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«Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи» (практикум по переводу)

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Методическая разработка «Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи»  преподавателя английского языка ОГАОУ СПО «Белгородский строительный колледж» Кованченко А.Н. представляет собой подборку аутентичных материалов по указанной теме из молодежных журналов и газет.

Цель разработки – практиковать студентов  в  переводе текстов и статей, в умении пользоваться словарем и высказывать свою точку зрения по поставленной проблеме.

         При составлении методической разработки прослеживается дифференцированный подход, коммуникативная направленность,  доступность и информативность учебного материала.           

         Методическая разработка состоит из 4-х разделов:

                        Базовые тексты (тексты-топики с вопросами для устной беседы);

                        Ваше мнение (статьи из журналов для чтения, перевода и высказывания своей точки зрения на обозначенную  проблему);

                        Развлечемся (различные викторины и тесты);

                        Дополнительное чтение (тексты и статьи для дополнительного чтения).

         Все предлагаемые материалы снабжены словарем.

Работа  с учебным материалом предлагаемой методической разработки приближает студентов к реальной ситуации, где необходимо владение иностранным языком.

         Отдельные материалы могут быть использованы для подготовки докладов и сообщений.


Методическая разработка «Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи»  преподавателя английского языка Кованченко А.Н. может быть рекомендована для использования на занятиях со студентами 2 курсов всех специальностей, изучающих иностранный язык в рамках учебной программы Белгородского строительного колледжа.  


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««Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи» (практикум по переводу) »






«Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи»

(практикум по переводу)

Белгород, 2014


цикловой комиссией


Протокол № ___ от ______ 20___г.



Составитель: Кованченко А.Н., преподаватель иностранного языка ОГАОУ СПО БСК





Данная разработка предназначена студентам СПО всех специальностей для изучения темы «Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи».

Отличие данной разработки – актуальность и востребованность размещенной в ней информации и приближение студентов к тем реальным ситуациям, когда необходимо владение английским языком и умение высказать свою точку зрения.

Данная разработка представляет собой сборник материалов по указанной теме и состоит из следующих разделов:

- I. Раздел ‘Базовые тексты’ включает тексты-темы (топики), которые содержат вопросы для устной беседы.

- II. Раздел ‘Ваше мнение…’ включает аутентичные тексты и статьи из журналов, которые предназначены для чтения, перевода и высказывания своей точки зрения на поставленную проблему.

- III. Раздел ‘Развлечемся?’ включает различные викторины, тесты.

- IV. Раздел ‘Дополнительное чтение’ включает тексты и статьи из журналов для дополнительного чтения.

Отдельные материалы разделов могут быть использованы по усмотрению преподавателя для подготовки студентами выступлений / докладов.

Все тексты снабжены словарем.

Методика работы с представленными материалами зависит от уровня подготовки студентов.

Данная разработка предполагает последующее внесение изменений и дополнений, включение нового материала.


Методическая разработка «Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи» преподавателя английского языка ОГАОУ СПО «Белгородский строительный колледж» Кованченко А.Н. представляет собой подборку аутентичных материалов по указанной теме из молодежных журналов и газет.

Цель разработки – практиковать студентов в переводе текстов и статей, в умении пользоваться словарем и высказывать свою точку зрения по поставленной проблеме.

При составлении методической разработки прослеживается дифференцированный подход, коммуникативная направленность, доступность и информативность учебного материала.

Методическая разработка состоит из 4-х разделов:

  1. Базовые тексты (тексты-топики с вопросами для устной беседы);

  2. Ваше мнение (статьи из журналов для чтения, перевода и высказывания своей точки зрения на обозначенную проблему);

  3. Развлечемся (различные викторины и тесты);

  4. Дополнительное чтение (тексты и статьи для дополнительного чтения).

Все предлагаемые материалы снабжены словарем.

Работа с учебным материалом предлагаемой методической разработки приближает студентов к реальной ситуации, где необходимо владение иностранным языком.

Отдельные материалы могут быть использованы для подготовки докладов и сообщений.

Методическая разработка «Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи» преподавателя английского языка Кованченко А.Н. может быть рекомендована для использования на занятиях со студентами 2 курсов всех специальностей, изучающих иностранный язык в рамках учебной программы Белгородского строительного колледжа.



Методическая разработка по теме «Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи» преподавателя английского языка ОГАОУ СПО «Белгородский строительный колледж» Кованченко А.Н. представляет собой сборник аутентичных материалов по указанной теме.

В основу методической разработки положены следующие принципы: практическая (коммуникативная) направленность, дифференцированный подход в обучении, доступность, посильность учебного материала, сознательность и активность учащихся при его усвоении.

Цель разработки – практиковать студентов 2 курса в чтении, переводе со словарем и в умении высказывать свою точку зрения на иностранном языке по поставленной проблеме.

Методическая разработка состоит из 4-х разделов:

  1. Базовые тексты (тексты-топики с вопросами для устной беседы);

  2. Ваше мнение (статьи из журналов);

  3. Развлечемся (викторины, тесты);

  4. Дополнительное чтение (тексты и статьи для дополнительного чтения)

Подобранные тексты отвечают актуальностью и востребованностью размешенной в них информации, приближают студентов к реальной ситуации, где необходимо владение иностранным языком.

Отдельные материалы могут быть использованы по усмотрению преподавателя для проведения конференций, подготовки докладов и сообщений.

Все тексты снабжены словарем.

Подбор материала позволяет применять различные методы при проведении учебных занятий в зависимости от уровня подготовки студентов.

Методическая разработка «Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи» преподавателя английского языка ОГАОУ СПО БСК Кованченко А.Н. может быть рекомендована для применения на занятиях со студентами 2-х курсов всех специальностей, изучающих иностранный язык в рамках учебной программы Белгородского строительного колледжа.


I am a teen,

Therefore, I must be bad.

Because I’m a teen,

The life I lead is sad.

All the teenagers – they

Belong to a gang.

We steal, lie, hit, kill,

And guns we bang.

Don’t ever trust us,

We’re up to no good.

We don’t shop without stealing.

Be locked up, we should.

We all are satanists.

In jail we belong.

I am a teen,

Therefore, I’m wrong.

Katie, 13

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.22.

Kovanchenko A.N.

Раздел I.

Базовые тексты

Sample Texts

Kovanchenko A.N.


AIDS is an insidious and up to the present moment incurable but less contagious disease than measles or hepatitis B. AIDS is thought to be caused primarily by a virus that invades white blood cells (lymphocytes) and certain other body cells, including the brain. In 1983 and 1984, French and U.S. researchers independently identified the virus believed to cause AIDS as an unusual type of slow-acting retrovirus now called “human immunodeficiency virus” or HIV. Like other viruses, HIV is basically a tiny package of genes. But being a retrovirus, it has the rare capacity to copy and insert its genes right into a human DNA. Once inside a human host cell, the retrovirus using its own capacities begins to copy its genetic code into a DNA molecule which is then incorporated into the host’s DNA. The virus becomes an integral part of the person’s body. But the viral DNA may sit hidden and inactive within human cells for years, until some trigger stimulates it to replicate. Thus HIV may not produce illness until its genes are “turned on” five, ten, fifteen or perhaps more years after the initial infection.

During the latent period, HIV carriers who harbour the virus without any sing of illness can unknowingly infect others. On average, the dormant virus seems to be triggered into action three to six years after first invading human cells. When switched on, viral replication may speed along, producing new viruses that destroy fresh lymphocytes. As viral replication spreads, the lymphocyte destruction virtually sabotages the entire immune system. In essence, HIV viruses do not kill people, they merely render the immune system defenceless against other infections, e.g. yeast invasions, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, massive herpes infections, special forms of pneumonia that kill in half of all AIDS patients.

That is AIDS. There are several types of AIDS. No one has been cured up to the present moment.


  1. Is AIDS curable?

  2. Is AIDS very contagious disease in comparison with other viruses?

  3. Who and when identified the virus?

  4. What is HIV?

  5. What rare capacity for viruses has HIV?

  6. Does HIV kill the carrier instantly?

  7. Can HIV kill human body itself?

Kovanchenko A.N.


insidious – коварный

incurable – неизлечимый

contagious – заразный

measles – корь

hepatitis B – гепатит Б

to cause – причинять, быть причиной

to invade – зд. вторгаться

white blood cells – белые кровяные тельца

lymphocytes – лимфоциты (кровяные тельца)

researcher – исследователь

to identify – идентифицировать; зд. выделять

retrovirus – ретровирус


gene – ген


trigger – «пусковой механизм»

to replicate – реплицироваться, размножаться

the initial infection – первоначальное инфицирование

latent period – латентный (скрытый) период

to harbour – зд. иметь, носить

dormant – спящий

to spread – распространять(ся)

merely – просто

to render – делать, превращать

yeast – зд. грибок

toxoplasmosis – токсоплазмоз

cytomegalovirus – цитомегаловирус, ЦМВ

massive herpes infections – тяжелая форма герпеса

AIDS patient – зд. больной СПИДом

Бережная О.А. 300 современных тем по английскому языку, с..398-400.

Kovanchenko A.N.


More people are abusing drugs today than in any other time in history of mankind, and many of those people are youth.

Understanding what drugs are is fundamental for understanding their potential abuse. Drugs are a psychoactive substance. A psychoactive substance is something that people take to change the way they feel, think or behave. Some of these substances are called drugs and others, like alcohol and tobacco, are considered dangerous, but are not called drugs. The term drug also covers a number of substances that must be under medical supervision to treat illnesses.

I am going to talk about drugs as those man-made or naturally occurring substances used without medical supervision, basically to change the way a person feels, thinks or behaves.

In the past, most drugs were made from plants. That is, plants were grown and then converted into drugs such as coca paste, opium and marijuana. Over the years, these crude products were further processed to drugs like cocaine and heroin and finally, in the 20th century, people fond out how to make drugs from chemicals. These are called man-made or synthetic drugs and include ecstasy, LSD, etc. These were initially manufactured for largely experimental reasons and only later were used for recreational purposes. Now, however, with the increased size and scope of the drug trade, people set out to invent drugs especially for human consumption.

For the first time in human history, a whole industrial complex creates and produces drugs that are meant to be used for the sole purpose of “having fun”. People use drugs just to escape the reality, to have fun. The majority of them are young, even very young, who do not understand what might happen to them because of drugs.


  1. What is fundamental to understand the essence of drugs?

  2. What are drugs?

  3. What is a psychoactive substance?

  4. What kind of drugs do you know?

  5. What naturally occurring drugs do you know?

  6. What synthetic drugs do you know?

  7. Why do people use drugs?

Kovanchenko A.N.


to abuse – злоупотреблять

drugs – наркотики

mankind – человечество

youth – молодежь

substance – вещество

to behave – вести себя, поступать, держаться

to consider – думать, полагать, считать

dangerous – опасный

to cover – включать, содержать

supervision – зд. лечение, предписание

to treat – лечить

illness – болезнь

plants – растения

crude – сырой

to find out – находить, изобретать

ecstasy – экстази (вызывающий чувство эйфории наркотик, широко употребляемый на дискотеках)

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) – ЛСД (наркотик, вызывающий галлюцинации)

initially – в начальной стадии, вначале

recreational – развлекательный, относящийся к сфере развлечений, отдыху

purpose – назначение, намерение, цель

to invent – изобретать

consumption – потребление

to escape – уходить от реальности, отключаться

majority – большинство

Бережная О.А. 300 современных тем по английскому языку, с..395-397.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Such products as glue, butane gas, solvents are made on solvent base. That is why they can be used for sniffing and then receiving post effects of visual hallucinations.

Solvents are usually commercial products, like glue, nail polish remover, aerosols, gas lighter fuel and petrol, which give off a vapour. When the vapour is inhaled, it can make you feel light-headed, happy, dizzy. The effects can last up to an hour, depending on what and how much was inhaled. Solvents are depressant drugs.

It is estimated that one of five young people in Britain have used solvents. It is the second most commonly used drug for this age group. Talking about our country, there is no exact statistics concerning this fact, but it is not a secret that the number of “sniffers” is growing and yet has reached a tremendous index. It happens, because such substances are the most available and cheap.

Because solvents are often sniffed from a plastic bag, sometimes covering the head, there is a risk of suffocation, if the user becomes unconscious.

Solvent use is extremely dangerous. Nobody knows exactly how many children die in our country, because of solvent addiction. For example, in Great Britain in 1999 thirty nine young people died as a direct result of inhaling butane lighter fluid. This is ten times more than die from Ecstasy.

In Great Britain it is prohibited to sell solvent-based products to children under 18s. It is illegal there. Here, in our country, there is no such legislation concerning this problem, which is becoming worse day after day.


  1. Why can solvents be used for receiving post effects of visual hallucinations?

  2. What are solvents?

  3. What are the effects of sniffing solvents?

  4. Why is the number of “sniffers” growing in our country?

  5. Why is there a risk of suffocation for people sniffing solvents?

Kovanchenko A.N.


glue – клей

to sniff – вдыхать через нос, нюхать

hallucination – галлюцинация

nail polish remover – жидкость для снятия лака

gas lighter fuel – газ для заправки зажигалок

vapour – пар

to inhale – вдыхать

to feel dizzy, light-headed – испытывать головокружение

tremendous – огромный

index – показатель

substance – вещество, субстанция

suffocation – удушье

to become unconscious – потерять сознание

solvent addiction – токсикомания

to prohibit - запрещать

illegal – незаконный

legislation – законодательство, законодательная деятельность

Бережная О.А. 300 современных тем по английскому языку, с..392-394.

Kovanchenko A.N.

Раздел II.

Ваше мнение

Your Opinion

Kovanchenko A.N.


Adults often think that the teenage years are a carefree time – very little responsibility, and an endless stream of dates, friends and parties.

But a look inside the mind of an adolescent reveals a very different picture.

There are so many pressures on us teenagers – it’s unbelievable! We have to behave, look and even talk in a certain way! Adults and parents don’t understand us and we always seem to irritate them too much.

“Have you tidied up your bedroom?”

“Why are your clothes lying all over the bedroom floor?”

“Why do you always have to be so rude?”

“When are you going to do your homework?”

“What time are you coming home tonight?”

“What did you do at the disco last week?”

“Who did you meet at the disco?”

These are only some of the things parents say to us. Whatever we do, it never seems to be enough. They always want to know where we are going or where we have been, who we are with and so on. You just can’t win!

Paul, 16

I am a teen,

Therefore, I must be bad.

Because I’m a teen,

The life I lead is sad.

All the teenagers – they

Belong to a gang.

We steal, lie, hit, kill,

And guns we bang.

Don’t ever trust us,

We’re up to no good.

We don’t shop without stealing.

Be locked up, we should.

We all are satanists.

In jail we belong.

I am a teen,

Therefore, I’m wrong.

Katie, 13

Sometimes I feel that life isn’t worth living at all. All my friends are gorgeous, they’ve got so many guys after them. And I’m ugly! I have pimples, I wear glasses, and on top of all, I’m fat. When I see my face in the mirror it literally makes me sick! I’m just horrible. Is that what you call life?

Jane, 15

Kovanchenko A.N.

We all like to fit in and be accepted by our friend. Problems come when they force you to do things you don’t want to do and sometimes you have to go with the flow. If you have a strong heart you can manage it with ease. But the pressure to look “cool” is another thing. If you are not wearing the right gear, you can be classed as an outcast.

Sam, 15

I’m 13 years old and I’m an Internet addict. I spend around 8-10 hours a day chatting. Why? It’s because people on the Net care about me. They see me as Marie, the “beautiful, witty, poetic female” instead of, in real life, the “plain, tall, long-haired girl who barely speaks a word in class.’

Mary, 13

Can you imagine being so afraid of the school toilets you’d prefer to hold on for the whole day? Horrible as it sounds, it’s a reality for our school. You only go to the loo if you want to take drugs. The one time I did brave the school toilets, I came face with two boys in Year 11 who were smoking pot. I told them not to worry, that I wouldn’t grass. Then one of them said, “Do you want some?” I was so frightened that for a split second I considered accepting his offer but instead just tried to act as though it wasn’t a big deal. He then said to me, “Ok, next time.” And I just said “jeah ok” and walked out. Since then I’ve never gone to the toilets.

Sam, 13

My Mum is a single parent. She has two jobs and can’t afford to give us much money. I know I’m lucky to have a roof over my head and a family who loves me, but sometimes I feel so sad. I’m the only one in my class without a mobile phone. And I wish I had some pocket money too.

Lucy, 13

My parents have recently lost all trust in me, but I honestly haven’t done anything wrong. I can understand them not trusting me if I were bad, but I am not. They listen to my phone conversations and read my diary. What have I done to deserve all this?

Gwen, 17

We have constant pressure from TV, magazines, billboards and parents, as to how we should act, look, even feel. Our society places a lot of emphasis on perfection and winning, so it’s not surprising that so many teenagers across the world are lacking in self-esteem.

Jim, 18

And what do you think?

Who do you agree with?

Kovanchenko A.N.


adult – взрослый

responsibility – ответственность

adolescent – подросток

to reveal – обнаруживать

pressure – давление, гнет

to behave – вести себя

to irritate – раздражать

therefore – следовательно, поэтому

gang – банда, шайка

to bang – зд. стрелять

We’re up to no good. – зд. От нас добра не жди.

to lock up – запирать

In jail we belong. – Наше место в тюрьме.

to be worth smth. – стоить чего-либо

gorgeous – великолепный, потрясающий

pimple – прыщ

on top of all – вдобавок ко всему

literally – буквально

to fit in – вписываться

to go with the flow – плыть по течению, делать как все

to manage with ease – легко справляться

gear – сл. одежда, «прикид»

outcast – изгой, отверженный

addict – наркоман

to chat – зд. общаться (в Интернете)

witty – остроумный

female – девушка

barely – с трудом, еле-еле

to hold on – зд. терпеть, сдерживаться

loo – разг. туалет

to brave – осмелиться войти

pot – сл. марихуана, гашиш

to grass – доносить, ябедничать

for a split second – на долю секунды

a big deal – «большое дело», нечто особенное

to afford – быть в состоянии

to deserve – заслуживать

to place a lot of emphasis on smth. – придавать большое значение чему-либо

to lack in self-esteem – зд. иметь низкую самооценку

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.22-23.

Kovanchenko A.N.


I don’t want to sit next to Ann, she’s ugly.”

Don’t touch Carol’s pen. You might get a disease.”

God, her laugh is so annoying, man. Let’s beat her up after school…”

Sounds like a scene from a film, doesn’t it?

Bullying is a serious problem in many countries. In the UK, for example, 8 out of every 10 children are bullied at some time. About ten young people commit suicide every year because they’re victims of bullying.

Bullying often starts when people pick on something that’s different. It could be how big you are, or how thin you are, the way you look or the way you dress… Sometimes bullies don’t even need a reason – they make one up.

“If someone takes a dislike to you, they make your life hell. It doesn’t matter if you’re fat or thin, pretty or ugly,” says a 13-year-old Russian pupil.

Bullies rely on three things: that no one tells that no one stands up for you and that no one steps in if you seek help.

“The bullies say if you tell on them, they’ll beat you up,” one pupil said. “I can’t talk to my mum and dad,” explains another. “They won’t understand.” A third said, “I don’t want to tell a teacher. I’m afraid it’ll make things worse.”

Bullying can take many forms – from physical violence to name calling and spreading nasty rumours. Parents and teachers often think that bullies are kids who hit, kick and pinch. But bullies who don’t flex their muscles are often more dangerous. This breed of bully is a social sniper who attacks by spreading rumours, calling names and making insulting remarks. What is worse, this kind of bullying is so subtle that it sometimes goes on underground – teachers and parents can’t always see it happening. Quite often, this bully can even hide behind the guise of Little Girl Good. And anybody can be her next victim. Even you.

Knowing what to do if you are the victim of bullying is difficult. Most victims feel very isolated. They usually don’t even want to admit that they are being bullied. So finding a solution to the problem isn’t easy. It’s important to know why people become bullies. Bullies are nearly always cowards. They get satisfaction from hurting people who are usually weaker than they are. They are often jealous of their victims or something the victims can do well. This is because they either have problems of their own or an extremely low opinion of themselves. Perhaps they are the victims of bullying by their parents or their brothers and sisters. Another sign of cowardice is the fact that they usually bully in gangs.

The golden rule if you are being bullied is: TELL, TELL, TELL! Talk to someone you can trust, a teacher, parent, older friend or relative. Keeping things secret is the bullies’ biggest weapon against you. That is why they go to so mush trouble to try to stop you telling.

Be persistent. If the first person you talk to ignores you, don’t give up, speak to someone else.

Kovanchenko A.N.

Don’t give your bullies the satisfaction of a reaction. You don’t want them to know it bothers you. They make fun of your shoes? Thank them for the compliment and walk away confidently.

Don’t be an easy target. There’s one thing we want you to fake – just for a while. Walk with an air of confidence and pretend you are in control. Head high, shoulders back, and act as if you are not at all hurt. Eventually, the bullies might believe it and lose interest. And you’ll get so used to being this way that it’ll be second nature.

Don’t believe the lies that bullies tell about you. Keep telling yourself there’s nothing wrong with you, than they are ones with the problem – because they are.

Stand up for other students. If you see someone being bullied, pluck up your courage to say, “Hey! Leave that kid alone!” If you are too afraid this will put you in the hot seat, talk privately to an adult about the problem.

Finally, if you are being bullied you’re not alone. Napoleon, Churchill, Madonna, Ronan Keating, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Boy George were all bullied while at school!


bully – хулиган, задира, обидчик

disease – болезнь

annoying – надоедливый, раздражающий

to commit suicide – покончить жизнь самоубийством

victim – жертва

to pick up – дразнить, привязываться, приставать

reason – причина, повод

to make smth up – выдумывать, измышлять

to takes a dislike to smb – невзлюбить кого-либо

hell – ад

to rely (on) – полагаться, надеяться (на)

to stand up for – вступиться за

to step in – вмешиваться

to seek (sought) – искать, добиваться

to tell on smb – наябедничать на кого-либо, донести на кого-либо

physical violence – физическое насилие

to call smb names – обзывать кого-либо

to spread (spread) – распространять

nasty – мерзкий, грязный

rumour – слух

to pinch – щипать

to flex muscles – разминать мышцы, показывать силу

breed – порода, категория

sniper – снайпер

underground – тайно, подпольно

guise – вид, личина, маска

Kovanchenko A.N.

isolated – изолированный, одинокий

to admit –признавать

cowards – трус

satisfaction – удовлетворение

jealous – ревнивый, завистливый

extremely – чрезвычайно, крайне

gang – банда, компания

to keep secret – держать в тайне

weapon – оружие, орудие

they go to so much trouble – они прилагают столько сил

persistent – упорный, настойчивый

to ignore – игнорировать, не обращать внимания, не замечать

to give up – уступать, сдаваться

to bother – беспокоить, волновать

to fake – притворяться, симулировать, прикидываться

with an air of confidence – с уверенным видом

to pretend – притворяться, делать вид

to be in control – владеть собой

eventually – в конце концов

pluck up one’s courage – собраться с духом, набраться храбрости

hot seat – разг. трудное положение

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.36, 39.

Kovanchenko A.N.

It Hurts!

Have you ever made fun of anyone? Invited everyone to your birthday party except “that ugly girl”? You know who you are. Now know this: depression, poor physical health, low school performance, frequent absences – these are the problems of your “fun” creates for someone.

Can you take a minute to imagine how bad you would feel if you were one being bullied and teased? When you say and do malicious things to someone, you do long-lasting harm to that person’s psyche. Adults who were teased as kids almost always say they have never forgotten the pain. Teasing can really push a person to the brink. It hurts!


performance – зд. успеваемость

frequent – частый

to tease – дразнить

malicious – злобный, злой

to do long-lasting harm – причинять большой вред, наносить серьезный ущерб

psyche – психика, душа

brink – край (пропасти)

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.39.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Millions of people throughout the world have AIDS. It’s an extremely serious disease and it often leads to death. Of the 42 million people living with AIDS in the world 9 out of 10 do not know that they are infected. 7 thousand young people aged 10-24 are infected with AIDS every day. 5 young people are infected with AIDS every minute. By the year 2020 there will be over 40 million orphans under the age of 15 in the world. Most of these children will have lost their parents to AIDS.

Read what different people say about the problem. Who do you agree with? Is it important to care about AIDS?

  • I’ve got AIDS. I don’t want to die. I don’t understand why people forget about this serious problem. Anybody – black or white, male or female, rich or poor – can get AIDS.

Sam, 21

  • I care about AIDS a lot. I’m afraid of getting it when I’m older.

Carol, 14

  • I think everybody should care about AIDS. It can touch anyone. I also think that people with AIDS are normal people. They want to have friends and enjoy themselves. Why do other people avoid them?

Frank, 15

  • I care about AIDS because my best friend’s brother has it. I don’t want him to die.

Tanya, 17

  • Everybody knows that AIDS involves unprotected sex and drugs. So if someone has AIDS, it’s their problem, not mine. It’s probably their fault, too.

Jane, 18

  • Why should I care about AIDS? I don’t have it, and I don’t know anybody who has it. I’m sure I’ll never get it because I lead a healthy life.

Susan, 21

  • I think that people with AIDS are dangerous to society. They have no right to live among us. They should be kept in reservations.

Sergey, 14

  • I’m an optimist. I’m sure that by the time I grow up, scientists will have found some anti-AIDS pills.

Natasha, 13

Kovanchenko A.N.



throughout the world – по всему миру

extremely – чрезвычайно, очень

infected – зараженный, инфицированный


male – мужчина

female – женщина

to avoid – избегать

to involve – предполагать, подразумевать

drugs – наркотики

fault – вина

society – общество

reservation – резервация

pill – таблетка

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.58.

Kovanchenko A.N.


  • Myth number 1:

Teenagers aren’t really at risk.


Actually, young people have the fastest growing rate of infection worldwide.

  • Myth number 2:

Mostly gay men and drug users get it.


Anyone, anywhere, can get AIDS.

  • Myth number 3:

There is a cure, but only very rich people afford it.


There is still no cure for AIDS, but there are drugs that can slow down the HIV virus, and slow down the damage to the immune system. But there is no way to get all the HIV out of your body. Scientists are hopeful that a vaccine against the HIV virus will be found in the near future.

  • Myth number 4:

You only need to get tested if you don’t know your sex partner well.


You need to be tested regularly for HIV/AIDS if you are sexually active. You should especially have yourself checked out if you have had unprotected sex.

  • Myth number 5:

You can tell someone has AIDS just by looking at them.


HIV basically progresses in four stages. The first stage is kind of flu-like and people often don’t know they are infected. The second stage is called clinically asymptomatic – it can last as long as ten years and infected people often show no symptoms at all. It’s not until the third stage, when the body’s immune system begins to fail, that symptoms really begin to appear. Stage four is when symptoms become severe and HIV is diagnosed as AIDS.

  • Myth number 6:

You shouldn’t kiss, hug, or share a meal or drink with someone who is HIV positive or has AIDS.


Here is how the disease is passed:

  • through having unprotected sex with an infected partner;

  • through blood – if you use a needle or a syringe that has been used by someone who is infected;

  • from a pregnant woman with AIDS to her baby or through breast milk.

You can’t get it from the following:

  • sharing glasses, spoons, forks, clothes, etc;

Kovanchenko A.N.

  • kissing and hugging;

  • mosquito bites.

  • Myth number 7:

It’s really only bad in developing, third-world countries.


The epidemic is spreading all over the world, including Russia.


rate – скорость, темп

gay – гомосексуалист

to afford – позволять себе

damage – вред, ущерб

immune – иммунный


vaccine – вакцина

virus – вирус

flu – грипп

clinically asymptomatic – без выраженных симптомов

severe –серьезный

to diagnose – поставить диагноз

to hug – обнимать

syringe – шприц

pregnant – беременная

to share – делить, совместно пользоваться

mosquito bite – комариный укус

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.59.

Kovanchenko A.N.


A Bit of History

When people think about Britain of today, very few imagine puritan Victorian Britain where any discussion of sex and sexuality were strictly prohibited and considered immoral. Since then, Britain has seen the crazy sixties with their new ideas of ‘free love’ and ‘sexual revolution’. It has also seen the seventies, when British women finally began to see themselves as career-makers as well as mothers and wives. In eighties, it became normal to see nude images on TV and in the nineties, nobody was any longer surprised at the increasing number of sexual images in the media.

So have all these social changes forever changed the British attitude to sex and given Victorian Puritanism a well-deserved place in long-forgotten history?


Unfortunately not. It appears that Britons are still uneasy about discussing sex. The UK has the highest proportion of teenage pregnancies in Western Europe. Each year in England 90000 girls get pregnant. 2200 of these are under 14, and 7700 are under 16 years old. The British figure for the first, younger group is 10 times higher than in Japan, and eight times higher than in Sweden and the Netherlands, where attitudes to sex are more open.

According to the United Nations, the dramatic situation with teenage pregnancies in the UK is largely due to the lack of sex education. Another factor is lack of general education and appropriate family support, as most teenage mothers come from poorly educated and deprived families. Unfortunately, Britain is still very class-oriented and the difference between life opportunities given to different classes is still significant.


Being a teenage mother is not easy. Some pregnant teenage girls decide to have an abortion or give their babies up for adoption. However, some decide to go all the way. Quite often, keeping the baby means never continuing education and ending up unemployed, living on scarce benefits from the state. Also, recent research conducted by Essex University has shown that British women who had their first child before 20, were twice as likely to be without a partner in their 30s than women who had their first baby in their 20s.


So what is to be done in order to improve the situation?

It seems obvious that prevention of teenage pregnancies lies in better and more open sex education, as demonstrated by Sweden and the Netherlands, and easy availability and awareness of contraception. Although contraceptive advice and service are available in Britain, teenagers are still scared of seeking help and advice in fear of blame for their sexual behaviour.

Kovanchenko A.N.

There have also been steps to improve the life of existing teenage mothers through creating support schools with a crèche, where school-age mothers can combine school education with looking after their babies. This gives the young mothers a chance to make their way in the world and not depend on state benefits.

Personal story

16-year-old Jane Taylor tells her story:

‘Before I got pregnant I hated school and did not do much work there, concentrating on my social life instead. Every night I would go out drinking and clubbing. Since the birth of my son, Tom, my life has changed. I have realized that having a baby means a lot of responsibility and I now want to do well at school and maybe go to college or university afterwards. However, it is not easy to do with a baby, so I am lucky to have a local support school where I can attend lessons, get medical help and discuss baby problems in the company of other girls in my situation’.


Although all’s well that ends well, as in Jane’s story, isn’t having a baby at early age a too high price to pay for learning to be responsible and mature? Is it wrong to have an abortion? There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, so you need to find the answers yourself – what do you think?

In Florida, USA, single mothers are obliged by law to give the newspapers the most intimate details of their past if they want to give the baby up for adoption. The young women must give their name, height, weight and eye colour, the names of their sexual partners and the estimated date of conception. This is done to give the baby’s father, who may not know about the baby, a chance to claim responsibility for the child before it can be adopted.


puritan – пуританский (Puritanism – пуританство, строгие нравы)

to prohibit – запрещать

immoral – аморальный, безнравственный

crazy sixties – сумасшедшие шестидесятые

nude – обнаженный

media – средства массовой информации

attitude – отношение

well-deserved – заслуженный

pregnancy – беременность

figure – цифра

Kovanchenko A.N.

Japan – Япония

Sweden – Швеция

Netherlands – Нидерланды

the United Nations – Организация Объединенных Наций (ООН)

lack (of) – недостаток

appropriate – соответствующий

support – поддержка

deprived family – неблагополучная семья

opportunity – возможность

significant – существенный

abortion – аборт

to give babies up for adoption – отдавать детей на усыновление

unemployed – безработный

scarce benefit – скудное пособие

were twice as likely to be without a partner – в два раза чаще оставались без партнера

obvious – очевидный

prevention – предотвращение, предупреждение

availability – доступность

awareness – информированность, осведомленность

contraception – применение противозачаточных средств

blame – порицание, осуждение

existing – существующий

support schools – вспомогательные школы

crèche – ясли

to make one’s way in the world – сделать карьеру, завоевать положение в обществе

to club – ходить по увеселительным заведениям

responsibility – ответственность

mature – зрелый

to be obliged – быть обязанным

height – рост

weight – вес

estimated – предполагаемый

conception – зачатие

to claim responsibility for – заявлять о своих правах на

Speak Out. №5,2003, с.14-15.

Kovanchenko A.N.


More than a million American teenagers run away from home every year.

Their parents are often puzzled and hurt. Why do they do it?

There’s usually a lack of understanding on both sides – parents and child – problems in communication.

More than half of these runaways are girls. Their average age is fifteen. For one reason or another, they refuse to stay at home. Of course, the great majority of young people never run away from home. Nevertheless, the problem is a serious one. There is no “typical” runaway, though. Many come from homes broken by divorce or homes where there is an alcoholic parent. Some run away from parents who beat them. But there are also many runaways who come from seemingly healthy homes no such problems exist.

Steve, aged 15, run away when he was 13. His father drank, and everyone in the family suffered when he got drunk. One night his father grabbed a gun and, with his finger on the trigger, threatened to kill everyone in the family. Steve run away – and stayed away. His chief concern was getting enough food and a safe, dry place to sleep.

“It’s frightening to be homeless because you don’t know about tomorrow,” Steve says. “Everything you have is what’s on your back. You wonder where you’re going to eat or live. You don’t know if you’ll be all right.”

Sharon’s parents are divorced, but she says she had no real problems at home. She lived in a small town in Vermont. One evening she was watching TV when a friend rang up.

“We’re going to New York. Want to come along?” Sharon – 14 years old – hesitate, then shrugged her shoulders and agreed. When the police finally traced her, she had become a drug addict.

Unfortunately, these young people often run into trouble. Few runaways have idea of how to get along in the lonely and often dangerous world they find after leaving home.

Most take off with only a few dollars in their pockets. When this is spent they find it is not easy to make money if you are only fifteen or sixteen years old. It’s useless for them to look for a proper job, because legally they are too young to get a job.

The police say that most runaways return home within a few days. Often a phone call home is enough to patch things up.

However, the longer a runaway is away, the more likely he or she is to get into trouble. One set of problems is often replaced by another. Runaways often think that they will find friendly people willing to help them out. But the sad fact is that cities are full of people on the lookout for runaways, who only want to take advantage of them.

On the street, there are four main means of survival: begging, stealing, prostitution and drug dealing. It’s like a quicksand: the deeper in you go, the deeper down you sink. Sometimes, inevitably, it leads to suicide.

Kovanchenko A.N.

There are a lot of charity organizations which try to protect street children. But unfortunately, the number of teen runaways is rising and the kids are getting younger.


runaway – беглец

lack – недостаток, отсутствие

average – средний

for one reason or another – по той или иной причине

majority – большинство

nevertheless – тем не менее

divorce – развод

to suffer – страдать

to grab – хватать, схватить

trigger – спусковой крючок, курок

to threaten – угрожать

concern – забота

to hesitate – колебаться

to trace – выследить, разыскать

drug addict – наркоман

to run into trouble – попасть в беду

to take off – срываться с места, убегать

proper – зд. приличный, пристойный

legally – по закону

to patch things up – улаживать, утрясать (ссору, разногласия)

to replace – заменять, сменять

to be on the lookout for – искать, зд. Охотиться за

to take advantage of – использовать (в своих интересах)

survival – выживание

to beg – просить милостыню, попрошайничать

drug dealing – торговля наркотиками

quicksand – зыбучий песок, перен. трясина

inevitably – неизбежно

suicide – самоубийство

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.60-61.

Kovanchenko A.N.


There are about 100 million young people around the world who call the streets their home. And their numbers are rising by the hundreds of thousands each year. In Africa, they are orphans of civil war or victims of famine; in Latin America and Asia, they are victims of poverty. In the capitals of the Western world, they are runaways.

Street children have to look after themselves, living off rubbish, trying to earn money by odd jobs.

The two most difficult cities in the world right now are Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Bangkok, Thailand. Many of the street children are beaten, raped and sold for sex. They cannot turn to the police for help because the police often do the same things to them. In some Latin American countries, street children are rounded up and imprisoned or killed, just to tidy up the streets for an important foreign visitor.


orphan – сирота

civil war – гражданская война

victim – жертва

famine – голод

poverty – нищета

rubbish – мусор, отходы

odd job – случайная работа

to rape – насиловать

to round up – зд. схватить, забрать

to imprison – сажать в тюрьму

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.61.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Three years ago, Rachel was a bright and happy young girl about to start at university. She had lots of friends, played the piano very well, and lived in a happy home. Today she is dead.

Rachel was a lively girl – a girl who should have had a good time at university, who should have got a good degree and then enjoyed a successful life. Instead, everything went wrong. And at the age of 21, she died in a lonely bedsit in a seaside town, holding a syringe in her hands.

Perhaps she had been taking her “last shot”. A few days earlier, she had phoned her mum saying that she was determined to stop taking heroin. She had also been to see a drugs counselor. Of course her mum was overjoyed, and was really looking forward to seeing her daughter again. That reunion never came. When Rachel’s mum saw her daughter again, she was dead.

So what happened to Rachel? Like most teenage girls, she fell in love. We will never know if she knew when she first met her new boyfriend, that he was already a heroin addict. But he was. Shortly after they met, the young man’s father phoned Rachel’s parents, to ask if they were happy that their son was dating Rachel. Rachel’s parents said yes. The young man’s father thought that Rachel’s parents already knew about their son’s heroin addiction, so he did not mention it. In fact, Rachel’s parents knew nothing at the time.

It was not until Rachel herself had got onto heroin that they found out the awful truth.

Rachel started at Bath University, reading psychology; but heroin and studies were not compatible. Within a few months, Rachel had flunked out of university, and gone to live in a seaside town, where rooms were cheap in the winter months. Then in spring, all alone, she overdosed in her cheap room. It was three days before anyone discovered her body…

Shortly after Rachel’s death, her mum and step-father decided to tell Rachel’s story in a video in order to warn other young people against the dangers of drugs. It traces Rachel’s transformation from a happy teenager to a sad addict, and to her terrible death in a lonely bedsit. Now the video will be shown in schools all over Britain.

It is a warning that cannot be repeated too often. Some young people still do not understand the dangers of drugs. Most can resist the temptation, but some cannot. And sadly, with drugs like heroin, it is terribly hard to stop. For some people, just one experience with heroin can be one too many.

“With heroin, it’s just down, down, and there’s no way up,” said a 16-year-old heroin addict who knew Rachel. His words were very true. Today, like Rachel, he is dead.

Some people think that the video campaign is useless.

“Teens have always experimented with drugs, and they always will,” says Jim, a student at Bath University. “There’ve been campaigns like this before, but teenagers still keep taking ecstasy and even hard drugs too. You can’t stop them.”

Kovanchenko A.N.

Of course, Jim is right; but on the other hand, if people like Rachel’s parents were not brave enough to show the horrible and tragic truth, the number of drug addicts would probably be higher. It’s true, you can’t stop it, and the video story of Rachel won’t get rid of drugs. Too many people make too much money from selling drugs – and those people, the dealers, will keep on selling death.

But if Rachel’s death can save just one life, it will not have been completely in vain.


bedsit = bed + sitting room – жилая комната (спальня и гостиная вместе)

bright – зд. веселый, живой

to get a degree – получить степень

syringe – шприц

shot – укол, доза

to be determined – твердо решить

heroin – героин

drugs counsellor – консультант, врач консультационного центра

overjoyed – в восторге, вне себя от радости

reunion – воссоединение, зд. встреча

addict – наркоман

to date – встречаться, ходить на свидание

to mention – упоминать

psychology – психология

compatible – совместимый

to flunk out – быть исключением

to overdose – принять слишком большую дозу

step-father – отчим

to warn against – предупреждать, предостерегать против

to trace – проследить

to resist the temptation – бороться с искушением

experience – опыт

to get rid of – избавляться от

dealer – торговец

in vain – безрезультатно. Напрасно

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.42.

Kovanchenko A.N.


No New Year party

My friend Sara and I went to that huge New Year party. I had a glass of wine with ice and left it at that but Sara just kept drinking more and more. She told me that she felt more relaxed and that she could be the real Sara after a few drinks.

It’s all rubbish because the real Sara ended up sitting on the toilet floor. She was sick all over her beautiful red dress. It was a terrible sight.

I made her drink lots of water, washed her (which was extremely difficult), wrapped her in a clean towel and laid her on the sofa, with a bucket on the floor.

We returned home only in the morning. I’d rather not tell you what my dad said…

Mary, aged 16.


I woke up because something was digging in my face. As soon as I opened my eyes my head started hurting, everything was really bright. When my eyes got used to the daylight I found that I had been lying face down in a car park.

I have no idea for how long or how the hell I got there. I remember going to a party with friends the night before but I really cannot remember anything else at all.

I picked myself up and wiped off bits of gravel that had stuck to my face. I had to wander round in the freezing cold for a while to get my bearings. I was in a car park on the other side of town. I wanted to get a taxi back home but I couldn’t fine my wallet or keys anywhere.

I eventually made it home by walking and phoned my friends who told me that they had said goodbye to me at 11 the night before and that I was pretty well plastered. What happened to me between then and waking up in the car park is a mystery.

Jim, aged 18.

I’ll never touch it again

I know this might sound dumb but I’ll never touch alcohol again.

The party was over and on the way home I was showing off to some of the girls with us by walking along a wall.

I don’t think they were very impressed so I decided to knock their socks off by doing a handstand on the wall. I think they were even less impressed when I slipped off the wall breaking my arm in two places.

The booze that had made me act like a prat did nothing to hide the pain, or worse the shame.

Ben, aged 17

And what do you think?

Kovanchenko A.N.


kept drinking – продолжала пить

to be sick – тошнить. рвать

extremely – крайне, чрезвычайно

to wrap – завернуть, укутать

blackout – провал памяти

to dig (dug) – зд. вонзаться, врезаться

face down – лицом вниз

how the hell – как, черт возьми

to pick oneself up – подняться

to wipe off – вытирать, стирать

gravel – гравий

to stick (stuck)– прилипнуть

to wander – бродить, блуждать

freezing cold – леденящий холод

to get one’s bearings – сориентироваться; понять, где находишься

wallet – бумажник

eventually – в конечном счете, в конце концов

to make it home by walking – добраться до дома пешком

plastered – сл. пьяный

dumb – глупый

to show off – красоваться, рисоваться, выпендриваться

wall – зд. барьер, ограда

to knock their socks off – сразить, поразить

handstand – стойка на руках

to slip off – соскользнуть, упасть

booze – сл. выпивка, спиртное

prat – сл. идиот

shame – стыд

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.45.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Test your knowledge of drinking with this quick quiz.

Choose True or False for each statement and read the answer.

  1. Alcohol can help you relax and feel more confident and sociable.

  2. You’re more attractive to the opposite sex after a few drinks.

  3. A cup of coffee and a cold shower can help you sober up.

  4. Girls usually get drunk faster than young men.

  5. Mixing drinks increases the risk of getting drunk more quickly – and having accidents or getting into fights.

  6. If you are a teenager and drink too much, you may get stupid.

  7. The best hangover is “hair of the dog” – a bit more alcohol the next day.

  8. Drinking too much alcohol (‘overdosing’) may be fatal. You can even die.

  9. Alcohol slows down your brain and makes you a dangerous driver.

  10. If you’re out drinking with tour mates, you’ve got to keep up with everyone else.

  11. The more you drink, the fatter you’ll become.

  12. What I do with my time is my business. If I get a bit drunk, it will hurt no one but myself.

Some sobering stuff

(Answers to the quick quiz)

  1. Drinking may make you feel relaxed, but it can also make you take foolish risks. Imagine ruining your whole life because you got drunk one night, slept with someone, and contracted AIDS!

  2. It’s nothing but illusion. The sight of a person with a silly smile, zigzag walking and slurred speech will have the opposite effect.

  3. Forget this myth. Only time can remove alcohol from your bloodstream. Black coffee, cold showers and fresh air won’t sober you up. You should, however, drink as much water as possible to clear the body. Having something to eat before going to a party is definitely a good idea.

  4. Women get drunk faster than men. It has been proved that it’s VERY VERY difficult for a woman to stop drinking. So it’s best not to start.

  5. True.

  6. True. Teenagers who drink too much may lose about 10% of their brainpower – the difference between passing and failing in school and life.

  7. The only real hangover cure is time.

  8. Overdosing may make you lose consciousness. If this happens you could choke on your own vomit and die. Overdosing can also cause alcoholic poisoning, which again can be fatal.

  9. About 50% of all drivers aged 16-60 killed in road accidents have alcohol in their bloodstream.

Kovanchenko A.N.

  1. If you’re out drinking with your mates, it’s silly to think you’ve got to keep up with everyone else. If you’re in control of your own life, you decide how much you drink, not anyone else.

  2. Alcohol is high in calories, so you may put on weight.

  3. If you drink, everyone around you is affected. Family, friends, neighbors, everyone.


alcohol – алкоголь

to relax – расслабляться

confident – уверенный в себе

sociable – общительный

attractive – привлекательный

opposite sex – противоположный пол

to sober up – протрезветь

to get drunk – пьянеть

to increase – увеличивать

to get into a fight – ввязаться в драку

hangover cure – средство от похмелья

to take a hair of the dog – опохмелиться

fatal – роковой, смертельный

to slow down the brain - зд. замедлить реакцию

mate – приятель

to keep up with – не отставать от

to contract – подхватить, заразиться


slurred speech – невнятная, бессвязная речь

to remove – убирать, выводить

bloodstream – кровеносная система

brainpower – умственные способности, интеллект

to lose consciousness – терять сознание

to choke – задохнуться, захлебнуться, подавиться

vomit – рвота

poisoning – отравление

to be high in calories – быть очень калорийным

to put on weight – набрать вес, поправиться

everyone around you is affected – это отражается на всех

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.44.

Kovanchenko A.N.


You’d have to be living on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous. Yet statistics show that young people today smoke more, not less. Why?

One answer is that many teens think it cool. Another is the enormous sums of money invested in advertising cigarettes. Tobacco companies spend millions to encourage the young to start, or to continue, smoking. “The Marlboro Man”, “Joe the Camel” and others do cool things and act important while smoking – just to get you to think that if you smoke this brand, you can do these things too. This isn’t true. These people are not real and the things they do are made-up.

For tobacco companies cigarettes mean money. For us they mean disease and even death.

Shocking facts

  • Over 90% of all smokers start before they are 18.

  • The average age for a new smoker is 13.

  • Among the 13-year-old smokers there are more girls than boys.

  • Smoking kills about 3 million people every year. Some aren’t even smokers. They are people who live or work with heavy smokers.

If you think it cool, think again

Here are some sad, sad, sad facts about smoking.

  • Your clothes and hair will have a terrible smell.

  • Your teeth will turn yellow.

  • You will have bad breath.

  • Your hair and skin will become dry. You’ll get premature wrinkles.

  • Smokers store more fat around the waist.

  • A smoker is 22 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. In fact, 30% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking.

  • Smoking causes heart attacks. By the way, heart disease is now the number-one killer in Russia.

  • Nicotine isn’t the only bad thing in cigarettes, there are over 400 chemicals in one cigarette that are known to be harmful.

  • Smoking causes bronchitis, asthma, and emphysema.

  • Pregnant women (especially teenagers) who smoke will face a lot of pregnancy risks. They even may give birth to stillborn babies.

  • Babies of women smokers are more likely to have mental disorders than babies of women non-smokers.

  • Babies with mothers who smoke develop more slowly during childhood.

  • Cigarette smoke clogs and makes lungs awfully dirty.

  • Nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Seven out of 10 smokers want to quit, but can’t.

Kovanchenko A.N.

  • Girls, cigarette packs leave no room in your purse for your compact and lipstick.

  • You’ll become richer. Cigarettes cost money.

So think twice before lighting up that cigarette of yours!

Smokers in America sometimes feel as though war has been declared on them. There is no more smoking in offices, restaurants, aeroplanes or most other public places.

Do you think it’s a good idea? Most people think it is.

Kovanchenko A.N.


enormous – огромный

to invest – инвестировать, вкладывать

to advertise – рекламировать

tobacco – табак, табачный

to encourage – подстрекать, потворствовать

to get you to think that – чтобы убедить вас в том, что

brand – марка

made-up – выдуманный, вымышленный, искусственный

disease – болезнь

average – средний

heavy smoker – заядлый курильщик

smell – запах

bad breath – дурной запах изо рта

skin – кожа

premature wrinkles – преждевременные морщины

to store – накапливать

fat – жир

waist – талия

lung cancer –рак легких

heart attack – сердечный приступ, болезнь сердца

nicotine – никотин

bronchitis – бронхит

asthma – астма

emphysema – эмфизема

pregnant – беременная

to face – сталкиваться, оказаться перед угрозой

stillborn – мертворожденный

mental disorder – психическое расстройство

to develop – развиваться

to clog – засорять, загрязнять

addictive – вызывающий привычку, привыкание

heroin – героин

cocaine – кокаин

to quit – бросать

pack – пачка

purse – сумочка

compact – компактная пудра

lipstick – губная помада

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.40-41.

Kovanchenko A.N.


When do you stop being a child and become an adult? There are lots of laws about the age when you can start doing things. In Britain, for example, you can get married at 16, but you cannot get a tattoo until you are 18. In most American states, you can have a driving licence at 17, but you cannot drink until you are 21. In Russia, you can be put to prison when you are 16, but you cannot vote until you are 18. In fact, most European countries and the US have the same age for voting: 18. Many young people, however, think that this is unfair. They would like to vote at 16 or even at an earlier age. Here’s what they say.


  • At 16 I can smoke, leave home, start work, join the army, have sex and get married with my parents’ permission. At 17 I will be able to learn to drive but it’s not until I’m 18 that I can vote for who I want to be the Prime Minister. Is this fair?

Dan (UK)

  • The fact that we are young doesn’t mean that we don’t know what’s going on in this country. If we could express our opinions I think it would help the government to understand the situation better. They would be able to find a solution.

Sergey (Russia)

  • At 16 I can become a mother, but not choose which government decides my rights.

Susan (UK)

  • I think everyone should be allowed to vote, even kids. I say that because we are the future of this country, aren’t we? I also think that there should be a woman president. Our life would become better.

Tatyana (Russia)

  • I’m 15, but I work and pay taxes to the government. Why can’t I have my say in the running of that government?

Kellian (USA)


  • People under the age of 18 are too stupid to understand politics and things like that. They won’t be able to pick a proper candidate. Even adults are often at a loss. In fact, I think that the voting age should be raised to 21, because people at that age are more responsible.

Peter (UK)

  • Teens are vain, selfish and irresponsible. They should not be given the vote. It’s too much responsibility.

Paul (USA)

Kovanchenko A.N.

  • I believe that anyone the age of 18 is much too young. I’m 21, and I don’t even vote myself. So why should teenagers even want to vote? They’ve got other interests at this age: school, MTV, clothes, etc.

Marina (Russia)

  • I believe that in order to vote, the voter should have to pass a written test no earlier than the age of 18.This will prevent idiots from voting for the wrong candidate.

Martin (USA)

  • You should have to be 18 to vote so that you can understand what it is about and that it is not just a joke.

Kim (USA)

And what do you think?

Are young people incapable of making responsible decisions?

Are adults better at choosing politicians?

Are young people ignorant of social issues?


law – закон

tattoo – татуировка

driving licence – водительские права

to vote – голосовать

unfair – несправедливый

solution – решение, выход

tax – налог

to have one’s say – высказать свое мнение

running – руководство

to be at a loss – растеряться, быть в затруднении

responsible – ответственный

vain – тщеславный, самовлюбленный

selfish – эгоистичный

irresponsible – безответственный

to prevent (from) – мешать, не допускать

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.26.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Read what British and American teens say about their ideal jobs.

  • I’d like to be a Web designer. I think it’s a great job. I’d also like to create computer games.

Sam, 14, US

  • I want to write. I love fiction. I’d love to be an author like J.K.Rowling.

Emily, 14, London

  • I want to be a reporter who travels around the world and finds out what’s going on in the world.

John, 16, UK

  • I love my computer, so any job with computers is definitely my ideal job.

Harry, 16, US

  • When I grow up I want to be a policeman to help stop crime.

Sam, 13, UK

  • My family think I’m smart so I wanna to be a lawyer. It means helping innocent people plus great pay!

Jemma, 13, US

  • I would want to be the editor for Harry Potter – that way I would be the first person to read it!

Tracy, 14, UK

  • I’d like to be a fashion designer because you get paid really well.

Greta, 13, US

  • I’m not gonna have a job! I’m gonna do what I like while my future husband goes to work!

Jane, 14, UK

  • Loads of jobs sound good but I’d like to be an archaeologist or historian as it’s really interesting.

Ruth, 13, UK

  • I want to follow in my father’s footsteps and become a doctor, probably a heart surgeon.

Charlie, 16, US

And what is your dream job? Is it big money you are after,

or a job you can enjoy?

Kovanchenko A.N.


Read what British and American teens say about their ideal jobs.

  • I have always loved wild animals like tigers, so I would also like to be a wildlife vet.

Sarah, 14, UK

  • I’d love to be a psychologist or something related to that.

Fred, 13, UK

  • I would like to be President so I could decide how to run the country.

Jack, 13, US

  • I’d live to work in a nursery school because I love little kids. It’s not a very well paid job but it’s what I want to do. I also love writing stories so I might be an author in my spare time.

Claire, 13, UK

  • I’d either like to be an architect or a builder.

Chris, 13, UK

  • I’d like to become a singer so that I can express my feelings through song.

Tom, 14, US

  • I’d want to be a celeb interviewer, but not when I grow up. Oh no I wanna be one now, so that I can chat to Tom Felton before he quits acting.

Jenny, 15, UK

  • I would love to be a movie star, it’s a well paid job, and it entertains people!

Emma, 16, US

  • I absolutely adore science! But most of all I’m interested in biotechnology.

Lilly, 13, UK

  • I’d like a job where you could see the world and work in different places. I’d hate to have the same routine every day.

Maggie, 13, US

  • I’m really good with computers, so a job related to this would be great.

Charlie, 14, US

And what is your dream job? Is it big money you are after,

or a job you can enjoy?

Kovanchenko A.N.


smart – умный, сообразительный

wanna = want to

innocent – невиновный

editor – редактор

fashion designer – модельер

gonna = going to

archaeologist – археолог

to follow in smb’s footsteps – пойти по чьим-либо стопам

surgeon – хирург

vet – veterinarian

psychologist – психолог

to be related to – быть связанным с, иметь отношение к

nursery school – детский сад

celeb = celebrity – знаменитость

to quit – бросать, переставать(делать что-либо)

to entertain – развлекать

biotechnology – биотехнология

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.16.

Kovanchenko A.N.

Раздел III.


Let’s have Fun

Kovanchenko A.N.


Look at the quiz and guess about British teenagers.

  1. What percentage of the British population is under 16?

a. 10%

b. 20%

c. 35%

  1. What do most school-age teenagers say they enjoy?

a. going to the cinema

b. playing sport

c. watching TV

  1. How many 15-16-year-olds have the Internet at home?

a. 1 in 2

b. 1 in 7

c. 1 in 13

  1. How much is the average 11-16-year-old spending a week?

a. 2 pounds

b. 20 pounds

c/ 12 pounds

5. These days, teenagers are spending most of their money on

a. CDs

b. mobile phone cards

c. sweets

6. How many of Britain’s teenagers work part-time?

a. 50.000

b. half a million

c. 2 million

7. What is the most common part-time work?

a. babysitting

b. paper round

c. shop work

8. How many young people under 19 are living with just one parent?

a. 5%

b. 16%

c. 25%

9. How many young people run away from home each year?

a. 1.000

b. 10.000

c. 100.000

(Check your answers on the next page.)

Kovanchenko A.N.

  • Britain has 12 million people under the age of 16 – around 20% of the population.

  • If you ask teenagers what they do on a day they enjoy, most say ‘going to the cinema’, followed by ‘seeing friends’. If you ask what they do on a day they don’t enjoy, watching TV is the top answer – although on average, 11-16-year-olds actually watch 11 hours of TV a week!

  • Internet fans might think British teenagers spend all their time online, but surprisingly under 10% of 15-16-year-olds have the Internet at home (just 1 in 13). However, this number is increasing all the time.

  • 11-16-year-olds spend about 12 pounds a week. Gils tend to spend 2 pounds a week more than boys.

  • In the past, pocket money was usually spent on sweets, but now teens are spending most of their money on mobile phone cards.

  • If children are spending so much, that means some of them are working. It’s illegal to work if you are under 13, but it is quite common for 15-16-year-olds to have some kind of job. 2 million schoolchildren with part-time jobs are earning an average of 14 pounds a week.

  • The most common part-time job is babysitting, followed by newspaper rounds.

  • 25% of under-19s are living with just one parent.

  • About 100,000 young people run away from home every year, with up to 350 of them sleeping on the streets of London each night.


1.b; 2.a; 3.c; 4.c; 5.b; 6,c; 7.a; 8.c; 9.c.

Between the ages of 13 and 16, children in the UK are allowed to do paid work for a maximum of 2 hours per school day. They are not allowed to start work before 7 am or finish after 7 pm. Paper rounds are popular job with younger teenagers. They deliver newspapers to houses in the early morning or evening and are paid by a local newsagent. Working in a shop or café is popular with older teenagers and babysitting is also popular, particularly with girls, who take care of someone’s baby or child while the parents are out (usually in the evening).

Kovanchenko A.N.


percentage – процент

population – население

average – средний

to work part-time – работать неполный рабочий день

paper round – разноска газет

Speak Out. №6,2005, с.10-11.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Do you know how to stand up for yourself?

Saying what you mean and sticking to it can be a real skill when it comes

to offer of drugs.

Have a go at the personality quiz and see how you score.

  1. You’re at the bus stop, a bus comes along and someone you don’t know pushes in front of the queue. Do you

  1. mumble something under your breath and let them on?

  2. say “Excuse me!” angrily and hope they get the message?

  3. tell them you were in front and they should wait their turn?

  1. You are at a big party... Some people you know offer you some pot. They get a bit pushy and try to persuade you to have a smoke. Do you

  1. tell them to “push off” and start a big row?

  2. pretend you have to go home?

  3. say “No thanks, it’s not for me” and go to talk with some other friends?

  1. Your mates make fun of you because you are the only one who hasn’t tried smoking. Do you

  1. tell them you don’t care what they think – you don’t want to smoke?

  2. try a cigarette and then say you don’t like it?

  3. shout at them and tell them they’re stupid?

  1. One of your mates asks you to go into the shop to get some beer because you look older than he does. Do you

  1. refuse and tell him not to ask you again?

  2. go in and get some but feel a bit scared?

  3. tell him if he doesn’t stop drinking you don’t want to be his friend?

  1. You are eating a hamburger in a café and you find a hair in it. Do you

  1. take it out, say nothing and throw it away?

  2. go and complain to the person who served you and ask for another hamburger?

  3. pretend you are going to be sick and make a scene?

  1. Your friend wants you to try sniffing some glue.

  1. Tell him to go ahead and kill himself if he wants to but not to involve you.

  2. Say NO and try to talk him out of doing it.

  3. Pretend to try it but don’t actually sniff it.

Kovanchenko A.N.


to stand one’s ground – не отступать, стоять на своем

to stand up for oneself – постоять за себя

to stick to – придерживаться чего-либо, быть верным (слову), настаивать на чем-либо

to have a go – попробовать, рискнуть (сделать что-либо)

to push in front of the queue – пролезть без очереди

to mumble – бормотать

under one’s breath – вполголоса

to get the message – понимать

pot – марихуана

pushy – назойливый, настырный

to persuade – убеждать

Push off – Убирайся!

row – скандал

mate – друг, приятель

beer – пиво

to refuse – отказываться

hamburger – гамбургер

to complain – жаловаться

to make a scene – устроить сцену, закатить скандал

to sniff – нюхать

glue – клей

to involve – впутывать, вовлекать

to talk smb out of doing smth – отговаривать кого-либо от чего-либо

Kovanchenko A.N.


1. a = 0 b = 5 c = 3

2. a = 5 b = 0 c = 3

3. a = 3 b = 0 c = 5

4. a = 3 b = 0 c = 5

5. a = 0 b = 3 c = 5

6. a = 5 b = 3 c = 0

Under 18: You need to stand up for yourself more. Try to stand your ground and have more faith in yourself. Don’t keep quiet just because you want to be liked. Don’t do things just because your friends do!

18-25: You know how to stand your ground and speak your mind without making people angry. Your friends will respect you for this, and in the long run you may help people avoid making serious mistakes.

Above 25: You stand your ground and speak your mind – but be careful. You may run into trouble if you are too aggressive. There may be a better way of getting your point cross. Think before you speak!


to have faith in oneself – верить в себя

to speak one’s mind – говорить, что думаешь; не кривить душой

to respect – уважать

the long run – в конечном итоге

to avoid – избегать

to run into trouble – попасть в беду

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.43.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Do this personality test and find the right career for you.

  1. A friend is having problems with a school project. She asks you to help her. What would you do?

  1. Help her after school. Tell her to phone you if she has any more problems.

  2. Give her a plan of how you would do the project. Tell her the names of books where she can find information.

  3. Suggest ways of making her project attractive and interesting.

  4. Ask her to organize a work timetable so she finishes the project on time.

  1. You are working for a charity in a village in Colombia. Your boss tells your team to repair an old bridge across a river. What would you do?

  1. Ask the villagers what they want. Ask them to give you advice.

  2. Choose a specific job that you think you could do well, such as collecting wood. Then plan how you could do the job efficiently.

  3. Try to improve the design of the bridge. Look at the river and see if there is a better place to build the bridge.

  4. Ask everybody in your team to do specific jobs. Make sure they know what to do. Choose one of the hardest jibs yourself to set an example.

  1. You are on a school trip when the coach has an accident. No one is hurt, but you are stuck on a forest road with no traffic. It is getting dark and it has started to snow. What would you do?

  1. Talk to anybody who looks afraid or worried. Tell them not to worry.

  2. Keep calm. You know that the situation is not really dangerous and somebody is going to get help.

  3. Tell your friends a story, while you are waiting for help.

  4. Take control of the situation. Tell everybody not to panic. Ask a small group to go to the nearest village to get help. Tell everybody on the bus to put on more clothes to keep warm.

  1. Last week your teacher asked your class to perform a short play for the school. So far, nothing has been done and there are only ten days before the performance. What would you do?

  1. Offer to take part and ask others to do the same. Help people to learn their lines.

  2. Organize some of the practical things, such as costumes, scenery and sound effects.

  3. Think of ideas for the play. Write the dialogue and show it to the class.

  4. Offer to direct the performance. Choose people for different roles.

Kovanchenko A.N.

If most your answers were:

a: You are helpful, patient, generous. Your ideal job is one in which you work with people – helping, training or curing them, e.g. doctor, nurse, teacher, social worker.

b: You are reliable, organized, logical, careful. You are good at practical things. You are a good person to work with figures, computers, machines, plants or animals.

c: You are emotional, creative, flexible. You are imaginative and creative and you would be good as a journalist, designer or artist of some kind.

d: You are strong, confident, motivated. You are a natural leader and would be a good manager of other people in a business.

If your answers were mixed, you are probably suited to a job in which you can use your different skills and abilities. Example: manager of a computer company which combines practical abilities (b) and leadership (d).


сareer – профессия, карьера

attractive – привлекательный, интересный

on time – вовремя

charity – благотоворительность

efficiently – эффективно, рационально

coach – автобус

to be stuck – застрять

so far – пока, до сих пор

lines – театр.роль

scenery – декорации

patient – терпеливый

generous – щедрый, великодушный

to cure – лечить, исцелять

reliable – надежный

figure – цифра

creative – творческий, созидательный

flexible – гибкий, уступчивый, маневренный

imaginative – изобретательный, обладающий воображением

confident – уверенный, самоуверенный

motivated – обладающий сильным стимулом, энтузиаст

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.17.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Answer these questions and find out.

  1. Do you worry about what others think about you?

  2. Are you good at what you do?

  3. Do you wear what others expect you to wear?

  4. Do you worry if you upset others?

  5. Do you apologize to people often?

  6. Do you do things that you don’t want to just to keep the peace?

  7. Do your classmates like you?

  8. Do you find it easy to accept a compliment?

  9. Do you wish you were more talented?

  10. Do you keep your opinions to yourself?

Mostly “yes”

Your self-image tends to be dictated by others. Try learning to be more assertive and stick up for yourself, and focus on things that you are good at, and you enjoy doing. Be nice to yourself, respect yourself, and others will do the same.

Mostly “no”

You have a strong self-image, a strong sense of purpose in life, and you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Be careful about becoming too big-headed.

Mixed answers

You feel rather positive about yourself, but you may feel a little insecure from time to time. Remind yourself of your strengths and achievements, instead of thinking about your weaknesses and insecurities.


to upset – расстраивать, огорчать

to apologize – извиняться

assertive – настойчивый, уверенный

to stick up for oneself – постоять за себя

to respect – уважать

purpose – цель

to be aware – понимать, осознавать

big-headed – заносчивый, хвастливый

insecure – сомневающийся, неуверенный

achievement – достижение

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.25.

Kovanchenko A.N


People want to be successful. Success in life, getting what you want depends on what we say and how we say it.

Answer the question, and see how you would do.

  1. You’ve left your watch at home. You want to ask a stranger what time it is. What do you say?

  1. What time is it?

  2. Excuse me, what time is it?

  3. Excuse me, I am so absent-minded. I’ve left my watch at home. What time is it?

  1. You go to buy your favourite magazine “Speak Out”. The shop assistant gives you “Cool” by mistake. What do you say?

  1. You’ve made a mistake. I need “Speak Out”.

  2. I think there is a mistake. Could you change this for me, please?

Excuse me, I’ve made a silly mistake. Will you be so kind to change this for me?

  1. Your friend invites you to the theatre. You are busy writing a report. What do you say to your friend?

  1. It’s out of the question. I am busy.

  2. I’m so sorry, I can’t. I’m busy working. Try to invite Ann, she dreams of seeing this play.

  3. Excuse me, I am so busy. Don’t be cross with me. I’m so sorry, I’ve spoiled your evening, but next time…

  1. You want to buy ticket to Kiev. What do you say to the clerk in the booking office?

  1. Give me a ticket to Kiev.

  2. A single to Kiev, please.

  3. Would you mind selling me a ticket, please. I’m going to Kiev. My aunt lives there.

  1. You enter a railway carriage. There is little room left. You can sit down if another passenger moves up. What do you say?

  1. If you were not so stout, I could sit down.

  2. Would you move up, please?

  3. Excuse me, would you mind moving up a little. I’m not well.

  1. Your neighbour wants to borrow some money from you. You know that he never gives it back in time. What do you say?

  1. If you were not so lazy, you would be a millionaire.

  2. No.

  3. I’m so sorry, I’ve just lent it to my friend. Next time maybe…

Kovanchenko A.N.

Majority of As

You are not a very successful person, are you? You blame it on your friends, teachers and parents. It’s only your fault. Your answers sound rude. You are not very pleasant to deal with. Be careful not to treat people badly. Why not study good manners? It’s never late to start a new life. Good luck!

Majority of Bs

You are rather successful. People around you think that you are friendly and easy to get along with. Your friends and parents are always ready to help. Congratulations! But don’t put on airs.

Majority of Cs

Trying to be too polite is no good. Ask your close friend to read your answers aloud. Aren’t they funny? Diffident people can’t be successful. Stop making excuses when the problem is not worth it.


absent-minded – рассеянный

It’s out of the question. – Об этом и речи быть не может.

to be cross with smb. – сердиться, злиться на кого-либо

to spoil – портить

stout – полный, толстый

to borrow – занимать

to lend (lent) – давать взаймы

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.21.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Answer the following questions and find out.

  1. Drug addiction is a serious problem in many countries. Do you think that drug addicts should be

  1. isolated from society?

  2. given a medical treatment but only if they agree to it?

  3. left alone?

  1. Crime is on the increase nowadays. Do you think that the police/militia should

  1. have more power?

  2. continue to have the power they have now?

  3. have less power?

  1. Do you think that people should be free to come and go across borders, to live and work where they choose?

  1. No.

  2. Maybe.

  3. Yes.

  1. Which of these statements about capital punishment do you agree with?

  1. All murderers should die.

  2. It should be used only for particularly horrific murders.

  3. It’s always wrong to take other peoples’ lives. Life imprisonment is enough.

  1. Which of these views do you share?

  1. Governments should control TV, the press and Internet in order to save the younger generation from stress, bad influence, etc.

  2. In certain circumstances, censorship of the media, literature and films is necessary.

  3. The freedom of the media should be absolute.

  1. Aggressive football fans are in the news everywhere. Which of these statements do you agree with?

  1. They should be imprisoned.

  2. They should be forbidden to attend future games.

  3. Football hooliganism is normal. It’s just youthful high spirits.

Kovanchenko A.N.

Mostly As

You’re extremely authoritarian. In certain circumstances you might even become a dictator.

Mostly Bs

You have realistic attitude to life. You believe in law and order but at the same time value individual responsibility and human rights.

Mostly Cs

Your political views are extremely liberal. You believe that anything goes, anyone should be allowed to do anything.


drug addiction – наркомания

drug addict – наркоман

to isolate from society – изолировать от общества

treatment – лечение

to leave alone – оставить в покое

on the increase – расти, увеличиваться

border – граница

capital punishment – смертная казнь

particularly – особенно

horrific – ужасающий

life imprisonment –пожизненное заключение

to share – разделять

bad influence – дурное влияние

in certain circumstances – при определенных обстоятельствах

censorship – цензура

media – средства массовой информации

to forbid (forbade, forbidden) – запрещать

hooliganism – хулиганство

youthful high spirits – юношеский задор

authoritarian – авторитарный

attitude – отношение

to value – ценить

responsibility – ответственность

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.27.

Kovanchenko A.N.

Раздел IV.

Дополнительное чтение

Additional Reader

Kovanchenko A.N.


  1. Love yourself. Almost no one is satisfied with the way he or she looks. Most of us are not the size and shape of the models we see on TV or in magazines. Remember that you are you and you are unique.

  1. Be yourself. You cannot be “cool” all the time. And who determines what’s cool? The advertising companies? MTV? The happiness found from following the crowd is not lasting. Don’t sacrifice yourself to be with someone who doesn’t respect you, or care about you (you don’t deserve it!)

  1. Believe in yourself – if you don’t, how can you expect others to?

  1. If you set yourself goals, always set goals that you can reach. Then you can always set another goal later. If you have done enough, then award yourself for it. Smile at your face in the mirror and say: “I did great today”. Say it three times and mean it.

  1. Learn the power of colour. Blue is calming, red gives you energy, orange makes you more optimistic, turquoise makes you less shy and more confident in yourself.

  1. Believe dreams can come true; it’s the first step on the road to making them happen.

  1. Learn to say “No». If you really don’t want to do something, say so. If this is difficult for you, say “This isn’t easy, but I have to say no.”

  1. Eat breakfast. People who make time for it are slimmer and healthier.

  1. Exercise! It’s really worth the time and effort it takes! Exercise is fun. It strengthens your muscles. It is a good way of meeting people and making friends. It helps to get rid of pent-up emotions and anger and it can lift your mood.

  1. If you are not used to exercise, here are some tips for you:

    • When you have to walk somewhere, walk faster.

    • Walk up stairs instead of taking a lift.

    • Walk short distances rather than catching the bus or train.

  1. Beware of watching too much television, and look out for the “couch potato” syndrome. Once on, the TV can be difficult to turn off.

Kovanchenko A.N.

  1. Get eight hours sleep a night – you’ll feel and look better for it.

  1. Feeling low? Try talking to someone you trust and respect – perhaps a friend or a parent. Play happy music or read a poem out loud. Try doing a crossword. Or simply take a nap. Just 10 minutes of sleep can improve your mood. Reading something really gripping can also help.

  1. Write down five things you really enjoy doing. When did you last do them? Make plans to do them soon.

  1. Expect to fail, sometimes. It happens to everyone, no matter how successful. The important thing is to learn some useful lesson from your disappointments.

  1. Learn the power of positive speaking – sounding optimistic makes you feel that way. Don’t say: “It’s not as bad as it looks.” Do say: “It’s better than it seems.”

  1. Worried about something? What advice would you give your very best friend? Take that advice yourself.

  1. Don’t buy anything new that doesn’t look better than your favourite thing in your wardrobe.

  1. Be social. People with friends live longer than loners.

  1. The secret of small talk? When someone speak to you, look them in the eye, give them a full answer, then ask them a question in turn. Easy!

  1. Join something – a sport club or a drama society. People who feel involved are more optimistic and more successful.

  1. Our furry friends make us much happier. They love us and accept us for what we are.

  1. Crying is an important way of getting rid of stress-generated chemicals that would otherwise build up in your body.

  1. Feeling shy? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being shy. But it wouldn’t hurt to make an effort to be more social. Practise telling a couple of good jokes. Then you are never at a loss for something funny to say.

Kovanchenko A.N

  1. Remember some words of wisdom:.

    • Life is what you make it.

    • If you want to be happy for life, love what you do.

    • There is no time like the present.

    • The shortest distance between two people is a warm smile and a good laugh.

    • Humour adds years to your life and life to your years.


model – фотомодель

unique – неповторимый, уникальный

cool – крутой

to determine – определять

to sacrifice – жертвовать

to deserve – заслуживать

goal – цель

to award – награждать

turquoise – бирюзовый

pent up – накопившийся

gripping – захватывающий

loner – одиночка

to be involved – принимать участие, быть вовлеченным

furry – пушистый

stress-generated – возникший в результате стресса

to build up – образовываться, возникать

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.62-63.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Would you like to get happier, healthier and wealthier? Then get rid of your clutter According to Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging our surroundings, just getting rid home into a magnet for happiness and prosperity.

Less stress – more energy

Experts in Feng Shui say that for life to go well – and for you to feel your best – it’s vital to have a good flow of “energy” circulating throughout your home. And clutter can create obstacles to that energy.

The result? You feel tired and stressed.

Where to start?

That depends on which area of your life you’d like to improve. According to Feng Shui, different areas of your home are connected to specific aspects of your life.

To get wealthier

If you want to get wealthier, start with your kitchen. “It’s symbolically associated with wealth and considered to be treasure chest of the home,” says a Feng Shui expert.

To get healthier

If you want to get healthier, clear out hallways and stairways. Feng Shui believers hold that clutter in these areas obstructs the flow of life-sustaining energy through your home. And since these areas you travel through most often, this can lead to high stress levels. And the less stressed people feel, the healthier they are.

To have more friends

De-clutter your den or living room – whichever you go to with guests. Once the clutter is gone, Feng Shui believers maintain, you’ll have more room for friends.

To make your dreams come true

Spruce up your doorway, and your dreams will come true.

Just as people enter and leave through the doorway, so does energy. If the area is too cluttered, it can restrict the flow of opportunities coming to you and hinder your progress in the world.

And don’t forget to hang a mirror in your hall. It’s believed to invite positive energy into your home.

Kovanchenko A.N.


wealthy – богатый

to get rid of – избавляться

clutter – хлам, беспорядок, нагромождение вещей

Feng Shui – фэн-шу

ancient – древний

surroundings – окружение

magnet – магнит

prosperity – процветание

expert – эксперт

vital –жизненно важный

flow – поток

to circulate –циркулировать

obstacle – препятствие

to depend – зависеть

to be associated (with) – ассоциироваться

treasure chest – сокровищница

hallway – холл, коридор

stairway – лестница

believer – последователь

to hold (held) – придерживаться (мнения), полагать

to obstruct – препятствовать, загораживать

to sustain – поддерживать

to de-clutter – разобрать, навести порядок

den – букв. берлога, зд. комната

to maintain – зд.считать, утверждать

to spruce up – приводить в порядок

doorway – дверной проем, вход

to restrict – ограничивать

to hinder – препятствовать, мешать

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.64.

Kovanchenko A.N.

Teens and Technology

Today’s teens cannot live without communication technologies. Arecent research showed some surprising results.

I would be lost, helpless and alone without the Internet. I don’t know how you people survived without it!”

Sara, 19, UK

The number of teenagers using the Internet is growing around the world. According to a recent study, teens are much brighter with computers than adults and use the Internet more often and for more varied reasons – to communicate with friends, to make new friends, to play games, download music, get news, shop, research homework and ask health questions.

I have 102 buddies on my Buddy List and you can click on your buddy if they’re online. At the most I’ll talk to 7 or 8 people at one time, usually 3 or 4. “

Charlotte, 17, USA

Email is losing its privileged place among teens. It’s only used to communicate with ‘adults’, such as teachers. Young people prefer instant messaging (IM) and text messaging as ways to connect with their friends. IM is already hugely popular in Russia and its advantages are obvious. When you send someone an email, you don’t know when you will get a reply. Your friend might not check his or her messages, or might not use that email address anymore. With IM, however, a program on your computer tells you when a friend is online. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly.

I can’t live without my iPod. I take it to wherever I go.”

Sergey, 18, Russia

The newest technology popular with teens is podcasting – both receiving and creating them. The term podcast is a blend of the words ‘iPod’ (a portable media player) and ‘broadcasting’. But not only teens are crazy about podcasting. Some grandmothers like it too! Queen Elizabeth II has taken up this latest way of listening to music, according to newspaper reports. She is the proud owner of a silver iPod which can hold up to 100,000 songs!

It’s the best thing ever invented!”

Tom, 17, USA

In the USA, young people spend five times more time online than in Europe. Their most popular site is Facebook – a place where everybody knows everything about everybody else. It has more than 26 million members! Facebook offers an adult-free world where teens can do and say what they want. They publish intimate personal details, post photos and bare their souls. Facebook wasn’t created for teenagers. Former Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg started the site in 2004 as an

online university directory. It quickly turned into a social-networking tool for colleges, then opened to high-schoolers two years ago.

Kovanchenko A.N.

I would die if I lost my cell phone.”

Rachel, 15, USA

It would be the end of the world if I lost my mobile phone.”

Irina, 17, Russia

It’s not just computers teens are hooked on, they are also attracted to their mobile phones. Mobile phones are used as tool of text-messaging, as alarm-clocks, calculators, to send photos, play games and to help with exam revision. Some teens have admitted to cheating on tests using their phones! No wonder mobile phones are banned in many schools and universities.


  • It’s predicted by Nokia that by 2009 there will be over 3 billion mobile phone users worldwide.

  • In the USA the mobile phone is called a cell phone, and in Germany it’s called a handy.

  • SMS abbreviations LOL (laughing out loud) and ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) are now used in everyday speech: “I’m LOLing.”

  • Before the mobile phone revolution the word text was used only as a noun. Now it’s used as a verb: “We text to each other every day.”

  • Google – a popular Internet search system – is now used as a verb: “I’m googling my other sock.”

  • A person who spends a great deal of time using a computer is called a mouse potato.

Kovanchenko A.N.


communication technologies – коммуникационные технологии

to survive – существовать, выживать

bright – умный, сообразительный

adult – взрослый

to communicate – общаться

buddy – амер. разг. друг, приятель

instant messaging – отправка мгновенных сообщений

hugely – весьма, очень

advantage – преимущество

obvious – очевидный, явный

podcasting – подкастинг (формат звукового радио, в рамках которого любые пользователи могут записывать на своих домашних компьютерах музыкальные передачи)

blend – слово-бленд, слово-гибрид

portable – портативный

broadcasting – радиовещание, трансляция, радиопередача

to take up – заняться, увлечься

intimate –глубоко личный, интимный

to bare one’s soul –раскрыть душу

social-networking tool – средство для интерактивного общения

to be hooked on – увлекаться, «зацикливаться»

to admit – признаваться

to cheat – обманывать, списывать

to ban – запрещать

to predict – предсказывать, прогнозировать

abbreviation – сокращение

Speak Out. № 6, 2007, с.12-13.

Kovanchenko A.N.


Some people may smile at the notion of female intuition,

but when it comes to danger, a girl’s reaction is usually right.

Any situation, no matter where you are or who you are with,

that makes you feel uncomfortable or scared calls for action.

If you see a creepy-looking guy inside the lift, don’t get in. Wait for the next lift. So what if it takes an extra minute or two?

If you feel you are in danger, SCREAM! Yell “Faire!” The sad fact is that this may get people out of their houses faster than if you yell “Help!”

Remember that criminals are usually cowards. If you don’t act like a victim, chances are you can avoid being a victim.

  • So keep your head up as you walk.

  • Look confident.

  • Look a shady character directly in the eye. It shows him you are not a wimp.

Beware of the three questions attackers use most:

  • Do you know what time it is?

  • Do you have any spare change?

  • Can I use your phone?

Learn self-defence or a martial art that will build your strength and physical confidence.

Even if you are a black belt karate fighter, don’t look for fights. Stay out of trouble and:

  • Avoid dark areas.

  • Walk with a friend.

  • Don’t return home too late.

Kovanchenko A.N.


to trust – доверять

notion – понятие

female – женский

intuition – интуиция

scared – испуганный, напуганный

to call for action – требовать решительных действий

creepy-looking – жутковатый, сомнительного вида

to scream – кричать

to yell – кричать

coward – трус

victim – жертва

to avoid – избегать, избежать

confident – уверенный

shady character – темная личность

wimp – слабое существо, тряпка, слизняк

to beware – беречься, остерегаться

change – мелочь, мелкие деньги

self-defence – самооборона, самозащита

martial art – “искусство боя “, спортивная борьба

black belt – “черный пояс“ (высшее звание в дзюдо или карате)

karate – карате

Speak Out. Hot Issues, с.57.

Kovanchenko A.N.


  1. Базовые тексты (Sample Texts)

  1. СПИД

  2. Наркотики

  3. Дети и токсикомания

  1. Ваше мнение… (Your opinion…)

  1. Подростки: какие проблемы?

  2. Советы подростков родителям.

  3. Я - подросток, поэтому я – плохой.

  4. Британские подростки самые плохие в Европе?

  5. Неужели Британские подростки такие плохие?

  6. Можем ли мы остановить издевательства

  7. Это обидно!

  8. Кого волнует СПИД?

  9. Семь мифов о СПИДе.

  10. Быть матерью-подростком.

  11. Почему они убегают из дома?

  12. Дети улиц.

  13. Смерть в жилой комнате.

  14. На следующий день после вечеринки…

  15. Никогда снова…

  16. Курить или не курить?

  17. Ты ребенок или взрослый?

  18. Страна молодежи?

  19. О какой работе ты мечтаешь?

  20. Работающие подростки.

  1. Развлечемся? (Let’s have Fun)

  1. Подростки в Британии.

  2. Можешь ли ты стоять на своем.

  3. У каждого к чему-то способности.

  4. Какая у тебя самооценка?

  5. Ты успешный человек?

  6. Какой ты политик?

  7. Ты искатель приключений?

  8. Твои джинсы и твоя индивидуальность.

  1. Дополнительное чтение (Additional Reader)

  1. 25 способов счастливой жизни.

  2. Бери от жизни как можно больше.

  3. Подростки и технологии

  4. Доверяй своим чувствам!

Kovanchenko A.N.


  1. Бережная О.А. 300 современных тем по английскому языку. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2012. С.392-401.

  2. Speak Out. Журнал для изучающих английский язык. Тематический альманах Hot Issues. С. 16-19, 21-25, 27, 36, 39-45, 57-64.

  3. Speak Out. Журнал для изучающих английский язык. № 5, 2003. С. 14-15.

  4. Speak Out. Журнал для изучающих английский язык. № 3, 2005. С. 9-11, 16, 20-22.

  5. Speak Out. Журнал для изучающих английский язык. № 6, 2005. С. 10-11.

  6. Speak Out. Журнал для изучающих английский язык. № 6, 2007. С. 12-13.

  7. Материалы Интернет-сайтов.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

«Межличностные отношения: Проблемы молодежи» (практикум по переводу)

Автор: Кованченко Алла Николаевна

Дата: 15.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 155970

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