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Аудирование "Я больше не буду" / "I'm never going to do it again".

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Два варианта заданий по аудированию по теме "Еда" / "Food" для 3 класса.

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«04 - No 30 I'm never going to do it again»

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-1

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-2

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

1. The story tells us a kitten.

1. The story tells us Mitsi.

2. Her family has got four animals.

2. She has got parents and a sister.

3. They live under a big house.

3. They live under an apple tree.

4. Mitsi doesn’t love her family.

4. Her family loves Mitsi.

5. Mitsi is three today.

5. Mitsi was three last week.

6. The family presented Mitsi a yellow box.

6. Her brother gave Mitsi five big carrots.

7. The friends presented Mitsi many sweets.

7. Apples, bananas, oranges, cheese were tasty.

8. They played games.

8. They ran about the house.

9. They ate only fruits.

9. Mitsi’s friends went home at 10 o’clock.

10. Mitsi went to bed at 9 o’clock.

10. Mitsi had a stomach ache.

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-1

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-2

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

1. The story tells us a kitten.

1. The story tells us Mitsi.

2. Her family has got four animals.

2. She has got parents and a sister.

3. They live under a big house.

3. They live under an apple tree.

4. Mitsi doesn’t love her family.

4. Her family loves Mitsi.

5. Mitsi is three today.

5. Mitsi was three last week.

6. The family presented Mitsi a yellow box.

6. Her brother gave Mitsi five big carrots.

7. The friends presented Mitsi many sweets.

7. Apples, bananas, oranges, cheese were tasty.

8. They played games.

8. They ran about the house.

9. They ate only fruits.

9. Mitsi’s friends went home at 10 o’clock.

10. Mitsi went to bed at 9 o’clock.

10. Mitsi had a stomach ache.

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-1

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-2

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

1. The story tells us a kitten.

1. The story tells us Mitsi.

2. Her family has got four animals.

2. She has got parents and a sister.

3. They live under a big house.

3. They live under an apple tree.

4. Mitsi doesn’t love her family.

4. Her family loves Mitsi.

5. Mitsi is three today.

5. Mitsi was three last week.

6. The family presented Mitsi a yellow box.

6. Her brother gave Mitsi five big carrots.

7. The friends presented Mitsi many sweets.

7. Apples, bananas, oranges, cheese were tasty.

8. They played games.

8. They ran about the house.

9. They ate only fruits.

9. Mitsi’s friends went home at 10 o’clock.

10. Mitsi went to bed at 9 o’clock.

10. Mitsi had a stomach ache.

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-1

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-2

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

1. The story tells us a kitten.

1. The story tells us Mitsi.

2. Her family has got four animals.

2. She has got parents and a sister.

3. They live under a big house.

3. They live under an apple tree.

4. Mitsi doesn’t love her family.

4. Her family loves Mitsi.

5. Mitsi is three today.

5. Mitsi was three last week.

6. The family presented Mitsi a yellow box.

6. Her brother gave Mitsi five big carrots.

7. The friends presented Mitsi many sweets.

7. Apples, bananas, oranges, cheese were tasty.

8. They played games.

8. They ran about the house.

9. They ate only fruits.

9. Mitsi’s friends went home at 10 o’clock.

10. Mitsi went to bed at 9 o’clock.

10. Mitsi had a stomach ache.

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-1

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-2

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

1. The story tells us a kitten.

1. The story tells us Mitsi.

2. Her family has got four animals.

2. She has got parents and a sister.

3. They live under a big house.

3. They live under an apple tree.

4. Mitsi doesn’t love her family.

4. Her family loves Mitsi.

5. Mitsi is three today.

5. Mitsi was three last week.

6. The family presented Mitsi a yellow box.

6. Her brother gave Mitsi five big carrots.

7. The friends presented Mitsi many sweets.

7. Apples, bananas, oranges, cheese were tasty.

8. They played games.

8. They ran about the house.

9. They ate only fruits.

9. Mitsi’s friends went home at 10 o’clock.

10. Mitsi went to bed at 9 o’clock.

10. Mitsi had a stomach ache.

Listening “I'm never going to do it again”

The KEYs:

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-1

Form 3. Lesson 27. No 30 “I'm never going to do it again” V-2

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

Listen the story and say:

T / F / Nm

1. The story tells us a kitten.


1. The story tells us Mitsi.


2. Her family has got four animals.


2. She has got parents and a sister.


3. They live under a big house.


3. They live under an apple tree.


4. Mitsi doesn’t love her family.


4. Her family loves Mitsi.


5. Mitsi is three today.


5. Mitsi was three last week.


6. The family presented Mitsi a yellow box.


6. Her brother gave Mitsi five big carrots.


7. The friends presented Mitsi many sweets.


7. Apples, bananas, oranges, cheese were tasty.


8. They played games.


8. They ran about the house.


9. They ate only fruits.


9. Mitsi’s friends went home at 10 o’clock.


10. Mitsi went to bed at 9 o’clock.


10. Mitsi had a stomach ache.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Аудирование "Я больше не буду" / "I'm never going to do it again".

Автор: Камалдинова Ольга Габдулахатовна

Дата: 13.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 358441

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