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Контрольная работа за 1 четверть. Вариант 1. 1.Fill in the gaps In my (1) --- Russia is the (2) -- country in the world. The Russians are (3) --- of their country and they like Russia very much. Russia has rich history and (4) ---, a lot of traditions and (5) -. The Russians are (6) --- to be helpful and (7) ---. We have great (8) --- in science, culture, industry and (9) ---. We were the best in Winter Olympic (10) --- in Sochi in 2014. That’s why I’m proud of my country. holidays patriots Games hospitable opinion culture achievements best sport considered 2.Выбрать правильный вариант. 1.The British …about the weather all the time.(is believed to talk/are believed to talk) 2.The British … a lot of tea. (to be considered to drink/are considered to drink) 3.The Russian … hard-working people. (are said to be/ are sayed to be) 4.The Irish … great talkers. (are thought to be/are think to be) 5.The English … polite people. (are said to be/ are sayed to be) 3.Задать разделительный вопрос. They are going to play the drums. She is an American. There is difference in the customs of different people. You’re from Russia. The travellers made their way through the fоrest. You’re not allowed to do it in public. 4.Соотнести перевод и слова.Переведи. Situated a)жестокость To divide b)составлять Such.as c) приходить на ум To make up d) расположенный Violence f)делить(ся) To jump the queue - ? To make way for - ?
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Контрольная работа за 1 четверть.

Вариант 1.

1.Fill in the gaps

In my (1) -------------- Russia is the (2) ---------- country in the world. The Russians are (3) -------------- of their country and they like Russia very much. Russia has rich history and (4) -----------, a lot of traditions and (5) ------. The Russians are (6) ----------- to be helpful and (7) --------------. We have great (8) ----------- in science, culture, industry and (9) -------------. We were the best in Winter Olympic (10) ------------- in Sochi in 2014. That’s why

I’m proud of my country.

holidays patriots Games hospitable

opinion culture achievements best sport


2.Выбрать правильный вариант.

1.The British …about the weather all the time.(is believed to talk/are believed to talk)

2.The British … a lot of tea. (to be considered to drink/are considered to drink)

3.The Russian … hard-working people. (are said to be/ are sayed to be)

4.The Irish … great talkers. (are thought to be/are think to be)

5.The English … polite people. (are said to be/ are sayed to be)

3.Задать разделительный вопрос.

They are going to play the drums.

She is an American.

There is difference in the customs of different people.

You’re from Russia.

The travellers made their way through the fоrest.

You’re not allowed to do it in public.

4.Соотнести перевод и слова.Переведи.

Situated a)жестокость

To divide b)составлять

Such..as c) приходить на ум

To make up d) расположенный

Violence f)делить(ся)

To jump the queue - ?

To make way for - ?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс


Автор: Лунева Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 03.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 301649

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