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: The rabbits aren’t eating sugar

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The Level: 3 «V»

The Theme: The rabbits aren’t eating sugar

The aim: to introduce with the Present  Continuous Tense

The  objectives: 1)to use the Present Simple in sentences, answer the questions

to work in the group and write  the different  exercises, to read the words

                             2) to develop pupils memory, skills in reading, speaking and writing

                            3) to  bring up interesting  to the English

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«: The rabbits aren’t eating sugar»

The Level: 3 «V»

The Theme: The rabbits aren’t eating sugar

The aim: to introduce with the Present Continuous Tense

The objectives: 1)to use the Present Simple in sentences, answer the questions

to work in the group and write the different exercises, to read the words

2) to develop pupils memory, skills in reading, speaking and writing

3) to bring up interesting to the English

The materials : CD, pictures, whiteboard, posters

The Plan

1.The Greeting.Good afternoon children! How are you? I am glad to see you! Look at the whiteboard and say me what is our theme. You are right. The rabbits aren’t eating sugar. I give уou cards оf уоur marks and уоu should after the tasks put marks. We have the

Phonetic drill

2. The Phonetic drill. Look at the whiteboard! Repeat after the computer. (Включаю 54 трэк)Breakfast, ring, brother, tooth brush, rush, bread, brown, bridge . Lets look at the pictures and say me without words. What sound is same in all words? You work good

3.Presentation of the new material

Look at the whiteboard! (надо ске слайды утвердительных предложений Present Continuouse Tense)Чтобы сказать я работаю на английском, вы должны сказать

I am working. Он работает– He is working. How will уou saу. Мы работаем и они работают. Lets begin the first group with the verb «Working» Saу the same with the next verbs

The second and third groups –the verbs EATING AND READING( на доске вы ходят слайды)

А теперь же самое скажем, что люди не выполняют эти действия Уou must put the word not after the verbs am, is, are. А как сказать она не работает She is not working. The first group please to the black board он не читает.The second group and the third group –я не кушаю проспрягайте предложение . He is not reading, We are not eating

4. Работа с доской. Look at the picture and say me :-What can you say Is he reading or not?–He is not reading a book. Yes, you are right. Go to the black board two pupils from each group and the rest of the pupils must put this sentence in to уour copуbook and write down these sentences. Open уou books page 77.EX 4

5. Physical break

Clap you hands, clap your hands

Listen to the music , clap your hands

Stamp your feet , stamp your feet

Listen to you music. Stamp your feet

Turn around, turn a round , listen to you music

Turn around. Jump up high, jump up high

Listen you music, jump up high. Clap your hands, clap your hands

Listen to you music, clap your hands

6.Groupwork. I give each group the posters. Write : is/is not; are not

No, they are not eating cabbage. They are eating some carrots. The first and third groups get 4 and the second group gets 5

7.Speaking/Ex 6.p.79.Lets repeat these words What animals are these? A horse , a goat, hens, goose, a rooster

Look at the white board and make up sentences!( на слайде картина с животными и с глаголами,читаем глаголы) Who wants to read these verbs? The first group, second and tird. Feed, chew, jump, sit, run, sing, peck

8.Hometask.WB Ex.3 p 57(объясняю домашнее задание) First of all write down the words and translate them.

Evalution. Kerei, stand up. What marks did you put for your classmates?

Your marks are Kerey -5, Amina -5, Maiya 5

10.What did you done at this lesson? Appreciate. Lets appreciate your answers. If you understand every thing put these stikers on the picture with the sun. If you don’t understand some points, put these stikers on the picture with the claud ( дети подходят крепят свои стикеры к солнцу или тучке)

So you see nearly all of you understand the lesson well done. Thank you very much my dear pupils and teachers! Good Buy!

School #53

Open lesson

“The rabbits are not eat sugar”

3 “V”

Teacher: Adaibaeva S.S.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

: The rabbits aren’t eating sugar

Автор: Адайбаева Самал Сарсенгалиевна

Дата: 12.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 414652

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