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Информационный проект по английскому языку «The role of cinema in our life»

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Информационный проект по английскому языку «The role of  cinema in our life» содержит материал об истории кинематографа, особенностях киножанров, влиянии кино на общество. Проект может использоваться для подготовки и проведения внеклассных мероприятий.

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«Информационный проект по английскому языку «The role of cinema in our life»»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение – средняя общеобразовательная школа № 9 города Аткарска Саратовской области

Информационный проект по английскому языку

The role of cinema in our life.

Выполнили :Садомцев Эльдар

Руководитель : Разволяева

Алина Валерьевна,

учитель английского языка

Аткарск 2018


1 Introduction………………………………………...……………………………3

2 The main part :

-The history of cinema………………………...…………………………...…...…4

-The Birth of Cinematography ……………………….…………………….……..4

-Cinematographic genres ………………………………..………………………...5

-The influence of cinema on the society ………………………………………….6


4 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….9

5 Used resources …………………………………………………………………10

The role of the cinema in our life.


Only work and no play. It makes life dull and boring.  Nobody can deny the fact that recreation is as important in life as work. Life would lose its charm if there were no amusement in it.  That is why recreation has always been an important part of human activity. Even in ancient days, games and sports, dancing and singing, dramatics and hunting, used to be the favorite pastimes that provided man with a welcome change in this dull and dry routine of work and labour.  Fairs and festivals also serve the same purpose.  In the age of science, the modern man has used various machines to amuse and entertain himself.  Cinema is the most modern and the most popular form of entertainment.  It is an entertainment within the reach of all – the rich as well as the poor.  In all seasons, in rain or sunshine, the cinema provides an excellent amusement to the people.  With the coming of the television and video tapes, cinema has become a part of every home.  Today we can live without food for a day but we cannot think of life without cinema.

Why has cinematography become an integral part of human`s life? How does it influence on the society ? What is the leading country in film production ?

I decided to do the project to answer these questions.

The aim of my research work is to find out the role of the cinema in our life.

For this purpose in theoretical part of the work I have studied cinema development, found out features of a foreign cinema, examined its influence on life of people, in particular on teenagers, and revealed the most popular movies among young people.

What is cinematography ?

Cinematography (from Greek: κίνημα, kinema "movements" and γράφειν, graphein "to record") is the art or science of motion picture or photography. It is the technique of movie photography, including both the shooting and development of the film.

People of different professions are involved in modern cinema production: directors, scriptwriters, cameramen, composers, costume designers and, of course, actors and actresses. They make films of different genres: feature movies, historical and detective films, documentaries, screen versions of novels, cartoons, series which are demonstrated both at cinemas and on TV. We can say that cinema combines various arts such as  literature, painting, music, theatre, architecture.
Cinema has become a powerful vehicle for culture, education, leisure and propaganda.

Chapter I. The history of cinema.

The history of a cinema is hardly more than a hundred years. And during this time, constantly changing and being improved, it has won hearts of hundreds millions people in the whole world. Variations have mentioned all areas of a cinema. Scripts and plots of films were transformed significantly, the equipment for shootings and presentation of films today allows to give out to spectators magnificent effects, both visual, and sound. Every day there are dozens of world film premieres, among them there are films of different genres and varying degrees of skill.

So, what was the first movie? Who made the first steps? And what is the development of cinema?

The Birth of Cinematography

Of course, the invention of film was not sudden. People were coming to this for generations. It was the process of addition separate fragments of a mosaic stretched in time. The first component of the cinema giving the beginning to it was a projection. It originated in prehistoric times when the primitive boy admired a shadow of the hands on a wall. Game of light and shadows bewitched people in Ancient Greece. Puppeteers of medieval Java, China and India, arranging concepts on the basis of local myths and legends, used game of light and a shadow to project silhouettes of the dolls made from leather on the translucent screen. But it was not a cinema, it was only an attempt to its creation. People needed a device that could record and play back. To create it, mankind had to do 3 steps. The first step was the invention of the device which received the optical image of objects – the camera obscura or “the Magic lantern”. The arrangement represented a light-tight box with an aperture in one of sides and the screen in another. The image was turned and of small sharpness. But it was not enough. The camera obscura couldn’t create films. The second step was made by Joseph Plateau who created phenakistoscope (also spelled phenakistiscope or phenakitiscope). It was an early animation device that used the persistence of vision principle to create an illusion of motion. But still people were trying to create a device which could simultaneously display the movement phase and photograph them. The American photographer Eadweard Muybridge created zoopraxіscope .This device projected images from rotating glass disks in rapid succession to give the impression of motion. The stop-motion images were initially painted onto the glass, as silhouettes. Paper executed the function of it. All in all, it was that 20 years later the Lumière brothers called “cinema”. The Lumiere brothers invented a camera and discovered cinema as art. Their first projector passed successful tests on public in 1895. The start of propagation of a cinema began from public demonstration of the first short-footage films. Already on December, 28th, 1895 in Paris the Lumiere brothers showed their first cinema. Further public demonstrations of short-footage films were produced in all the world's capitals. The premiere of the first film took place in 1895, on the Boulevard des Capucines in “the Grand Café”. And during the screening of the film “Arrival of a Train”, the audience in horror ran out of the Hall, thinking that the looming train was real!

Silent films

In the silent era of film, marrying the image with synchronous sound was not possible for inventors and producers, since no practical method was devised until 1923. Thus, for the first thirty years of their history, films were silent, although accompanied by live musicians and sometimes sound effects and even commentary spoken by the showman or projectionist.

The Sound in the Cinematography and the progress

  • Different experiments with sound film technology was virtually constant throughout the silent era, but the some arising problems had been difficult to overcome.  During late 1927Warners released The Jazz Singer, which was mostly silent but contained what is generally regarded as the first synchronized dialogue in a feature film.

  • The change was remarkably swift. By the end of 1929, Hollywood was almost all-talkie, with several competing sound systems

  • The first colour film was The Wizard of Oz in 1939.

After World War II the film industry continued to develop successfully, and every year people witnessed more and more elaborate tricks, effects and new styles of acting. Special effects have an important place in films. Now many of them can be electronically produced and controlled: among the names that make every film fan give out a cry of joy are Steven Speilberg and Federico Fellini, Anjey Waida and Nikita Mikhalkov.

Cinematographic genres

Everyone is free to choose a film-masterpiece created by titans of a cinema. It possible depends on mood and taste to watch a comedy or a detective film, a historical movie or just a popular serial.

All kinds of films have their own fans, which make people enjoy watching them. Different kinds of films bring out different emotions in people.

There is a huge set of cinematographic genres and subgenres.

These are the main of them:

•        Action films usually include high energy, big-budget, physical stunts and chases, battles, fights, and adventurous, often two-dimensional 'good-guy' heroes vs. 'bad guys'

•        Adventure films are usually exciting stories, with new experiences or exotic locales, often paired with the action film genre. They can include searches or expeditions for lost continents, "jungle" and "desert" epics, treasure hunts, disaster films, or searches for the unknown.

•        Crime (gangster) films are developed around the sinister actions of criminals or mobsters, particularly bankrobbers,

•        Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction.

•        Melodrama Films are a sub-type of drama films, characterized by a plot to appeal to the heightened emotions of the audience.

•        Comedies are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter by exaggerating the situation, the language, action, relationships and characters.

•        Horror films are designed to frighten and to invoke our hidden worst fears, often in a terrifying, shocking finale, while captivating and entertaining us at the same time in a cathartic experience. They are often combined with science fiction.

•        Musical/dance films  are films that are centered on combinations of music, dance, song or choreography.

•        Sci-fi films are often quasi-scientific, visionary and imaginative - with heroes, aliens, distant planets, fantastic places,  futuristic technology, unknown and unknowable forces. They share some similarities with action/adventure and horror films

•        Westerns are the major defining genre of the American film industry. They are one of the oldest, most enduring genres with very recognizable plots, elements, and characters

•        War films acknowledge the horror and heartbreak of war, letting the actual combat fighting on land, sea, or in the air provide the primary plot or background for the action of the film.

The influence of the cinema on the society

Nowadays cinema has already deeply got into a life of the modern person. And there is nothing surprising. In fact people perfectly understand that it is better to be transferred into the magic world by means of cinema, having disconnected for a while from the real life.

Children already from a small age like to watch cartoons and thus learn and discover a lot of new things by the example of different characters - bad and good. An example of the concept of friendship, courage, fidelity and nobility are laid in the subconscious of children and the habit of behavior remains unchanged almost throughout life.

Cinema plays both an entertaining role, and teaching in people’s lives.

If eyes are the mirror of the soul, than cinema is the mirror of our lives. Like other works of arts, cinema is the reflection of the hopes, aspirations, frustrations and contradictions of the society in which it is created. It is difficult to overestimate the importance the film industry has in our lives. With the help of it you can see the stories of not only this life but also look into the past and even in the future.

These movies are like history lessons to the audience since they show something we were not able to witness or take part in. Consider war movies such as The Tuskegee Airmen and Memphis Belle. Though not one hundred percent accurate, both depict actual events of historical wars. They are examples of how movies can teach the newer generations about what their distant relatives did for their country.

There is hardly any aspect of human life which is outside the scope of the cinema.  It has created a better understanding and goodwill among different countries by showing their social, economic and cultural life.  It has brought people of different countries of the world nearer to one another.  It presents a true picture of the human civilization.  The cinema represents the mystery of human life and throws light on the inner secrets of the human life and heart.

Everyone can get information that interests him only, no matter what the meaning is in the film. Most likely the person finds answers to his questions in a particular film. Such films very often become an incentive for any action and inspire a person to act.

So  movies can influence an individual’s behavior, because often we want to imitate our favorite actors and characters, and behave as they do. In movies and television, there are heroes and if these characters are strong, we want to act like them and when facing our own problems in life we want to react as they do. So movies can be very influential to people. For example ,if Johnny Depp were to pick up a cigarette and start smoking, the majority of the guys in the audience would do the same thing. After watching Saturday Night Fever – people danced all over the world because of the music. That sets a standard.

In some cases, viewers of movies even want to look like their favorite actors or characters, so they can have an effect on people’s clothing and appearance as well .

The film industry attracts more and more viewers due to the fact that completely new technologies are being used, which allows you to provide moviegoers with fascinating special effects and good image quality of the film itself. Modern graphics, 3D effect and sound make the viewer feel like the heroes of the film released on the screen.


I investigated the interests among my classmates and asked the following questions:

Are you a film fan?

How often do you go to the cinema?

Which films do you prefer (educational, political, detective, adventure stories, thrillers, musicals, documentaries)?

Do you prefer watching them in the cinema or at home ?

What Russian/Soviet film makers do you know? What films were made by them?

Do you prefer watching Russian or foreign films ?

In total there were interviewed 25 students: 13 girls, 12 boys.

My investigation showed that boys and girls prefer to watch comedies (50%), horrors (22%) and action (20%). Some girls have given their preference for melodrama films .

Personally ,I prefer adventure films and unusual films. Such films catch your attention. They are really exciting. They teach you to defend justice. I think that they are extremely great and wonderful .But at the same time I am fond of true-to-life films describing the life of ordinary people, their feelings and problems. Such films move me deeply, they arose the feelings or sympathy or hatred for the heroes. As a rule such films have a deep and lasting impression upon me.

According to the chart, it can be seen that 30% people prefer Russian movies.

70% people are in favor of foreign films .

According to the results of the survey I came to the conclusion that the majority of students prefer foreign films, mainly British and American. It is caused by set of factors.

First of all – great influence of foreign cinema on teenagers. It is likely that most people have an association with Hollywood. And no wonder, because it is Hollywood, the USA, is the most popular and largest developed country in the field of cinema. The answer is obvious: first of all special effects. The American blockbusters simply dazzle with them. The second reason: a popular actor in the form of impenetrable, fearless, all-powerful and attractive superhero who saves the world from imminent destruction with his arsenal of very exotic weapons. It’s important to notice that the world cinema began to create main heroes on the American model much later. If earlier the USSR’s main characters in cinema were ordinary people - soldiers, war heroes, and in the mid 90’s, the leaders of the criminal gangs (like Sasha Beliy), these days their place was taken by “Russian superman”. These characters are attractive, witty, charismatic, possessing venomous sarcasm, sense of humor at all power and necessarily engaging a leader position. Moreover , in addition to blockbusters the Americans love creating movies that reflect our reality: comedies, dramas and melodramas. They show real people with their emotions, ups and downs.

50 Per cent of my classmates prefer watching films at the cinema. There is no wonder. Modern cinema halls are comfortable. There are many rows with convenient seats in the hall. It’s possible for everyone to see the screen vividly. The quality of the sound has changed a lot. At the present time we can meet the highest quality dolby digital surround. Most cinemas have a refreshment rooms where cinema- goer can get a snack or a drink. American culture brought to Russia pop corn and we can’t but eat it while watching the movie.


Cinematograph is truly an art of our time. Everyone can find something to his liking in the broad variety of its genres. Those who seek pure entertainment and rest to the mind prefer musical comedies, detective films, thrillers, horror films and westerns. Other people consider that movies should be rather a thought provoking and earnest art than all fun. Personally I am for entertaining both the heart and mind at the same time.

The cinema shapes outlook of the person, enriches it spiritually, gives helpful information. There is also a psychological influence of a cinema on the person, in fact under its influence there can be a varied scale of unique feelings. A film or a serial can cause a smile or tears, pleasure or grief, excitation or sensation of inner peace. Movies can change a person, his internal status, behavior, character. Such effects are mostly typical for teenagers. Of course, it should be noticed, that movie may have a negative impact on the development of a person. While watching a movie, young people often put themselves in the place of the hero, they empathize to him and share his feelings with him virtually. And this is a great property! Often teenagers somehow live in a fictional world, in the world of dreams.

Without a doubt, cinema is one of the most important and the most popular types of arts, which has a great influence on the life of a person. It can also impact on the world’s cultural development.

In summary, movies have the capacity to influence society, both locally and globally.  But the society, its trends, and people’s reactions to those trends influence the movies.  In each case, the influence can be positive or negative and it should be moral duty of producers to produce noble and inspiring films. The Government should take care of this. If cinema industry produced such films, the cinema would be a true friend, philosopher and guide of the masses.

Used resources

Источник: http://5fan.ru/wievjob.php?id=94914


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Информационный проект по английскому языку «The role of cinema in our life»

Автор: Разволяева Алина Валерьевна

Дата: 23.08.2018

Номер свидетельства: 476229

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