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Vasco da Gama

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Portuguese navigator Age of Discovery. The commander of the naval expedition, which sailed for the first time in the history of Europe to India.Education and knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, navigation, and Vasco da Gama was in Evora. Among his teachers he was probably Abraham Zacuto. Vasco from a young age took part in the naval battles. When the French corsairs captured the Portuguese caravel with gold that ran from Guinea to Portugal, the king ordered him to pass along the French coast and to seize all the French ships in the roads. The young nobleman fulfilled this mandate very quickly and efficiently, and then the king of France had to return the captured vessel. Then the first of the Vasco da Gama learned.

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«Vasco da Gama»

Vasco da Gama Fulfilled: Yana Novikova

Vasco da Gama

Fulfilled: Yana Novikova

Portuguese navigator Age of Discovery. The commander of the naval expedition, which sailed for the first time in the history of Europe to India.

Portuguese navigator Age of Discovery. The commander of the naval expedition, which sailed for the first time in the history of Europe to India.

Education and knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, navigation, and Vasco da Gama was in Evora. Among his teachers he was probably Abraham Zacuto. Vasco from a young age took part in the naval battles. When the French corsairs captured the Portuguese caravel with gold that ran from Guinea to Portugal, the king ordered him to pass along the French coast and to seize all the French ships in the roads. The young nobleman fulfilled this mandate very quickly and efficiently, and then the king of France had to return the captured vessel. Then the first of the Vasco da Gama learned.

Education and knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, navigation, and Vasco da Gama was in Evora. Among his teachers he was probably Abraham Zacuto. Vasco from a young age took part in the naval battles. When the French corsairs captured the Portuguese caravel with gold that ran from Guinea to Portugal, the king ordered him to pass along the French coast and to seize all the French ships in the roads. The young nobleman fulfilled this mandate very quickly and efficiently, and then the king of France had to return the captured vessel. Then the first of the Vasco da Gama learned.

Vasco da Gama was the first time all along the West Coast of Africa and reached the Cape Dobroi Hope, the very tip of South Africa, and pointed the way to India for the delivery of spices that have carried through the east, but the Arabs blocked the way.

Vasco da Gama was the first time all along the West Coast of Africa and reached the Cape Dobroi Hope, the very tip of South Africa, and pointed the way to India for the delivery of spices that have carried through the east, but the Arabs blocked the way.

In 1539, Vasco da Gama's body was transported to Portugal and buried in the Monastery of Jeronimos in Lisbon suburb of Santa Maria de Belém.

In 1539, Vasco da Gama's body was transported to Portugal and buried in the Monastery of Jeronimos in Lisbon suburb of Santa Maria de Belém.

Monuments discoverer Padran Vasco da Gama at Cape of Good Hope

Monuments discoverer

Padran Vasco da Gama at Cape of Good Hope

The coin is dedicated to Vasco da Gama

The coin is dedicated to Vasco da Gama

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Vasco da Gama

Автор: Новикова Яна Александровна

Дата: 14.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 305485

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