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Тренажер по теме Present Progressive (для 4 класса)

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Тренажер по теме Present Progressive для 4 класса. Задания составлены на основе лексики из УМК Кузовлев В.П. В презентации представлены правила образования повествовательного, отрицательного и вопросительного предложений. Каждое правило сопровождается заданиями, которые оформлны с помощью мультимедийного приёма "шторка".

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«Тренажер по теме Present Progressive (для 4 класса) »

Present Progressive  (Сontinuous) the 4 th form (по УМК Кузовлев В.П.)

Present Progressive (Сontinuous)

the 4 th form (по УМК Кузовлев В.П.)

Запомни!        He  I am V ing She is  V ing You It We are V ing They



I am V ing

She is V ing



We are V ing


Поставь глагол в Present Progressive John is watching joyful monkeys now. Jack is climbing an orange tree now. Children are gathering apples now. I am riding a bike now. We are fishing now. watch climb gather ride fish

Поставь глагол в Present Progressive

  • John is watching joyful monkeys now.
  • Jack is climbing an orange tree now.
  • Children are gathering apples now.
  • I am riding a bike now.
  • We are fishing now.






Test – преврати глагол в Present Progressive и переведи I am sailing in the river now. She is skating now. We are going to school now. Bill is surfing in the sea now. Kate is reading the book now. The friends are walking now. sail skate go surf read walk

Test – преврати глагол в Present Progressive и переведи

  • I am sailing in the river now.
  • She is skating now.
  • We are going to school now.
  • Bill is surfing in the sea now.
  • Kate is reading the book now.
  • The friends are walking now.







Запомни место частицы not !        He  I am not V ing She is not  V ing You It  We are not V ing They

Запомни место частицы not !


I am not V ing

She is not V ing



We are not V ing


Вставь частицу not , прочитай и переведи! She is not going shopping now. The girls are not watering flowers now. The boys are not feeding pets now. I am not watching TV now. You are not doing your homework now. is going are watering are feeding am watching are doing

Вставь частицу not , прочитай и переведи!

  • She is not going shopping now.
  • The girls are not watering flowers now.
  • The boys are not feeding pets now.
  • I am not watching TV now.
  • You are not doing your homework now.

is going

are watering

are feeding

am watching

are doing

Запомни!                 he Am I V ing ?  Is she V ing ?  we  it Are you  V ing ?  they



Am I V ing ?

Is she V ing ?



Are you V ing ?


Поставь слова так, чтобы получился вопрос   talking, the children, are, now, ? Are  the children  talking now? watering, now, the pupils, the flowers, are, ? Are  the pupils  watering the flowers now?  he, sleeping, is, now, ? Is he  sleeping now ? drawing, the animals, you, are, now, ? Are  you  drawing the animals now ? John, the hamster, feeding, is, now, ?

Поставь слова так, чтобы получился вопрос

talking, the children, are, now, ?

  • Are the children talking now?

watering, now, the pupils, the flowers, are, ?

  • Are the pupils watering the flowers now?

he, sleeping, is, now, ?

  • Is he sleeping now ?

drawing, the animals, you, are, now, ?

  • Are you drawing the animals now ?

John, the hamster, feeding, is, now, ?

  • Is John feeding the hamster now ?
Test – сделай глагол в Present Progressive и переведи предложения have Max is having a lunch (обед) now. They are watering the flowers now. I am not eating cheese now. We are looking after our little brother now. The pupils are not doing a test now. Tom and Daniel are making animals from clay (глина) now Megan is making toys from paper (бумага) now? 8 . Is Jack feeding his hamster now? water not eat look  not do make make feed

Test – сделай глагол в Present Progressive и переведи предложения


  • Max is having a lunch (обед) now.
  • They are watering the flowers now.
  • I am not eating cheese now.
  • We are looking after our little brother now.
  • The pupils are not doing a test now.
  • Tom and Daniel are making animals from clay (глина) now
  • Megan is making toys from paper (бумага) now?

8 . Is Jack feeding his hamster now?


not eat


not do




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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Тренажер по теме Present Progressive (для 4 класса)

Автор: Абросимова Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 06.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 197737

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