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There ia\are was\were

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This work is about the grammar theme. It was used as the grammar rule with exercices. At first we introduce with grammar rules then we do the exercises. i think it is very useful thing for learners. Because of without grammar we can't speak and write, that is why we should learn all the rules of grammar. 

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«There ia\are was\were »

Singular Plural there is there are there was there were There is\are  thERE WAS\WERE



there is

there are

there was

there were

There is\are thERE WAS\WERE

There is \ are  We use there is and there are to say that something exists. Positive Sentences We use there is for singular and there are for plural .

There is \ are

We use there is and there are to say that something exists.

Positive Sentences

We use there is for singular and there are for plural .

  • There is one table in the classroom.
  • There are three chairs in the classroom.
  • There is a spider in the bath.
  • There are many people at the bus stop.
Contractions The contraction of there is is there's . There's a good song on the radio. There's only one chocolate left in the box. You cannot contract there are .


The contraction of there is is there's .

  • There's a good song on the radio.
  • There's only one chocolate left in the box.

You cannot contract there are .

  • There are nine cats on the roof.
  • There are only five weeks until Christmas.
Negative Form  The negative is formed by putting not after is or are : There is not a horse in the field. There are not eight children in the school. There is not a tree in the garden. There are not two elephants in the zoo. The Negative contractions are:

Negative Form

The negative is formed by putting not after is or are :

  • There is not a horse in the field.
  • There are not eight children in the school.
  • There is not a tree in the garden.
  • There are not two elephants in the zoo.

The Negative contractions are:

  • There's not = There isn't
  • There are not = There aren't
There Are with ANY When we want to indicate that a zero quantity of something exists we use there aren't any. There aren't any people at the party. There aren't any trees in my street. We also use this structure with uncountable nouns:

There Are with ANY

When we want to indicate that a zero quantity of something exists we use there aren't any.

  • There aren't any people at the party.
  • There aren't any trees in my street.

We also use this structure with uncountable nouns:

  • There isn't any water in the swimming pool.
  • There isn't any sugar in my coffee.
Questions To form a question we place is / are in front of there . Again we use any with plural questions or those which use uncountable nouns. We also use there is / are in short answers.


To form a question we place is / are in front of there .

Again we use any with plural questions or those which use uncountable nouns.

We also use there is / are in short answers.

  • Is there a dog in the supermarket? - No, there isn't.
  • Are there any dogs in the park? - Yes, there are.
  • Is there a security guard in the shop? - Yes, there is.
  • Are there any polar bears in Antarctica? - No, there aren't.
  • Is there any ice-cream in the freezer? - Yes, there is.
How Many with Are There If we want to find out the number of objects that exist we use How many in the following form: How many + plural noun + are there (+ complement).

How Many with Are There

If we want to find out the number of objects that exist we use How many in the following form:

How many + plural noun + are there (+ complement).

  • How many dogs are there in the park?
  • How many students are there in your class?
  • How many countries are there in South America?
  • How many Star Wars films are there ?
  • Конец формы
Singular Plural there is there was there are there were



there is

there was

there are

there were

exercises Complete the sentences with there is, there are  1. _________ a tree in our garden. 2. _________ a girl called Tabatah in my class. 3. _________ cows in the field. 4. _________ some very big ships in the harbor today. 5. _________ fish for dinner. 6. _________ a girl in my class who can walk on her hands. 7. _________ nothing to do when it rains. 8. _________ cat sitting on the bench. 9. In our park _________ some great things to play on. 10. In our park _________ a fountain where we can drink water.


Complete the sentences with there is, there are

1. _________ a tree in our garden.

2. _________ a girl called Tabatah in my class.

3. _________ cows in the field.

4. _________ some very big ships in the harbor today.

5. _________ fish for dinner.

6. _________ a girl in my class who can walk on her hands.

7. _________ nothing to do when it rains.

8. _________ cat sitting on the bench.

9. In our park _________ some great things to play on.

10. In our park _________ a fountain where we can drink water.

Write questions and short answers Example: / any Brazilian footballers in your favourite team? Are there any Brazilian footballers in your favourite team? Yes there are. 1. / a skateboard park near here? _____________________________ No, __________________________ 2. / a Hollywood in Ireland? _____________________________ Yes, __________________________ 3. / any famous football teams in your town? _____________________________ Yes, __________________________ 4. / any interesting places near your house? _____________________________ No, __________________________ 5. / an English boy in your class? _____________________________ No, __________________________

Write questions and short answers


/ any Brazilian footballers in your favourite team?

Are there any Brazilian footballers in your favourite team? Yes there are.

1. / a skateboard park near here?


No, __________________________

2. / a Hollywood in Ireland?


Yes, __________________________

3. / any famous football teams in your town?


Yes, __________________________

4. / any interesting places near your house?


No, __________________________

5. / an English boy in your class?


No, __________________________

To Describe the picture using there is\there are

To Describe the picture using there is\there are

Quiz: There is or There are   1. ____ two. There is \ There are 2. There ____ a lot of people coming. is \ are 3. There ____ a lot of water on the carpet. is \ are 4. There ____ a lot of noise coming from next door. is \ are 5. There ____ a lot of traffic in the rush hour. are \ is 6. There ____ only one possible answer. is \ are 7. There ____ two possible answers. is \ are 8. There ____ never enough time to finish it. is \ are 9. There ____ some people to see you. are \ is 10. There ____ nobody there. is \ are

Quiz: There is or There are

1. ____ two.

There is \ There are

2. There ____ a lot of people coming.

is \ are

3. There ____ a lot of water on the carpet.

is \ are

4. There ____ a lot of noise coming from next door.

is \ are

5. There ____ a lot of traffic in the rush hour.

are \ is

6. There ____ only one possible answer.

is \ are

7. There ____ two possible answers.

is \ are

8. There ____ never enough time to finish it.

is \ are

9. There ____ some people to see you.

are \ is

10. There ____ nobody there.

is \ are

THERE WAS/THERE WERE, WAS/WERE   1. ________ a terrible earthquake in Japan in 2005. There was Was There were 2. The cake _________on the table when I arrived home. were wasn't there wasn't 3. _________ any apples left when I came back home yesterday. There weren't There wasn't There were 4. How many children __________ at the party? there were was there were there 5. _________ any water in the bottle? No, _________ any! Was there / wasn't there Was there / there wasn't Were there / there weren't


1. ________ a terrible earthquake in Japan in 2005.

There was


There were

2. The cake _________on the table when I arrived home.



there wasn't

3. _________ any apples left when I came back home yesterday.

There weren't

There wasn't

There were

4. How many children __________ at the party?

there were

was there

were there

5. _________ any water in the bottle? No, _________ any!

Was there / wasn't there

Was there / there wasn't

Were there / there weren't

Complete with WAS, WERE, THERE WAS, THERE WERE  in the affirmative, interrogative or negative.  a) Annie … at home when I phoned her. We were speaking for half an hour! b) My sister … at school yesterday. She fell ill and she stayed at home. c) Our teachers … angry because we didn't do the homework. d)  … many students at the theatre play, just a few. e)  … enough time to finish the exam. I couldn't do the last part! f)  … many people at the party? g)  … enough food for everyone? h) I phoned Mary, but … anyone home. i) We … at the party until midnight. j) Alice … in my house yesterday afternoon. We … doing our homework together.


in the affirmative, interrogative or negative.

a) Annie … at home when I phoned her. We were speaking for half an hour!

b) My sister … at school yesterday. She fell ill and she stayed at home.

c) Our teachers … angry because we didn't do the homework.

d)  … many students at the theatre play, just a few.

e)  … enough time to finish the exam. I couldn't do the last part!

f)  … many people at the party?

g)  … enough food for everyone?

h) I phoned Mary, but … anyone home.

i) We … at the party until midnight.

j) Alice … in my house yesterday afternoon. We … doing our homework together.

Complete with  there  was or there  were .   … a bank near my house.  … two kittens in the basket.  … ten children in the park. … a small shop between the bank and the supermarket.  … many bottles of milk in the fridge. … some pencils on the desk.  … only one book on the table. … an old man in the street.  … a lot of noise in the classroom. … a huge crocodile in the river.

Complete with  there was or there were .

 … a bank near my house.

 … two kittens in the basket.

 … ten children in the park.

… a small shop between the bank and the supermarket.

 … many bottles of milk in the fridge.

… some pencils on the desk.

 … only one book on the table.

… an old man in the street.

 … a lot of noise in the classroom.

… a huge crocodile in the river.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

There ia\are was\were

Автор: Маннапова Аида Азимхановна

Дата: 28.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 162800

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