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Урок-игра "Travelling along Great Britain"

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Урок-путешествие "Travelling  Along Great Britain"

I. Организационный момент

Звучит гимн Великобритании. Учащиеся заходят в кабинет и приветствуют учителя стоя.

Teacher - Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. Today I suggest you to travel around Great Britain. What date is it today? What day is it today? Cлайд 1

Teacher - Цель нашего урока запомнить как можно больше слов по теме «Путешествие» и научиться употреблять ее в речи. Cлайд 2

Teacher - Why travel to the UK» I wonder? Can you think of any reasons for traveling to the UK? Com­plete the Word Web. One of you will be a scriber.


We travel to the. UK .... (на экране).  Слайд 3 

Teacher - Continue the sentence, please

Teacher - … Go to the blackboard, write the Word Web, please.

Студенты диктуют свои варианты предложений, а один записывает на доске.

II. Речевая разминка

Teacher -Let’s read one small but interesting poem. «Travelling».  Cлайд 4

Учащиеся зачитывают и nepeводят стихотворение.

Teacher  -…. read, please, all together in chorus. Who can read this poem by heart?

III. Контроль знаний пройденного материала

1. (Страноведческий материал)

Teacher  -   So we will travel a marvelous [ ma: vil?s]  country –  What is the name of this country?

Работа с картой 

Слайд 5

Teacher - Look at the map. There you can see Great Britain which consists of 4 parts:

What are they?

 …..Show these parts on the maps.

Далее учитель вызывает учащихся к доске с просьбой показать части Великобритании, столицы. Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя.

Студенты  - Scotland on the north, England on the south, Wales is near England and the small part of the country is Northern Ireland. It is on the east.

Teacher - What are their capitals?

Студенты отвечают: 

All the parts have their capital. England – London. Wales - Cardiff, Scotland - Edinburgh, Northern Ireland - Belfast.

2. Работа с символикой стран

Слайды 6-13

Teacher - - You know that every country has the symbols. Let's repeat some of them. I will show you and you tell me whose symbol is it.

Учитель показывает картинки с изображением символов Шотландии, Уэльса, Ирландии, Англии. Также повторяют флаги англо-говорящих стран.

Национальный символ Англии – красная роза,

Уэллса – нарцисс, мак,

Ирландии – клевер (трилистник),

Шотландии – чертополох.

3. Работа с вопросами викторины

Teacher - Now I suggest answering the questions about the interesting information that you learnt during this year.

Вопросы викторины:

IV. Физкультминутка             

Teacher - Now we have a rest!

Cлайд №14

V. Основная часть

1. Работа с лексикой

Teacher - First of all I want to make sure you don’t forget the words on the topic “Travelling”. Look at the words in the table on your desks and write the number of headings (key words) above the following words. These are the headings.

Слайд 15

Teacher - And these are the words.   

Слайд 16

Teacher -…Read your version [v?:ς?n], please.

2.  Усвоение

Teacher - Now it’s time to sum up. What do you think about travelling? What association do you have? Let’s make up cinquains about travelling. Do you remember what is it? It is a kind of poem [pouim] consisting of 5 lines (a general word. two adjectives on the topic. three verbs. the main idea of your “poem” (it must consist of 3-4 words) and a synonym of the general word.           

Cлайд №17

Teacher - Make up as many cinquains as you can. All your cinquains  will be different. Read them aloud when you are ready. Use the words from this table and from the tables? That is on your desk, please.    

Cлайд №18

Teacher - Look at the screen. There you can see the examples of such chinquapins.

Examples of pupils’ cinquains            Cлайд №19

3. Стадия осмысления (Realization of meaning). Контроль знаний

 Teacher - Everybody knows that different kinds of travelling have their own positive and negative aspects. In front of you there are two boxes with advantages and disadvantages of travelling by plane, by train, by car and   by ship.                                                                                                                                                                         You are divided into 2 teams. The first team will put on a black hat from these boxes. It means that you should think of disadvantages.

The second team will put on a yellow hat. You’ll try to find out only advantages of every kind of travelling. I give you 5 minutes for preparing.

Студенты делятся на две команды. Одна выбирает только  плюсы, а другая только минусы.       Кто быстрее и правильнее ответит, тот и победил.

Possible answers (разноцветные по каждому виду транспорта)

advantages         disadvantages

by plane                                                                                                                    

1) Air travel is quicker than other means of transport.

1) The trip to the airport took almost as long as the flight.

2) People enjoy travelling by air because of the meal  and the entertainment on board.

2) There are usually long queues at the check-in.

3) The time goes by more quickly when travelling by plane.

3) Flying often involves delays and cancellation.

4) Turbulence can also spoil the flight.

5) There are occasionally terrorist threats which would spoil any journey.

6) You luggage can be lost.

7) It is the most expensive way of travelling.

by train                                                                                                                                      

1) The seats were made into beds on night journeys.

1) Your fellow -passengers can be annoying.

2) Railway stations are usually in the centre of the city. (It is closer to your home than the airport).

2) Sometimes it is stuffy in the compartment.

3) The tickets are less expensive.

3) It isn’t convenient to have meals on the upper berth.

4) There is a buffet car selling drinks and snacks.

4) Toilets are usually dirty.

5) You can look out of the window and enjoy picturesque landscapes around you.

6) The porter can help you with the luggage.

by car

1) You can stop wherever you want.

1) Petrol is very expensive.

2) You don’t have to buy any tickets.

2) Sometimes it is difficult to find a service (or a filling) station in an unknown place.

3)Your shouldn’t follow any timetable (you don’t depend on any schedule)

3) Roads (highways) are not in good condition.

by ship                                                                                                           

1) There is a lot of entertainment on board a large cruise liner.

1) You are afraid of tossing.

2) The ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions.

2) You can suffer from seasickness.

3) Your voyage depends on the weather.

Teacher - We have just compared some possible advantages and disadvantages. When you are going to travel you have to solve lots of problems. So, our choice of means of travelling depends on its aims, our plans and financial possibilities. Check yourself. How many mistakes do you have? So, what kinds of travelling do you choice for our trip?

Cлайды20- 23

VI. Итог урока

Teacher - Thank you for the lesson. I think you liked our traveling. And now show me your marks for the lessons.

 Студенты показывают карточки с оценками, которые они ставят себе сами.

Teacher - Your homework is studying of new word by heart.

(Раздать таблицы со словами).

Teacher - Take the tables with vocabulary and learn it.  The lesson is over, thank you, good bue.

Cлайд № 24 и вернуться к 16, 18 слайду

Учитель выставляет оценки учащимся.

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«Урок-игра "Travelling along Great Britain" »

Today is the thirtieth of  March, Tuesday. Урок - путешествие

Today is the thirtieth of March, Tuesday.

Урок - путешествие " Travelling

Along Great Britain"

Общедидактическая цель : создать условия для осознания и осмысления блока новой учебной информации, ее применения в новой учебной ситуации, в группе со слабой языковой подготовкой.

Общедидактическая цель :

создать условия для осознания и осмысления блока новой учебной информации, ее применения в новой учебной ситуации, в группе со слабой языковой подготовкой.

We travel to the UK ....

We travel to the UK ....

«Travelling» Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy. Don’t miss your chance and go to France. Take your pen and go to Japan. Buy some cheese and go to Greece.


Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy.

Don’t miss your chance and go to France.

Take your pen and go to Japan.

Buy some cheese and go to Greece.

The Map of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The Map of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

What is the symbol of  England?

What is the symbol of England?



What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

What is the symbol of Northern Ireland?

Shamrock (clover)  –трилистник (клевер)

Shamrock (clover) –трилистник (клевер)

What is the symbol of Scotland?

What is the symbol of Scotland?

Thistle - чертополох

Thistle - чертополох

What is the symbol of Wales?

What is the symbol of Wales?

Daffodil (poppy) – нарцисс(мак)

Daffodil (poppy) – нарцисс(мак)

Физкультминутка Hands up, Hands down, Hands on hips, Sit down. Hands up, To the side, Bent left, Bent right. One, two, three, hop! One, two, three, stop!


Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down.

Hands up,

To the side,

Bent left,

Bent right.

One, two, three, hop!

One, two, three, stop!

1) types of holiday; 2) places where people stay on holiday; 3) places people visit on holiday; 4) things people do on holiday; 5) problems people can have on holiday.

1) types of holiday;

2) places where people stay on holiday;

3) places people visit on holiday;

4) things people do on holiday;

5) problems people can have on holiday.

VOCABULARY t о register, travelling , to swim, swimming, to admire, abroad - за рубеж ( ом ) voyage, tent, museum, queues – очереди , beach, food poisoning, gallery, sightseeing, resort – курорт , часто посещаемое место , to enjoy bed and breakfast, sunbathing – принятие солнечных ванн , to sunbathe - принимать солнечные ванны , lost luggage - утерянный багаж t о get seasick- заболеть морской болезнью , delays – отсрочка , замедление ,  crowds – толпы , tour, diving – погружение на глубину to relax, to visit (something), wind – surfing – серфинг под парусом, camping - разбивать лагерь , cruise, to dance, dancing , bungalow - одноэтажная дача с верандой , caravan - постоялый двор на Востоке youth hostel - молодежное общежитие , to walk, walking – прогулка , t о get airsick - заболеть воздушной болезнью , укачать , safari


t о register, travelling , to swim, swimming, to admire, abroad - за рубеж ( ом ) voyage, tent, museum, queues – очереди ,

beach, food poisoning, gallery, sightseeing, resort – курорт , часто посещаемое место , to enjoy

bed and breakfast, sunbathing – принятие солнечных ванн , to sunbathe - принимать солнечные ванны , lost luggage - утерянный багаж

t о get seasick- заболеть морской болезнью , delays – отсрочка , замедление , crowds – толпы , tour, diving – погружение на глубину to relax, to visit (something),

wind surfing – серфинг под парусом, camping - разбивать лагерь , cruise, to dance, dancing , bungalow - одноэтажная дача с верандой , caravan - постоялый двор на Востоке

youth hostel - молодежное общежитие , to walk, walking – прогулка , t о get airsick - заболеть воздушной болезнью , укачать , safari

Образец «поэмы»

Образец «поэмы»

  • a general word.
  • two adjectives on the topic.
  • three verbs.
  • the main idea of your “poem” (it must consist of 3-4 words)
  • and a synonym of the general word.
trip, tour, route, excursion, cruise, round- the word trip modern, expensive, comfortable, interesting, romantic journey - поездка , путешествие flight – полет voyage — морское путешествие rough — неспокойное (море) to waste - тратить зря the best way to relax t о delay — перенести, отложить t о book a ticket - заказать билет t о board the plane - сесть в самолет to take a nap - дремать t о have one's luggage weighed - взвесить багаж Travel broadens your mind The way to escape from everyday life sight - вид picturesque – живописный tiring - утомительный convenient - удобный camping – разбивать лагерь resort – курорт, часто посещаемое место t о go on a hike - ходить в поход t о prefer – предпочитать sunbathing – принятие солнечных ванн to sunbathe - принимать солнечные ванны exciting- волнующий enjoyable – которым можно наслаждаться fascinating – зачарованный, обворожительный to impress to bathe - принимать ванну sunburn to explore- исследовать, изучать a change of scene to admire - восхищаться

trip, tour, route, excursion, cruise, round- the word trip

modern, expensive, comfortable, interesting, romantic

journey - поездка , путешествие

flight – полет

voyage — морское путешествие

rough — неспокойное (море)

to waste - тратить зря

the best way to relax

t о delay — перенести, отложить

t о book a ticket - заказать билет

t о board the plane - сесть в самолет

to take a nap - дремать

t о have one's luggage weighed - взвесить багаж

Travel broadens your mind

The way to escape from everyday life

sight - вид

picturesque – живописный

tiring - утомительный

convenient - удобный

camping – разбивать лагерь

resort – курорт, часто посещаемое место

t о go on a hike - ходить в поход

t о prefer – предпочитать

sunbathing – принятие солнечных ванн

to sunbathe - принимать солнечные ванны

exciting- волнующий

enjoyable – которым можно наслаждаться

fascinating – зачарованный, обворожительный

to impress

to bathe - принимать ванну


to explore- исследовать, изучать

a change of scene

to admire - восхищаться

Examples Travelling fascinating. comfortable to enjoy. t о go on a hike. to go а broad A change of scene.  tour Travelling exciting. interesting to sunbathe. to admire. to walk The best way to have a rest. excursion


  • Travelling
  • fascinating. comfortable
  • to enjoy. t о go on a hike. to go а broad
  • A change of scene.
  • tour
  • Travelling
  • exciting. interesting
  • to sunbathe. to admire. to walk
  • The best way to have a rest.
  • excursion

advantages disadvantages by plane 1) Air travel is quicker than other means of transport. 1) The trip to the airport took almost as long as the flight. 2) People enjoy travelling by air because of the meal and the entertainment on board. 2) There are usually long queues at the check-in. 3) The time goes by more quickly when travelling by plane. 3) Flying often involves delays and cancellation. 4) Turbulence can also spoil the flight. 5) There are occasionally terrorist threats which would spoil any journey. 6) Your luggage can be lost. 7) It is the most expensive way of travelling.



by plane

1) Air travel is quicker than other means of transport.

1) The trip to the airport took almost as long as the flight.

2) People enjoy travelling by air because of the meal and the entertainment on board.

2) There are usually long queues at the check-in.

3) The time goes by more quickly when travelling by plane.

3) Flying often involves delays and cancellation.

4) Turbulence can also spoil the flight.

5) There are occasionally terrorist threats which would spoil any journey.

6) Your luggage can be lost.

7) It is the most expensive way of travelling.

advantages by train 1) The seats were made into beds on night journeys. disadvantages 1) Your fellow -passengers can be annoying. 2) Railway stations are usually in the centre of the city. (It is closer to your home than the airport). 2) Sometimes it is stuffy in the compartment. 3) The tickets are less expensive. 3) It isn’t convenient to have meals on the upper berth. 4) There is a buffet car selling drinks and snacks. 4) Toilets are usually dirty. 5) You can look out of the window and enjoy picturesque landscapes around you. 6) The porter can help you with the luggage.


by train

1) The seats were made into beds on night journeys.


1) Your fellow -passengers can be annoying.

2) Railway stations are usually in the centre of the city. (It is closer to your home than the airport).

2) Sometimes it is stuffy in the compartment.

3) The tickets are less expensive.

3) It isn’t convenient to have meals on the upper berth.

4) There is a buffet car selling drinks and snacks.

4) Toilets are usually dirty.

5) You can look out of the window and enjoy picturesque landscapes around you.

6) The porter can help you with the luggage.

advantages disadvantages by car 1) You can stop wherever you want. 1) Petrol is very expensive. 2) You don’t have to buy any tickets. 2) Sometimes it is difficult to find a service (or a filling) station in an unknown place. 3)You shouldn’t follow any timetable (you don’t depend on any schedule) 3) Roads (highways) are not in good condition.



by car

1) You can stop wherever you want.

1) Petrol is very expensive.

2) You don’t have to buy any tickets.

2) Sometimes it is difficult to find a service (or a filling) station in an unknown place.

3)You shouldn’t follow any timetable (you don’t depend on any schedule)

3) Roads (highways) are not in good condition.

advantages disadvantages by ship 1) There is a lot of entertainment on board a large cruise liner. 1) You are afraid of tossing. 2) The ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions. 2) You can suffer from seasickness. 3) Your voyage depends on the weather.



by ship

1) There is a lot of entertainment on board a large cruise liner.

1) You are afraid of tossing.

2) The ship stops in different ports and you can go on the shore for excursions.

2) You can suffer from seasickness.

3) Your voyage depends on the weather.

Итог урока :  Your homework is studying of new word from the tables by heart Bye!

Итог урока :

Your homework is studying of new word from the tables by heart


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок-игра "Travelling along Great Britain"

Автор: Раевская Оксана Викторовна

Дата: 31.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 164823

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