А?ылшын тылв сабагында ?ткізілген саяба?ты? ма?саты : саба??а деген ?ызы?ушылы? тарын арттыру?а е?бек ету ?ызы?ты сабак элементтеріні? ар?асында оны ж?зеге асыру. Котеген сурет.карта, ?ле?, ойын элементтеріні? ар?асында. Ойнап отырып ойланып былымдерын кенейту, жана сабакта жана грамматикадан такырып оту" реттык жане жай" сандарды оту
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«А?ылшын тілі п?нінен ?ткізылген ашы? сабак »
When is your birthday?
5th form
The aims of the lesson:
To fix knowledge about months, seasons and to learn ordinal numbers;
To develop memory, mental activity;
Developing communicative skills;
The tasks of the lesson:
Visual aids: pictures, crosswords, a tape- recorder, interactive board, cards.
The procedure of the lesson.
Organizational moment.
T: good afternoon pupils!
P: good afternoon,
good afternoon,
good afternoon to you!
Good afternoon, dear teacher
We are glad to see you!
T:How are you?
Who is on duty today?
Who is upsets today?
Where are you from?
How old are you?
What’s your address?
What time is it?
Warming up.
Let’s begin our lesson the theme of the lesson is “when is your birthday?” Do you know how translated the theme?
Open your books at page77, look at the ex,1. Listen to the tape- recorder.
We have eyes
We can see
We have ears
We can hear
We have mouths
We can eat
We have feet
We can walk
Checking home task
What was your home task?
Are you ready?
New theme
Listen and say.
T: very good pupils!

December March

Winter January Spring April
February May

June September

Summer July Autumn October
August November
T: very good pupils!
Now we’ll be listening to the dialogue.
Listen very attention, please!
Asel: when is your birthday?
Carol: it’s in winter.
Asel: in which month is it?
Carol: it’s on 31st of January. And when is your?
Asel: mine is on 9th of May.
Carol: what’s date today?
Asel: it’s 21st of March.
Carol: oh, my father’s birthday is on 23rd of March.
New grammar material.
Look at the board, your see the flowers with the numbers. Listen and repeat the numerals. Then match the flowers with the numbers.
1st – first
2nd – second
3rd – third