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Творческий проект по английскому языку "Чикаго"

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Учебный творческий проект по английскому языку создан при прохождении темы "США". Яркая работа содержит информацию о городе, его истории и достопримечательностях.

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«Творческий проект по английскому языку "Чикаго"»

Государственное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение Свердловской области

Государственное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение Свердловской области

"Екатеринбургская школа-интернат "Эверест",

реализующая адаптированные основные общеобразовательные программы"


Учебный информационный проект

по английскому языку ученицы 10а класса

Поспеловой Марии

Руководитель: Берлет И. В.

Екатеринбург, 2017

Chicago By Pospelova Maria , Teacher Berlet Irina Yekaterinburg  2017


By Pospelova Maria ,

Teacher Berlet Irina



Цель:  познакомиться с историей и достопримечательностями Чикаго. Задачи: найти информацию; проанализировать; представить конечный продукт в форме презентации Power Point.

Цель: познакомиться с историей и достопримечательностями Чикаго.


  • найти информацию;
  • проанализировать;
  • представить конечный продукт в форме презентации Power Point.

There is a huge city in the northeastern part of the USA near Lake Michigan. In America, there are many large cities, but I would like to tell about Chicago.

There is a huge city in the northeastern part of the USA near Lake Michigan.

In America, there are many large cities, but I would like to tell about Chicago.

Chicago — the city, the third on population, in the USA; the largest megalopolis of the State of Illinois stretched along the coast of Lake Michigan.

Chicago — the city, the third on population, in the USA; the largest megalopolis of the State of Illinois stretched along the coast of Lake Michigan.

Chicago is often called by the

Chicago is often called by the "Second City“, that is meant as leadership in the economic plan (after New York), or "the City of Winds“ because of fluctuations of the city authorities (but not because of strong winds as many think).

Chicago is the third-largest city in the United States and one of the country's leading industrial, commercial, financial and transport centres.

Chicago is the third-largest city in the United States and one of the country's leading industrial, commercial, financial and transport centres.

It extends some 47 km along the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan, occupying flatland traversed by two short rivers: the Chicago River and the Calumet River.

It extends some 47 km along the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan, occupying flatland traversed by two short rivers: the Chicago River and the Calumet River.

The city's rapid growth was due to its location, with ready access to markets and raw materials; it has one of the world's busiest airports — O'Hare International Airport.

The city's rapid growth was due to its location, with ready access to markets and raw materials; it has one of the world's busiest airports — O'Hare International Airport.

The city which has set the whole world an example of construction of skyscrapers began these to be engaged necessarily.

The city which has set the whole world an example of construction of skyscrapers began these to be engaged necessarily.

It was necessary to build up hastily, building fireproof houses at zealous use of the area, available under building.

It was necessary to build up hastily, building fireproof houses at zealous use of the area, available under building.

Chicago is America's most important haulage centre and is a significant port for both domestic and international trade. Great Lakes freighters and river barges deliver such commodities as iron ore, coal, chemicals, oil and grain.

Chicago is America's most important haulage centre and is a significant port for both domestic and international trade. Great Lakes freighters and river barges deliver such commodities as iron ore, coal, chemicals, oil and grain.

The Chicago metropolitan area has the highest number of manufacturing employees in the United States.

The Chicago metropolitan area has the highest number of manufacturing employees in the United States.

City's largest employers are the electrical goods industry, followed by the steel, machinery, fabricated metals, foods, printing and publishing, chemicals and transport equipment industries.

City's largest employers are the electrical goods industry, followed by the steel, machinery, fabricated metals, foods, printing and publishing, chemicals and transport equipment industries.

Chicago has one of the world's most beautiful lakefronts.

Chicago has one of the world's most beautiful lakefronts.

The world's first skyscraper was constructed in Chicago, in 1885. The central part of the city has several of the world's tallest buildings, including the Sears Tower, which at 110 stores high is the tallest in the United States.

The world's first skyscraper was constructed in Chicago, in 1885. The central part of the city has several of the world's tallest buildings, including the Sears Tower, which at 110 stores high is the tallest in the United States.

Construction of tall office buildings continues.

Construction of tall office buildings continues.

Chicago is a major centre of higher education, with numerous colleges and universities.

Chicago is a major centre of higher education, with numerous colleges and universities.

The prestigious University of Chicago founded in 1890 was the site of the world's first controlled nuclear chain reaction. It happened in 1942.

The prestigious University of Chicago founded in 1890 was the site of the world's first controlled nuclear chain reaction. It happened in 1942.

Some History Before receipt on the North American continent of Europeans, the territories near the Great Lakes also borrowed Algonquian. It were settled Indian tribes, related on language.

Some History

Before receipt on the North American continent of Europeans, the territories near the Great Lakes also borrowed Algonquian. It were settled Indian tribes, related on language.

Miamis and Mascouten adjoined to Potawatomis in the east, Meskvaki/ Meskwaki/Fox in the north and tribes Illinois on the southwest.

Miamis and Mascouten adjoined to Potawatomis in the east, Meskvaki/ Meskwaki/Fox in the north and tribes Illinois on the southwest.

These tribes were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and hunting, had the established commercial intercourses with each other.

These tribes were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and hunting, had the established commercial intercourses with each other.

Тhe name Chicago has come just from the word shikaakwa which tribes Illinois and Miami called

Тhe name Chicago has come just from the word shikaakwa which tribes Illinois and Miami called "wild onions" which plentifully grew in those regions.

However in it a question not all so clearly and exist other theories.

However in it a question not all so clearly and exist other theories.

Numerous distortions and the translations from adverbs of Indians into French and English, and also subsequent

Numerous distortions and the translations from adverbs of Indians into French and English, and also subsequent "activity" of historians and scientists has only confused a situation with an origin of the name of the city.

There are versions that onions at all and not wild, but caustic or even smelly. Let's note also that in one of tribes Illinois the leader by the name of Chicago operated.

There are versions that onions at all and not wild, but caustic or even smelly. Let's note also that in one of tribes Illinois the leader by the name of Chicago operated.

By 1833 in Chicago was the 350th inhabitant. In 1837 he receives the status of the city, and by 1840 4000 inhabitants live there.

By 1833 in Chicago was the 350th inhabitant. In 1837 he receives the status of the city, and by 1840 4000 inhabitants live there.

The major events took place in 1848. This year the waterway from the Great Lakes to Mississippi was dug.

The major events took place in 1848. This year the waterway from the Great Lakes to Mississippi was dug.

Chicago 1862

Chicago 1862

The Illinois-Michigan channel was constructed in inhuman conditions by forces of the Irish immigrants, but its opening led to an economic boom in Chicago.

The Illinois-Michigan channel was constructed in inhuman conditions by forces of the Irish immigrants, but its opening led to an economic boom in Chicago.

Chicago 1869

Chicago 1869

In 1871 the fire has devastated mainly wooden Chicago to which 30 years have hardly passed, having left 100 thousand citizens without housing.

In 1871 the fire has devastated mainly wooden Chicago to which 30 years have hardly passed, having left 100 thousand citizens without housing.

Chicago 1871 before the fire

Chicago 1871 before the fire

Great Chicago fire of 1871

Great Chicago fire of 1871

Chicago after the fire of 1871

Chicago after the fire of 1871

In 1899

In 1899

At the beginning of 1900

At the beginning of 1900

Va bash Avenue, 1907

Va bash Avenue, 1907

In 1921

In 1921

In 1964

In 1964

1967 postcard of Old Town, the wax museum

1967 postcard of Old Town, the wax museum



Sights of Chicago

Sights of Chicago

Water Tower Place Square water tower is a shopping Mall with waterfalls along the escalators, lifting the visitors to shops and restaurants, located on seven floors of the building.

Water Tower Place

Square water tower is a shopping Mall with waterfalls along the escalators, lifting the visitors to shops and restaurants, located on seven floors of the building.

Tribune Tower Built in 1925 for the local newspaper

Tribune Tower

Built in 1925 for the local newspaper "Chicago Tribyun"

Buckingham fountain

Buckingham fountain

The street under the railroad

The street under the railroad

Picasso's sculpture in Chicago

Picasso's sculpture in Chicago



Royal fountain Almost each 5 min. a lip on the screen develop in a tubule and

Royal fountain

Almost each 5 min. a lip on the screen develop in a tubule and "release" the water stream beating from a tower.

Klaud-Ghaith with illumination

Klaud-Ghaith with illumination

Arch in the park of Lincoln

Arch in the park of Lincoln

Adler's planetarium

Adler's planetarium



Flip bike

Flip bike

Chicago Art Institute The Chicago art institute was art school in the beginning, nowadays belongs to the best American museums.

Chicago Art Institute

The Chicago art institute was art school in the beginning, nowadays belongs to the best American museums.

The museum of science and industry in Chicago

The museum of science and industry in Chicago

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!



  • http:// www.alleng.ru/engl-top/144.htm
  • https:// upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/82/Chicago_sunrise_1.jpg/500px-Chicago_sunrise_1.jpg
  • http://www.americancities.ru/chicago /
  • http:// billioncity.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/9University-of-Chicago-1.jpg
  • http:// murders.ru/Sister_Gr_1.jpg
  • http:// thisisusa.ru/cowboys
  • http:// www.nationofchange.org/2015/wp-content/uploads/NativeAmericanGenocide05415.jpg
  • http:// www.americancities.ru/f/gallery/originWM_chicago_tribes.jpg
  • https:// im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=4a390fe67829655c485ff36386ff72b2-l&n=13
  • http:// mtdata.ru/u1/photoD14F/20306674884-0/original.jpg#20306674884
  • http:// mtdata.ru/u1/photo5D51/20098913317-0/original.jpg#20098913317
  • http:// www.treadwaygallery.com/ONLINECATALOGS/MARCH2006/images/0641.jpg
  • http:// thisisusa.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/eyes_of_the_great_depression1.jpg
  • http:// www.americancities.ru/f/gallery/originWM_chicago_river_n6_old.jpg
  • http:// www.chicagomaritimemuseum.org/wp/wp-content/gallery/illinois-michigan-canal/dscn0874.jpg
  • https:// assets.catawiki.nl/assets/2015/10/18/c/8/7/c8757766-75c3-11e5-8e89-6c4eceaee345.jpg
  • http:// fototelegraf.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/amerikanskie-goroda-retro-17.jpg
  • http:// www.dpol4.ru/img/picture/May/26/1bf5fe07ebf4f54b4b12c4ca2e233527/1.jpg
  • http:// www.dpol4.ru/img/picture/May/26/1bf5fe07ebf4f54b4b12c4ca2e233527/5.jpg
  • http:// www.smokelong.com/images/hemmings23.jpg
  • http://st.gdefon.com/wallpapers_original/s/381926_chikago_ulica_konka_lyudi_1680x1050_(www.GdeFon.ru). jpg
  • http:// static6.depositphotos.com/1086305/578/i/950/depositphotos_5789837-Graphic-Design-Vintage-Picture-Of-Downtown-Chicago.jpg
  • http:// chicagosteppes.mrdankelly.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/postcard-chicago-old-town-commercial-street-nice-19671.jpg
  • https:// i.artfile.me/wallpaper/13-04-2012/348x230/chicago-goroda-chikago-ssha-zdaniya-nebo-624478.jpg
  • http:// www.thetourexpert.eu/wp-content/gallery/chicago-illinois/the-chicago-theatre-illinois-united-states.jpg
  • http://chicagosteppes.mrdankelly.com/? cat=46
  • https:// im0-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=3a5aa712c463da00ee6693ae8317070c-l&n=13
  • https:// i.artfile.me/wallpaper/10-10-2010/2000x1000/chicago-goroda-chikago-ssha-443470.jpg
  • http://i.artfile.ru/3840x2400_711190_[www.ArtFile.ru]. jpg
  • http://i.artfile.ru/4248x2284_293192_[www.ArtFile.ru]. jpg
  • https://i.artfile.me/wallpaper/09-07-2016/650x407/chicago-goroda-chikago-- ssha-vysotki-1056817.jpg
  • http:// s1.1zoom.me/big0/272/Houses_USA_Night_Canal_478782.jpg
  • http:// literature.slovaria.ru/khe/chikago.jpg
  • http:// literature.slovaria.ru/khe/chikago
  • http:// history-moments.ru/uploads/posts/2013-12/1386170235_1.jpg
  • http:// imagebank.biz/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/171570.jpg
  • https:// s1.1zoom.ru/big0/868/293333-alexfas01.jpg
  • http:// www.funny.kim/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/chicago-wallpaper-1.jpg
  • http ://4.bp.blogspot.com/- 1UXztvxz5jw/TfZPyzm0yyI/AAAAAAAABS0/o6PArGhgJhc/s640/DSC06214.jpg
  • http://i.artfile.ru/4800x3202_712422_[www.ArtFile.ru]. jpg

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Творческий проект по английскому языку "Чикаго"

Автор: Поспелова Мария, руководитель Берлет И. В.

Дата: 13.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 409071

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