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Veterans are among us

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Veterans are among us.This is my grandfather Kinin Igor Aleksandrovich.He is 89 but he is active and vigorous.1920 - born in Orekhovo-Zuevo.1943 - graduated from Ivanovo State Medical Institute and was sent to Kiev.I think, my Grandpa is lucky. He managed to survive in spite of the wound in his leg.In Berlin a sniper shot at him but the explosive bullet only pierced his clothes. A grenade thrown by a German soldier fell right next to the mine, but did not explode. God saves the brave!Once my Grandfather saved a German girl, who could die from blood loss.1945 – met the victory in Prague.1952 – came back home from Berlin and was the head of the military sanatorium in Sukhumi.1964 – worked as a chief physician.1975-worked in a sanatorium for veterans of war «Slobodka».He was awarded 3 Orders, 3 Medals for Heroic Deeds and other medals.After his retirement as a colonel he continued to work as a sport doctor and helped our cyclists.I am proud of my grandfather!The end.Made by Platon Kinin. 

The Great Patriotic War ended in May, 1945. That spring day of May 9 went down in the history of our country as Victory Day. It is celebrated by meetings and marches.  People bring flowers to the monuments where war heroes lie. War veterans tell young people how they fought during the war to defend their country.  

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«Veterans are among us »

Veterans  are  among us

Veterans are among us

This is my grandfather Kinin Igor Aleksandrovich.
  • This is my grandfather Kinin Igor Aleksandrovich.

He is 89 but he is active and vigorous.

He is 89 but he is active and vigorous.

1920 - born in Orekhovo-Zuevo .
  • 1920 - born in Orekhovo-Zuevo .
1943 - graduated from Ivanovo State Medical Institute and was sent to Kiev.

1943 - graduated from Ivanovo State Medical Institute and was sent to Kiev.

I think, my Grandpa is lucky. He managed to survive in spite of the wound in his leg.

I think, my Grandpa is lucky. He managed to survive in spite of the wound in his leg.

In Berlin a sniper shot at him but the explosive bullet only pierced his clothes. A grenade thrown by a German soldier fell right next to the mine, but did not explode. God saves the brave!

In Berlin a sniper shot at him but the explosive bullet only pierced his clothes.

A grenade thrown by a German soldier fell right next to the mine, but did not explode.

God saves the brave!

Once my Grandfather saved a German girl, who could die from blood loss.

Once my Grandfather saved a German girl, who could die from blood loss.

1945 – met the victory in Prague

1945 – met the victory in Prague

1952 – came back home from Berlin and was the head of the military sanatorium in Sukhumi .

1952 – came back home from Berlin and was the head of the military sanatorium in Sukhumi .

1964 – worked as a chief physician.

1964 – worked as a chief physician.

1975-worked in a sanatorium for veterans of war «Slobodka».

1975-worked in a sanatorium for veterans of war «Slobodka».

He was awarded 3 Orders, 3 Medals for Heroic Deeds and other medals.

He was awarded 3 Orders, 3 Medals for Heroic Deeds and other medals.

After his retirement as a colonel he continued to work as a sport doctor and helped our cyclists.

After his retirement as a colonel he continued to work as a sport doctor and

helped our cyclists.

He is fond of chess and takes part in different tournaments.

He is fond of chess and takes part in different tournaments.

I am proud of my grandfather!

I am proud of my grandfather!

The end

The end

  • Made by Platon Kinin

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Veterans are among us

Автор: Кожеурова Татьяна Васильевна

Дата: 16.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 202032

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