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Guess the End

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1-The Architect
An American architect was visiting London. He
was on a business trip but he also wanted to see
all the famous buildings in London. The American
did not have much time so he stopped a taxi and
asked  the  driver  to  take  him  to  all  the  old  and
famous buildings in London, The taxi driver drove
him to the Tower of London." This is the Tower of
London. It was a prison in the old days," he said.
The American looked at the building and said," It
is  so  small.  In  America  we  could  build  this  in  a
day."  The  taxi  driver  took  the  American  to
Westminster  Abbey.  He  said,"  This  is  a  famous
church. Kings and queens get married here." The
American  looked  at  the  old  building  and
said,"Huh. In America we could build this church
in  two  days,"  The  driver  decided  to  take  the
American to a bigger church so he drove him to St
Paul's  Cathedral.  He  stopped  outside  the  church
and  said,"  This  is  the  most  famous  church  in
England.      The  great  architect  Christopher  Wren
built this church." The American got out of the taxi
and  looked  at  the  church,"  Huh,  In  America  we
could  build  this  church  in  three  days."  he  said.
Next the driver took the American to the Houses
of  Parliament."  This  is  where  British  politicians
meet. "Huh." the American said. "We could build
this  in  four  days."  The  driver  drove  past
Buckingham Palace, the home of Queen Elizabeth.
As the taxi passed the palace, the American said,
"Hey. What is this big and beautiful building" The
taxi driver looked at the palace and said, 

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Guess the End

Автор: Зейтуллаев Осман Люманович

Дата: 16.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266842

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