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КИМ по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"

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Adjectives 1) Forming comparative adjectives Write the adjectives. Adjectives Comparative 1 cheap cheaper 2 dirty dirtier 3 ___________ faster 4 ___________ safer 5 ___________ friendlier 6 ___________ bigger 7 ___________ noisier 8 ___________ hotter 9 ___________ more exciting 10 __________ more modern Write the opposites of the comparative adjectives. Comparative Opposite 1 faster slower 2 safer 3 bigger __________ 4 cheaper __________ 5 cleaner __________ 6 more boring __________ 7 more difficult __________ 8 colder __________ 9 further __________ 10 better ___________ 2) more…/-er than Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjective. 1 The town isn’t very clean. The country is cleaner than the town. 2 My car isn’t very new. Your car ______________ my car. 3 Ann’s house isn’t very big. Your house______________ Ann’s. 4 Bob’s garden isn’t very big. Your garden_____________ much--Bob’s. 5 Yesterday wasn’t very hot. Today _______________much ____________yesterday. 6 Sue’s homework wasn’t very good. Your homework ________Sue’s. 7 Your car isn’t very dirty. My car ___________yours. 3.Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. Adjective Comparative Superlative 1 cheap cheaper the cheapest 2 expensive more expensive the most expensive 3 young _______________ _____________ 4 happy _______________ ______________ 5 beautiful _______________ _____________ 6 big _______________ _____________ 7 busy _______________ _____________ 8 intelligent _______________ _____________ 9 bad _______________ _____________ 10 far ________________ _____________ 11 new ________________ _____________ 12 dangerous ________________ _____________ 4. World order Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions. 1 family/the/am/my/in/I/oldest I am the oldest in my family. 2 sister/me/my/than/younger/is 3 class/who/oldest/the/the/in/is/? 4 passenger/plane/is/Concorde/world/fastest/the/in/the 5 book/interesting/than/my/your/more/is/book 6 bought/expensive/shop/the/in/watch/most/Peter/the 7 cheapest/buy/you/shop/in/the/the/did/watch/? 8 difficult/German/English/is/than/more/much 9 weather/better/today/than/much/is/yesterday/the
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«КИМ по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"»


1) Forming comparative adjectives

Write the adjectives.

Adjectives Comparative

1 cheap cheaper

2 dirty dirtier

3 ___________ faster

4 ___________ safer

5 ___________ friendlier

6 ___________ bigger

7 ___________ noisier

8 ___________ hotter

9 ___________ more exciting

10 __________ more modern

Write the opposites of the comparative adjectives.

Comparative Opposite

1 faster slower

2 safer

3 bigger __________

4 cheaper __________

5 cleaner __________

6 more boring __________

7 more difficult __________

8 colder __________

9 further __________

10 better ___________

2) more…/-er than

Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjective.

1 The town isn’t very clean. The country is cleaner than the town.

2 My car isn’t very new. Your car ______________ my car.

3 Ann’s house isn’t very big. Your house______________ Ann’s.

4 Bob’s garden isn’t very big. Your garden_____________ much---------Bob’s.

5 Yesterday wasn’t very hot. Today _______________much ____________yesterday.

6 Sue’s homework wasn’t very good. Your homework ________Sue’s.

7 Your car isn’t very dirty. My car ___________yours.

3.Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

1 cheap cheaper the cheapest

2 expensive more expensive the most expensive

3 young _______________ _____________

4 happy _______________ ______________

5 beautiful _______________ _____________

6 big _______________ _____________

7 busy _______________ _____________

8 intelligent _______________ _____________

9 bad _______________ _____________

10 far ________________ _____________

11 new ________________ _____________

12 dangerous ________________ _____________

4. World order

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.

1 family/the/am/my/in/I/oldest

I am the oldest in my family.

2 sister/me/my/than/younger/is

3 class/who/oldest/the/the/in/is/?

4 passenger/plane/is/Concorde/world/fastest/the/in/the

5 book/interesting/than/my/your/more/is/book

6 bought/expensive/shop/the/in/watch/most/Peter/the

7 cheapest/buy/you/shop/in/the/the/did/watch/?

8 difficult/German/English/is/than/more/much

9 weather/better/today/than/much/is/yesterday/the

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

КИМ по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных"

Автор: Исмагулова Гульжан Куздыбаевна

Дата: 22.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 256542

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