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Викторина "Пионеры космонавтики"

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Викторина содержит вопросы и информацию о первопроходцах космического пространства: К.Циолковском, С.Королеве, Ю.Гагарине, В. Терешковой, А.Леонове, С.Савицкой, а также о первых стыковках космических кораблей и первых американских и британских космонавтах.

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«Викторина "Пионеры космонавтики"»

Волшебный конверт Pioneers of Cosmonautics

Волшебный конверт

Pioneers of Cosmonautics

Учитель И.А.Белякова МОКУ «Олёкминская СОШ» 2020-2021 учебный год

Учитель И.А.Белякова

МОКУ «Олёкминская СОШ»

2020-2021 учебный год

Who invented the idea of space rockets? K.Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) The famous Russian and Soviet scientist who developed theoretical questions of cosmonautics

Who invented the idea of space rockets?



The famous Russian and Soviet scientist who developed theoretical questions of cosmonautics

Who constructed the first spaceship? S.Korolyov (1907-1966) The great Soviet scientist and designer of rocket and space systems

Who constructed the first spaceship?



The great Soviet scientist and designer of rocket and space systems

Who was the first to fly into space? Y. Gagarin (1934-1968) Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. Colonel of the Soviet Air Force, military pilot of the 1st class

Who was the first to fly into space?

Y. Gagarin


Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union, honorary citizen of many Russian and foreign cities. Colonel of the Soviet Air Force, military pilot of the 1st class

Who was the fist woman cosmonaut? V. Tereshkova 16-19 June, 1963 Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, the world's first female cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation

Who was the fist woman cosmonaut?

V. Tereshkova

16-19 June, 1963

Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, the world's first female cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation

Who was the first cosmonaut to walk in space? Leonov 18 March, 1965 Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation

Who was the first cosmonaut to walk in space?

  • Leonov

18 March, 1965

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation

Who was the first American cosmonaut to walk in space? Edward Higgins White American astronaut, engineer, Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force Walked in space on 3 June, 1965

Who was the first American cosmonaut to walk in space?

Edward Higgins White

American astronaut, engineer, Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force

Walked in space on 3 June, 1965

When did Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft docked, forming the world's first experimental space station with astronauts on board? 16 January, 1969 Soyuz 4 – V.Shatalov, Soyuz 5 – B.Volynov, A.Yeliseev, Е.Khrunov

When did Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 spacecraft docked, forming the world's first experimental space station with astronauts on board?

16 January, 1969

Soyuz 4 – V.Shatalov, Soyuz 5 – B.Volynov, A.Yeliseev, Е.Khrunov

Who was the first astronaut to land on the Moon? Neil Armstrong American NASA astronaut, test pilot, space engineer, university professor, US Naval aviator, the first person to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969 during the lunar expedition of the Apollo 11 spacecraft

Who was the first astronaut to land on the Moon?

Neil Armstrong

American NASA astronaut, test pilot, space engineer, university professor, US Naval aviator, the first person to set foot on the moon on July 20, 1969 during the lunar expedition of the Apollo 11 spacecraft

When did the first docking of the Soviet and American spaceships take place? 17 July, 1975 Soyuz 19 – A.Leonov, V.Kubasov, Apollo - Thomas Stafford, Donald Slayton and Vance Brand

When did the first docking of the Soviet and American spaceships take place?

17 July, 1975

Soyuz 19 – A.Leonov, V.Kubasov, Apollo - Thomas Stafford, Donald Slayton and Vance Brand

Who was the first woman cosmonaut to walk in space? S. Savitskaya 25 July, 1984 Soviet cosmonaut, test pilot, teacher and public figure, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Colonel of the USSR Air Force. The world's second female cosmonaut after Valentina Tereshkova

Who was the first woman cosmonaut to walk in space?

S. Savitskaya

25 July, 1984

Soviet cosmonaut, test pilot, teacher and public figure, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Colonel of the USSR Air Force. The world's second female cosmonaut after Valentina Tereshkova

What is the name of the first British cosmonaut? Helen Sharman As an official representative of the UK Helen Sharman flew into space on 15 December, 2015

What is the name of the first British cosmonaut?

Helen Sharman

As an official representative of the UK Helen Sharman flew into space on 15 December, 2015

Примечание: при создании презентации использованы технологический прием Н.Н. Покровковой «Волшебный конверт».

Примечание: при создании презентации использованы технологический прием Н.Н. Покровковой «Волшебный конверт».

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Викторина "Пионеры космонавтики"

Автор: Белякова Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 17.04.2021

Номер свидетельства: 578391

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