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Обучение диалогической речи старшеклассников при помощи аутентичных видеоматериалов

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В данной статье рассмотрена проблема обучения ДР старшеклассников с использованием аутентичных видеоматериалов. Также в статье описываются ряд преимуществ аудио- и визуальных средств обучения иноязычной речи.

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«Обучение диалогической речи старшеклассников при помощи аутентичных видеоматериалов»

T. Tolstyh

Kursk State University

Kursk, Russia


This article considers the problem of training of the dialogical speech (further ‒ DS) of seniors using authentic French visuals. Various definitions of the concept «dialogical speech», the main approaches to training of DS, and also some psychological and age features of seniors are presented in the article. Besides, the article describes several advantages of audio-and visual tutorials of the foreign-language speech, and also contains some examples of their application.

Keywords: dialogical speech, training of DS of seniors, authentic visuals, psychological features of seniors.

Now there is a set of the researches devoted to training of the foreign-language dialogical speech of seniors. Among the scientists who were engaged in studying of speaking and the dialogical speech as its variety it is possible to name O. V. Agayeva, I. A. Zimnyaya, V. L. Skalkin, E. I. Passov, N. B. Odintsova, N. D. Galskova, A. A. Leontyev, M. A. Kazakova, T. N. Kolokoltseva, I. L. Kolesnikova, O. A. Dolgina and others.

The 1980th years became the most active period of studying of DS in methodical literature. During this period the training of school students of the dialogical speech was considered actively by such scientists, as. L. Bim, V. L. Skalkin, S.F. Shatilov, G. V. Horn, V. A. Bukhbinder, M. A. Vaysburdem, G. M. Uayzer and others. [see Bozhik, 2013:57]

Concept DS is defined by various researchers differently. For example, I. L. Bim understands as DS «process of direct communication which is characterized by the remarks of two and more persons which are serially replacing each other and generating one another». [Bim, 1988:189]

A. D. Klimentenko and A. A. Mirolyubov consider that DS represents «a form of social and speech communication, and also a basis of cooperation and mutual understanding between people in the course of joint activity». [Klimentenko, Mirolyubov, 1981:217]

E. M. Rosenbaum treats this concept as «a way of formation and a formulation by interlocutors of thoughts in the course of communication by means of language». [Rosenbaum, 1983:14]

In our opinion, the fullest definition of DS is formulated by V. L. Skalkin who defines it as «the combination of the oral statements which are consistently generated by two and more interlocutors in the direct act of communication united by a situational and thematic community and communicative motives». [Skalkin, 1989:6] In this definition the author considers not only the fact of communication or exchange of remarks between interlocutors, but also such characteristics of dialogue as limitation a certain subject (situation) and its communicative orientation.

As for various characteristics of DS, V. L. Skalkin allocates such of them as ellipticity, simplicity of syntactic construction, a frontage to the interlocutor, the general colloquial style and a big quantity of cliches. Besides above-mentioned properties, some researchers mention also following: use of parenthesises and designs, and also interjections [Agayeva, 2011:92], emotionality and expressivity [Galskova, Gez, 2006:192]; [Kazakova, Vetlugin, 2015:12]; [Kolokoltseva, 2001:15], anchoring with the situation [Solovova, 2002:179]; [Agayeva, 2011:93]; [Kazakova, Vetlugin, 2015:12], big role of intonation [Kolesnikova, Dolgin, 2008:198], spontaneity and surprise [Galskova, Gez, 2006:194]; [Kolokoltseva, 2001:15], etc.

Speaking about training of DS of school students in general and seniors in particular, in a domestic technique there are two multidirectional and complementary approaches to training of DS: «Bottom- up processing» and «Top- down processing».

Approach to training of DS «Bottom up» means that gradual, stage-by-stage mastering the DS elements, eventually, results in ability to generate ready statement and to participate in speech communication. This approach can be compared to an inductive method of knowledge where the movement from the particular to the general – from consecutive, systematic mastering separate speech samples to their further association and generalization. [Kolesnikova, Dolgina, 2008:194]

And approach to training in speaking «Top-down», on the contrary, represents a way of mastering complete speech samples which have to be perceived by the senior as a certain model of creation of similar phrases. Then the pupil begins to vary gradually lexical and grammatical filling of the phrases learned by him, generating already independent similar statements. This way of training of DS is focused, in opinion I. L. Bim, on «possession, mainly, by everyday dialogues in standard situations of communication». [Bim, 1988:197]

In order to do training of DS of seniors using these methods successful and productive, it is necessary to consider, first of all, age and psychological features of students in this age.

According to I. S. Kohn, the youthful age is characterized by rather high cultural level and an outlook, independence, formed tendencies and interests, and also by the enemy relation to monotonous and mechanical methods of memorizing the material.

Most of researchers considers that seniors show particular interest in problems of morality, the human relations and values. Therefore the teacher has to organize educational process so that students had an opportunity to compare the different points of view and alternative approaches, to state the point of view on this subject, to argue, discuss etc. [Internet-source: http://bibliofond.ru]

Besides, when training foreign-language DS of seniors it is necessary to pay special attention to motivation – one of the major factors in the course of the learning a foreign language. And as multimedia strongly were fixed in modern society, and viewing of movies, series, telecasts and Internet rollers became an integral part of student leisure, use of above-mentioned means is an important element of foreign language lessons.

Scientists find various advantages of audio-and visual tutorials of a foreign-language speech. First, video records are authentic and show a real application of the studied language; secondly, telecasts and movies in a foreign language provide seniors with examples of various communicative situations outside educational audience; thirdly, multimedia means promote a training of understanding various styles of the speech (official, colloquial) and acquaint pupils with situations of their use in a natural communication. In other words, viewing of foreign-language video records is a very good possibility of immersion in other language environment.

Use of authentic visuals while training DS of seniors has to be practiced also because it solves the following problems:

• develops attention and memory as a person receives the main information about the world through organs of sight and hearing;

• helps to combine different types of communicative activity: audition, speaking, reading and writing;

• promotes an intensification of educational process as information provided in a visual form is acquired easier and quicker;

• extends horizons and increases the general culture of seniors;

• helps to master skills of cross-cultural communication.

It is possible to give a video called «Les jeux vidéo ne sont pas si mauvais pour les ados» published on youth channel PLAY RTS as the example of using authentic French visuals while training DS of seniors. Opinions of adults and teenagers concerning computer and video games are presented in this video. According to the researchers who made a number of experiments and polls among youth and adults, video games influence more negatively teenagers than people of the senior generation. Also both the positive and negative moments of influence of computer games on the person are given in this telecast. In our opinion, this video can be used as a basis for the exercises developing DS of students. We will give two such exercises as an example:

  1. Trouvez la correspondance des opinions des adultes et d`un ado  à propos d`une influence positive\négative des jeux vidéo sur les gens.



Dafné Bavolier

  1. Si un enfant ou un adulte joue un jeu violent pendant 15-20 min, pendant la prochaine demi-heure cette personne va être plus irritable, plus violente.

  2. Cela développe aussi de nouvelles compétences. L`accro aux jeux d`actions peut devenir un vrai expert.

  3. Je pense que ça me rend nerveux quand je joue. C`est vrai que quand j`ai un parti dur, j`ai l`impression de m`énerver trop.

  4. Dans ces études-là, c`est ce qu`on fait, on demande aux gens de s'entraîner pendant quelques heures – 10h, 30h, 50h sur des périodes assez longues ... On voit après plusieures semaines quelques effets qu`on appelle la plasticité cérébrale.

  5. J`ai des réflexes de vision dans la vie quotidienne. C`est – à – dire, que je remarque plus facilement en classe un stylo qui tombe que d`autres personnes n`ont même pas remarqué.

  6. La pratique intensive des jeux-vidéo contribue à aiguiser le regard du joueur.

This exercise is aimed to check the understanding of the main moments of video without which further dialogue will be impossible. Besides, exercise promotes development of memory and attention, and also combines such types of communicative activity as audition (pupils perceive the speech aurally) and writing (seniors do notes in their notebooks during viewing). This task is preparatory to creation of dialogue between pupils on the subject «Video games».

  1. Composez un dialogue entre un parent et un ado: un adulte convainc un ado de ne pas jouer les jeux-vidéo parce que c`est nuisible. Le but de l`ado est de persuader son parent en citant des contre-arguments. Vous pouvez utilisez des arguments de l`exercise précédent.

This task, first, develops DS of students, secondly, promotes formation and development of lexical skills in a subject, and, thirdly, helps to remember better the main maintenance of the studied subject.

Thus, in our opinion, one of the most effective ways of training DS of seniors is training by means of authentic visuals which have a number of advantages by traditional methods of training and are capable to increase considerably effectiveness of educational process.


  1. Agayeva O. V. Training of the dialogical speech at English lessons//Urgent problems of pedagogics. – Chita: Prod. The young scientist, - 2011 – 262 p.

  2. Bim I. L. The theory and practice of training in German at high school. Problems and prospects. M.: Education, -1988. - 256 p.

  3. Bozhik S. L. Evolution of a concept and role of the dialogical speech in the course of training in foreign languages//the Bulletin of the St. Petersburg University. – 2013. - No. 1. – P. 55 – 61.

  4. Galskova N. D., Gez N. I. Theory of training in foreign languages. Lingvodidaktika and technique. – M.: Prod. The Akademiya center, - 2006. – 336 p.

  5. Kazakova M. A., Vetlugina N. O. Main psychological aspects of training of the dialogical speech.//Urgent problems of philology and technique of teaching foreign languages. – Kazan: Prod. The young scientist, - 2015. – 59 p.

  6. Klimentenko A. D., Mirolyubov A. A. Theoretical bases of a technique of training in foreign languages at high school / M.: Pedagogics, 1981. - 456 p.

  7. Kolesnikova I. L., Dolgina O. A. English-Russian terminological reference book on a technique of teaching foreign languages. M.: Drofa, - 2008. -194 p.

  8. Kolokoltseva T. N. Manual: Specific communicative units of the dialogical speech / Т.N. Kolokoltseva . Volgograd: Prod. The Volgograd State University, 2011. – 279 p.

  9. Rosenbaum Je. M. Bases of training of the dialogical speech at language faculty of pedagogical higher education institution (French). - M, - 1983. - 40 p.

  10. Skalkin V. L. Training of the dialogical speech. Kiev, - 1989. - 158 p.

  11. Solovova E. N. Technique of training in foreign languages. Basic course of lectures. – M.: Education, - 2002. – 239 p.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Обучение диалогической речи старшеклассников при помощи аутентичных видеоматериалов

Автор: Толстых Татьяна Вячеславовна

Дата: 16.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 439199

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