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Try to get some rest,and be sure to drink lots of water and orange juice

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Teacher: Now,pupils look at the blackboard.Let`s repeat the new words about health problem.(М??алім интерактивті та?тадан ауруды? т?рлері туралы видео к?рсетеді,о?ушылар ?айталайды)

Translate the proverbs about health

Good health is above wealth

An apple a day keeps a doctor away

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

A sound mind in a sound body 

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«Try to get some rest,and be sure to drink lots of water and orange juice»

The 16 th of March New lesson: ``Holiday postcards``

The 16 th of March

New lesson:

``Holiday postcards``

Checking up the home task:

Checking up the home task:

New words:

New words:

  • sights
  • sightseeing – көрікті орындар
  • С rowded -
  • heat
  • weekend
  • a postcard
  • to have a lovely time
Phonetic drill: When the weather is wet We must not fret When the weather is cold We must not cold

Phonetic drill:

When the weather is wet

We must not fret

When the weather is cold

We must not cold

Information about postcards:  Postcard collecting is the world's third largest collectable hobby. It is surpassed only by coin and stamp collecting. In the U.S.A it is the fourth largest hobby, as baseball collecting is higher. It is also the most popular form of souvenir for travelers.   History - Though cards with messages had been sporadically created and posted by individuals since the creation of postal services, due to government postal regulations, the regular use of postcards were a long time in developing. Before postcards, there were envelopes printed with pictures on them. The earliest known picture postcard was a hand-painted design on card, posted in London in 1840.

Information about postcards:

Postcard collecting is the world's third largest collectable hobby. It is surpassed only by coin and stamp collecting. In the U.S.A it is the fourth largest hobby, as baseball collecting is higher. It is also the most popular form of souvenir for travelers.

  History - Though cards with messages had been sporadically created and posted by individuals since the creation of postal services, due to government postal regulations, the regular use of postcards were a long time in developing. Before postcards, there were envelopes printed with pictures on them. The earliest known picture postcard was a hand-painted design on card, posted in London in 1840.

Ex2 p133 Read and translate:    Hi, Duman!  I`m in Kokshetau. A very beautiful place! Great sights!  Friendly people! The Kazakh food is delecious.  I want to go to Lake Burabai for the weekend. It`s not far from here.   Bye! Jannet  Murat!  This is not a good time to visit Turkestan. It`s very hot. It was 39 degrees yesterday. But the place is still crowded with tourists. The Mausoleum is fantastic. A lot to see, but the heat!    See you soon! Alia

Ex2 p133 Read and translate:

Hi, Duman!

I`m in Kokshetau. A very beautiful place! Great sights!

Friendly people! The Kazakh food is delecious.

I want to go to Lake Burabai for the weekend. It`s not far from here.

Bye! Jannet


This is not a good time to visit Turkestan. It`s very hot. It was 39 degrees yesterday. But the place is still crowded with tourists. The Mausoleum is fantastic. A lot to see, but the heat!

See you soon! Alia

Ex3 p133 Circle true (T) or false (F)

Ex3 p133 Circle true (T) or false (F)

  • A) Jannet likes Kazakh traditional food.
  • B) Turkestan is good to visit in summer.
  • C) Alia likes historic places.
  • D) Lake Burabai is near Kokshetau.
  • E) Because of the heat tourists don`t visit Turkestan in summer.


Let’s divide these expressions into Enjoy your holiday Don’t like your holiday

Let’s divide these expressions into

Enjoy your holiday

Don’t like your holiday

Fill in the Venn’s diagram :

Fill in the Venn’s diagram :

Write Samat’s postcard

Write Samat’s postcard

Write Ainur’s postcard

Write Ainur’s postcard

Conseptual table Pupils Went abroad Olga Went sightseeing Samat Enjoyed holiday Ainur Bad weather Alia Friendly people

Conseptual table


Went abroad


Went sightseeing


Enjoyed holiday


Bad weather


Friendly people

Fill in the Venn’s diagram :

Fill in the Venn’s diagram :

Ex 5 p 134. Write a postcards to a classmate about your vacation from one of the places in the pictures (p 137)
  • Ex 5 p 134. Write a postcards to a classmate about your vacation from one of the places in the pictures (p 137)
Home task:

Home task:

  • To write your holiday postcards
  • To learn by heart all the new words
Thank you for your attention! The lesson is over, good-bye !

Thank you for your attention!

The lesson is over, good-bye !

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Try to get some rest,and be sure to drink lots of water and orange juice

Автор: К?мекова Мадина

Дата: 04.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 314692

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