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Урок-презентация "A Successful Person"

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Урок-презентация "Успешная личность" раскрывает понятие успешности и факторов, на неё влияющих. В презентации закрепляются навыки словообразования, устной речи, аудирования (ссылка на ресурс YouTube). Учащимся предлагается выстроить свою пирамиду ценностей и проанализировать её. 

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«A successful person»

For 10-11 graders By Bueva Oxana Sergeevna

For 10-11 graders

By Bueva Oxana Sergeevna

What person can we call successful? Is respected by others Has everything he needs for his life A successful person Is energetic and creative Self-confident and independent Works hard to become cleverer and better

What person can we call successful?

Is respected by others

Has everything he needs for his life

A successful person

Is energetic and creative

Self-confident and independent

Works hard to become cleverer and better

Write the words in order of their importance for success. The first one is the most important. Good health Education Luck Parents Social position Strong character Money

Write the words in order of their importance for success. The first one is the most important.

Good health




Social position

Strong character


It is said that you can tell someone’s personality by the kind of shape they choose . Let’s try! A spiral An oval A rectangle A brave and sympathetic person, a good listener A dynamic, but very disorganized person A very creative person A square A triangle A diamond A very honest and reliable person A materialistic and interested in money person An intensive person, a leader

It is said that you can tell someone’s personality by the kind of shape they choose . Let’s try!

A spiral

An oval

A rectangle

A brave and sympathetic person, a good listener

A dynamic, but very disorganized person

A very creative person

A square

A triangle

A diamond

A very honest and reliable person

A materialistic and interested in money person

An intensive person, a leader

Using word building, change the traits of character into person’s characteristics: Self – reliance – Self-confidence- Friendliness – Politeness – Submission – Toughness – Patience – Predictability – Mobility – Cautiousness – Hospitality – Risk-taking – Optimism – Skepticism -   self-reliant self-confident friendly  polite submissive Tough patient predictable mobile cautious hospitable risk-taker optimistic skeptic

Using word building, change the traits of character into person’s characteristics:

Self – reliance –


Friendliness –

Politeness –

Submission –

Toughness –

Patience –

Predictability –

Mobility –

Cautiousness –

Hospitality –

Risk-taking –

Optimism –

Skepticism -















adventurous calm funny creative handsome intelligent Traits of character that can prevent people from being successful Traits of character that can help people be successful serious kind patient cruel careful jealous curious talkative religious silly imaginative polite shy emotional attentive







Traits of character that can prevent people from being successful

Traits of character that can help people be successful
















Work in pairs.  Think of the situation when you were successful.  It could be your achievements in studying, sport, relations with people, etc.  What traits of your character helped you to do that?  Tell you partner about it. You can use some phrases:  Once I decided… At first I couldn’t do that because… But I kept on trying… And one lucky day the success came: I… I believe I managed to do that owing to …

Work in pairs. Think of the situation when you were successful. It could be your achievements in studying, sport, relations with people, etc. What traits of your character helped you to do that? Tell you partner about it.

You can use some phrases:

Once I decided…

At first I couldn’t do that because…

But I kept on trying…

And one lucky day the success came: I…

I believe I managed to do that owing to …

Look at the picture. Do you know what that means? Let’s make some guesses! Now let’s check whether we were right. Watch the video and then say what the pictures mean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT7FFVdl-kk

Look at the picture. Do you know what that means? Let’s make some guesses!

Now let’s check whether we were right. Watch the video and then say what the pictures mean.


You don’t necessarily need to love what you do Work for rich and successful people is always hard and boring You should focus yourself to one thing Never let anyone to push yourself to the limits Many successful people are really shy Successful people never have self-doubts Every person can be creative Practice is the best way to improve Successful people don’t serve anyone else, they serve  only themselves  Successful people never fail
  • You don’t necessarily need to love what you do
  • Work for rich and successful people is always hard and boring
  • You should focus yourself to one thing
  • Never let anyone to push yourself to the limits
  • Many successful people are really shy
  • Successful people never have self-doubts
  • Every person can be creative
  • Practice is the best way to improve
  • Successful people don’t serve anyone else, they serve only themselves
  • Successful people never fail
Have a look at the pyramid of success. What visible and invisible percentage rate of success do you see?  Respect (5%) The above-water part of the iceberg Luck (3%) Money (10%) Persistence (15%) Hard work (15%) Mistakes and failures (25%) The underwater part of the iceberg Knowledge  and skills (12%) Self – discipline (15%)

Have a look at the pyramid of success. What visible and invisible percentage rate of success do you see? 

Respect (5%)

The above-water part of the iceberg

Luck (3%)

Money (10%)

Persistence (15%)

Hard work (15%)

Mistakes and failures (25%)

The underwater part of the iceberg

Knowledge and skills (12%)

Self – discipline (15%)

Ссылки на используемые ресурсы: 1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT7FFVdl-kk (видео для урока) 2 . http://pinoycareercenter.blogspot.ru/2013/01/know-10-secrets-of-how-to-become.html (8 слайд) 3. http://talknerdy2me.org/success-part-i (2 слайд) 4. http://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/tag/training/page/3/ (4 слайд) 5. http://scskillman.com/2012/08/16/success-or-failure-revisited-top-tips-to-becoming-a-successful-person/ (7 слайд) 6. http://www.drlalthadani.com/ (5 слайд) 7. http://extremefitnessfromhome.com/economy/coach-income-opportunity/thoughts-of-a-successful-person/ (8 слайд) 8. http://epointchurch.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/the-sea-of-gods-mercy/ ( 11 слайд) 9. http://www.123rf.com/photo_15316512_young-man-in-wheat-field-representing-success-agriculture-and-freedom-concept.html (12 слайд) 10. http://klub-drug.ru/kachestva-cheloveka/cherty-haraktera-cheloveka-spisok.html (6 слайд)

Ссылки на используемые ресурсы:

1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tT7FFVdl-kk (видео для урока)

2 . http://pinoycareercenter.blogspot.ru/2013/01/know-10-secrets-of-how-to-become.html (8 слайд)

3. http://talknerdy2me.org/success-part-i (2 слайд)

4. http://blogs.bournemouth.ac.uk/research/tag/training/page/3/ (4 слайд)

5. http://scskillman.com/2012/08/16/success-or-failure-revisited-top-tips-to-becoming-a-successful-person/ (7 слайд)

6. http://www.drlalthadani.com/ (5 слайд)

7. http://extremefitnessfromhome.com/economy/coach-income-opportunity/thoughts-of-a-successful-person/ (8 слайд)

8. http://epointchurch.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/the-sea-of-gods-mercy/ ( 11 слайд)

9. http://www.123rf.com/photo_15316512_young-man-in-wheat-field-representing-success-agriculture-and-freedom-concept.html (12 слайд)

10. http://klub-drug.ru/kachestva-cheloveka/cherty-haraktera-cheloveka-spisok.html (6 слайд)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок-презентация "A Successful Person"

Автор: Буева Оксана Сергеевна

Дата: 10.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 218760

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