Сценарий разработан для дошкльников на английском языке
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«"Муха Цокатуха"»
Выходит муха поет песенку
I dance like this I dance
I turn I turn right round and round
I dance like this I dance
And my foot put the ground
После песни говорит слова:
Im Buzzy-Wuzzy Busy Fly:
Yellow belly, beady eye!
I looked around,
And I found a pound.
Im going to the shop
And i want to buy a tea pot
Выходи самовар поет песенку «Tea pot»
Im a clever tea pot
Yes it is true
Here is example of what I can do
I can change my handle into a spout
Tip me over and pour me out
муха приглашает всех в гости
Come to see me
I invite you all to tea
Выходят жуки поют песенку
We like hotdogs we like beans
We like cakes we like sweets
We like eating we like drinks
We like french-fries
We like eggs we like cheese we like milk
We like eating we like drinks
Говорят хором
We are bugs too honest hears
We like tea with milk and tarts
Mуха приглашает к столу
Please coming and help yourself
Выходят бабочки поют песенку
Butterfly butterfly little butterfly
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Говорят слова
We are the butterflies
We never stay
Always flying to a new day
Муха зовет
Сame here dear guests
Выходит кузнечик поют все вместе
There was a green grasshopper, There was a green grasshopper, There was a green grasshopper Sitting in the grass. |
Imagine, imagine, Sitting in the grass. Imagine, imagine, Sitting in the grass. |
Под музыку выходит паук ,поют все вмести
Insty winsty spider you are so black
Insty winsty spider you are so bad
Insty winsty spider stop stop
Insty winsty spider we are afraid
Паук говорит слова
Buzzy-wuzzy I want to kill you
Buzzy wuzzy I want to blood to spill
Уводит муху
Муха просит помощи
Help me help mt daer guests
I invited you
I treated you
I greeted you
Жуки со страхом прячутся под стол
We afraid We afraid
Dont ask as to be brave
Кузнечик с бабочками прячутся за дерево
How awful
We cant help
Buzzy wuzzy be forcefull
Под музыку выходит комар
Spider stop let fly be free
Go away O you must be die
I can rescue poor flay
Становится на колено, берет мху за руку
My dear dear fly
I love you
Be my wife
Муха говорит комару
I love you mosquito