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Houses and neighborhoods


Write a conversation exercise: houses neighborhoods

Whats your house like?



house warming

close to

Describe the house…




natural light

Where do you go for/to……?


Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above. Example: Sophia, I’ve just moved into a new house.

Jason! Hi! Wait for me! I want to tell you the big news! We 1 ___________into a new house.

Cool! What's it like?

It's really 2 ___________. It's __________,and it's 3 _______________ and really quiet.

Nice! What’s so convenient about it?

Well, It's 4 ____________ to the grocery store, and the bus stop.

Ok. and it's 5 ________ around here. How come it's so quiet?

The walls, are really thick, so you 6 ________ anything from the outside.

Wow, that's good! 7 _________the house for me.

It's a 8 ___________ house, with four bedrooms, and three bathrooms. The kitchen is really

big, and there's a lot of 9 ___________.

Three bathrooms? That should be enough! And which room is your favorite?

I really like the living room, because it's 10 ________ , and has a lot of 11 __________light.

That sounds great! I'm glad you like it. So what can you do around there on weekends?

There's a lot of things to do. There's a 12 ____________, and a lot of restaurants and shops.

Ok! 13 ____________soon.

Sure. I'll invite you to our 14 ______________party.

Thanks! Have a nice day Andrea.

Jason! Hi! Wait for me! I want to tell you the big news! We just moved into a new house.

Cool! What's it like?

It's really comfortable. It's quite a big house and it's very convenient and really quiet.

Nice! What’s so convenient about it?

Well, It's quite close to the grocery store, and the bus stop.

Ok. and it's so noisy around here. How come it's so quiet?

The walls, are really thick, so you can't hear anything from the outside.

Wow, that's good! Describe the house for me.

It's a two-story house, with four bedrooms, and three bathrooms. The kitchen is really big, and

there's a lot of storage space.

Three bathrooms? That should be enough! And which room is your favorite?

I really like the living room, because it's really cozy, and has a lot of natural light.

That sounds great! I'm glad you like it. So what can you do around there on weekends?

There's a lot of things to do. There's a park nearby, and a lot of restaurants and shops.

Ok! I'll visit you soon.

Sure. I'll invite you to our house warming party.

Thanks! Have a nice day Andrea.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Дом,в котором я живу

Автор: Сычева Марина Васильевна

Дата: 18.05.2023

Номер свидетельства: 631822

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