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Исследовательская работа по английскому языку "Internet and kids"

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Исследовательская работа направлена на поиск информации, связанной c интернетом, на выявление способов использования сети интернет детьми. 

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«Исследовательская работа по английскому языку "Internet and kids"»

Novaya Mon’ya Secondary School

Educational practical conference

The Internet and kids

Section: linguistics

The authors: Vorotov Kirill

Novaya Mon’ya Secondary School

5th form

The teacher:Vesheva O.S.

The teacher of English language

Novaya Mon’ya Secondary School

Novaya Mon’ya 2017


  1. Introduction…………………………………………………… 3

  2. The main part

What is the internet?..................................................................  4

How do kids use the internet?.................................................... 5

Keep you safe on the internet………………………………… 6

  1. Conclusion…………………………………………………….. 7

  2. Literature……………………………………………………… 8


In the 1960s, a group of researchers working for the USA Government Defense Department invented a computer network that could keep working even if some of the computers were lost or damaged, during a war or a natural disaster.

Over the next 20 years or so big businesses, universities and other researchers joined this network until they made a web of networks that were all linked.

Then ordinary people started to use the internet and today there are millions of people all over the world who can use the internet in lots of different ways.

Hypothesis: The internet has everything you can get from the press, television or radio and much more.

Actuality: Today it’s hard to imagine our life without the internet

The aim of the work:

- To know how students use the internet.

The tasks of the work:

  • To study the information.

  • To study student’s attitude to the internet

  • To analyze the results.

The subject of the work: the internet

The object of the work: the students of the 5th and the 6th forms.

Chapter 1

What is the Internet?

An easy way to explain the internet is to think of your school computers all linked together into a network that you could put information into and get information out that you and other people in your school have put in.

Now imagine that a friend from another school wants to use your information and give you some of hers. You both connect your computers to modems that allow your computers to share information.

Other networks can connect to yours and to other networks. This is called inter-networking or the internet as it became known.

It is a way of sending information from one computer to another anywhere in the world using phones or satellites, radio links and many other ways

Chapter 2

How do kids use the Internet?

Here is a list of how some kids use the Internet.

  • Research for projects.

  • Games, finding and playing them.

  • CD stores and music sites.'

  • Downloading music.

  • Finding pictures for hobbies, projects and your own interest.

  • Looking at girl's sites or boy's sites.

  • Talking to friends on your personal network.

  • Interactive projects at school.

  • Looking at school sites.

  • Making your own web site.

  • International internet projects.

  • Social networking sites.

  • Blogs.

We made a survey among 12 students of the 5th and 6th forms of our school. They answered the question. How do you use the internet?

Two students use the internet for homework

Six students play games

Four students use the internet to chat with friends

Therefore, we found out that the internet is a great way to find and exchange information, talk to friends and have fun.

Chapter 3

Keeping you safe on the internet

There are two things that you have to be aware of on the internet.

  1. Keeping your personal details safe. 

  2. Being aware that people are not always who they pretend to be.


You need to take care with email because:

  • Hackers can access personal email, and if you have personal information that you do not want not everyone to know then use email to tell your friend about it.

  • Do not open files or documents on email unless you recognize the person who sent it. You might get a computer virus from a document that comes through email. Some sites on the internet are especially for kids and so you should be safe going into their chat rooms.

The only problems are that some of the people may not really be kids, but adults who are not very nice people.

Here are some ideas to keep you safe.

  • Always use a nickname; never use your real name.

  • Never give any personal information like your address, phone number, your family, or even your email address.

  • Do not send close up photos of yourself, where you live or go to school.

  • Close the conversation at once, if you feel uncomfortable and tell mum or dad about it.

  • Do not post pictures, which could embarrass you or your friends.

  • Tell your parents, your school or report to the police if you are being cyber-bullied.


Our hypothesis was that the Internet has everything you can get from the press, television or radio and much more.

  1. The internet is useful for homework.

  2. The internet is a great way to spend free time.

  3. On the Internet, you can connect with the whole world.

  4. Keeping your personal details safe.

  5. Being aware that people are not always who they pretend to be.

We have come to conclusion that there are advantages and disadvantages of using the internet.

  1. The internet is a great way to find and exchange information, talk to friends and have fun.

  2. There are things that you have to be aware of on the internet.

Our aim was to know how students use the internet.

The practical using of our work:

  1. To find out new information about the internet.

  2. To use the information to keep our safe.

  3. To use the information in the lessons.


  1. Английский язык 5 класс: учебник для общеобразовательных организаци. В П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, И.П. Костина. - 4-е изд.-М.: Просвещение, 2015.

  2. http:/www.missingkids.com/en_US/other/InternetSafaty.htm



Исследовательская работа направлена на поиск информации, связанной c интернетом, на выявление способов использования сети интернет детьми. Исследовательская часть включает анкетирование учащихся 5 и 6 классов и определение их отношения к сети интернет.



Исследовательская работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения и использованной литературы.

Введение содержит гипотезу, актуальность темы, цели, задачи работы, предмет и объект исследования.

Основная часть содержит три главы:

  1. What is the internet? В этой части показано объяснение, что такое интернет.

  2. How do kids use the internet? В этой части описаны способы использования сети интернет детьми. Приведены результаты анкетирования.

  3. Keeping you safe on the internet. В этой части даны советы детям о правилах безопасности использования сети интернет.

Заключение содержит выводы и практическое применение работы

Проблема исследования – использование сети интернет детьми.

Актуальность работы в том, что интернет имеет огромные возможности

Методы исследования:

  1. Поиск информации в книгах, журналах

  2. Поиск информации в Интернете

  3. Анкетирование


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Исследовательская работа по английскому языку "Internet and kids"

Автор: Вешева Ольга Семеновна

Дата: 27.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 403892

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