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Загадка на английском языке про К.Д.Ушинского

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Was born to Novgorod-Severske; in a native family has received good education

In 1840 has gone to Moscow and has arrived on university faculty of law.

In 1855 has arrived the teacher in Gatchina orphaned institute where soon became the inspector

Wife - Nadezhda Semyonovna Doroshenko occurred from an ancient Ukrainian Cossack sort.

The daughter the Belief on the means has opened man's City School of a name of the father in Kiev.

Has given a lot of time to drawing up of books for reading and initial training: "the Children's World" and "the Native Word" and "the Person as an education subject. Experience of pedagogical anthropology»

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«Загадка на английском языке про К.Д.Ушинского»



Was born to Novgorod-Severske; in a native family has received good education

Was born to Novgorod-Severske; in a native family has received good education

In 1840 has gone to Moscow and has arrived on university faculty of law.   In 1855 has arrived the teacher in Gatchina orphaned institute where soon became the inspector

In 1840 has gone to Moscow and has arrived on university faculty of law. In 1855 has arrived the teacher in Gatchina orphaned institute where soon became the inspector

Wife - Nadezhda Semyonovna Doroshenko occurred from an ancient Ukrainian Cossack sort.   The daughter the Belief on the means has opened man's City School of a name of the father in Kiev.

Wife - Nadezhda Semyonovna Doroshenko occurred from an ancient Ukrainian Cossack sort. The daughter the Belief on the means has opened man's City School of a name of the father in Kiev.

Has given a lot of time to drawing up of books for reading and initial training:

Has given a lot of time to drawing up of books for reading and initial training: "the Children's World" and "the Native Word" and "the Person as an education subject. Experience of pedagogical anthropology»

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 – 1870) Books for reading and initial training:

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824 – 1870)

Books for reading and initial training: "the Children's World" and "the Native Word"

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Загадка на английском языке про К.Д.Ушинского

Автор: Ахметова Кристина Александровна

Дата: 07.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 208985

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