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Кейсовый метод на уроках английского языка

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Данная статья и приложение к ней позволяет продемонстрировать практическое применение кейсового метода на уроках английского языка в общеобразовательной школе, Применение данного метода создаёт положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка, расширяет лексический запас школьников, углубляет их знания по грамматике, развивает навык активного говорения и прививает интерес к изучению предмета.

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«кейсовый метод»

ТЕМА «Кейсовый метод в обучении иноязычному говорению»

Причины возникновения проекта:

  1. У учащихся не возникает мотивов, которые подтолкнули бы их к осуществлению речевых высказываний

  2. Они нередко плохо ориентируются в теме, по которой необходимо высказаться

  3. Не хватает запаса слов, с помощью которых можно строить речевые высказывания

Современная ситуация требует применения современных образовательных технологий, которые призваны способствовать повышению эффективности обучения. Одной из таких технологий является кейсовый метод.

Цель проекта:

Развитие у учащихся необходимых и достаточных для общения с носителями языка навыков и умений неподготовленной устной речи.

Теоретическое обоснование:

  1. В центре внимания- ученик. Кейсовый метод способствует развитию его творческих способностей.

  2. Глубокое осознанное усвоение базовых знаний обеспечивается за счёт их универсального использования в различных ситуациях.

  3. Кейсовый метод ориентирует на создание условий для развития каждой личности.

Преимущества кейсового метода

  1. В целом метод позволяет:

  2. а) принимать верные решения в условиях неопределенности,

  3. б) разрабатывать алгоритм принятия решения,

  4. в) овладеть навыками исследования ситуации,

  5. г) разрабатывать план действий,

  6. д) применять полученные теоретические знания на практике,

  7. е) учитывать точки зрения других специалистов. Главное, этот метод способствует развитию умения анализировать ситуации, оценивать альтернативы, прививает навыки решения практических задач.

Развиваются важнейшие общеучебные умения:

  1. Отработка лексического материала в реальных ситуациях.

  2. Умения и навыки работы в сотрудничестве: коллективное планирование, взаимодействие с любым партнёром.

Для сильного ученика это возможность развивать свои таланты, для учеников со средними способностями возможность добиться новых результатов, для более слабых учеников возможность побывать в ситуации успеха.

Прогнозируемый результат:

  1. Повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

  2. Повышение уровня качества по предмету

Кейсовый метод обучения впервые начал применяться еще в начале XX века в области права и медицины. Ведущая роль в распространении кейсового метода принадлежит Гарвардской Школе Бизнеса, которая так определяет метод кейсов:
"Метод обучения, при котором студенты и преподаватели участвуют в непосредственном обсуждении деловых ситуаций или задач. Эти кейсы составляют основы беседы класса под руководством преподавателя. Поэтому метод кейсов включает одновременно и особый вид учебного материала, и особые способы использования этого материала в учебном процессе".

Его называют также методом конкретных учебных ситуаций. Преподаватель подбирает кейс, определяет основные и вспомогательные материалы, разрабатывает сценарии.
Задача преподавателя, как следует из данного определения, состоит в подборе соответствующего реального материала, а учащиеся должны разрешить поставленную проблему и получить реакцию окружающих (других студентов и преподавателя) на свои действия. При этом нужно понимать, что возможны различные решения проблемы. Поэтому преподаватель должен помочь студентам рассуждать, спорить, а не навязывать им свое мнение. Роль преподавателя состоит в направлении беседы или дискуссии, например, с помощью проблемных вопросов , в побуждении студентов отказаться от поверхностного мышления, в вовлечении всех студентов группы в процесс.

Развиваются важнейшие общеучебные умения

  1. Отработка лексического материала в реальных ситуациях.

  2. Умения и навыки работы в сотрудничестве: коллективное планирование, взаимодействие с любым партнёром.

Упражнения могут быть представлены тремя группами:

упражнения, направленные на обеспечение учащихся:

а) учебно-речевой ситуацией, темой, проблемой, способствующими вызову коммуникативно-познавательного мотива говорения и коммуникативного намерения;

б) языковым и речевым материалом;

в) схемами и таблицами для успешного планирования иноязычного высказывания;

  • упражнения, направленные на подготовку дискуссий, проектов, брейнстормингов, способных активизировать учебно-речевую деятельность учащихся (без использо­вания вспомогательных языковых, речевых и наглядных средств);

  • упражнения творческого характера.

Написание эссе (С2), выполнение презентаций, но не просто набор картинок и текст, а презентации – ответы на проблемные вопросы

Например, Почему в Великобритании правит не королева, а Парламент?

Можно ли попасть в Великобританию на поезде?

Считаете ли вы правильным, что Лондонские двухэтажные красные автобусы уже своё отслужили?

Кейсовый метод поможет учащимся преодолеть комплекс молчаливого ученика и ученика, говорящего по модели.

Просмотр содержимого документа

Приложение . Упражнения по теме «Школа»

1 группа упражнений

  1. Finish up the sentences. You may use the conjunction because

Schoolchildren like studying computer programming ....

  • to discover new things;

  • to learn interesting computer programmes;

  • to get a lot of information from the Internet;

  • to play different computer games;

  • to send e-mail letters;

  • to learn educational sites.

Chemistry is very interesting ....

  • do experiments in the lab;

  • to discover new things;

  • to learn the chemical composition of different medicines

  • to get information about chemical elements;

  • to prepare for studying at the Medical Institute.

Schoolchildren have to pass exams ....

  • to get the best marks;

  • the quickest way of testing pupils;

  • to revise different material;

  • to prepare for studying at the university;

  • to check up mistakes.

Schoolchildren don't like to pass exams ... .

  • to be (to feel) nervous;

  • to prepare a lot;

  • to learn difficult material;

  • to have little time to finish a test;

  • to get bad marks.

5. Schoolchildren like learning English ... .

  • to be interested in culture of English people;

  • to read books written by English writers in the original;

  • to learn English songs and poems;

  • to learn to write e-mail letters;

  • to improve English;

  • to talk to a foreign friend.

Упражнение 2.

Read the following comments made by pupils. Do you agree with their opinion? What do you think about these arguments? You may use the following phrases to express your opinion:

  • I think the same

  • That's true ...;

  • Exactly;

  • I agree with ...;

  • I'm sure that...;

  • No, I can't say...;

  • I'm not sure ...;

  • I doubt it somehow;

  • To my mind...;

  • In my opinion ....

1. Schoolchildren mustn't learn by heart a lot. It's boring!
You may use:

  • to do a lot of creative tasks;

  • to do interesting activities at the lesson;

  • to express an opinion;

  • to do interesting projects;

  • to speak on the subject of the material;

  • to give pupils a chance to discuss different problems;

  • important information must be retained in pupils' memory;

  • to learn poems by heart;

  • to give logical, complete answers.

2. Schoolchildren should be allowed to have classes according to
their interests.

You may use:

  • to look forward to school;

  • to be interested in studying difficult material;

  • to talk to a deskmate;

  • to be ready for classes every day;

  • to learn difficult material better;

  • to prepare for studying at the university;

  • to become a specialist.

3. If you read many books, you'll study better.
You may use:

  • to investigate the world around us;

  • to get important information;

  • to discover new things;

  • to read creative works of famous writers;

  • to become a specialist;

  • to spend time;

  • to get information from TV, Internet;

  • to ruin eye-sight.

4. Pupils in schools must wear a uniform.
You may use:

  • to concentrate on the subject;

  • to discipline schoolchildren;

  • to follow the fashion;

  • to wear comfortable clothes;

  • to stick to the rule;

  • to be like other children.

5. Physical Education is very important subject.
You may use:

  • to develop muscles;

  • to be good for health;

  • to spend time playing;

  • to avoid hard and boring work;

  • to do different physical exercises;

  • to play outdoor games.

Упражнение 3.

Work in pairs. Read the following comments made by pupils.

Do you agree with their opinion? Express your own opinion.

  1. "Exams make everyone try tq get the best marks they can". You may use:

to revise for the exam;

  • to be interested in studying;

to look forward to school;

to improve the situation;

to remember different things;

to study well;

to worry about;

to finish the school year;

to avoid hard and boring work;

to hate (to like) exams; to be (to feel) nervous.

. "I feel nervous on the day of the exam, so I can't remember a

thing". ou may use:

to keep one's head;

to worry about;

important information must be retained in pupil's memory;

to give a logical, complete answer;

to be difficult;

to revise for the exam;

to finish the school year;

to hurry to finish the task;

to get good marks;

to be afraid of.

"The boy sitting next to me hadn't studied at all, but he copied my answers and passed the exam". iu may use: to check up mistakes; to be ready for; to be (to feel) nervous; to waste time; to feel uneasy;

to avoid hard and boring work;

  • to improve knowledge;

  • to pass (school-leaving, entrance) exams well;

  • to prepare for the lessons;

  • to be interested in studying;

  • to look forward to school;

  • to improve the situation;

  • to remember different things;

  • to study well;

  • to worry about;

  • to finish the school year;

  • to avoid hard and boring work;

  • to hate (to like) exams;

  • to be (to feel) nervous.

2. "I feel nervous on the day of the exam, so I can't remember a

You may use:

  • to keep one's head;

  • to worry about;

  • important information must be retained in pupil's memory;

  • to give a logical, complete answer;

  • to be difficult;

  • to revise for the exam;

  • to finish the school year;

  • to hurry to finish the task;

  • to get good marks;

  • to be afraid of.

3. "The boy sitting next to me hadn't studied at all, but he copied
my answers and passed the exam".

You may use:

  • to check up mistakes;

  • to be ready for;

  • to be (to feel) nervous;

  • to waste time;

  • to feel uneasy;

  • to avoid hard and boring work;

  • to be very difficult;

  • to get some practice at;

  • to get good marks;

  • selfish;

  • to help;

  • to cope with the task;

  • to hurry to finish the task.

4. "I write very slowly, so I hardly ever have enough time to finish

an exam". You may use:

  • to hurry to finish the task;

  • to be (to feel) nervous;

  • to keep one's head;

  • to cope with the task;

  • to have tests;

  • to hate (to like) tests;

  • to have a lot of hornework;

  • to be very difficult;

  • to be ready;

  • to get some practice at.

Упражнение 4.

Nigel goes to school in London. He hates a lot of things at school. Read some of the things he has to do.

  • He has to stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom.

  • He has to do homework every day.

  • He has to wear school uniform.

  • He has to start school at 8.00 in the morning.

  • He has to go to school on Saturday morning.

Do you have to do any of these things in your school? Tell about some other things which you have to do in your school. What do you think about them? You may use the following phrases:

There are some rules ...;

  • There should (not) be rules at ...;

  • All the rules are effective

  • Pupils should (not) ...;

  • Besides ...;

  • More than that...;

  • On the one hand

  • On the other hand ...;

  • To ... is a useful (important, strange, silly, wise) rule ;

  • to wear school uniform on all school occasions;

  • to greet the teacher by shouting a friendly "Good morning";

  • to pass exams at the end of the school year;

  • to talk to a deskmate;

  • to be ready for classes every day;

  • to be friendly to classmates;

  • to be late for the lessons;

  • to come to school on time;

  • to cooperate with other schoolchildren;

  • to study six days a week;

  • to address a teacher by surname;

  • to bring different things to school.

Упражнение 5.

A Read the following rules and choose the rules which, in your opinion, may be written by children (by teachers):

  • to wear a school uniform;

  • to move about the corridors in an orderly manner;

  • to play games during the breaks between the lessons;

  • to keep good discipline;

  • to be ready for classes everyday;

  • to address a teacher by surname;

  • to be polite always;

  • to do the best;

  • to respect people around you;

  • to have classes according to the interests.

В Tell you classmates about different things related to your school. The following questions will help you.

  • What do you think about some of the subjects such as computer programming, physical education, chemistry?

  • What is your favourite subject at school?

  • What is your favourite day at school? Why?

  • Are the pupils allowed to have classes according to their interests?

  • What do you think about examinations you have to pass at school?

  • Is it easy for you to pass an exam?

  • What do you think of this rule: "All pupils should wear a school uniform"?

  • Are there any rules at your school that you don't agree with?

You may use the following words and phrases:

School subjects may be ...

  • useful;

  • interesting;

  • difficult;

  • boring;

School subjects can help children ...

  • to get information;

  • to develop thinking;

  • to discover new things;

  • to prepare for studying at the university;

  • to do interesting projects;

  • to take part in interesting activities at the lesson;

  • to become a broad-minded person;

  • to improve knowledge;

  • to cooperate with other children;

  • to have lots of interesting activities;

Examinations can help ...

  • to improve knowledge;

  • to remember different things;

  • to make everyone try to get the best marks;

  • to be interested in studying;

  • to keep one's head;

  • to check up knowledge;

  • to develop thinking;

  • to work hard;

to get some practice at;

Rules for children at schools can be ...

  • useful;

  • important;

  • strange;

  • silly;

  • fair;

  • wise;

Rules for children help ...

  • to keep good discipline;

  • to discipline schoolchildren;

  • to be friendly to;

  • to be polite all the time;

  • to cooperate with.

Упражнение 7.

There are situations in which some grown-up people and school­children are exchanging their opinions about schools. Which of these opinions belong to grown-up people and which belong to children? How did you guess? Discuss these opinions with your classmates. Do you agree with these opinions.

Peter: "I don't like school very much. I have some problems with maths and physics. I'm always nervous when we have a test. Besides I hate doing homework. I think that everything is bor­ing at school. School is a waste of time. I think I can get all information from books, TV, Internet".

You may use the following phrases:

  • It's nice that ...;

  • I hope that ...;

  • I'm sure that ...; •*

  • I'm worried ...;

  • I'm nervous ...;

  • On the one hand ...;

  • On the other hand ...;

  • to review the material;

  • to improve knowledge;

  • to be interested in studying;

  • to look forward to school;

  • to check up knowledge;

  • to cope with the task;

  • to develop thinking;

  • to avoid hard and boring work;

  • to be useful;

  • to be nervous;

  • to hate (like) tests;

  • to be difficult;

  • hard work;

  • to get some practice;

  • to keep one's head;

  • to cooperate with other classmates; The following questions can help you:

  • Would you prefer to stay at home with your family than to go to school? Why?

  • Peter says that he has some problems with maths and physics. What about you? Do you think that maths and physics are dif­ficult subjects?

  • Do you feel nervous when you pass exams?

  • Are you ready for classes everyday?

  • Do you like homework?

  • Do you agree with Peter that everything is boring at school?

Mike: "Our school is not the best, but I like it. It's big and new. I'm good at a lot of subjects. I've got some favourite subjects. They are maths, literature, physics. I should say that I like all sub­jects at school besides physical education. I think that modern life demands a lot of knowledge from young people. So we must train our brains but not our body". You may use the following phrases:

  • I like that...;

  • I can't do without...;

  • It's nice that...;

  • I hate that ...;

  • I wish ...;

  • to develop muscles;

  • to be good for health;

  • to do different physical exercises;

  • to spend time playing;

  • to play outdoor games;

  • to take part in interesting activities;

  • to develop thinking;

  • to allow minds to explore;

  • to investigate the world around;

  • to discover new things;

The following questions can help you:

  • Do you like your school?

  • Can you tell five things you like about your school?

  • What are your favourite subjects?

  • Why do you like them?

  • Do you agree with Mike that physical education is not useful for schoolchildren?

Ann: "I went to the local school. We had to wear a uniform. I hated our uniform. We didn't mix much with children from other schools. Unfortunately, we didn't study computers. But we learnt English, French and Latin. I know that nowadays schoolchildren learn only one foreign language at school".

You may use the following phrases:

  • I'm sure ...;

  • Besides ...;

  • I like that...;

  • I can't do without...;

2 группа упражнений

Work in groups of three and roleplay an interview between three schoolchildren.

Pupil-1 and pupil-2: You are British schoolchildren. You've come to Russia to meet Russian pupils. Find out your personal history from the chart. Give information about your school. Choose a name.

Home town




Name of the school

Manchester School

Lawnswood School

Abbey Road School

Best subjects

maths, physics

chemistry, history

music, literature, drawing


of lessons a day

5-6 lessons

5-6 lessons

5-6 lessons


of schooldays

in a week

5 days

5 days

6 days

Favourite holidays

Winter holidays

Summer holidays

Autumn holidays

After school activities

sport activities:



helping in hospitals

singing in the school choir


playing chess

collecting stamps

playing the piano

Future plans

studing at the



studying medicine

becoming a singer

Pupil-3: You are a Russian pupil. Interview your foreign friends. What questions would you ask to your British friends about their school life? Find out:

  • which city (town) your friends have come from;

  • how their schools are called;

  • if they have favourite subjects;

Упражнение 12.

Work with a partner.

Pupil-1: You are the secretary at a language school. You are talk­ing on the phone to someone who wants to take a language course. Get the necessary information and complete the form.

  • You have classes from Monday to Friday;

  • You have three classes at the correct level (Tuesday and Thurs­day 6.00-7.30; Wednesday 7.00-9.00; Monday and Friday 5.30-7.00);

Complete the form:

  • Surname

  • First name

  • Address

  • Phone number

  • Language required

Pupil-2: You want some information about a language course. You are on the phone to a language school. You work full day and already have regular arrangements. You want to learn Spanish. You can go to the course on Fridays. Use your imagination.



Greet your partner. Tell your partner that he / she is talking with the secretary at a lan­guage school.

Greet your partner. Tell your partner that you want some in­formation about a language course.

Ask your partner what lan­guage he / she would like to learn.

Answer the question. Ask your partner which days they have classes.

Упражнение 3.

Work in two groups and discuss the following statement: "Studying at school is the happiest time of life". Which of the points below, in your opinion, prove and which argue this sentence? Divide the points into two groups, then add your own ideas. One group will think of the ideas which prove the statement, and the other group will think of the ideas which argue it.

  • It's quite boring for people to have nothing to do. But you have a lot of things to do: you have to take part in the after-school activities, you have to do homework everyday and you have to revise for the exams.

  • You don't have to work and to make money.

  • You study a lot of interesting subjects. Everyday you start learning new things.

  • You have to get up early every morning from Monday to Saturday. People say that it's very useful for health.

  • You make a lot of friends at school.

  • School helps you choose your future profession.

Упражнение 4.

Children, you all have different ideas about a school you'd like to go to.

The topic of the project is: "My Dream School".

Aim: to hold a discussion about pupil's Dream School.


Тестовое задание I

Какие вопросы можно задать, интервьюируя английского школьника?

a. How many lessons do you have every day?

b. How many times a week do you go to school?

c. What is your favourite subject?

d. What is your favourite film?

e. Do you have to wear a school uniform?

f. What after-school activity would you like to take part in?

Тестовое задание J

Составьте коллаж на тему «Му School Life». Обязательно укажите:

а) какая у вас школа;

б) какие у вас классные комнаты;

в) есть ли в вашей школе гимнастический зал, бассейн, биб-
лиотека, столовая и какие они;

г) какие предметы вы изучаете;

д) какие из них вам интересны и почему;

е) какие внешкольные мероприятия вы посещаете;

ж) интересна ли ваша школьная жизнь.

Выберите необходимые для составления коллажа слова и выражения:

useful; literature; to come in class on time; to read selected works; to wear a uniform; well-equipped; Secondary school; history; gymnasium; has a lot of books; maths; old; to keep good discipline; to do interesting projects; interesting; to help parents; wooden; Local school; computer programming; to be ready for classes; to go in for sports; boring; to be polite; small; to have tests; to wear a uniform; well-planned; to sing in the school choir; to do creative works; wise; English; to develop muscles; two-storeyed; difficult; Grammar school; to do the best; important; library; physical education; canteen; new; chemistry; favourite; swimming-pool.

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«кейсовый метод»



The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say,  “The children are now working as if I did not exist at all”

The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist at all”



  • у учащихся не возникает мотивов, которые подтолкнули бы их к осуществлению речевых высказываний
  • они нередко плохо ориентируются в теме, по которой необходимо высказаться
  • не хватает запаса слов, с помощью которых можно строить речевые высказывания
Современная ситуация требует применения современных образовательных технологий, которые призваны способствовать повышению эффективности обучения. Одной из таких технологий является кейсовый метод

Современная ситуация требует применения современных образовательных технологий, которые призваны способствовать повышению эффективности обучения. Одной из таких технологий является кейсовый метод

ЦЕЛЬ ПРОЕКТА Развитие у учащихся необходимых и достаточных для общения с носителями языка навыков и умений неподготовленной устной речи.


Развитие у учащихся необходимых и достаточных для общения с носителями языка навыков и умений неподготовленной устной речи.

Теоретическое обоснование

Теоретическое обоснование

  • В центре внимания- ученик. Кейсовый метод способствует развитию его творческих способностей.
  • Глубокое осознанное усвоение базовых знаний обеспечивается за счёт их универсального использования в различных ситуациях.
Развиваются важнейшие общеучебные умения

Развиваются важнейшие общеучебные умения

  • Отработка лексического материала в реальных ситуациях.
  • Умения и навыки работы в сотрудничестве: коллективное планирование, взаимодействие с любым партнёром.
Для сильного ученика это возможность развивать свои таланты, Для учеников со средними способностями возможность добиться новых результатов,  Для более слабых учеников возможность побывать в ситуации успеха.

Для сильного ученика это возможность развивать свои таланты,

Для учеников со средними способностями возможность добиться новых результатов,

Для более слабых учеников возможность побывать в ситуации успеха.

Упражнения могут быть представлены тремя группами :

Упражнения могут быть представлены тремя группами :

Упражнения, направленные на обеспечение учащихся:  а) учебно-речевой ситуацией, темой, проблемой, способствующими вызову коммуникативно-познавательного мотива говорения и коммуникативного намерения;  б) языковым и речевым материалом;  в) схемами и таблицами для успешного планирования иноязычного высказывания ;

Упражнения, направленные на обеспечение учащихся: а) учебно-речевой ситуацией, темой, проблемой, способствующими вызову коммуникативно-познавательного мотива говорения и коммуникативного намерения; б) языковым и речевым материалом; в) схемами и таблицами для успешного планирования иноязычного высказывания ;

Finish up the sentences. You may use the conjunction because Schoolchildren like studying computer programming ....

Finish up the sentences. You may use the conjunction because

Schoolchildren like studying computer programming ....

  • to discover new things;
  • to learn interesting computer programmes;
  • to get a lot of information from the Internet;
  • to play different computer games;
  • to send e-mail letters;
  • to learn educational sites.
Chemistry is very interesting ....

Chemistry is very interesting ....

  • do experiments in the lab;
  • to discover new things;
  • to learn the chemical composition of different medicines
  • to get information about chemical elements;
  • to prepare for studying at the Medical Institute.
Schoolchildren don't like to pass exams ... .

Schoolchildren don't like to pass exams ... .

  • to be (to feel) nervous;
  • to prepare a lot;
  • to learn difficult material;
  • to have little time to finish a test;
  • to get bad marks.
Read the following comments made by pupils. Do you agree with their opinion? What do you think about these arguments? You may use the following phrases to express your opinion: I think the same That's true ...; Exactly; I agree with ...; I'm sure that...; No, I can't say...; I'm not sure ...; I doubt it somehow; To my mind...; In my opinion .... 1.  Schoolchildren mustn't learn by heart a lot. It's boring!

Read the following comments made by pupils. Do you agree with their opinion? What do you think about these arguments? You may use the following phrases to express your opinion:

  • I think the same
  • That's true ...;
  • Exactly;
  • I agree with ...;
  • I'm sure that...;
  • No, I can't say...;
  • I'm not sure ...;
  • I doubt it somehow;
  • To my mind...;
  • In my opinion ....

1. Schoolchildren mustn't learn by heart a lot. It's boring!

You may use:

You may use:

  • to do a lot of creative tasks;
  • to do interesting activities at the lesson;
  • to express an opinion;
  • to do interesting projects;
  • to speak on the subject of the material;
  • to give pupils a chance to discuss different problems;
  • important information must be retained in pupils' memory;
  • to learn poems by heart;
  • to give logical, complete answers.
Work in pairs. Read the following comments made by pupils. Do you agree with their opinion? Express your own opinion.

Work in pairs. Read the following comments made by pupils.

Do you agree with their opinion? Express your own opinion.

  • "Exams make everyone try tq get the best marks they can". You may use:

to revise for the exam;

to be interested in studying;

to look forward to school;

to improve the situation;

to remember different things;

to study well;

to worry about;

to finish the school year;

to avoid hard and boring work;

to hate (to like) exams; to be (to feel) nervous.

Nigel goes to school in London. He hates a lot of things at school. Read some of the things he has to do.

Nigel goes to school in London. He hates a lot of things at school. Read some of the things he has to do.

  • He has to stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom.
  • He has to do homework every day.
  • He has to wear school uniform.
  • He has to start school at 8.00 in the morning.
  • He has to go to school on Saturday morning.
There are situations in which some grown-up people and school­children are exchanging their opinions about schools. Which of these opinions belong to grown-up people and which belong to children? How did you guess? Discuss these opinions with your classmates. Do you agree with these opinions. Peter:

There are situations in which some grown-up people and school­children are exchanging their opinions about schools. Which of these opinions belong to grown-up people and which belong to children? How did you guess? Discuss these opinions with your classmates. Do you agree with these opinions.

Peter: "I don't like school very much. I have some problems with maths and physics. I'm always nervous when we have a test. Besides I hate doing homework. I think that everything is bor­ing at school. School is a waste of time. I think I can get all information from books, TV, Internet".


Ann: "I went to the local school. We had to wear a uniform. I hated our uniform. We didn't mix much with children from other schools. Unfortunately, we didn't study computers. But we learnt English, French and Latin. I know that nowadays schoolchildren learn only one foreign language at school".

Упражнения, направленные на подготовку дискуссий, проектов, брейнстормингов, способных активизировать учебно-речевую деятельность учащихся (без использо­вания вспомогательных языковых, речевых и наглядных средств);

Упражнения, направленные на подготовку дискуссий, проектов, брейнстормингов, способных активизировать учебно-речевую деятельность учащихся (без использо­вания вспомогательных языковых, речевых и наглядных средств);




Work with a partner. Pupil-1: You are the secretary at a language school. You are talk­ing on the phone to someone who wants to take a language course. Get the necessary information and complete the form. You have classes from Monday to Friday; You have three classes at the correct level (Tuesday and Thurs­day 6.00-7.30; Wednesday 7.00-9.00; Monday and Friday 5.30-7.00); Complete the form: Surname  First name  Address  Phone number  Language required  Pupil-2: You want some information about a language course. You are on the phone to a language school. You work full day and already have regular arrangements. You want to learn Spanish. You can go to the course on Fridays. Use your imagination.

Work with a partner.

Pupil-1: You are the secretary at a language school. You are talk­ing on the phone to someone who wants to take a language course. Get the necessary information and complete the form.

  • You have classes from Monday to Friday;
  • You have three classes at the correct level (Tuesday and Thurs­day 6.00-7.30; Wednesday 7.00-9.00; Monday and Friday 5.30-7.00);

Complete the form:

  • Surname
  • First name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Language required

Pupil-2: You want some information about a language course. You are on the phone to a language school. You work full day and already have regular arrangements. You want to learn Spanish. You can go to the course on Fridays. Use your imagination.

упражнения творческого характера.
  • упражнения творческого характера.







упражнения творческого характера.

упражнения творческого характера.

Составьте коллаж на тему «Му School Life ». Обязательно укажите: а)  какая у вас школа; б)  какие у вас классные комнаты; в)  есть ли в вашей школе гимнастический зал, бассейн, биб-  лиотека, столовая и какие они; г)  какие предметы вы изучаете; д)  какие из них вам интересны и почему; е)  какие внешкольные мероприятия вы посещаете; ж)  интересна ли ваша школьная жизнь.

Составьте коллаж на тему «Му School Life ». Обязательно укажите:

а) какая у вас школа;

б) какие у вас классные комнаты;

в) есть ли в вашей школе гимнастический зал, бассейн, биб- лиотека, столовая и какие они;

г) какие предметы вы изучаете;

д) какие из них вам интересны и почему;

е) какие внешкольные мероприятия вы посещаете;

ж) интересна ли ваша школьная жизнь.

“ Teachers  only open the door but you must enter by yourself”    a Chinese proverb

“ Teachers only open the door but you must enter by yourself” a Chinese proverb

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Кейсовый метод на уроках английского языка

Автор: Шестакова Надежда Кирилловна

Дата: 16.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 202313

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