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Biscuits for Brain

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Once, there was a sweet older lady who would often do grocery shopping for the infirm and elderly in her church. One hot, summer day a lady asked her to pick up a few things and bring them by her house in a dangerous part of Baltimore.

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«Biscuits for Brain»

Biscuits for Brain

Once, there was a sweet older lady who would often do grocery shopping for the infirm and elderly in her church. One hot, summer day a lady asked her to pick up a few things and bring them by her house in a dangerous part of Baltimore. The sweet old lady was wary but felt that she couldn't say no, even though she was terrified of driving in a part of the city that was often visited by violence. The woman went on her way, picked up the groceries and proceeded to the lady's house.

As she entered the lady's neighborhood she noticed young hoodlums gathering on every street corner. Although she had no air conditioning in the car, she rolled the windows up tightly in order to follow security measures and suffered in the 90+ degree heat.

She drove ahead until suddenly she heard a loud pop and felt a jolt to the back of her head. She reached to feel the back of her head and came back with a wet oozing mess that she was sure was part of her brain. Believing that she had been shot, the woman turned around and raced to a local hospital.

Somehow she made it to the emergency room and had the strength to walk right in. She told the attendant that she had been shot and she was immediately rushed back to an exam room. Doctors whirled around and asked where she had been shot because they saw no blood. She said "my head," and the doctors found a mass of the oozing white substance the woman had first noticed.

But the white substance wasn't part of her brain. It was only a lump of biscuit dough from a can that had exploded in the heat of her car.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Biscuits for Brain

Автор: Asylzhan Ibadullaev, Nazym Abubakirova

Дата: 11.02.2021

Номер свидетельства: 572886

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