Данный материал может быть использован как дополнительный к курсу «Английская литература» по теме «Вильям Шекспир. Жизнь и творчество».
Цели урока:
- проверить знание учащимися фактов биографии и произведений
великого английского поэта и драматурга;
- проверить знание учащимися известных крылатых выражений,
которые пришли в наш язык из произведений Вильяма Шекспира;
-прививать интерес к литературе страны изучаемого языка;
-расширять кругозор учащихся;
-развивать память, внимание и логическое мышление учащихся.
Оборудование урока: ноутбук, экран, портрет Вильяма Шекспира.
1. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, but what county is this town in?
a) Sussex c) Durham
b) Norfolk d) Warwickshire
2. When did Shakespeare write his plays?
a) 15th and 16th century
b) 14th and 15th century
c) 16th and 17th century
d) 17th and 18th century
3. When is Shakespeare`s birthday traditionally celebrated?
a) April 1 c)April 21
b) April 12 d)April 23
4. Who ruled the country when Shakespeare was born?
a) Charles I c) Henry VIII
b) James II d) Elizabeth I
5. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
a) 16 c) 18
b) 17 d) 19
6. Who did Shakespeare married?
a) Anne of Cleves c) Anne Feine
b) Anne Hathaway d)Anne Ditover
7. How many children did Shakespeare have?
a) 1 c) 3
b) 2 d) none
8. What was the name of Shakespeare`s theatre?
a) The West End c) The Rose
b) The Globe d)The Universe
9. How many sonnets, poems and plays did Shakespeare write?
a) 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 2 epic narrative poems
b) 54 plays, 38 sonnets, 5 epic narrative poems
c) 54 plays, 5 sonnets, 38 epic narrative poems
d) 1 play, 38 sonnets, 154 epic narrative poems
10. What happened to the Globe Theatre in 1613?
a) It fell down c) It was opened
b) It leaked d) It burnt down
11. How many words did Shakespeare actually “invented”?
a) About 3,000 c) About 1,000
b) None d) About 13,000
12. Where did Shakespeare retire to?
a) London c) Stratford-upon-Avon
b) Brighton d) the USA
13. Which of these phrases appears on Shakespeare`s gravestone?
a) “May the great author rest in piece.”
b) “He wrote so much that man will take years to understand everything.”
c) “He arrived on this earth with nothing. When he died, he left everything to us.”
d) “…curst be he that moves my bones.”
14. How old was Shakespeare when he died?
a) 53 c) 51
b) 52 d) 50
15. As well as being a playwright, Shakespeare was also … .
a) a glove-maker a) a diplomat
b) a butcher d) an actor
16. Complete the title of this Shakespeare`s play: “The Merchant of…”.
a) Milton Keynes a) Cairo
b) Watford d) Venice
17. Which of these is a play by Shakespeare?
a) The Siege of Troy
b) Robin Hood
c) Two Gentlemen of Wolverhampton
d) The Comedy of Errors
18. Shakespeare`s plays were usually performed in… .
a) a church
b) a royal palace
c) an open area theatre
d) an indoor theatre
1 – d 7 – c 13 – d
2 – c 8 – b 14 – b
3 – d 9 – a 15 – d
4 – d 10 – d 16 – d
5 – c 11 – a 17 – d
6 – b 12 – c 18 – c
Shakespeare`s plays
1. Put these words in the right order to make some famous quotations.
1. rain, love, after, comforteth, sunshine, like.
2. to, to, be, be, not, the, or, question, is that.
3. none, all, to, love, wrong, trust, do, a few.
4. I, myself, if, lose, I, lose, honour, mine.
5. true, it`s, speak, to, speak, not, but, enough, to.
6. love, better, is, sought, unsought, is, given, good, but.
7. but, he, he, hunting, love, loved, to, laughed, scorn.
2. Name these plays.
1. Love comforteth like sunshine after rain. (Venus and Adonis)
2. To be, or not to be: that is the question. (Hamlet)
3. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. (All`s Well That Ends Well)
4. If I lose my honour, I lose myself. (Twelfth Night)
5. It`s not enough to speak, but to speak true. (Midsummer Night`s Dream)
6. Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. (Twelfth Night)
7. Hunting he loved, but love he laughed to scorn. (Venus and Adonis)
3. Give Russian equivalents of the quotations.
1.Любовь утешает, как солнце после дождя.
2. Быть или не быть – вот в чём вопрос.
3. Люби всех, доверяй немногим, никому не делай плохого.
4. Если я потеряю честь, я потеряю себя.
5. Недостаточно просто говорить, надо ещё говорить правильно.
6. Любовь всегда прекрасна и желанна,
Особенно, когда она нежданна.
7. Любил он травлю, презирал любовь.