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The Solar System. The Inner Planets and the Outer Planets of the Solar System

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Просмотр содержимого презентации
«the inner planets»

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.

But it is not the hottest planet.

But it is not the hottest planet.

Venus is the hottest planet because of the cloud that covers the planet.

Venus is the hottest planet because of the cloud that covers the planet.

This cloud doesn’t allow heat to escape the Venus’s atmosphere.

This cloud doesn’t allow heat to escape the Venus’s atmosphere.

Mercury takes only 88 days to complete its orbit.

Mercury takes only 88 days to complete its orbit.

Mercury is the smallest planet of all.

Mercury is the smallest planet of all.

Mercury has craters and mountains.

Mercury has craters and mountains.

Mercury has no wind or rain.

Mercury has no wind or rain.

Venus is the hottest planet.

Venus is the hottest planet.

Venus is the closest planet to the Earth.

Venus is the closest planet to the Earth.

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun

Mars has volcanoes and craters.

Mars has volcanoes and craters.

Mars has 2 moons revolving around it.

Mars has 2 moons revolving around it.

Mars is a rocky, dusty desert with huge storms.

Mars is a rocky, dusty desert with huge storms.

The dust in the Mars’s atmosphere makes it look reddish.

The dust in the Mars’s atmosphere makes it look reddish.

There are also poisonous gases in the atmosphere of Mars.

There are also poisonous gases in the atmosphere of Mars.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«the outer planets»

Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System.

1,300 Earths could be placed inside it.

1,300 Earths could be placed inside it.

Jupiter is composed of gases and ice.

Jupiter is composed of gases and ice.

Jupiter has many moons.

Jupiter has many moons.

16 moons have been photographed and more may exist.

16 moons have been photographed and more may exist.

Saturn is a giant planet also.

Saturn is a giant planet also.

It has 60 moons.

It has 60 moons.

Its largest moon is named Titan.

Its largest moon is named Titan.

Titan has an atmosphere that is filled with poisonous gases.

Titan has an atmosphere that is filled with poisonous gases.

The planet has an oval shape.

The planet has an oval shape.

Saturn rotates like the Earth.

Saturn rotates like the Earth.

It takes 10 ½ hours to complete the rotation.

It takes 10 ½ hours to complete the rotation.

Because Saturn rotates quickly, it has an oval shape.

Because Saturn rotates quickly, it has an oval shape.

Saturn has visible rings.

Saturn has visible rings.

Uranus is the seventh planet.

Uranus is the seventh planet.

Uranus has the greenish color.

Uranus has the greenish color.

Neptune is the farthest planet.

Neptune is the farthest planet.

Neptune is made up of gas, liquid, and minerals.

Neptune is made up of gas, liquid, and minerals.

Neptune spins in 16 hours and 7 minutes.

Neptune spins in 16 hours and 7 minutes.

It takes 165years for Neptune to orbit the sun.

It takes 165years for Neptune to orbit the sun.

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«the solar system»

The solar system

The solar system

The sun is in the centre of the Solar System.

The sun is in the centre of the Solar System.

The sun is a star.

The sun is a star.

It is the ball of hot gases.

It is the ball of hot gases.

It is the nearest star to the Earth.

It is the nearest star to the Earth.

The sun gives light and heat.

The sun gives light and heat.

Without the sun there would be no life on the Earth.

Without the sun there would be no life on the Earth.

The Sun rotates like a ball.

The Sun rotates like a ball.

It goes around every 4 weeks.

It goes around every 4 weeks.

There are dark spots on the sun.

There are dark spots on the sun.

These spots are cooler than the rest places on the sun.

These spots are cooler than the rest places on the sun.

For 6 years the number of sunspots increases.

For 6 years the number of sunspots increases.

For the next 5 years the number of sunspots decreases.

For the next 5 years the number of sunspots decreases.

The moon is a member of the Solar System.

The moon is a member of the Solar System.

The moon is the closest heavenly body to the Earth.

The moon is the closest heavenly body to the Earth.

The moon is about 6,000 to 10,000years old.

The moon is about 6,000 to 10,000years old.

There are 8 planets in the Solar System.

There are 8 planets in the Solar System.

Each planet revolves, or travels in its orbit around the sun.

Each planet revolves, or travels in its orbit around the sun.

The sun’s gravity pulls on the planets and keeps them from flying out in space.

The sun’s gravity pulls on the planets and keeps them from flying out in space.

4 planets that are closer to the sun revolve more rapidly.

4 planets that are closer to the sun revolve more rapidly.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The Solar System. The Inner Planets and the Outer Planets of the Solar System

Автор: Семихвостова Екатерина Владимировна

Дата: 25.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 383810

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