman perform a number of movements. As you watch you should try to think of the name of each movement. Pause at 03:44.

2. While watching

Video quiz questions

1) They are ...

  1. rubbing

  2. clapping

  3. stomping

  4. strolling

2) She is ...

  1. stroking

  2. scrolling

  3. strolling

  4. sorting

3) She is ... at us.

  1. gazing

  2. blinking

  3. peeking

  4. glancing

4) She is ...

  1. staring

  2. gazing

  3. winking

  4. blinking

5) She is ... the mirror.

  1. grinning

  2. punching

  3. reflecting

  4. facing

6) She has ... the statue.

  1. licked

  2. locked

  3. mocked

  4. stomped

7) She is ... along the railing.

  1. marching

  2. dashing

  3. stepping

  4. crawling

8) She is ... the guy.

  1. pinching

  2. punching

  3. munching

  4. scratching

9) She is ... bolts of lightning.

  1. shooting

  2. sending

  3. thrusting

  4. submitting

10) She has ... onto the table.

  1. crawled

  2. catapulted

  3. leapt

  4. rebounded

11) She is falling ...

  1. sideways

  2. backwards

  3. upside down

  4. behind

12) She has done a ... without putting her hands down.

  1. backflip

  2. cartwheel

  3. handstand

  4. somersault

13) She has ... into the eye. (2 RIGHT ANSWERS)

  1. plunged

  2. crawled

  3. skyrocketed

  4. lunged

14) She is ... her chest like Tarzan.

  1. hitting

  2. beating

  3. stomping

  4. shaking

3. After watching

3.1.Tell your partner the movements they remember. Ask them to demonstrate each movement.

3.2. You are going to watch the video again. This time you are going to pause at each movement and describe what she is doing.

3.3. Speculate about what the video is advertising.

3.4. Discuss the following questions:

  • Do you think the ad is effective? Why/why not?

  • Why do you think the film director decided to make this kind of film to advertise a perfume?

Lesson 77

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: talking about communities they, reading a transcript, watching and discussing a video

Topic: Communities and empathy

Language: Vocabulary related to communities

Materials: Short film and transcript

1. Before watching

1.1. Explain the meaning of the word “community”, discuss some communities such as family, school, university, group of friends, religion, sporting club and nation (we all have a role or roles as members of a community. For example, within the family we have a defined role or roles as daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, mothers or fathers; at university students have a defined role while teachers have another, each of these roles is ‘supported’ by a number of duties, responsibilities and rights)

1.2. I draw a small circle on the board and write “family” within it. I explain that this is the smallest and first community we belong to. I draw a second circle around the first, and then draw three more until I have five circles, one inside the other like the image below.

1.3. Copy the circles. Individually, you should write the name of a community they belong to, for example, school, city, university, group of friends, football team, in each of the other 4 circles.

1.4. In your groups, you should discuss what communities you wrote down, what their roles are within them, and what duties, responsibilities, and rights they have. Try to discover what they have in common within their different communities.

1.5. You are now going to watch a short video for a Danish TV channel. As you watch you should reflect on what the video’s message is.

3. After watching

3.1. Get feedback from the whole class on the video’s message.

3.2. Read the transcript of the video.

All That We Share It’s easy to put people in boxes. There’s us. And there’s them. The high earners. And those just getting by. Those we trust. And those we try to avoid. There’s the new Danes. And those who have always been here. The people from the countryside. And those who have never seen a cow. The religious. And the self-confident. There are those we share something with. And those we don’t share anything with. Welcome. I am going to ask you some questions today. Some might be a bit personal – but I hope you will answer them honestly. Who in this room was the class clown? Who are stepparents? And then suddenly there’s us. We who believe in life after death. We who have seen UFO’s. And all of us who love to dance. We who have been bullied. And we who have bullied others. And then there’s us, the lucky ones, who have had sex this past week. We who are brokenhearted. We who are madly in love. We who feel lonely. We who are bisexual. And we who acknowledge the courage of others. We who have found the meaning of life. And we who have saved lives. And then there’s all of us who just love Denmark. So maybe there’s more that brings us together than we think. TV2Danmark All that we share

3.3. Watch the video again.

3.4. Discuss the following questions:

  • Why do we put people in boxes?

  • Do you think it’s true that there’s more that brings us together than we think? Why/why not?

  • How can we discover what we have in common?

Lesson 88

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, speaking and writing

Topic: Jobs and employment

Language: Vocabulary related to jobs and employment, to work as

Materials: Short film

1. Before watching

1.1. Come up with at least one job for each letter of the alphabet.

1.2. Discuss the following questions:

  • What jobs would you love to do? Why?

  • What jobs would you hate to do? Why?

  • What are the most important aspects of a job for you? Why?

1.3. You are going to watch a short film in which you will see people doing unusual jobs, but before you watch the whole film you are going to watch the start of the film where you will see a person doing an unusual job.

(As the opening credits are very long show the film from 00:43 and pause at 01:35)

2. While watching

2.1.“The man works as a lamp.”

Write similar sentences to describe the other unusual jobs they will see in the rest of the film.

(from 01:35 until 05:48)

2.2. Сompare your sentences with your partner. Check that they have used the correct construction and the right “jobs”: a mirror; a table; chairs; a coat rack; a key holder; taxis; traffic lights; a door; a lift; a locker and a doormat.

2.3. Discuss the following questions:

  • What is the message of the film? Do you agree with the message? Why/why not?

  • What adjectives would you use to describe the film?

  • How does the film make you feel?

2.4. The film hasn’t quite finished and you are going to watch the rest of the film.

(Show the rest of the film and pause at 06:36)

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss the following question:

  • What does the ending mean?

  • Is the ending positive or negative? Why?

  • Do you like the ending? Why/why not?

 Lesson 99

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Listening, watching a short video, speaking and writing

Topic: Empathy

Language: Second conditional, and colloquial words and expressions

Materials: Short video

1. Before watching

1.1.“You are coming home after a hard day when you are held up at knifepoint by a teenager.” Imagine you are in this situation and discuss the following questions:

  • How would you feel in this situation?

  • What would you do?

1.2. You are going to hear a young man called Julio Díaz describe what he did when he was coming home after a long day at work and was held up at knifepoint by a teenager. As you listen you should answer the following questions:

  • What did Julio do when he was held up?

  • Why was his reaction unusual?

2. While watching

2.1. Compare your answers.

2.2. You are now going to watch a video in which you will see animated images and the transcript of what Julio says. As you watch you should check how accurate your answers were.

2.3. Explain what you have understood.

2.4. Answer the following questions:

  • Where was Julio when he met the teenager?

  • As the teenager was walking away, Julio said, “Hey, you forgot something.” What did he offer him.

  • Where did they go together?

  • Who came to talk to Julio?

  • How did Julio treat the people who came to talk to him?

  • What two things did the teenager give to Julio at the end?

  • What did Julio give the teenager?

2.5. Watch the video again, this time explain the colloquial vocabulary and expressions such as “you know”, “I’m like”, “go get dinner”, “man”, “so, he’s like”, “I’m like” etc.

3. After watching

3.1 Discuss the following questions:

  • What do you think of the way Julio acted?

  • Can you think of any adjectives to describe Julio?

  • How do you think the teenager felt after he went for dinner with Julio?

 Lesson 1010

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, predicting the end of a story, and speaking

Topic: Daily routines, work and school

Language: Alike, adjectives to describe character and routines

Materials: Short film

1. Before watching

1.1. «I’m like my brother».

«My brother and I are alike». 

Тhese sentences mean the same thing, but we use like followed by another person, while we using alike goes at the end of a sentence or clause and is proceeded by the two things, places or people which are similar.

1.2.  Write a true sentence about themselves and a member of their family using alike.

1.3. You are going to watch a short film titled Alike in which you see a father and his son. As you watch you should notice in what ways the father and son, and their lives are alike (until 04:55).

2. While watching

2.1. Compare you answers and then hold a whole class discussion on how the father and son, and their lives are alike.

2.2. What problem does the film illustrate?

Try to elicit that the film illustrates a common problem in society where parents and children are overworked and have to do mundane and monotonous tasks which kill their creativity and love of life. You might like to tell them at this stage that the father is called Copi and his son Paste.

2.3. Explain how colour is used in the film. Whites and greys are used to represent boredom and monotony, that the son is a vibrant orange, the father a bright blue but that he loses his colour when he is at work and regains his colour when he is with his son, and that the only other bright colours in the film are the green park, brown and orange tree and the pink violinist.

2.4. Predict the rest of the story.

2.5. Say how you think the father and son regain their colour and how the film is going to end(show the rest of the film}.

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss the following questions:

  • How does the film make you feel?

  • What’s the film’s message?

  • Does the film accurately reflect society?

Lesson 1111

Language level: Upper Intermediate (B2)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Vocabulary work, speaking, watching a short film, and writing

Topic: Refugees

Language: Vocabulary related to refugees

Materials: Short film and vocabulary sheet

1. Before watching

1.1. What does the word «refugee» mean? Explain that a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence. Explain that according to the United Nations a refugee “has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.”

1.2. Сonnect the ten words related to refugees with the ten definitions.

asylum minority persecution armed conflict asylum seeker immigrant refugee flee detention centre border

1. a place where people who have entered a country without the necessary documents can be kept for short periods of time.

2. to treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their race, religious or political beliefs.

3. run away from danger.

4. an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles where weapons are used.

5. a person who has come to a different country in order to live there permanently.

6. a national or racial group living in a country or area which contains a larger group of people of a different race or nationality.

7.somebody who leaves their own country for their safety, often for political reasons or because of war, and who travels to another country hoping that the government will protect them and allow them to live there.

8. a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious or economic reasons or because of a war.

9. protection given by a government to foreigners who have been forced to leave their own countries for political or religious reasons or because of war.

10. a line separating two countries, administrative divisions, or other areas.

1.3. Discuss the following questions in small groups:

  • What’s the difference between a refugee and an immigrant?

  • What problems do refugees bring to the countries they go to?

  • What benefits do refugees bring to the countries they go to?

  • What rights and benefits should a country give to refugees?

  • What do you think it’s like to flee your country and end up in a detention centre or refugee camp in another country?

1.4. You are going to watch but not hear a short film about an Afghan boy called Ali who is a refugee.

2. While watching

2.1. Retell Ali’s story to each other.

2.2. You are now going to watch the film with sound. As you watch and listen you should try to understand what Ali says. 

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss how they could welcome children like Ali and help them settle in their country.

3.2. Try and imagine how you would feel in Ali’s situation and write an account in the first person singular based on their experiences.

Lesson 1212

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Speaking about reasons for and benefits of learning a language, and watching a short film

Topic: Learning a language

Language: Vocabulary related to language learning, present continuous and gerund as subject of a sentence

Materials: Short film

1. Before watching

1.1.Explain to their partner why you are learning English. Give some examples such as:

  • I’m learning English to help me get a job.

  • I’m learning English because I need it to get into university.

  • I’m learning English because I need it when I travel.

  • I’m learning English because I need it for my job.

1.2. Come up with as many reasons why people study a new language as possible.

1.3. Answer the following questions:

  • What are the benefits of learning a new language?

  • Give them some example answers such as:

  • Learning a new language helps you to communicate with lots of different people.

  • Learning a new language helps you to understand other people and their cultures.

  • Learning a new language makes you more open-minded.

1.4. You are going to watch a short film in which you see a man learning a new language. As you watch you task is to notice the different strategies and techniques the man uses to learn the language (until 02:00).

2. While watching

2.1. Compare your answers.

2.2. Get feedback on the techniques and strategies the man uses (he reads grammar explanations, he repeats the conjugation of verbs, he listens to and repeats short expressions, he labels objects with Post-it notes, he watches films and repeats expressions).

2.3. Come up with any other strategies which they find useful when learning a new language.

2.4. You are going to watch the rest of the film in which you will see why the man is learning English. Watch the rest of the film.

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss the following questions:

  • What adjectives would you use to describe the film?

  • How does the film make you feel?

  • What is the film’s message?

 Lesson 1313

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, speaking and writing

Topic: Animals and Christmas

Language: Vocabulary related to animals and Christmas

Materials: Short film and video

1. Before watching

1.1.Come up with an animal alphabet. Elicit an animal which begins with the letter “A”, such as “alligator”. Try to do the same for all the letters of the alphabet with a partner in 5 minutes.

1.2. You are going to watch the start of a short film about Christmas. Discuss the questions with your partner:

  • What typical Christmas traditions do they know of?

  • If they celebrate Christmas in their country, what are the Christmas traditions there?

  • How do children normally feel on Christmas Eve?

2. While watching

2.1. As you watch the first part of the short film (until 01:25) you should answer the following questions:

  • How does the young girl feel?

  • What is the father making?

  • What animals do they see?

2.2. Predict what is going to happen on Christmas morning when the girl wakes up.

2.3. You are going to watch the rest of the short film. As you watch you should compare their endings with the one shown in the film(until 02:10).

2.4. Watch the last part of the film

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss the following questions:

  • How do they feel about this type of Christmas advert?

  • Do they feel manipulated by these types of adverts?

  • Do these types of adverts spoil the true spirit of Christmas?

3.2. Imagine how a Boxer dog watching the advert would feel.

Watch this video of a Boxer dog watching the advert.

3.3. Explain how the video makes you feel. 

 Lesson 1414


Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, predicting a story, retelling a story, discussing family relationships

Topic: Childhood, grandparents and grandchildren

Language: Vocabulary related to family

Materials: Short film

1. Before watching

1.1. Come up with as many words for members of the family as they can.

1.2. Discuss the following questions:

  • How would you describe the relationship between a father and a child?

  • How would you describe the relationship between a grandfather and a grandchild?

  • How and why is the relationship between a father and a child, and the relationship between a grandfather and a grandchild different?

1.3. Discuss the questions with a partner.

 1.4. Tell your partner about your relationship with your grandparents.

1.5. You are going to watch the start of a short film in which you see a grandfather, father and son. As you watch your task is to try to understand what is happening and think about how you would describe the relationship between the three members of the family (until: 01:55).

2. While watching

2.1. Tell the class if the situation illustrated in the film is a typical one in your country.

2.2. Predict what adventures they will have.

2.3. Compare the adventures shown in the film with their own.

2.4. You are going to watch the second part of the film again; this time you should try to remember as many details of the film as you can.

3. After watching

3.1. Retell the story to each other in as much detail as possible.

3.2. Discuss the following questions in small groups:

  • Did you like the film? Why/why not?

  • How did the film make you feel?

  • Did the film remind you of your childhood? In what way?

  • Does the film have a message?

3.3. Describe any fantasies you had or games you used to play as a child.

Lesson 1515

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, reconstructing a narration, speaking and writing
Topic: Childhood memories
Language: Vocabulary related to childhood and past simple tense
Materials: Short film

1. Before watching

1.1. Tell your partner one of their earliest childhood memories.

1.2. You are going to watch a short film titled My Earliest Childhood Memory in which 3 people describe their earliest childhood memories. You are going to watch but not hear the first memory. As you watch you should imagine what the narrator is saying (until 00:20).

2. While watching

2.1. Discuss what you think the narrator is saying.

2.2. Watch the film with sound and compare your narration with what the narrators says. 

2.3. Watch the film till 00:33. Compare your narration with what the narrators says.

2.4. Watch the film till 01:20. Compare your narration with what the narrators says.

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss the following questions:

1. What is your most vivid childhood memory?
2. What is your happiest childhood memory?
3. What is your funniest childhood memory?
4. Do you remember your first day at school?
5. Do you have a good memory about a school

6. Do you have a good memory about a school
7. Do you remember when a brother or sister was
8.Are there any smells that bring back a
childhood memory strongly?
9.Are there any songs that bring back a
childhood memory strongly?
10.Do you have any photos which bring back good
childhood memories?

 Lesson 1616

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, predicting and writing a story, discussing a film

Topic: Families

Language: Vocabulary related to families, past simple tense

Materials: Short film

1. Before watching

1.1. Shout out typical problems between children and parents.

1.2. You are going to watch but not hear the start of a short film. As you watch your task is to try to understand the story and imagine what the characters are saying and thinking (02:53).

2. While watching

2.1. Discuss the story and what the characters are saying and thinking.

2.2. You are going to see and hear the start of the film. As you watch and listen you should check their understanding of the story and what the characters say and think. Show the film again, this time with sound, and pause at 02:53.

2.3. Imagine you are the young girl, Penelope, and predict how she will survive in the treehouse.

2.4. You are going to watch how Penelope gets on in the treehouse. You should compare what you see with their predictions (until 06:42).

2.5. Summarise the story so far.

2.6. Discuss the following questions:

  • How would you feel in Penelope’s situation?

  • What would you do if you were Penelope?

  • How do you think Penelope will try to get down from the treehouse?

  • What do you think will happen in the rest of the story?

2.7 You are going to watch the rest of the film. As you watch you should compare your stories with the one shown in the film.

3. After watching

3.1. Discuss the following questions:

  • Do you like the ending?

  • Do you like the film?

  • What words would you use to describe the film?

  • How does the film make you feel?

  • Does the film have a message?

  • In what ways is the film a typical Disney film?

 Lesson 1717

Language level: Intermediate (B1)

Learner type: Teens

Time: 40 minutes

Activity: Watching a short film, speaking and writing

Topic: Usain Bolt, sport and the Olympic Games

Language: Vocabulary related to sports and the Olympic Games

Materials: Short film

1. Before watching

1.1. Come up with as many different Olympics sports as they can in 3 minutes.

1.2. Tell your partner about an athlete from their country who won a medal or did well at the Olympics in Rio.

1.3. Discuss the following questions:

  • What characteristics does an athlete need to become an Olympian?

  • What does an athlete have to do to become an Olympian?

  • What do you think the life of an Olympian is like?

1.4. Discuss the following questions:

  • What do you know about “Usain Bolt”?

  • How many medals did he win in Rio?

  • How many Olympic medals has he won in total?

  • What do you know about his character?

  • What do you know about his childhood?

  • What do you know about his life?

2. While watching

2.1. You are going to watch a short film titled The Boy Who Learned to Fly, based on the life of Usain Bolt. As you watch the film you should check if any of the facts about his life you discussed are shown in the film, and try to remember as much of the story as they can.

3. After watching

3.1. Retell the story of Usan Bolt’s life to each other.

3.2. You are going to watch the film again; this time you should concentrate on the internal struggle which Usain experienced, and the advice his mother gave him.

3.3. Usain experienced internal struggle when he found it difficult to cope with the expectations of his fellow Jamaicans and feared failure. His mother’s advice was “all worries do is weigh you down”, and “you always go faster when you keep it light”. Her advice helped him to overcome his fears and the pressure of performance to ultimately become the fastest man in the world.

3.4. Discuss Usain’s mother’s advice.



1. Можно отметить, что внедрение видео в процесс обучения иностранным языкам помогает решить многие задачи. Видео служит сильным стимулом к изучению иностранных языков. Обучаемые получают возможность применить и расширить свои знания на незнакомом аутентичном материале. Когда обучаемые осознают, что они в состоянии понимать иноязычную аутентичную речь, у них повышается самооценка и мотивация к изучению предмета.

2. Использование видео на занятих позволяет учащимся развить языковую догадку и расширить кругозор. У них появляется возможность узнать об истории, традициях, обычаях людей страны изучаемого языка. При работе над видеофрагментом задействованы все четыре вида коммуникативной деятельности: аудирование, говорение, чтение и письмо. Основное внимание уделяется аудированию, самому трудному аспекту в обучении иностранного языка. Видеоподдержка делает процесс обучения аудирорванию более эффективным.

3. Также использование видеоматериалов повышает активность учащихся. В работе с видео учащиеся получают огромное количество разнообразной информации, которая очень помогает при последующей работе на послесмотровом этапе, следовательно, видеоподдержка создает условия для самостоятельной работы обучаемых.

4. Важно отметить, что использование видео является очень важным приемом повышения качества знаний обучаемых и стимулирует их применять свои знания на практике.

Cписок использованной литературы:

1. Азимов, Э.Г. Материалы интернета на уроках английского языка / Э.Г.Азимов // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2001. - №6. - С. 19-21.

2. Барменкова, О. И. Видеозанятия в системе обучения иностранной речи / О. И. Барменкова // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1999. - №3. - С. 20-25.

3. Биболетова, М. З. Мультимедийные средства как компонент УМК «Enjoy English» для средней школы / М. З. Биболетова // Иностранные языки в школе. - 1999. - №3. - С. 95-98.

4. Вайсбурд, М.Л., Пустосмехова, Л.Н. Телепередача как опора для организации речевой игры на уроках иностранного языка / М.Л.Вайсбурд, Л.Н. Пустосмехова // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2002. - №6. - С. 6-10.

5. Верисокин, Ю.И. Видеофильмы как средство мотивации школьников при обучении иностранным языкам / Ю.И. Верисокин // Иностранные языки в школе. - 2003. - №5. - С. 31-35.

6. Ганжара, И.В. Об опыте использования новых образовательных технологий при обучении иностранному языку в видеоклассе / И.В. Ганжара // Иностранные языки в РГГУ [Электронный ресурс]. - 2005.

7. Егоров, О. Коммуникативная функция учебного занятия / О. Егоров // Учитель. - 2016. - №1. - С. 52-54.

8. Елухина, Н.В. Роль дискурса в межкультурной коммуникации и методика формирования дискурсивной компетенции / Н.В.Елухина // - Иностранные языки в школе. - 2015. - №3. - С. 9-13.

9. Ильченко, Е. Использование видеозаписи на уроках английского языка / Е. Ильченко // Первое сентября, Английский язык. - 2003. - №9. - С.7-10.

10. Леонтьева, Т. П. Опыт и перспективы применения видео в обучении иностранным языкам / Т.П. Леонтьева // Нетрадиционные методы обучения иностранным языкам в вузе: материалы респ. конференции. - Минск, 1995. - С. 61-74.

11. Электронный ресурс// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com (дата обращения: 12.04.2018)

12. Электронный ресурс// Режим доступа: http://sci-article.ru/stat.php?i=1411226602 (дата обращения: 4.03.2018)

13. Электронный ресурс// Режим доступа: https://lingvoelf.ru/video-en (дата обращения: 14.04.2018)

1 A single life [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2018/01/03/a-single-life/ (дата обращения 10.02.18)

2 No slavery[Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/09/10/gold-cost-more-than-money/(дата обращения 11.02.18)

3 In a heartbeat [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/08/06/in-a-heartbeat/(дата обращения 12.02.18)

4 Difference [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film- english.com/2017/07/17/difference/(дата обращения 13.02.18)

5 What if…[Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/06/02/what-if/(дата обращения 14.02.18)

6 Kenzo world …[Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/05/23/kenzo-world/(дата обращения 15.02.18)

7 All that we share …[Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/04/19/all-that-we-share/(дата обращения 16.02.18)

8 The employment [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/03/21/the-employment/(дата обращения 17.02.18)

9 Julio Diaz [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/03/13/julio-diaz/(дата обращения 18.02.18)

10 Alike [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/02/27/alike/(дата обращения 19.02.18)

11 Ali’s story[Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/02/12/alis-story/(дата обращения 20.02.18)

12 Learning a language [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2017/01/08/learning-a-language(дата обращения 21.02.18)

13 Buster the boxer [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2016/12/07/buster-the-boxer/(дата обращения 22.02.18)

14 Taking flight [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2016/10/31/taking-flight/(дата обращения 25.02.18)

15 My earliest childhood memory boxer [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2016/10/14/my-earliest-childhood-memory/(дата обращения 10.03.18)

16 Penelope in the treehouse [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2016/09/05/penelope-in-the-treehouse/(дата обращения 14.03.18)

17 The boy who learned to fly [Электронный ресурс]// Режим доступа: http://film-english.com/2016/08/23/the-boy-who-learned-to-fly/(дата обращения 12.04.18)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Бардакова Елена Владимировна

Дата: 14.07.2018

Номер свидетельства: 474979

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