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Youth problems - Peer pressure

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«Youth problems - Peer pressure»

Moscow University Vitte by name in Penza Youth problems Prepared it: second-year student of group PSO 110-23-2 Turtanova Arina Penza, 2025

Moscow University Vitte by name in Penza

Youth problems

Prepared it:

second-year student

of group PSO 110-23-2

Turtanova Arina

Penza, 2025

The description of problems

The description of problems

  • Dissatisfaction with his appearance;
  • Early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction;
  • Dependence on gadgets and the Internet;
  • The experience of first falling in love;
  • Problems with studying;
  • Peer pressure;
  • Aggressive or unstable emotional state;
  • Separation from parents;
  • Illegal behavior;
  • Suicides.
Peer pressure I would like to tell you about one of the main problems of teenagers - peer pressure . In teen years, the opinion of peers becomes extremely important, and the desire to be “one's own” in the company of peers can overshadow everything else. Teenagers may strive to meet certain standards of behavior, appearance, or interests, even if this contradicts their own beliefs and values.

Peer pressure

I would like to tell you about one of the main problems of teenagers - peer pressure . In teen years, the opinion of peers becomes extremely important, and the desire to be “one's own” in the company of peers can overshadow everything else. Teenagers may strive to meet certain standards of behavior, appearance, or interests, even if this contradicts their own beliefs and values.

Peer pressure  Teenagers may be afraid of being rejected or ridiculed. This is especially difficult for those who are not confident in themselves and do not have a solid inner core.

Peer pressure

Teenagers may be afraid of being rejected or ridiculed. This is especially difficult for those who are not confident in themselves and do not have a solid inner core.

Peer pressure All this can lead to a loss of your own personality, self-doubt, and depression. At the same time, if a teenager is lucky enough to find a company where they are accepted for who they are, it can be a powerful source of support and inspiration.

Peer pressure

All this can lead to a loss of your own personality, self-doubt, and depression. At the same time, if a teenager is lucky enough to find a company where they are accepted for who they are, it can be a powerful source of support and inspiration.

Peer pressure Overcoming peer pressure is a difficult process that requires self–awareness, self-confidence, and the ability to say “no.” It is important to remember that true friendship is based on mutual respect and acceptance. Teenagers need to learn to appreciate their individuality, trust themselves. And of course, adults play an important role, who should support, understand and help teenagers form their own opinions.

Peer pressure

Overcoming peer pressure is a difficult process that requires self–awareness, self-confidence, and the ability to say “no.” It is important to remember that true friendship is based on mutual respect and acceptance. Teenagers need to learn to appreciate their individuality, trust themselves. And of course, adults play an important role, who should support, understand and help teenagers form their own opinions.

Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Youth problems - Peer pressure

Автор: Туртанова Арина Копьева Ольга Ивановна

Дата: 06.02.2025

Номер свидетельства: 664800

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