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Урок-презентация "Люди и природа"

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It is often said that a man is the crown of nature. But the results of human activities tell a different story. The desire to be the best, to own more has led to the fact that now you can not freely breath fresh air, swim in the clean river or lake, minerals have been reducing, and we will never see some species of plants and animals. Understanding of errors resulted in the fact that people have started to try to solve them. So, zoos and national parks are built to prevent the extinction of animals. Sometimes they can only help rare species to save them from the total extinction. I’d like to tell about two of them.

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2 - It is often said that a man is the crown of nature. But the results of human activities tell a different story. The desire to be the best, to own more has led to the fact that now you can not freely breath fresh air, swim in the clean river or lake, minerals have been reducing, and we will never see some species of plants and animals. Understanding of errors resulted in the fact that people have started to try to solve them. So, zoos and national parks are built to prevent the extinction of animals. Sometimes they can only help rare species to save them from the total extinction. I’d like to tell about two of them.

3 - London Zoo is the world's oldest scientific zoo. It was opened in London on 27 April 1828, and was originally intended to be used as a collection for scientific study. It was eventually opened to the public in 1847. Today it houses a collection of 755 species of animals, with 16,802 individuals, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom. The zoo is sometimes called Regent's Zoo.

4 - Now London Zoo includes the main exhibition, which presents mammals and large birds, a pavilion for parrots and tropical birds, a terrarium, an aquarium and Butterfly Paradise.

A distinctive feature of the London Zoo is the fact that since its foundation it has no state funding. The government does not support it. The zoo gets money through entrance fees and sponsorship . Volunteers help the zoo by organizing PR campaigns. For example, the episode of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" was filmed in the terrarium. Also, you have a possibility to adopt any animal at the zoo.

You can see endangered species such as Great White Pelicans, western lowland gorillas, Chapman's zebras, okapi, Rothschild's giraffes and African wild dogs, slender lorises, African penguins, otters, Pink Pigeon and Tigers.

5 - Since 1973, Singapore Zoo has been known for having among the most beautiful wildlife park settings in the world, where animals move freely in open and naturalistic habitats. More than 2,800 animals representing over 300 species of mammals, birds and reptiles call Singapore Zoo home.

6 - You can travel onboard one of guided trams and your experience will take you through some of the most distinctive global wildlife habitats of the world - from the savannah of Wild Africa where lions, zebras and rhinoceroses walk to the canyons. Tourists can have breakfast with free-ranging orangutans.

7 - Some of the endangered species you can find at the zoo are …

Singapore Zoo is also a Learning Zoo - where the guest experience involves understanding the animals. As a result of wildlife research programmes, the Singapore Zoo preserves endangered species.

Wildlife conservation is the main goal we have made ours – to take with us as we create a world where more will be inspired to learn, appreciate and respect the animals, with whom we share our planet. – says zoo’s staff.

8 - The Harpy Eagle is considered critically endangered. Harpy Eagle is the largest and most powerful raptor found in the America, and among the largest extant species of eagles in the world. It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests. It often eats monkeys and sloths. Harpy Eagles are about 90-100 cm long and have a wingspan of 180 to 220 cm. Harpy Eagle is found in Mexico, Central America, Argentina, Brazil, Panama. Also, the harpy eagle is the national symbol of Panama. Destruction of its natural habitat causes its disappearance from many parts of its former range.

9 - The koala is native to Australia. The koala is found in coastal areas of eastern and southern regions in South Australia. It is easily recognizable by its tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose. The koala has a body length of 60–85 cm. Koalas typically inhabit open eucalypt woodlands, and the leaves of these trees make most of their diet. Because of this diet koalas sleep for 20 hours a day. Because of its distinctive appearance, the koala is recognized worldwide as a symbol of Australia. The animal was hunted heavily in the early 20th century for its fur, and it initiated a movement to protect the species. National parks were established. The biggest threat to their existence is habitat destruction due to urbanization. In Australia, to prevent koalas’ death under the wheels of cars, artificial lianas are stretched connecting the eucalyptus trees on both sides of the road. Animals are happy to use these bridges.

10 - Our planet is amazingly rich and various. In different parts of the Earth you can find creatures which are not similar to each other, and our task is saving this diversity as long as possible.

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«Nature and people»

Nature and people

Nature and people

- we can not breath fresh air  - swim in the clean river or lake - minerals have been reducing  - we will never see some species of plants and animals

- we can not breath fresh air

- swim in the clean river or lake

- minerals have been reducing

- we will never see some species of plants and animals

London zoo

London zoo

- Great White Pelican  - Rothschild's giraffes  - African penguins  - African wild dogs  - Otters  - Okapi - Pink Pigeons - Butterfly Paradise  - Slender lorises  - Tigers

- Great White Pelican

- Rothschild's giraffes

- African penguins

- African wild dogs

- Otters

- Okapi

- Pink Pigeons

- Butterfly Paradise

- Slender lorises

- Tigers

Singapore zoo

Singapore zoo

- travel onboard one of guided trams  - from the savannah of Wild Africa to the canyons  - breakfast with free-ranging orangutans

- travel onboard one of guided trams

- from the savannah of Wild Africa to the canyons

- breakfast with free-ranging orangutans

Some of them … African Lion  Cheetah  Meerkat  African Wild Dog  Ring-tailed Lemur  Zebra  Kangaroo Emu Giraffe

Some of them …

African Lion



African Wild Dog

Ring-tailed Lemur





Harpy Eagle  - 90-100 cm long and a wingspan of 180 to 220 cm  - the national symbol of Panama - It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests  - Mexico, Central America, Argentina, Brazil, Panama

Harpy Eagle

- 90-100 cm long and a wingspan of 180 to 220 cm

- the national symbol of Panama

- It usually inhabits tropical lowland rainforests

- Mexico, Central America, Argentina, Brazil, Panama

Koala  - tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose  Australia  - a body length of 60–85 cm  - a movement to protect the species


- tailless body; round, fluffy ears; and large, spoon-shaped nose


- a body length of 60–85 cm

- a movement to protect the species

Nature understands no jesting. She is always true, always serious, always severe. She is always right, and the errors are always those of man.  Johann von Goethe  Thank you for your attention!

Nature understands no jesting. She is always true, always serious, always severe. She is always right, and the errors are always those of man. Johann von Goethe

Thank you for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

урок-презентация "Люди и природа"

Автор: Литовкина Вероника Анатольевна

Дата: 23.07.2015

Номер свидетельства: 223442

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