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The boy would like to go to Tambov

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«The boy would like to go to Tambov»

GAPOU PO PMPK OTDH  The boy would like go to Tambov Student:Aralin Dmitry Professor:Kop‘eva O.I  Penza 2016


The boy would like go to Tambov

Student:Aralin Dmitry

Professor:Kop‘eva O.I

Penza 2016

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta. The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta. But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains. But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta.

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta.

But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

You were standing at the seashore and were gazing at the old berth. And from the berth a boy was shouting about his sudden misery. The wind carried the gossip away, the guy sat down into the sand

You were standing at the seashore and were gazing at the old berth.

And from the berth a boy was shouting about his sudden misery.

The wind carried the gossip away, the guy sat down into the sand

And began to cry like a child, but you Ran towards him, sat down next to his feet and told him “There's no need for water*.“ Ran towards him, sat down next to his feet and told him “There's no need for water*.“

And began to cry like a child, but you

Ran towards him, sat down next to his feet and told him “There's no need for water*.“

Ran towards him, sat down next to his feet and told him “There's no need for water*.“

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta. The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta. But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains. But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta.

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta.

But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

He looked at you privately and a little tear shone with fire. You became hot from his smile, you both became so merry together. He reached out his hand and said: “Let's go.“ The sea was singing silently: “More bravely.“

He looked at you privately and a little tear shone with fire.

You became hot from his smile, you both became so merry together.

He reached out his hand and said: “Let's go.“

The sea was singing silently: “More bravely.“

Your careless, coincidental romance has been already lasting for whole 17 weeks. Your careless, coincidental romance has been already lasting for whole 17 weeks.

Your careless, coincidental romance has been already lasting for whole 17 weeks.

Your careless, coincidental romance has been already lasting for whole 17 weeks.

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta. The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta. But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains. But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta.

The boy would like to go to Tambov, do you know chiqui- chiqui-chiqui- chiqui-ta.

But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

But today there aren't flying any planes there and there aren't even going any trains.

Thank you for attention!!!

Thank you for attention!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

The boy would like to go to Tambov

Автор: Аралин Дмитрий Копьева Ольга Ивановна

Дата: 07.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 302910

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