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"Причины использования сокращений и ненормированной лексики в социальных сетях"

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В данной работе ведётся исследование причин упротребления сокращений в соцсетях. Старшеклассникам эта тема может показаться интересной, т.к. они постоянно пользуются ненормированной лексикой, общаясь дуг с другом на разных сайтах. Подросткам будет полезно узнать, что означают те, или иные слова и как можно экономить время, пользуясь сокращениями.

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«"Причины использования сокращений и ненормированной лексики в социальных сетях"»

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" Причины использования

сокращений и ненормированной лексики в социальных сетях "


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Алдаева С.М.




" The reasons for the usage of abbreviations and abnormal vocabulary in social networks”



  1. The aim of the work

  2. The problems to be solved

  3. Relevance

  4. Forming of a new style-the style of Internet communication

  1. The role of the Internet in people’s communication……………… .4

  2. The reasons for using the Internet slang………………………… 5

  3. Types of the Internet slang………………………………………… 5

  4. Group of Internet users who use abnormal vocabulary…………… 7

  5. Sources of the emergence of a special language of the Internet….. 8

  6. The reasons of the usage special vocabulary in social networks… .9

  7. Features of communication in the Internet……………………… .10

  8. The result of a survey among the English- speaking teenagers…... 10

  9. Resume. All “cons” and “pros” of using abnormal vocabulary….. 11

  10. The influence of language on thinking……………………………. 12


Used resources…………………………………………………………….14




Every day, every minute we talk, write, read, we communicate. All our phrases, words, sentences are formed into texts and make our speech. A language is a human’s communication tool. Speech unites people. We can`t imagine our life without computers, mobile phones, the Internet and social networks. But, when we chat, we forget to follow the language norms, disregarding the great gift -the ability to talk.

The aims of the work are:

  1. Learning the language of social networks;

  2. Identification of the sources of the emergence of a special language of the Internet;

  3. to find out the reasons for using certain vocabulary in social networks;

  4. to prove the influence of language on thinking.

According to these aims there are some problems to be solved:

  1. how social networks influence the English language;

  2. the reasons for the use of slang by teenagers;

  3. study, comparative analysis of attitudes to youth slang of my peers, adults on the basis of questionnaires, linguistic analysis of blogs, data posted on the Internet;

  4. synthesis and systematization of data, formulation of conclusions and proposals on the stated problem;

  5. registration of research results in the form of written work and multimedia presentation.

The relevance of the research topic can be explained by the fact that there are problems that have arisen with the advent of Internet slang and have not been solved until now:

  1. networked language has already evolved from a fashionable trend in a new style of online communication, and spelling on websites, blogs and chats, the presence of spelling errors is a habit and is the cause of the fall of literacy;

  2. network language comes now not only from the virtual space, but also from the TV screens, radios and from the pages of the print media;


  1. because of the Internet slang, the younger generation does not know whether it is good or bad to use the "afftarian text", and the difference between it and the correct English language can very soon become invisible to a teenager or a young man;

  2. it is impossible to express their thoughts and emotions with the help of slang constantly, and then, when circumstances require, to speak beautifully, intelligently, freely.

However, a language is not only a means of communication, it is one of the signs of life of the people who use it; it is a book in which the whole history of the development of the people, all its historical way from the ancient times to nowadays is displayed. In every word we can find the historical past, unceasingly accompanying people. We see the people’s present and probably future of all those who will absorb it with their mother’s milk.

The changing of the language personality occurs in conjunction with the formation of a virtual picture of the world, including the language, reflecting life with its specific features in the Internet space. There is a change in values – computer education is appreciated more than language education. Thus, in England, for example, a new functional style has appeared that is called “Weblish`” (Web+English) which is vigorously spread by Internet users, affecting broader segments of mass audiences. In the Russian language a new style – style of online communication is being formed. The distinctive features are:

  1. written pronunciation;

2. sealed colloquiality;

3. spontaneity.

  1. The role of the Internet in people`s communication.

Nowadays, it`s hard to overestimate the role of the Internet in our life in terms of obtaining and exchanging all kinds of information, and in organization of communication. Today, e-mails, all kinds of forums organized in the network space, numerous online magazines and newspapers and the Internet itself has become for many people a more important aspect of everyday life than television or telephone, often replacing its “predecessors” completely. Online communication has many advantages over conventional methods of personal


communication, and the advantages that play a huge role in attracting people to online communication.

While earlier the Global Network was used only as a means of transferring files and e-mails, today with its help more complex problems of access to Internet resources are solved. The Internet, which served initially to research and educational purposes, is becoming more popular in the world of ordinary communication. Communication through the Internet is especially important for those people whose real life in terms of communication with other people for one or another reason is limited. Such people use the global network as an alternative to their real environment.

This is how in a matter of very few years, the Internet consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed forever the way we do business, and the way we communicate. The Internet, as no other communication medium, has given an International or a "Globalized" dimension to the world. The Internet has become the Universal source of information for millions of people, at home, at school, and at work.

  1. The reasons for using the Internet slang and shortening.

The Internet is changing all the time. Two things have marked its evolution recently: the social web and mobile technology. These two innovations have changed the way people use the Internet. As typing is much slower than speaking, in order to counter this problem, people started shortening words and creating new words. It has become important to consider length and complexity when writing messages or emails. Even with the most sophisticated smartphone, it is easier to read something short and to the point. Obviously this has lead to the appearance of a special tool – Internet slang. Since Internet slang has effective and quicker writing as the main aim, it was invented for the purpose of saving keystrokes. This, in turn, has proved to have a dramatic impact on modern languages. Linguists all over the world are increasingly studying its influence on language. However, people still debate on the scope of these changes, and whether or not they are for the better.

  1. Types of the Internet slang.

Internet Slang consists of a number of different ways of speaking, sub-languages, expressions, spelling techniques and idioms that have obtained most of their meaning on the Internet.


Onomatopoeia, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, is the act of creating or using words that include sounds that are similar to the noises the words refer to. It is the most popular linguistic feature used in online communication nowadays. Among its examples are: heh (English), jajaja (Spanish), хаха (Russian) = laughter, ouch, eek (English), autsch (German), ой, ай (Russian = scream, achoo! (English), etchi! (Korean) апчхи! (Russian) = sneeze, yuck, ugh, ew (English), фу, бе (Russian) = disgust, blah (English) = talk, boo-hoo (English) = crying, doh (English) = stupid, shoo (English), кыш (Russian) = driving away sb, sth unwanted, ta-dah (English) = fanfare, calling attention to sth remarkable

Letter homophone is another popular way to shorten words. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Thus, the letter “u” is used to replace “you”, “CU” means “see you” the word “their” is often used instead of “they’re”, “your” instead of “you’re”.

Acronyms are usaully  words composed of initial letters in a phrase or a word, which is also known as initialisms, as in FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), LOL(Laughing Out Loud), IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) , OMG (Oh My God), IRL (In Real Life). As acronyms help type faster, they are usually used in text messaging.

Most commonly used English acronyms are borrowed by speakers of other languages, sometimes without changing to English keyboard layout. For example, the Russian equivalent of “lol” is “лол” or often “кек” (originally from users of programmes that automatically switch the keyboard layout).

Interestingly enough, some acronyms can act as a certain part of speech in a sentence with its distinctive features. For example an abbreviation for PM (personal message) can be used as a verb: He pmed me to apologize.

Often numbers are used to replace a word: g2g (Got to Go), B2K (Back to Keyboard), 4YEO (For Your Eyes Only).

Letter-number combinations are also used to shorten single words or phrases: gr8t = great, 4u = for you, 2mro = tomorrow, sum1 = someone, 1drfl = wonderful

This is part of the practice of removing all vowels from a word called disenvoweling: pls (English), пжл (Russian), thx (English), спс (Russian), qck = quick

Clipping, a common means of reducing or shortening of words without changing their meaning, is another common linguistic means of word formation found on the computer and telephone mediated communication. Some frequently used examples are:

advertisement – ad, examination – exam, telephone – phone, refrigerator – fridge, website – site, photograph – photo, statistics – stats, hamburger – burger, graduate – grad, teenager – teen, prepare – prep, congratulations – congrats.


Misspelling is an intentional misspelling of a word often in an attempt to represent its casual pronunciation, such as dunno = don’t know, gotta = have got to, should of seen = should have seen, wannabee = want to be, through = thru

Keyboard - generated emoticons and smileys are a sequence of printable characters that are intended to represent a human facial expression and convey an emotion. Among these are: ;) = wink, XD = laughing, ^_^ = smiley, _

Jargon. This word refers to terminology that is associated with a specific profession, group, or activity and most often covers the language used by people who have a common interest. Like slang, it can develop as a kind of shorthand, to express ideas that are frequently discussed between members of a group, though it can also be developed deliberately using chosen terms. Among the most common examples are such words as tweeting, googling etc.

Leetspeak, leet or 1337speak (1=L, 3=E, 7=T) is the least popular internet slang. It consists of replacing a letter by its closest figure’s look-alike, or by using various keyboard signs such as “+”, “(”, “[”, “/”, “_” and more to recreate that letter. A Russian form of 1337speak known as Padonkaffsky jargon or Olbania also exists and a Filipino equivalent known as Jejemon emerged in 2010. To use this language you need to be creative. For example, a 5 looks a bit like an S, as does a $, so either of these symbols (among others) could be substituted for an S. Or you can combine symbols and numbers to make single letters, such as |= for F or |3 for B and so on. Here are some of the examples of words in leet: 5k1||5 = skills, |\|3\/\/|3 = newbie, IN573@d = instead, c0|\|v3|254710|\| = conversation, wh47 4r3 y0u 74|k1n6 4b0u7= What are you talking about?

  1. Groups of the Internet users, who use abbreviations and disregard grammatical and syntactic norms.

The main users of social networks are the following categories:

  1. The main group is teens (13-18 and older). They are the most active users. Their number is 65% of all Internet users, which is every third student. At home, online, they don`t consider it is necessary to comply with the norms of grammar, punctuation and syntax.


  1. The next group is children (10-13) (10%) and foreigners (10%). We can imagine that their main problem is insufficient knowledge the language they are using.

  2. A separate category includes young people who have their own internet projects. These people called bloggers tend not to follow language rules. They are about 15% of users. They create new words with unclear meaning, which makes them more popular. Perhaps, people, whose professions are connected with computer programming, and who spend most of their life working on the computer, don`t watch their speech while communicating online. Out of habit, they don`t want to change the keyboard layout every time to explain something.

  1. Sources of the Internet language.

In fact, there are a lot of words which deviate from the language norms. The question is where they come from. Here are some of their possible sources.

First computer and Internet users came up with slang for simplicity. For example, to avoid using a long word “motherboard”, it was replaced by the word “mobo” in English or “mother”, “mom” in Russian. The new world and its new life style demanded new language tools or transformation of the old ones: slang, developed by Internet users, enters the common vocabulary.

Programmers. A large number of neologisms appear in modern languages due to development of technologies. Most words arrive from English, so people working in this sphere tend to adopt their sound form rather than use equivalent translation. For example: glitch - a fault in a program= глитч; backup – a copy of a file=бэкап; IMHO -  “in my humble opinion”= ИМХО; user – online audience = юзер, Such words are very convenient for quick communication, but for beginners aren`t always clear.

Users. Among modern Internet users there is a tendency to communicate their ideas in the shortest possible form. They use a variety of techniques to achieve their aim, creating a new language that even reaches dictionaries.

Foreign languages. We can’t imagine our life, real and virtual, as well as communication without many foreign words that have entered our vocabulary. For example: CD-compact disc; CD-ROM-compact disk read only memory; DVD-digital versatile disc; doc - document; VIP-a very important person, etc. In the modern world, our country is faced with the problem of contamination of languages with a variety of transliterate


foreign words that don`t carry a semantic meaning. Such words not only introduce confusion into a language, but also “prey” on it, impoverishing the vocabulary of our youth. For example, in Russian we can meet such words as найс from nice = a person liked something; лейбл from label – describes qualities of people, activities, or things, often in a way that is unfair, фейспалм from facepalm = embarrassment, disapproval or disappointment, ванлав from one love = the only love, etc.

The Internet itself. In our online communication we often see words that do not have any origin, they appeared on the Internet, and are often used only there. Examples of such words are: meme (Russian “мем”) - is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture—often with the aim of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme, or meaning represented by the meme. A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices, that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme.

Separate social groups. In a separate group it is possible to build up vocabulary that is characteristic only of certain social communities, a sort of internet jargon: respect, bro, noob, etc. The prospects for further development of this style are few. Researchers note that the fate of slang words and expressions is not the same: some of them stick and may even pass into common speech; others are quickly forgotten.

  1. Reasons for using certain vocabulary in social networks.

There are several reasons for using certain vocabulary in social networks.


When you communicate with a person behind the screen of your monitor, having to wait for an answer due to the fact that a person is writing everything in detail, using full verb forms, following all the grammar rules, makes the conversation pallid and exhausting, you don`t get a feeling of a live dialogue.

Foreign words.

 Some people use foreign words to show their authority or knowledge of a foreign language. Most people, however, use these words only because everybody does this, simply because it’s a fashion.


A person’s social characteristics.

 Some people write with mistakes on purpose, just because it's an eyecatching trend, because it's unusual, because they take it for granted. Another reason is that sometimes you are just too lazy to switch the keyboard layout to write something to a friend in English. After all, no one will check, you are not going to be punished for writing a word incorrectly. It's so much more convenient for you, you don`t have to worry about it, it's easier. It’s not like in your real life, in a lesson, at work - on the Internet everything is much easier.

  1. The features of online communication include:

  1. availability

Any information is available at any time.

  1. easy search

Any necessary information or even a real person can be found in the minimum amount of time.

  1. anonymity.

There is an opportunity to create a new self, to change any information about yourself, age or appearance - it does not matter.

  1. Absence of responsibility

You don’t have to be responsible for your words and actions.

  1. certain features of communication

We communicate with an imaginary interlocutor whom we don`t see. There is no emotional support. There are no non-verbal means that help express feelings, emotions, attitudes. The physical absence of participants allows us to conceal our feelings, as well as express feelings that we do not experience at the moment. You can also communicate with a large number of people at the same time.

  1. The freedom of actions

You can freely control, use the information, change and process it, send it to anyone you want, fulfill fantasies impossible in real life.

  1. Absence of time and distance

People who are separated by thousands and millions of kilometers, who live on different continents, in different countries, belong to different races and cultures can freely communicate with each other forgetting about the distance and the time it takes to meet outside the Internet.

  1. Mythology

On the Internet, a person can instantly move from one point of the globe to another, see what is happening in space in real time. It's like a fairy tale in which the user has supernatural powers. The Internet has become a door to this magical and dreamlike world.

  1. The results of the survey among teenagers of 14-18 years old.


A survey has been conducted for the teens between 14 and 18. The choice fell specifically on this age group as it is the most numerous group of active Internet users. A few questions were asked:

  1. How long do you spend in social networks (SMS, ICQ, Skype)?

  2. Do you use abbreviations/acronyms?

  3. Do you ignore spelling rules?

  4. What are the reasons for any violation of grammar rules when someone communicates in social networks?

The following data were obtained:

1). 98% of teens constantly communicate in social networks, 2% of them communicate during lessons too.

2). 60% of teenagers disregard spelling norms, however, the older teenagers are, the less violation they do.

3). 96% prefer to use shortened forms.

4). 4% of opponents try not to use abbreviations, with writing literacy.

5). 85% of respondents indicated the same reason for using abbreviations – it’s faster and easier.

6). 15% noted that this is a way to stand out, it's fashionable.

  1. Resume. All the positive and negative aspects of using the Internet slang.

Social networks are a place where we can be anyone, and our actions are not limited by anyone. Consequently, no one is watching our speech when we exchange messages. We have to write a lot and quickly because there isn`t enough time, so we start to allow a huge number of abbreviations, changes, unusual words that have a certain meaning, we use unnecessarily many foreign words.

The Internet is a large field of activity where everyone can show off, become famous, become popular. Of course, all this can`t be done without special tricks, ideas, or so-called "wow moments". Young people who create their Internet projects, advertise their own ideals, their own slang, introduce new words in order to attract large numbers of viewers. Their manner should be free and relaxed. If a site or project will be stacked with long sentences, texts where every rule is observed, the style is used correctly, then the audience won`t be interested. Creation of new words and new concepts attract a large number of people, like everything else that is new and unusual. Over time, these concepts become part of our speech, and many people can`t do without them.

On the one hand, the emergence of new words is the development of a language, unless it is too destructive for it. I, personally, do not use the new vocabulary. I often use short forms for quick communication, of course, I'm not an exception and I also use different words that are not in the dictionaries, probably because they really seem comfortable and more relevant in this or that situation.


The creation of new directions, the development of the Internet, and therefore, the development of the youth itself isn`t so bad. Although, on the other hand, all of this pollutes our language. The popularity of abnormal vocabulary is great. I shudder to imagine that we can go so far as to communicate using the Internet language not only online or in an informal environment, but everywhere.

It’s difficult to think that government meetings will be conducted in the "modern" language, that it might enter both medicine and education spheres.

10.The influence of language on thinking.

Language is a main sign system of a man, the most important means of human communication, the way of realization of thinking. Karl Marx, for example, called the language "the immediate reality of thought." Most researchers believe that thinking can exist only on the basis of language and in fact identify language and thinking. Philologist Max Muller expressed this thought in extreme form: "How do we know that the sky exists and that it is blue? Would we know the sky if there was no name for it? ... Language and thinking are two names of the same thing."

Ferdinand de Saussure, the great Swiss linguist, in support of the close unity of language and thinking, brought a figurative comparison: "Language is a piece of paper, thought is its obverse, and sound is a reversal. You can`t cut the front side without cutting the reverse. So, in a language one can`t separate a thought from a sound, not a sound from a thought." The most important function of speech as an activity in the process of communication is the function of expression of thought. In speech thought is not only formulated but also formed. Speech is inseparable from thought, and therefore we can rightly speak of the influence of language on the thinking and behavior of a person. Scientists believe that in speech thinking an important role belongs to concepts in which the essential properties of phenomena are generalized. To think is to operate with concepts. Thinking and speech are not only identical. On the one hand, thinking is broader than speech, because it relies not only on language. Along with speech thinking, thinking is practically effective and visually imaginative. On the other hand, in some ways the speech is broader than thinking, because it conveys not only the conceptual content, but also emotions. In addition, speech is stylistically coloured and socially differentiated. This is due to the fact that people differ in their social status, education, age, profession, etc. Sometimes differences in language depend on gender. In particular, in Japan, the speech of girls is more rich and diverse than the speech of young men, because this is a necessary requirement for the education of a girl in preparation for family life.

How often did each of us have to share some information with someone? In this case, the process of speaking has the purpose to generate a process of understanding in the recipient of information. But there are cases when we use the


language not to convey information to other people, but to organize our own thought process: quietly, in a whisper or "about ourselves" we say words, and sometimes whole sentences, trying to find out or understand something. If we use only abbreviations, harmful words, we can`t make complex proposals, reflect and draw conclusions. Everyone will have a common opinion, no one will try to comprehend anything, object to something, everyone will have enough of what they have.


In the process of working on this topic, I came to the conclusion that the language of the Internet has a number of advantages: laconicism of speech, rapid transfer of maximum information, replacement of verbal images with visual, combining spoken and written speech, ability to express a thought in a concise form and a general friendly character of correspondence. But there are also disadvantages: smiles and interjections gradually supplant verbal ways of expressing emotions, clogging the language with slang words.

Thus, the vocabulary used in social networks arises in the process of communication; it is created by the users themselves. Spelling norms are violated; abbreviations are used more often for mobility of communication, but sometimes it is done to keep up with fashion trends, to look like an advanced person or to stand out from the environment.

It seems to me, that most of the vocabulary used in social networks can`t be tolerated. We must always remember about the development of the nation, its cultural heritage; never forget what was created by our ancestors for centuries. If you change the word - you can change someone's fate. If you change the language, the fate of the whole people will change... What will happen to people if their language is destroyed, forgotten, deleted from history? If it is impossible to dispense with "fast" words in our rapid century, then we should at least use them only when it is really necessary. The main thing is not to become a hostage to the fashion for "new" words, but to be an intelligent and judicious person. All people must respect and cherish their rich, beautiful and great language; develop, and not simplify it, "our priceless gift is speech."


Used resources:

1. www.lungust.ru

2. Marolin P. V. The language of the Internet as an object of linguistic research. International Slavic Institute. M., 2009

3. Silaeva V. L. Specificity of communication in the network. Moscow, 2005

4. Chakryan N. S. Evolution of means of communication of teenagers in the information space. Ural, 2009

5. Levin M. I. The impact of the Internet on changing the language of communication. SPb., 2008

6. Naumova I. O. Computer words. RAS No. 6, 2004.

7. Vakulenko T. N. SMS messages as a new type of communication. SB. "Active processes in the modern Russian language, their reflection and implementation in the course of University and school philological education". Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference. Internet journal, 2007

8. Ioannina, AA Features of the present textthinking. SMS-language. - Moskow, 2007

9. Genon.ru-Abbreviation


11. “ Academic Skills Office” research of University of New England, 2011

12. http://gendocs.ru/v7721/?cc=12

13.Oxford English Dictionary, 2009

14.G.B. Antrushina, O.V. Aphanasieva “English lexicology”, 2008

15.E.V. Babenko “A Manual of English Lexicology”, 2009

16.Fischer, Roswitha “Lexical change in present-day English: A corpus-based study of the motivation, institutionalization, and productivity of creative neologisms”, 1998

17.Dictionary of Abbreviations (Oxford Paperback Reference) Oxford Paperbacks, 1998


Dictionary «The Internet language»


ASAP - As Soon As Possible

DVD (ди-ви-ди́, англ. Digital Versatile Disc — цифровой

многоцелевой диск; также англ. Digital Video Disc — цифровой видеодиск)

 FSU: Former Soviet Union

FSUW: Former Soviet Union Woman/Women

IMHO: In My Humble Opinion

LOL: Laughing Out Loud

CD-Compact Disc

CD-ROM (англ.Compact Disc Read Only Memory, компакт-диск только с возможностью чтения)

OMG: Oh My God!

RM: Russian Man (Men)

RW: Russian Woman (Women or Wife)

WM: Western Man (Men)

WMVF: Write Many Visit Few

WMVM: Write Many Visit Many

WNVM: Write None Visit Many

WOVO: Write One Visit One

WW: Western Woman (Women or Wife)

ATM: At The Moment

BTM: By The Moment

TTYL: Talk To You Later

EOD: End Of Day

BAU: Business As Usual

BBL: Be Back Later

BC: Because

BF: Boyfriend

BK: Back

BRB: Be Right Back

BRO: Brother

BT: But

BYOB: Bring Your Own Booze

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Причины использования сокращений и ненормированной лексики в социальных сетях"

Автор: Светлана Михайловна Алдаева

Дата: 29.05.2023

Номер свидетельства: 632635

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