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Карточки на тему "Sport and Outdoor Activities"

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Say how things happened some time ago and how they happen now

E.g. Light their streets and houses with gas/use electricity

Some time ago people used to light their streets and houses with gas but now they use electricity

  1. travel on horseback / travel by car
  2. write letters / send e-mails
  3. read more books / watch a lot of television
  4. walk upstairs and downstairs / use lifts

Complete the sentences with the new words

  1. My friend is very good at cycling, lately he’s won an important ….
  2. In the second half our players …. to goals and won the game.
  3. A …. of scientists made a very important discovery in physics.
  4. I was late for school, …. I got up early.
  5. Being tall is an … for a basketball player.
  6. The wall was high and it was not easy to …. over it.

Complete the sentences with used to + verb

  1. My little baby sister doesn’t cry much now, but she …every night a month ago.
  2. Ben Wilson …in London, but now he is living in Glassgow.
  3. Fanny …a lot of sweets, but now she is on a diet.
  4. Tom …tennis a lot, but now his studies don’t give him much time to play tennis.
  5. Jack …race bikes, but now he hasn’t got time to do it.
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«Карточки на тему "Sport and Outdoor Activities"»

8 класс дополнительные задания

Say how things happened some time ago and how they happen now

E.g. Light their streets and houses with gas/use electricity

Some time ago people used to light their streets and houses with gas but now they use electricity

  1. travel on horseback / travel by car

  2. write letters / send e-mails

  3. read more books / watch a lot of television

  4. walk upstairs and downstairs / use lifts

Complete the sentences with the new words

  1. My friend is very good at cycling, lately he’s won an important … .

  2. In the second half our players ….. to goals and won the game.

  3. A …. of scientists made a very important discovery in physics.

  4. I was late for school, …. I got up early.

  5. Being tall is an … for a basketball player.

  6. The wall was high and it was not easy to …. over it.

Complete the sentences with used to + verb

  1. My little baby sister doesn’t cry much now, but she …every night a month ago.

  2. Ben Wilson …in London, but now he is living in Glassgow.

  3. Fanny …a lot of sweets, but now she is on a diet.

  4. Tom …tennis a lot, but now his studies don’t give him much time to play tennis.

  5. Jack …race bikes, but now he hasn’t got time to do it.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Карточки на тему "Sport and Outdoor Activities"

Автор: Вдовина Ирина Николаевна

Дата: 24.09.2021

Номер свидетельства: 587400

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